List of publications
- 1994
- [Domestic Conferences]
- Yuji Tsuhima, Hideya Akashi, Jin Xi Du, Masahiro Susukita, Tomohiro Kuroda, Shinichiro Mori, Hiroshi Nakashima, Shinji Tomita: A Parallel Computer Architecture for Volume Rendering. Proceedings of Joint Symposium on Parallel Processing, pp.89-96 (1994/05/01) Tsukuba/Japan, Japanese.
- [Technical Notes]
- Tomohiro Kuroda: Volume Animation on a Parallel Computer for Volume Rendering : V3E. Bachelor's Thesis, Kyoto University (1994/02/15) Japanese.
- 1995
- [Academic Awards]
- Tomohiro Kuroda, Kosuke Sato, Kunihiro Chihara: Best Video Presentation Award. Human Interface Division of the Society of Instruments and Control Engineers (1995/10/19) A VR Telecommunication System in Sign Language, Japanese.
- [Domestic Conferences]
- Tomohiro Kuroda, Kosuke Sato, Kunihiro Chihara: System Configuration of 3D Visual Telecommunication in Sign Language. Proceedings of Annual Conference of the institute of Systems, Control and Information Engineers, pp.439-443 (1995/05/18) Osaka/Japan, Japanese.
- Tomohiro Kuroda, Kosuke Sato, Kunihiro Chihara: A VR Telecommunication System in Sign Language. Proceedings of Human Interface Symposium, pp.309-310 (1995/10/18) Kyoto/Japan, Best Video Presentation Award, Japanese.
- 1996
- [Journal Papers]
- Tomohiro Kuroda: S-TEL : A Telecommunication System for Sign Language. Master's Thesis, Nara Institute of Science and Technology (1996/02/16) Japanese.
- [International Conferences]
- Tomohiro Kuroda, Kosuke Sato, Kunihiro Chihara: S-TEL: A Telecommunication System for Sign Language. Conference Companion of Asia Pacific Computer Human Interaction, pp.82-91 (1996/06/26) Singapore/Singapore.
- Tomohiro Kuroda, Kosuke Sato, Kunihiro Chihara: Reconstruction of Signer's Action in a VR Telecommunication System for Sign Language. Proceedings of International Conference on Virtual Systems and Multimedia, pp.429-432 (1996/09/20) Gifu/Japan.
- [Domestic Conferences]
- Tomohiro Kuroda, Kosuke Sato, Kunihiro Chihara: Basic Analysis on Communication Bandwidth of S-TEL A Sign Language Telephone. Proceedings of Annual Conference of Japanese Association of Sign Linguistics, pp.53-54 (1996/07/02) Tsukuba/Japan, Japanese.
- Tomohiro Kuroda, Kosuke Sato, Kunihiro Chihara: Reconstructing Upper-body Motion of Signers in S-TEL : A Tele-communication System for Sign Language. Proceedings of Annual Conference of the Virtual Reality Society of Japan, vol.1, pp.189-190 (1996/10/09) Tokyo/Japan, Japanese.
- Tomohiro Kuroda, Kosuke Sato, Kunihiro Chihara: S-TEL : A Sign Language Telephone. Technical Report of the Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers, ET96-85, pp.65-71 (1996/11/22) Nagano/Japan, Japanese.
- [News Items]
- Reproducing Sign Language by Computer Animation. The Nikkei, p.10 (1996/03/16) Japanese.
- CG Puppet Speaking Sign Language. Mainichi News, p.1 (1996/03/18) Evening Edition, Japanese.
- Ph.D. Student developing Sign Language Telephone. Mainichi News, p.21 (1996/04/05) Nara Local Edition, Japanese.
- Developing Sign Language Telephone using Personal Computer. Daily Yomiuri, p.32 (1996/04/14) Nara Local Edition, Japanese.
- High-Tech Sign Language Telephone. NHK Evening Network KINKI (1996/05/08) TV Live Broadcast Kansai Area, Japanese.
- Sign Language Telecommunication System based on VR. Telecom Forum, pp.18-19 (1996/07/01) Japanese.
- High-Tech Telephone for Hearing Challenged: CG Puppet Visualizes Sign Language . Newton, p.8 (1996/07/01) Japanese.
- 1997
- [Journal Papers]
- Tomohiro Kuroda, Kosuke Sato, Kunihiro Chihara: A Study on Readability of Computer-Graphics Signs in Sign Language Telecommunication System: S-TEL. Japanese Journal of Sign Linguistics, vol.14, no.1, pp.1-11 (1997/05/31) Japanese.
- [International Conferences]
- Tomohiro Kuroda, Kosuke Sato, Kunihiro Chihara: S-TEL: A Sign Language Telephone using Virtual Reality Technologies. Proceedings of CSUN's Annual International Conference, Technology and Persons with Disabilities, Floppy-disk (1997/03/17) Los Angels/USA.
- Tomohiro Kuroda, Kosuke Sato, Kunihiro Chihara: S-TEL: VR-based Sign Language Telecommunication System. Abridged Proceedings of International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction, pp.1-4 (1997/08/25) San Francisco/USA.
- [Domestic Conferences]
- Tomohiro Kuroda, Kosuke Sato, Kunihiro Chihara: Sign Language Telephone using Virtual Avatar and Facial Image. Proceedings of Annual Conference of the institute of Systems, Control and Information Engineers, pp.309-310 (1997/05/20) Osaka/Japan, Prize for Encouragement of the institute of Systems, Control and Information Engineers, Japanese.
- Tomohiro Kuroda, Kosuke Sato, Kunihiro Chihara: Basic Analysis of Facial Expression Transmission on S-TEL A Sign Language Telephone. Proceedings of Annual Conference of Japanese Association of Sign Linguistics, pp.50-51 (1997/07/06) Naha/Japan, Japanese.
- Tomohiro Kuroda, Kosuke Sato, Kunihiro Chihara: An Estimation of Upper Body Motion with Three Magnetic Sensors. Proceedings of Annual Conference of the Virtual Reality Society of Japan, vol.2, pp.228-229 (1997/09/18) Nagoya/Japan, Japanese.
- Kosuke Sato, Tomohiro Kuroda: Research of Facial Expression Transmission on Avatar-based Sign Language Telecommunication S-TEL. Proceedings of Symposium on MEXT Virtual Reality Project, pp.21-11 (1997/11/06) Ikoma/Japan, Japanese.
- 1998
- [Academic Awards]
- Tomohiro Kuroda: Encouragement Prize. The Institute of Systems, Control and Information Engineers (1998/05/21) Sign Language Telephone using Virtual Avatar and Facial Image, Japanese.
- [Journal Papers]
- Tomohiro Kuroda: A Study on Avatar Based Sign Communication -S-TEL : a Sign Language Telephone-. Doctoral Thesis, Nara Institute of Science and Technology (1998/03/24) Japanese.
- Tomohiro Kuroda, Kosuke Sato, Kunihiro Chihara: S-TEL: An Avatar Based Sign Language Telephone. Transactions of the Virtual Reality Society of Japan, vol.3, no.2, pp.41-46 (1998/06/30) Japanese.
- Tomohiro Kuroda, Kosuke Sato, Kunihiro Chihara: S-TEL: An Avatar Based Sign Language Telecommunication System. International Journal of Virtual Reality, vol.3, no.4, pp.21-27 (1998/12/01)
- [Lectures]
- Tomohiro Kuroda: New Image Compression Technique for Sector Scan Ultrasound Image. ICB Seminars -Ultrasound in Biomeasurements, Diagnostics and Therapy-, Polish Academy of Science (1998/09/03) Warsaw/Poland.
- Tomohiro Kuroda, Ayumu Matani, Kunihiro Chihara: A Method to Support Tele-Diagnosis using Augmented Reality. International Symposium on Computational Medicine III, National Cancer Center (1998/12/16) Tokyo/Japan.
- [Review Papers]
- Ayumu Matani, Tomohiro Kuroda: Tele-echo System. Bio-Medical Engineering, vol.12, no.11, pp.10-14 (1998/11/10) Japanese.
- [International Conferences]
- Tomohiro Kuroda: New Image Compression Technique for Sector Scan Ultrasound Image. Lecture Notes of ICB Seminars -Ultrasound in Biomeasurements, Diagnostics and Therapy-, pp.27-33 (1998/09/03) Warsaw/Poland.
