Personal Info |
 | Born in Beppu, Oita, Japan 19.4.1971 |
 | Blood A, Rh+ |
Education |
 | Graduate from Department of Information Science |
| Kyoto University on 1994.3 |
 | Doctor of Engineering (Ph.D.) |
| from Graduate School of Information Science |
| Nara Institute of Science and Technology (NAIST) on 1998.3 |
Position |
 | Technical Trainee of Institute of Biomedical Engineering |
| Helsinki University of Technology from 1995.8 to 1995.10 |
 | Assistant Professor of NAIST from 1998.4 to 2001.9 |
 | Research Fellow of TAO Nara Research center from 2000.3 to 2001.3 |
 | Visiting Lecturer of Nara National College of Technology from 2000.4 to 2001.3 |
 | Visiting Research Professor of University of Oulu from 2001.3 to 2001.9 |
 | Lecturer of Kyoto University from 2001.10 to 2007.03 |
 | Vice Director of Dept. of Medical Informatics, Kyoto University Hospital from 2003.02 to 2007.03 |
 | Visiting Professor of University of Oulu from 2006.03 to 2006.09 |
 | Associate Professor of Osaka University from 2007.04 to 2009.03 |
 | Associate Professor of Kyoto University from 2008.11 to 2013.07 |
 | Vice Director of Dept. of Medical Informatics, Kyoto University Hospital from 2009.04 to 2013.07 |
 | Professor of Kyoto University from 2013.08 |
 | CIO (Director of Division of Medical Information Technology and Administration Planning) of Kyoto University Hospital from 2013.08 |
Research Topics |
 | Sign Linguistic Engineering |
 | Avatar Based Communication |
 | Wearable Computing |
 | Telemedicine |
 | Shared Augmented Reality |
 | Assistive Technology |
 | Human Interface |
Hobby |
 | Travelling |
 | Driving |