- Tomohiro Kuroda, Kosuke Sato, Kunihiro Chihara: S-TEL: An Avatar Based Sign Language Telecommunication System. Proceedings of European Conference on Disability, Virtual Reality and Associated Technologies, pp.159-167 (1998/09/11) Linkoeping/Sweden.
- Tomohiro Kuroda, Ayumu Matani, Kunihiro Chihara: A Method to Support Tele-Diagnosis using Augmented Reality. Proceedings of International Symposium on Computational Medicine III, pp.31-35 (1998/12/16) Tokyo/Japan.
- [Domestic Conferences]
- Tomohiro Kuroda, Kosuke Sato, Kunihiro Chihara: Basic Research on Display of Facial Expression on Avatar Based Sign Language Telecommunication System. Proceedings of Annual Conference of the institute of Systems, Control and Information Engineers, pp.439-440 (1998/05/21) Kyoto/Japan, Japanese.
- Tomohiro Kuroda, Kosuke Sato, Kunihiro Chihara: Analysis on Facial Expression Parameters suitable for Avatar-based Sign Language Communication. Proceedings of Annual Conference of Japanese Association of Sign Linguistics, pp.14-15 (1998/08/01) Tokorozawa/Japan, Japanese.
- Shigetoki Iino, Tomohiro Kuroda, Ayumu Matani, Osamu Oshiro, Kunihiro Chihara: An Instruction System for Ultrasound Tele Diagnosis using Augmented Reality. Proceedings of Annual Conference of the Virtual Reality Society of Japan, pp.237-238 (1998/08/20) Sapporo/Japan, Japanese.
- Shigetoki Iino, Tomohiro Kuroda, Ayumu Matani, Osamu Oshiro, Kunihiro Chihara: An Instruction System for Ultrasound Tele Diagnosis using Augmented Reality. Proceedings of Joint Conference on Medical Informatics, pp.338-339 (1998/11/20) Kyotanabe/Japan, Japanese.
- Masao Kitade, Tomohiro Kuroda, Ayumu Matani, Osamu Oshiro, Kunihiro Chihara: A Method for Compressing and Transmitting Ultrasound B-mode Image in Telediagnosis. Proceedings of Joint Conference on Medical Informatics, pp.356-357 (1998/11/20) Kyotanabe/Japan, Japanese.
- Tomohiro Kuroda, Kosuke Sato, Kunihiro Chihara: A Study on Facia Action Handling on Avatar Based Sign Language Telecommunication. Human Interface News and Report, vol.13, no.4, pp.559-562 (1998/12/18) Tokyo/Japan, Japanese.
- 1999
- [Journal Papers]
- Toshiyuki Umeda, Tomohiro Kuroda, Osamu Oshiro, Kunihiro Chihara: A Real-Time Medical Ultrasound Image Sequence Transmission System with Narrow Integrated Service Digital Network. Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, vol.38, 1-5B, pp.3409-3411 (1999/05/30)
- [Lectures]
- Tomohiro Kuroda: Applications of VR, AR, and Wearable Computer Technologies. Lecture on University Research Result, The Higashiosaka Chamber of Commerce and Industry (1999/06/02) Higashi-Osaka/Japan, Japanese.
- Tomohiro Kuroda: Science of Sign Language. Kyoto City Sign Language Study Club "Mimizuku" Kamigyo Branch, Kamigyo Social Welfare Center (1999/11/16) Kyoto/Japan, Japanese.
- Tomohiro Kuroda, Takatoshi Suenaga, Osamu Oshiro, Kunihiro Chihara: Applying Augmented Reality to Telemedicine. Joint Conference on Medical Informatics, Pacifico Yokohama (1999/11/26) Yokohama/Japan, Organized Session, Japanese.
- [Review Papers]
- Tomohiro Kuroda, Kunihiro Chihara: Applying AR Technologies to Telemedicine. Medical Care and Computer, vol.10, no.6, pp.11-15 (1999/06/20) Japanese.
- [International Conferences]
- Tomohiro Kuroda, Kosuke Sato, Kunihiro Chihara: A Study on Facial Action Visualization on S-TEL: An Avatar Based Sign Language Telecommunication System. Proceedings of CSUN's Annual International Conference, Technology and Persons with Disabilities, Web Proceedings (1999/03/18) Los Angels/USA.
- Tomohiro Kuroda, Kunihiro Chihara: A Research on Visualization of Finger Spelling in Sign Animation. Proceedings of International Conference on Virtual Systems and Multimedia, pp.46-52 (1999/09/02) Dundee/UK.
- Osamu Oshiro, Shigetoki Iino, Takatoshi Suenaga, Tomohiro Kuroda, Kunihiro Chihara: An Instruction System to Manipulate US Probe in Tele-Echo. Proceedings of Joint BMES/EMBS Conference, p.1223 (1999/10/16) Atlanta/USA.
- Takatoshi Suenaga, Toshiyuki Umeda, Tomohiro Kuroda, Osamu Oshiro, Kunihiro Chihara: A Tele-Instruction System for Ultrasound Tele-diagnosis. Proceedings of International Conference on Artificial Reality and Tele-existence, pp.84-91 (1999/12/16) Tokyo/Japan.
- Hiroshi Sasaki, Tomohiro Kuroda, Yoshitsugu Manabe, Kunihiro Chihara: HIT-Wear: A Menu System Superimposing on a Human Hand for Wearable Computers. Proceedings of International Conference on Artificial Reality and Tele-existence, pp.146-153 (1999/12/17) Tokyo/Japan.
- [Domestic Conferences]
- Tomohiro Kuroda, Kosuke Sato, Kunihiro Chihara: *** No English title in DB***. Bio-Medical Engineering, vol.37, Suppl., p.142 (1999/04/21) Japanese.
- Shigetoki Iino, Takatoshi Suenaga, Tomohiro Kuroda, Osamu Oshiro, Kunihiro Chihara: *** No English title in DB***. Bio-Medical Engineering, vol.37, Suppl., p.481 (1999/04/23) Japanese.
- Toshiyuki Umeda, Tomohiro Kuroda, Osamu Oshiro, Kunihiro Chihara: *** No English title in DB***. Bio-Medical Engineering, vol.37, Suppl., p.482 (1999/04/23) Japanese.
- Masao Kitade, Toshiyuki Umeda, Tomohiro Kuroda, Osamu Oshiro, Kunihiro Chihara: *** No English title in DB***. Bio-Medical Engineering, vol.37, Suppl., p.483 (1999/04/23) Japanese.
- Tomohiro Kuroda, Kunihiro Chihara: *** No English title in DB***. Proceedings of Annual Conference of the institute of Systems, Control and Information Engineers, pp.459-460 (1999/05/20) Japanese.
- Atsushi Nakamura, Tomohiro Kuroda, Kosuke Sato, Kunihiro Chihara: *** No English title in DB***. Proceedings of Annual Conference of the institute of Systems, Control and Information Engineers, pp.455-456 (1999/05/20) Japanese.
- Hiroshi Sasaki, Tomohiro Kuroda, Kosuke Sato, Kunihiro Chihara: *** No English title in DB***. Proceedings of Annual Conference of the institute of Systems, Control and Information Engineers, pp.457-458 (1999/05/20) Japanese.
- Yoshito Tabata, Tomohiro Kuroda, Kosuke Sato, Kunihiro Chihara: *** No English title in DB***. Proceedings of Annual Conference of the institute of Systems, Control and Information Engineers, pp.461-462 (1999/05/20) Japanese.
- Wakako Makari, Tomohiro Kuroda, Kosuke Sato, Kunihiro Chihara: *** No English title in DB***. Proceedings of Annual Conference of the institute of Systems, Control and Information Engineers, pp.465-466 (1999/05/20) Japanese.
- Toshiyuki Umeda, Tomohiro Kuroda, Osamu Oshiro, Kunihiro Chihara: *** No English title in DB***. Proceedings of Annual Conference of the institute of Systems, Control and Information Engineers, pp.495-496 (1999/05/21) Japanese.
- Takatoshi Suenaga, Tomohiro Kuroda, Osamu Oshiro, Kunihiro Chihara: *** No English title in DB***. Proceedings of Annual Conference of the institute of Systems, Control and Information Engineers, pp.497-498 (1999/05/21) Osaka/Japan, Japanese.
- Yoshito Tabata, Tomohiro Kuroda, Kunihiro Chihara: *** No English title in DB***. Proceedings of Annual Conference of Japanese Association of Sign Linguistics, pp.60-63 (1999/07/11) Japanese.
- Hiroshi Sasaki, Tomohiro Kuroda, Kunihiro Chihara: 'Hit-Wear': a Input Interface for Wearable Computers utilizing Visual Feedback and Physical Sense. Correspondences on Human Interface, vol.1, no.4, pp.21-24 (1999/09/13) Kanazawa/Japan, Japanese.
- Takatoshi Suenaga, Toshiyuki Umeda, Tomohiro Kuroda, Osamu Oshiro, Kunihiro Chihara: A Tele-instruction System for Ultrasound Telediagnosis. Proceedings of Annual Conference of the Virtual Reality Society of Japan, pp.129-130 (1999/09/29) Nara/Japan, Japanese.
- Hiroshi Sasaki, Tomohiro Kuroda, Kunihiro Chihara: Hit-Wear: A Menu System Superimposing on a Human Hand for Wearable Computer. Proceedings of Annual Conference of the Virtual Reality Society of Japan, pp.415-416 (1999/09/30) Nara/Japan, Japanese.
- Wakako Makari, Tomohiro Kuroda, Kunihiro Chihara: Automatic Generation of Avatar Inheriting User's Figure. Proceedings of Annual Conference of the Virtual Reality Society of Japan, pp.367-368 (1999/10/01) Nara/Japan, Japanese.
- Atsushi Nakamura, Tomohiro Kuroda, Kunihiro Chihara: *** No English title in DB***. Proceedings of Human Interface Symposium, pp.99-102 (1999/10/04) Japanese.
- Yoshito Tabata, Tomohiro Kuroda, Kunihiro Chihara: A Method to Evaluate Finger Characters for Finger Spelling Learning System. Proceedings of Human Interface Symposium, pp.717-720 (1999/10/05) Osaka/Japan, Japanese.
- Tomohiro Kuroda, Kunihiro Chihara: A Method for Legible Sign Animation by On-demand Expansion of Avatar's Hand. Proceedings of Human Interface Symposium, pp.721-724 (1999/10/05) Osaka/Japan, Encouragement Prize of Human Interface Society of Japan, Japanese.
- Toshiyuki Umeda, Tomohiro Kuroda, Osamu Oshiro, Kunihiro Chihara: *** No English title in DB***. Technical Report of the Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers, MBE99-87, pp.1-6 (1999/10/27) Japanese.
- Tomohiro Kuroda, Yoshito Tabata, Kunihiro Chihara: *** No English title in DB***. Technical Report of the Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers, BME99-93, pp.43-46 (1999/10/27) Japanese.
- Masaaki Nakano, Tomohiro Kuroda, Kunihiro Chihara: *** No English title in DB***. Proceedings of Japan Joint Automatic Control Conference, pp.261-262 (1999/11/06) Japanese.
- Toshiyuki Umeda, Tomohiro Kuroda, Osamu Oshiro, Kunihiro Chihara: *** No English title in DB***. Proceedings of Symposium on Ultrasonic Electronics, pp.163-164 (1999/11/18) Japanese.
- Masataka Imura, Tomohiro Kuroda, Osamu Oshiro, Kunihiro Chihara, Joakim Brandberg, Per Ask: *** No English title in DB***. Proceedings of Symposium on Ultrasonic Electronics, pp.171-172 (1999/11/18) Japanese.
- Tomohiro Kuroda, Takatoshi Suenaga, Osamu Oshiro, Kunihiro Chihara: *** No English title in DB***. Proceedings of Joint Conference on Medical Informatics, pp.40-41 (1999/11/26) Japanese.
- Yoshito Tabata, Tomohiro Kuroda, Kunihiro Chihara: *** No English title in DB***. Technical Report of Japan Society of Educational Technology, pp.39-44 (1999/12/04) Japanese.
- [Patents]
- Atsutoshi Goto, Tomohiro Kuroda: Intelligent Glove Type Handprint Input Device. 特願平11-123062, 特許第4332254号 (1999/04/28) Japanese.
- [News Items]
- Bridging University and Companies. Daily Engineering and Construction News, 第4面 (1999/06/22) Japanese.
- Tele-Diagnosis using Video Stream. Daily Engineering and Construction News, 第12面 (1999/07/22) Japanese.
- Graph: General Meeting Presenting Fruits of Universities. Monthly Report of the Higashiosaka Chamber of Commerce and Industry (1999/08/01) Japanese.
- 2000
- [Academic Awards]
- Tomohiro Kuroda: Encouragement Prize. Human Interface Society of Japan (2000/03/03) A Method for Legible Sign Animation by On-demand Expansion of Avatar's Hand, Japanese.
- Tomohiro Kuroda: Science News Prize, Encouragement Prize, Sakamoto Publishing Prize, Abe Prize. Japanese Association of Medical and Biological Engineers (2000/05/18) Japanese.
- [Books]
- Tomohiro Kuroda: The Future of Barrier-Free Living Environment of an Information-Oriented Society. Technological Forecast of Electronics, IT and Opto-Electronics, Technological Forecast Report, vol.1, pp.213-221, Japan Business Report (2000/09/10) Japanese.
- Tomohiro Kuroda: The Future of Barrier-Free Living Environment of an Information-Oriented Society. Technological Forecast of Medical, Health and Assistive Techniques, Technological Forecast Report, vol.3, pp.33-41, Japan Business Report (2000/09/10) Japanese.
- [Journal Papers]
- Takatoshi Suenaga, Shigetoki Iino, Tomohiro Kuroda, Osamu Oshiro, Kunihiro Chihara: An Instruction System of Manipulating Probe for Ultrasound Tele-Diagnosis. Transactions of the Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers, J83-D-II, no.1, pp.324-334 (2000/01/01) Japanese.
- Toshiyuki Umeda, Takatoshi Suenaga, Tomohiro Kuroda, Osamu Oshiro, Kunihiro Chihara: A Real-Time Telemedicine System using a Medical Ultrasound Image Sequence on a Low Bit-Rate Network. Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, vol.39, 1-5B, pp.3236-3241 (2000/05/30)
- Masataka Imura, Tomohiro Kuroda, Osamu Oshiro, Kunihiro Chihara, Joakim Brandberg, Per Ask: 3-D Flow Visualization for Construction of the Model of the Blood Flow in the Heart. Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, vol.39, 1-5B, pp.3246-3252 (2000/05/30)
- Hiroshi Sasaki, Tomohiro Kuroda, Yoshitsugu Manabe, Kunihiro Chihara: Augmented Reality Based Input Interface for Wearable Computers. Jean-Claude Heudin(Ed.), Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence, vol.1834, pp.294-302, Springer-verlag (2000/07/07)
- [Lectures]
- Tomohiro Kuroda: Business Ideas based on Image Processing Technologies. Information Appliance Society, Osaka Chamber of Commerce and Industry (2000/03/22) Osaka/Japan, Japanese.
- Tomohiro Kuroda, Takatoshi Suenaga, Koichi Minami, Tomi Korpipaa, Hiroshi Sasaki, Yoshitsugu Manabe, Osamu Oshiro, Kunihiro Chihara: Shared Augmented Reality for Remote Work Support. IFAC-MIM Symposium on Manufacturing, Modeling, Management and Control, University of Patras (2000/07/13) Patras/Greece, Organized Session.
- Tomohiro Kuroda, Takatoshi Suenaga: NAIST Tele-echo Project. Workshop Telemedicine: Present and Future, EXPO2000 Poltguese Pavilion (2000/09/29) Hannover/Germany.
- Tomohiro Kuroda: Sign Language Informatics -Mainly Sing Language Telecommunication System-. Biomec Forum 21, Osaka University (2000/12/02) Toyonaka/Japan, Japanese.
- [International Conferences]
- Yoshito Tabata, Tomohiro Kuroda, Yoshitsugu Manabe, Kunihiro Chihara: A Study on Hand Posture Recognition for Finger Character Learning System. Proceedings of Conference on Gestures: Meaning and Use (2000/04/02) Oporto/Portugal.
- Tomohiro Kuroda, Kunihiro Chihara: Motion Capture and Transmisstion Techniques for Sign Language. Proceedings of Conference on Gestures: Meaning and Use (2000/04/02) Oporto/Portugal.
- Takatoshi Suenaga, Tomohiro Kuroda, Yoshitsugu Manabe, Kunihiro Chihara: A Tele-Instruction System for Real-Time Telemedicine. Proceedings of International Congress and Exhibition Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery, pp.498-503 (2000/06/30) San Francisco/USA.
- Hiroshi Sasaki, Tomohiro Kuroda, Yoshitsugu Manabe, Kunihiro Chihara: Augmented Reality Based Input Interface for Wearable Computers. Jean-Claude Heudin(Ed.), Virtual Worlds, Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence, vol.1834, pp.294-302, Springer-verlag (2000/07/07) Paris/France.
- Tomohiro Kuroda, Takatoshi Suenaga, Koichi Minami, Tomi Korpipaa, Hiroshi Sasaki, Yoshitsugu Manabe, Osamu Oshiro, Kunihiro Chihara: Shared Augmented Reality for Remote Work Support. Proceedings of IFAC-MIM Symposium on Manufacturing, Modeling, Management and Control, pp.357-361 (2000/07/13) Patras/Greece.
- Takatoshi Suenaga, Tomohiro Kuroda, Osamu Oshiro, Kunihiro Chihara: A Tele-Instruction System for Real-time Telemedicine. Proceedings of International Conference on Computers Helping People with Special Needs, pp.703-710 (2000/07/20) Karlsruhe/Germany.
- Masataka Imura, Tomohiro Kuroda, Osamu Oshiro, Kunihiro Chihara, Joakim Brandberg, Per Ask: In-vivo Blood Flow Visualization Using 3-D Reconstruction of Color Doppler Images. Proceedings of International Conference on Image and Graphics, pp.496-499 (2000/08/16) Tianjin/China.
- Hiroshi Sasaki, Tomohiro Kuroda, Yoshitsugu Manabe, Kunihiro Chihara: Real-Time Hand Motion Recognition for Input Interface based on Augmented Reality. Proceedings of Workshop on Real-Time Image Sequence Analysis, pp.50-55 (2000/08/31) Oulu/Finland.
- Tomohiro Kuroda, Hiroshi Sasaki, Masaaki Nakano, Yoshitsugu Manabe, Kunihiro Chihara: A Method to Generate Side View from Frontal Image Sequence for Tele-Existence. Proceedings of Workshop on Real-Time Image Sequence Analysis, pp.116-121 (2000/09/01) Oulu/Finland.
- Yoshito Tabata, Tomohiro Kuroda, Yoshitsugu Manabe, Kunihiro Chihara: Finger Character Learning System with Visual Feedback. Proceedings of International Conference on Disability, Virtual Reality and Associated Technologies, pp.219-224 (2000/09/24) Alghero/Italy.
- Hiroshi Sasaki, Toshitaka Tateishi, Tomohiro Kuroda, Yoshitsugu Manabe, Kunihiro Chihara: Wearable Computer for the Blind - Aiming at a Pedestrian's Intelligent Transport System. Proceedings of International Conference on Disability, Virtual Reality and Associated Technologies, pp.235-241 (2000/09/25) Algehero/Italy.
- Takatoshi Suenaga, Tomohiro Kuroda, Osamu Oshiro, Kunihiro Chihara: NAIST Tele-echo Project. Proceedings of Workshop Telemedicine: Present and Future (2000/09/29) Hannover/Germany.
- Tomohiro Kuroda, Wakako Makari, Yoshitsugu Manabe, Kunihiro Chihara: Automatic Generation of VRML Avatar Inheriting User's Figure. Proceedings of International Conference on Virtual Systems and Multimedia, pp.387-392 (2000/10/05) Ogaki/Japan.
- Masataka Imura, Yoshito Tabata, Ichiro Kanaya, Tomohiro Kuroda, Yoshitsugu Manabe, Osamu Oshiro, Kunihiro Chihara: Digital Archiving of Kamegata-Ishi (Turtle Shape Stone) using Heterogeneous Measurement Methods. Proceedings of International Conference on Virtual Systems and Multimedia, pp.89-96 (2000/10/06) Ogaki/Japan.
- Tomi Korpipaa, Koichi Minami, Tomohiro Kuroda, Yoshitsugu Manabe, Kunihiro Chihara: Shared Virtual Reality Interior Design System. Proceedings of International Conference on Artificial Reality and Tele-existence, pp.124-131 (2000/10/26) Taipei/Taiwan.
- [Domestic Conferences]
- Atsushi Nakamura, Tomohiro Kuroda, Kunihiro Chihara: *** No English title in DB***. Technical Report of the Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers, PRMU99-198, pp.45-50 (2000/01/20) Japanese.
- Masaaki Nakano, Tomohiro Kuroda, Kunihiro Chihara: *** No English title in DB***. Technical Report of the Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers, PRMU99-200, pp.57-62 (2000/01/20) Japanese.
- Toshitaka Tateishi, Tomohiro Kuroda, Yoshitsugu Manabe, Kunihiro Chihara: *** No English title in DB***. Technical Report of the Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers, WIT99-31, pp.47-52 (2000/03/09) Japanese.
- Mikako Murakami, Tomohiro Kuroda, Yoshitsugu Manabe, Kunihiro Chihara: *** No English title in DB***. Technical Report of the Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers, WIT99-47, pp.137-140 (2000/03/10) Japanese.
- Ryo Shikata, Tomohiro Kuroda, Hiroyuki Seki, Kunihiro Chihara: *** No English title in DB***. Proceedings of Annual Conference of the institute of Systems, Control and Information Engineers, pp.95-96 (2000/05/16) Kyoto/Japan, Japanese.
- Toshitaka Tateishi, Tomohiro Kuroda, Yoshitsugu Manabe, Kunihiro Chihara: *** No English title in DB***. Proceedings of Annual Conference of the institute of Systems, Control and Information Engineers, pp.93-94 (2000/05/16) Japanese.
- Yoshito Tabata, Tomohiro Kuroda, Yoshitsugu Manabe, Kunihiro Chihara: *** No English title in DB***. Proceedings of Annual Conference of the institute of Systems, Control and Information Engineers, pp.399-400 (2000/05/17) Japanese.
- Mikako Murakami, Tomohiro Kuroda, Yoshitsugu Manabe, Kunihiro Chihara: *** No English title in DB***. Proceedings of Annual Conference of the institute of Systems, Control and Information Engineers, pp.663-664 (2000/05/17) Japanese.
- Koichi Minami, Hiroshi Sasaki, Tomohiro Kuroda, Yoshitsugu Manabe, Kunihiro Chihara: *** No English title in DB***. Proceedings of Annual Conference of the institute of Systems, Control and Information Engineers, pp.435-436 (2000/05/18) Japanese.
- Hiroshi Sasaki, Tomohiro Kuroda, Yoshitsugu Manabe, Kunihiro Chihara: *** No English title in DB***. Proceedings of Annual Conference of the institute of Systems, Control and Information Engineers, pp.439-440 (2000/05/18) Japanese.
- Masataka Imura, Tomohiro Kuroda, Osamu Oshiro, Kunihiro Chihara: *** No English title in DB***. Proceedings of Annual Conference of the institute of Systems, Control and Information Engineers, pp.165-166 (2000/05/18) Japanese.
- Tatsuya Shuzui, Tomohiro Kuroda, Yoshitsugu Manabe, Kunihiro Chihara: *** No English title in DB***. Proceedings of Annual Conference of the institute of Systems, Control and Information Engineers, pp.427-428 (2000/05/18) Kyoto/Japan, Japanese.
- Tomi Korpipaa, Tomohiro Kuroda, Yoshitsugu Manabe, Kunihiro Chihara: Interior Design System using Two Heterogeneous Virtual Reality Platforms. Proceedings of Annual Conference of the institute of Systems, Control and Information Engineers, pp.429-430 (2000/05/18) Japanese.
- Takatoshi Suenaga, Tomohiro Kuroda, Osamu Oshiro, Kunihiro Chihara: *** No English title in DB***. Proceedings of Annual Conference of the institute of Systems, Control and Information Engineers, pp.437-438 (2000/05/18) Japanese.
- Mikako Murakami, Yoshito Tabata, Tomohiro Kuroda, Yoshitsugu Manabe, Kunihiro Chihara: *** No English title in DB***. Proceedings of Annual Conference of Japanese Association of Sign Linguistics, pp.18-19 (2000/06/24) Japanese.
- Koichi Minami, Tomi Korpipaa, Tomohiro Kuroda, Yoshitsugu Manabe, Kunihiro Chihara: Distributed Collaborative Work Support using Shared AR Environment - Shared Augmented Interior Design Space -. Proceedings of Annual Conference of the Virtual Reality Society of Japan, pp.323-326 (2000/09/19) Tsukuba/Japan, Japanese.
- Tatsuya Shuzui, Tomohiro Kuroda, Yoshitsugu Manabe, Kunihiro Chihara: Data Structure of 3D Models for Heterogeneous Shared VR. Proceedings of Annual Conference of the Virtual Reality Society of Japan, pp.265-266 (2000/09/19) Tsukuba/Japan, Japanese.
- Ryo Shikata, Tomohiro Kuroda, Yoshitsugu Manabe, Kunihiro Chihara: Meeting Support System for the Hearing Impaired. Proceedings of Human Interface Symposium, pp.197-198 (2000/09/21) Tsukuba/Japan, Japanese.
- Masataka Imura, Tomohiro Kuroda, Osamu Oshiro, Kunihiro Chihara: *** No English title in DB***. Proceedings of Annual Conference on Visualization Sosiety of Japan, pp.33-36 (2000/10/07) Japanese.
- Tomohiro Kuroda, Atsushi Nakamura, Yoshitsugu Manabe, Kunihiro Chihara: *** No English title in DB***. Proceedings of Annual Conference on Visualization Sosiety of Japan, pp.55-56 (2000/10/08) Japanese.
- Takatoshi Suenaga, Tomohiro Kuroda, Osamu Oshiro, Kunihiro Chihara: *** No English title in DB***. Technical Report of the Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers, MBE2000-83, pp.115-120 (2000/10/13) Japanese.
- Osamu Oshiro, Takatoshi Suenaga, Masataka Imura, Tomohiro Kuroda, Kunihiro Chihara: *** No English title in DB***. Proceedings of Annual Autumn Conference of Japan Medical and Biological Engineers, p.85 (2000/10/26) Japanese.
- Yoshito Tabata, Mikako Murakami, Tomohiro Kuroda, Yoshitsugu Manabe, Kunihiro Chihara: A Study on Glove Type Sensor Structure for Hand Posture Measurement among Sign Language. Proceedings of Seminar on Sign Linguistic Engineering (2000/11/02) Kyoto/Japan, Japanese.
- Kumi Kamada, Masataka Imura, Tomohiro Kuroda, Osamu Oshiro, Kunihiro Chihara, Yasuo Ogasawara, Eiji Toyota, Fumihiko Kajiya: *** No English title in DB***. Technical Report of the Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers, MI2000-41, pp.17-21 (2000/11/08) Japanese.
- Takeshi Tsuda, Kenta Hori, Takatoshi Suenaga, Tomohiro Kuroda, Mikio Suga, Hiroshi Oyama, Osamu Oshiro, Kotaro Minato, Kunihiro Chihara, Masaru Komori, Takashi Takahashi: An Immersive Communication Support System for Telesurgery. Proceedings of Joint Conference on Medical Informatics, pp.712-713 (2000/11/23) Hamamatsu/Japan, Japanese.
- Kenta Hori, Takeshi Tsuda, Takatoshi Suenaga, Tomohiro Kuroda, Mikio Suga, Hiroshi Oyama, Osamu Oshiro, Kotaro Minato, Kunihiro Chihara, Masaru Komori, Takashi Takahashi: Collaborative Communication System for Telesurgey. Proceedings of Joint Conference on Medical Informatics, pp.816-817 (2000/11/24) Hamamatsu/Japan, Japanese.
- [Patents]
- Tomohiro Kuroda, Hiroshi Sasaki: Integrated Wearable Computer Provided with Image Input Interface to Utilize Body. 特願2000-128778, 特開2001-312356 (2000/04/28) Japanese.
- Tomohiro Kuroda, Wakako Makari: Automatic Human Body Copy Model Preparing Device. 特願2000-128777,特開2001-312743 (2000/04/28) Japanese.
- Tomohiro Kuroda, Mikako Murakami: Merchandise Voice Guide for Visually Handicapped Person by Utilizing Commodity Identification Tag. 特願2000-356778, 特開2002-163284 (2000/11/28) Japanese.
- 2001
- [Journal Papers]
- Yoshito Tabata, Tomohiro Kuroda, Yoshitsugu Manabe, Kunihiro Chihara: A Study on Finger Character Education System based on Hand Posture Recognition. Journal of Information and Systems in Education, vol.18, no.2, pp.172-178 (2001/07/01) Japanese.
- Masataka Imura, Yoshito Tabata, Ichiro Kanaya, Tomohiro Kuroda, Yoshitsugu Manabe, Osamu Oshiro, Kunihiro Chihara: Digital Archiving of Kamegata-Ishi (Turtle-shaped Stone). Asian Journal of Geoinformatics, vol.2, no.1, pp.49-54 (2001/09/01)
- Tomohiro Kuroda, Mikako Murakami, Yoshito Tabata: Current Trend of VR Application for Assistive Technology. Japan Journal of Medical Informatics, vol.21, no.5, pp.341-347 (2001/12/01) Japanese.
- Tomohiro Kuroda, Wakako Makari, Yoshitsugu Manabe, Kunihiro Chihara: Transformation Of Signing Avatar To Fit User's Figure. Moroccan Journal of Control Computer Science And Signal Processing, vol.3, no.1 (2001/12/01)
- Kenta Hori, Tomohiro Kuroda, Hiroshi Oyama, Takashi Takahashi: Surgical Cockpit System -Standarization of Integrated Information Support for Telesurgery-. Japan Journal of Medical Informatics, vol.21, no.5, pp.333-340 (2001/12/01) Japanese.
- Megumi Nakao, Tomohiro Kuroda, Hiroshi Oyama, Masaru Komori, Tetsuya Matsuda, Genichi Sakaguchi, Masashi Komeda, Takashi Takahashi: Virtual Reality Based Simulation System for Cardiovascular Surgery. Japan Journal of Medical Informatics, vol.21, no.5, pp.315-323 (2001/12/01) Japanese.
- Hiroshi Oyama, Tomohiro Kuroda, Kenta Hori, Takehiko Nakamura, Takashi Takahashi: Efficacy of a Virtual Reality Simulator for Evaluating the Aptitude of Medical Students. General Medicine, vol.2, no.1, pp.17-23 (2001/12/01)
- [Lectures]
- Tomohiro Kuroda: Augmented Reality and Avatar Research in NAIST. PAULA Project Meeting, University of Oulu (2001/03/20) Oulu/Finland.
- Koichi Minami, Tomi Korpipaa, Tatsuya Shuzui, Tomohiro Kuroda, Yoshitsugu Manabe: Collaborative Work Support on Networked Heterogeneous Platforms -Shared Augmented Interior Design Space-. HCI International 2001, the Fairmont Hotel (2001/08/09) New Orleans/USA, Organized session, Japanese.
- [Review Papers]
- Satoshi Kiyohara, Takanori Kuwata, Tomi Korpipaa, Yoshitsugu Manabe, Osamu Oshiro, Tomohiro Kuroda, Kotaro Minato, Haruo Takeda, Naokazu Yokoya, Kunihiro Chihara: Researches of Telecommunication Advancement Organization, Nara Research Center -Research on Development and Visualization of Immersive Mixed Reality Space-. Journal of the Institute of Image Electronics Engineers of Japan, vol.30, no.5, pp.316-319 (2001/05/25) Japanese.
- Tomohiro Kuroda: Beyond Next Generation Mobile Phone (4G Mobile Phone. Monthly Liaison Navigation of e-Liaison Laboratory, (2001/07/01) Japanese.
- [International Conferences]
- Tomohiro Kuroda, Atsushi Nakamura, Yoshiyuki Kojima, Yoshitsugu Manabe, Kunihiro Chihara: Interactive Visualization of Energy Consumption using VRML. Proceedings of SPIE, vol.4311, pp.218-225 (2001/01/25) San Jose/USA.
- Tomohiro Kuroda, Atsushi Nakamura, Yoshiyuki Kojima, Yoshitsugu Manabe, Kunihiro Chihara: Interactive Visualization of Energy Consumption using VRML. Technical Summary Digest of IS&T/SPIE's Electronics Imaging: Science and Technology, p.260 (2001/01/25) San Jose/USA.
- Masataka Imura, Yoshito Tabata, Ichiro Kanaya, Tomohiro Kuroda, Yoshitsugu Manabe, Osamu Oshiro, Kunihiro Chihara: Digital Archiving Of Kamegata-Ishi (Turtle Shape Stone) Using Data Fusion Of Heterogeneous Measurements. International Archives of Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, vol.34, 5/W1, pp.75-80 (2001/02/27) Ayutthaya/Thailand.
- Koichi Minami, Tomi Korpipaa, Tomohiro Kuroda, Yoshitsugu Manabe, Kunihiro Chihara: An Interior Design System on Shared AR Space −A lock-free Communication Protocol for Smooth Interaction−. Proceedings of International Symposium on Mixed Reality, pp.137-138 (2001/03/15) Yokohama/Japan.
- Yoshito Tabata, Tomohiro Kuroda, Yoshitsugu Manabe, Kunihiro Chihara: Virtual DeerBack Riding −Walk through Virtual ancient NARA−. Proceedings of International Conference on Image and Signal Processing, pp.168-175 (2001/05/04) Agadir/Morrocco.
- Tomohiro Kuroda, Wakako Makari, Yoshitsugu Manabe, Kunihiro Chihara: Transformation of Signing Avatar to Fit User's Figure. Proceedings of International Conference on Image and Signal Processing, pp.161-167 (2001/05/05) Agadir/Morrocco.
- Peter Antoniac, Tomohiro Kuroda, Petri Pulli: User Interface Appliance for Mobile Devices. Proceedings of World Wireless Research Forum (2001/05/11) Helsinki/Finland.
- Hiroshi Oyama, Kenta Hori, Yasuhiko Ozaki, Megumi Nakao, Takatoshi Suenaga, Tomohiro Kuroda, Mikio Suga, Masaru Komori, Osamu Oshiro, Kotaro Minato, Kunihiro Chihara, Takashi Takahashi: Innovative Evolution of Medical Education and Treatment using Virtual Reality Technology. Proceedings of Korea-Japan ME Joint Symposium (2001/05/24) Kyongju/Korea.
- Hiroshi Sasaki, Tomohiro Kuroda, Yoshitsugu Manabe, Kunihiro Chihara: Hand-Area Extraction By Sensor Fusion Using Two Cameras For Input Interface Of Wearable Computers. Proceedings of Scandinavian Conference on Image Analysis, pp.779-784 (2001/06/13) Bergen/Norway.
- Kenta Hori, Hiroshi Oyama, Yasuhiko Ozaki, Takeshi Tsuda, Takatoshi Suenaga, Tomohiro Kuroda, Mikio Suga, Masaru Komori, Osamu Oshiro, Kotaro Minato, Kunihiro Chihara, Takashi Takahashi: Surgical Cockpit System and Effectiveness of its Immersive Environment. Proceedings of International Congress and Exhibition Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery, p.1160 (2001/06/28) Berlin/Germany.
- Peter Antoniac, Petri Pulli, Tomohiro Kuroda, Dan Bendas, Seamus Hickey, Hiroshi Sasaki: HandSmart Mediaphone. Advanced Interface for Mobile Services, Proceedings of World Multi-Conference on Systemics,Cybernetics and Informatics, CD-ROM (2001/07/24) Orlando/USA.
- Koichi Minami, Tomi Korpipaa, Tatsuya Shuzui, Tomohiro Kuroda, Yoshitsugu Manabe, Kunihiro Chihara: Collaborative Work Support on Networked Heterogeneous Platforms −Shared Augmented Interior Design Space−. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol.1, pp.524-527 (2001/08/09) New Orleans/USA.
- Tomohiro Kuroda, Yoshito Tabata, Mikako Murakami, Yoshitsugu Manabe, Kunihiro Chihara: Sign Language Digitization and Animation. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol.3, pp.363-366 (2001/08/09) New Orleans/USA.
- Peter Antoniac, Tomohiro Kuroda, Petri Pulli: User Interface Appliance for Mobile Devices. Proceedings of World Wireless Research Forum (2001/09/17) Stockholm/Sweden.
- Yoshiyuki Kojima, Yoshihiro Yasumuro, Hiroshi Sasaki, Ichiro Kanaya, Osamu Oshiro, Tomohiro Kuroda, Yoshitsugu Manabe, Kunihiro Chihara: Hand Manipulation of Virtual Objects in Wearable Augmented Reality. Proceedings of International Conference on Virtual Systems and Multimedia, pp.463-469 (2001/10/25) Berkeley/USA.
- Takatoshi Suenaga, Masayuki Nambu, Tomohiro Kuroda, Osamu Oshiro, Toshiyo Tamura, Kunihiro Chihara: A Tele-Instruction System For Ultrasound Probe Operation Based on Shared AR Technology. Proceedings of Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, CD-ROM (2001/10/25) Istanbul/Turkey.
- Masataka Imura, Tomohiro Kuroda, Osamu Oshiro, Kunihiro Chihara, Joakim Brandberg, Per Ask: Blood Flow Visualization In Immersive Environment Based on Color Doppler Images. Proceedings of Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, CD-ROM (2001/10/28) Istanbul/Turkey.
- [Domestic Conferences]
- Hiroshi Sasaki, Tomohiro Kuroda, Yoshitsugu Manabe, Kunihiro Chihara: Dial-Menu System: An Input Interface using a Human-Hand for Wearable Computers. Technical Report of the Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers, vol.100, no.565, pp.77-84 (2001/01/11) Kyoto/Japan, Japanese.
- Yasuhiko Ozaki, Takeshi Tsuda, Kenta Hori, Hiroshi Oyama, Takatoshi Suenaga, Mikio Suga, Tomohiro Kuroda, Masaru Komori, Osamu Oshiro, Kotaro Minato, Kunihiro Chihara, Takashi Takahashi: Efficiency of the Immersive Projection System for Telesurgery. Technical Report of the Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers, MI2000-91, pp.81-86 (2001/01/26) Naha/Japan, Japanese.
- Mikako Murakami, Yoshito Tabata, Tomohiro Kuroda, Yoshitsugu Manabe, Kunihiro Chihara: *** No English title in DB***. Proceedings of Annual Conference of the institute of Systems, Control and Information Engineers, pp.583-584 (2001/05/08) Japanese.
- Atsunobu Kimura, Hiroshi Sasaki, Tomohiro Kuroda, Yoshitsugu Manabe, Kunihiro Chihara: *** No English title in DB***. Proceedings of Annual Conference of the institute of Systems, Control and Information Engineers, pp.161-162 (2001/05/09) Japanese.
- Hiroshi Sasaki, Tomohiro Kuroda, Yoshitsugu Manabe, Kunihiro Chihara: *** No English title in DB***. Proceedings of Annual Conference of the institute of Systems, Control and Information Engineers, pp.165-166 (2001/05/09) Japanese.
- Koichi Minami, Hiroshi Sasaki, Tomohiro Kuroda, Yoshitsugu Manabe, Kunihiro Chihara: *** No English title in DB***. Proceedings of Annual Conference of the institute of Systems, Control and Information Engineers, pp.291-292 (2001/05/09) Japanese.
- Masataka Imura, Tomohiro Kuroda, Yoshitsugu Manabe, Osamu Oshiro, Kunihiro Chihara: *** No English title in DB***. Proceedings of Annual Conference of the institute of Systems, Control and Information Engineers, pp.205-206 (2001/05/10) Japanese.
- Yoshiyuki Kojima, Hiroshi Sasaki, Tomohiro Kuroda, Yoshitsugu Manabe, Kunihiro Chihara: Direct Handling for Wearable Augmented Reality. Proceedings of Annual Conference of the institute of Systems, Control and Information Engineers, pp.555-556 (2001/05/10) Osaka/Japan, Japanese.
- Yoshito Tabata, Tomohiro Kuroda, Yoshitsugu Manabe, Kunihiro Chihara: *** No English title in DB***. Proceedings of Annual Conference of the institute of Systems, Control and Information Engineers, pp.559-560 (2001/05/10) Japanese.
- Kumi Kamada, Masataka Imura, Tomohiro Kuroda, Osamu Oshiro, Kunihiro Chihara, Yasuo Ogasawara, Eiji Toyota, Fumihiko Kajiya: *** No English title in DB***. Bio-Medical Engineering, vol.39, Suppl., p.362 (2001/05/10) Japanese.
- Takatoshi Suenaga, Tomohiro Kuroda, Osamu Oshiro, Kunihiro Chihara: A Tele-Instruction System for Ultrasound Diagnosis based on Shared AR Technology. Bio-Medical Engineering, vol.39, Suppl., p.368 (2001/05/10) Nagoya/Japan, Japanese.
- Yasuhiko Ozaki, Kenta Hori, Hiroshi Oyama, Takeshi Tsuda, Naohiro Mitsutake, Takatoshi Suenaga, Mikio Suga, Tomohiro Kuroda, Masaru Komori, Osamu Oshiro, Kotaro Minato, Kunihiro Chihara, Takashi Takahashi: The Effectiveness of Immersed Operation Environment for Telerobotic Surgery. Proceedings of JAMI Telemedicine Research Meeting, pp.8-9 (2001/06/10) Tokyo/Japan, Japanese.
- Yoshito Tabata, Tomohiro Kuroda, Mikako Murakami, Yoshitsugu Manabe, Kunihiro Chihara: Development of Sign Language Education System. Proceedings of Annual Conference of Japanese Association of Sign Linguistics, pp.34-35 (2001/06/24) Kanazawa/Japan, Japanese.
- Yoshiyuki Kojima, Hiroshi Sasaki, Yoshihiro Yasumuro, Ichiro Kanaya, Tomohiro Kuroda, Yoshitsugu Manabe, Kunihiro Chihara: Visual Synthesis for Hand Manipulation in Wearable Augmented Reality. Proceedings of Annual Conference of the Virtual Reality Society of Japan, pp.461-462 (2001/09/21) Nagoya/Japan, Japanese.
- Hiroshi Sasaki, Tomohiro Kuroda, Yoshitsugu Manabe, Kunihiro Chihara: Wearables and Deviceless Interface. Proceedings of Annual Conference of the Virtual Reality Society of Japan, pp.463-464 (2001/09/21) Nagasaki/Japan, Japanese.
- Mikako Murakami, Tomohiro Kuroda, Yoshitsugu Manabe, Kunihiro Chihara: Shopping Support System for Blind People using Barcode. Proceedings of Human Interface Symposium, pp.97-98 (2001/10/02) Suita/Japan, Japanese.
- Kouji Maeda, Yoshihiro Yasumuro, Tomohiro Kuroda, Yoshitsugu Manabe, Kunihiro Chihara: Detection and Integration onto Map of Information about Pedestrians Congestion. Proceedings of Human Interface Symposium, pp.509-510 (2001/10/04) Suita/Japan, Japanese.
- Toshitaka Tateishi, Hiroshi Sasaki, Yoshihiro Yasumuro, Tomohiro Kuroda, Yoshitsugu Manabe, Kunihiro Chihara: A Study on Walking Support of the Visually Impaired with Situation Presumption. Proceedings of Human Interface Symposium, pp.471-472 (2001/10/04) Suita/Japan, Japanese.
- Toshitaka Tateishi, Hiroshi Sasaki, Yoshihiro Yasumuro, Tomohiro Kuroda, Yoshitsugu Manabe, Kunihiro Chihara: *** No English title in DB***. Proceedings of Japan Joint Automatic Control Conference, pp.196-199 (2001/11/22) Japanese.
- Mikako Murakami, Yoshito Tabata, Tomohiro Kuroda, Kunihiro Chihara: A Method to Improve Legibility of Sign Animation. Proceedings of Kansai Division Conference of Japan Ergonomics Society, pp.37-38 (2001/11/24) Osaka/Japan, Japanese.
- Megumi Nakao, Tomohiro Kuroda, Hiroshi Oyama, Masaru Komori, Tetsuya Matsuda, Takashi Takahashi: *** No English title in DB***. Proceedings of Joint Conference on Medical Informatics, CD-ROM (2001/11/26) Japanese.
- [Technical Notes]
- Tomohiro Kuroda: Research on Avatar-based Sign Language Communication. Research Reports of the Telecommunications Advancement Foundation, vol.15, pp.771-777 (2001/01/11) Japanese.
- [Patents]
- Tomohiro Kuroda, Yoshitsugu Manabe: Virtual Space Presenting Device. 特願2001-087889, 特開2002-290991 (2001/03/21) Japanese.
- Atsutoshi Goto, Tomohiro Kuroda, Yoshito Tabata: Glove-shaped Input Device. 特願2001-200065, 特許4922504号 (2001/06/29) Japanese.
- [News Items]
- Japanin tiede avautuu lansimaille. OULU-lehti, 第7面 (2001/08/23)
- 2002
- [Journal Papers]
- Hiroshi Oyama, Kenta Hori, Tomohiro Kuroda, Takashi Takahashi: Medicine and Virtual Reality. IPSJ Magazine, vol.43, no.5, pp.493-498 (2002/05/15) Japanese.
- Kenta Hori, Yasuhiko Ozaki, Takehiko Nakamura, Tomohiro Kuroda, Hiroshi Oyama, Takashi Takahashi: Introducing Elevation View of Operating Field to Tele-robotic Surgery. Japan Journal of Medical Informatics, vol.22, no.3, pp.259-266 (2002/08/01) Japanese.
- Koichi Minami, Tomi Korpipaa, Tomohiro Kuroda, Yoshitsugu Manabe, Kunihiro Chihara: A Network Protocol for Distributed Design Work Support. Journal of Human Interface Society, vol.4, no.3, pp.159-165 (2002/08/22) Japanese.
- Yoshiyuki Kojima, Yoshihiro Yasumuro, Tomohiro Kuroda, Masataka Imura, Yoshitsugu Manabe, Kunihiro Chihara: Clip-Interface: A Human Interface for a 3D Workspace with Wearable PC. Transactions of the Virtual Reality Society of Japan, vol.7, no.3, pp.313-322 (2002/09/25) Japanese.
- Hiroshi Sasaki, Tomohiro Kuroda, Yoshitsugu Manabe, Kunihiro Chihara: Hand-menu System: A Deviceless Virtual Input Interface for Wearable Computer. Transactions of the Virtual Reality Society of Japan, vol.7, no.3, pp.393-401 (2002/09/25) Japanese.
- Peter Antoniac, Petri Pulli, Tomohiro Kuroda, Dan Bendas, Seamus Hickey, Hiroshi Sasaki: Wireless User Perspectives in Europe-HandSmart Mediaphone Interface. Wireless Personal Communications, vol.22, pp.161-174 (2002/10/01)
- Megumi Nakao, Tomohiro Kuroda, Hiroshi Oyama, Masaru Komori, Tetsuya Matsuda, Genichi Sakaguchi, Masashi Komeda, Takashi Takahashi: Decision Support System of Surgical Approaches with an Adaptive Physics-Based Model. Medical Virtual Reality, vol.1, no.1, pp.49-57 (2002/11/30) Japanese.
- Kenta Hori, Yasuhiko Ozaki, Tomohiro Kuroda, Hiroshi Oyama, Takashi Takahashi: Factor of Skill Difference on Tele-robotic Surgery. Medical Virtual Reality, vol.1, no.1, pp.58-63 (2002/11/30) Japanese.
- Tomohiro Kuroda, Kenta Hori, Hiroshi Oyama: Toward Information Supported Telemedicine; Development of Collaborative Communication and Supporting System for Telesurgery. Jounal of Japan Society of Computer Aided Surgery, vol.4, no.4, pp.339-343 (2002/12/01) Japanese.
- [Lectures]
- Tomohiro Kuroda: Medical Cockpit. Annual Conference of Japanese Society of Medical and Biological Engineering, Kyoto International Conference Center (2002/05/09) Kyoto/Japan, Organized Session, Japanese.
- Tomohiro Kuroda, Yoshihiro Yasumuro, Mikako Murakami, Yoshitsugu Manabe, Kunihiro Chihara: Development of E-Cane Aiming at Pedestrian's Intelligent Transport System. Annual Autumn Conference of Japan Medical and Biological Engineers, Acros Fukuoka (2002/11/14) Fukuoka/Japan, Organized Session, Japanese.
- [International Conferences]
- Kunihiro Chihara, Tomohiro Kuroda, Masataka Imura, Yoshiyuki Kojima, Muneyuki Sakata, Yu Ishikawa: Ubiquitous Visualization System of Energy Consumption. Proceedings of The International Symposium on Highly Efficient Use of Energy and Education of its Environmental Impact (2002/01/22) Suita/Japan.
- Yoshihiro Yasumuro, Masataka Imura, Hiroshi Sasaki, Koichi Minami, Yoshiyuki Kojima, Tomohiro Kuroda, Yoshitsugu Manabe, Kunihiro Chihara: Computer Vision-Based Interfaces for Wearable Computers -A Wearable Shared Mixed Reality Environment. Proceedings of CREST Workshop on Advanced Computing and Communicating Techniques for Wearable Information Playing, pp.11-15 (2002/03/01) Ikoma/Japan.
- Nobuyuki Ishibashi, Yoshitsugu Manabe, Osamu Oshiro, Motonori Doi, Tomohiro Kuroda, Ichiro Kanaya, Yoshihiro Yasumuro, Kunihiro Chihara: Checking Daily Health and Safty on The Internet. Proceedings of CSUN's Annual International Conference, Technology and Persons with Disabilities, Web Proceeings (2002/03/17) Los Angeles/USA.
- Masataka Imura, Kumi Kamada, Tomohiro Kuroda, Osamu Oshiro, Kunihiro Chihara, Eiji Toyota, Yasuo Ogasawara, Fumihiko Kajiya: Interactive Observation of Kidney Glomeruli using Immersive Projection System. Proceedings of the IEEE-EMBS Special Topic Conference on Molecular, Cellular and Tissue Engineering, pp.128-129 (2002/03/20) Genoa/Italy.
- Koichi Minami, Tomi Korpipaa, Masataka Imura, Yoshihiro Yasumuro, Tomohiro Kuroda, Yoshitsugu Manabe, Kunihiro Chihara: A Distributed MR Transporter for Networked Collaboration. International Workshop on Entertainment Computing Workshop Note, pp.487-494 (2002/05/16) Makuhari/Japan.
- Petri Pulli, Xiasong Zheng, Tony Manninen, Tomohiro Kuroda: Quality Function Deployment in Mobile Service Analysis, Design and Development. Proceedings of World Wireless Research Forum (2002/06/25) London/UK.
- Megumi Nakao, Tomohiro Kuroda, Hiroshi Oyama, Masaru Komori, Tetsuya Matsuda, Takashi Takahashi: Planning and Training of Minimally Invasive Surgery by Integrating Soft Tissue Cuts with Surgical Views Reproduction. Proceedings of International Congress and Exhibition Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery, pp.13-18 (2002/06/26) Paris/France.
- Yoshihiro Kuroda, Megumi Nakao, Silke Hacker, Tomohiro Kuroda, Hiroshi Oyama, Masaru Komori, Tetsuya Matsuda, Takashi Takahashi: An Interaction Model between Multiple Deformable Objects for Realistic Haptic Force Feedback in Surgical Simulations. Proceedings of International Congress and Exhibition Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery, pp.55-59 (2002/06/26) Paris/France.
- Kenta Hori, Tomohiro Kuroda, Hiroshi Oyama, Yasuhiko Ozaki, Takehiko Nakamura, Takashi Takahashi: Effect of Video Streaming Delay on Telemedicine based on the Surgical Cockpit System. Proceedings of International Congress and Exhibition Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery, pp.224-229 (2002/06/28) Paris/France.
- Yoshihiro Kuroda, Megumi Nakao, Silke Hacker, Tomohiro Kuroda, Hiroshi Oyama, Masaru Komori, Tetsuya Matsuda, Takashi Takahashi: Haptic Force Feedback with an Interaction Model between Multiple Deformable Objects for Surgical Simulation. Proceedings of Eurohaptics, pp.116-121 (2002/07/08) Edinburgh/UK.
- Mikako Murakami, Tomohiro Kuroda, Yoshitsugu Manabe, Kunihiro Chihara: Generation of Modifier Representation in Sign Animation. Proceedings of International Conference on Disability, Virtual Reality and Associated Technologies, pp.27-32 (2002/09/18) Veszprem/Hungary.
- Tomohiro Kuroda, Hiroshi Sasaki, Toshitaka Tateishi, Kouji Maeda, Yoshihiro Yasumuro, Yoshitsugu Manabe, Kunihiro Chihara: Walking Aids based on Wearable/Ubiquitous Computing - Aiming At Pedestrian's Intelligent Transport Systems -. Proceedings of International Conference on Disability, Virtual Reality and Associated Technologies, pp.117-122 (2002/09/18) Veszprem/Hungary.
- Kumi Kamada, Koichi Minami, Yoshihiro Yasumuro, Tomohiro Kuroda, Yoshitsugu Manabe, Osamu Oshiro, Kunihiro Chihara: Visual Consistent Presentation Between a Real and Virtual Object. Proceedings of International Conference on Virtual Systems and Multimedia, pp.714-718 (2002/09/25) Gyeongju/Korea.
- Megumi Nakao, Tomohiro Kuroda, Hiroshi Oyama, Masaru Komori, Tetsuya Matsuda, Takashi Takahashi: Combining Volumetric Soft Tissue Cuts for Interventional Surgery Simulation. Proceedings of Medical Image Computing and Computer Assisted Intervention, pp.178-185 (2002/09/25) Tokyo/Japan.
- Mikako Murakami, Yoshihiro Yasumuro, Tomohiro Kuroda, Yoshitsugu Manabe, Kunihiro Chihara: Shopping Support System for the Blind Using Barcode. Proceedings of ERICIM Workshop - User Interfaces for All, pp.207-208 (2002/10/23) Chantilly/France.
- Yoshihiro Yasumuro, Mikako Murakami, Masataka Imura, Tomohiro Kuroda, Yoshitsugu Manabe, Kunihiro Chihara: E-Cane with Situation Presumption for the Visually Impaired. Proceedings of ERICIM Workshop - User Interfaces for All, pp.55-66 (2002/10/23) Paris/France.
- [Domestic Conferences]
- Kouji Maeda, Mikako Murakami, Masataka Imura, Yoshihiro Yasumuro, Tomohiro Kuroda, Yoshitsugu Manabe, Kunihiro Chihara: *** No English title in DB***. Correspondences on Human Interface, vol.4, no.1, pp.87-90 (2002/01/25) Naha/Japan, Japanese.
- Toshitaka Tateishi, Mikako Murakami, Masataka Imura, Yoshihiro Yasumuro, Tomohiro Kuroda, Yoshitsugu Manabe, Kunihiro Chihara: E-cane System with Situation Presumption for the Blind. Correspondences on Human Interface, vol.4, no.1, pp.61-64 (2002/01/25) Naha/Japan, Japanese.
- Yasuhiro Yamamoto, Megumi Nakao, Hiroshi Oyama, Masaru Komori, Tetsuya Matsuda, Takashi Takahashi: Palpable Simulation System of an Aorta in Cardiovascular Surgery. Bio-Medical Engineering, vol.40, Suppl., p.100 (2002/05/09) Kyoto/Japan, Japanese.
- Takehiko Nakamura, Kenta Hori, Tomohiro Kuroda, Hiroshi Oyama, Takashi Takahashi: Possibility to Evaluat Personal Skill to Surgical Procedures Using Result from Surgical Simulator and Telerobotic Manipulation. Bio-Medical Engineering, vol.40, Suppl., p.95 (2002/05/09) Kyoto/Japan, Japanese.
- Yasuhiko Ozaki, Kenta Hori, Tomohiro Kuroda, Hiroshi Oyama, Takehiko Nakamura, Takashi Takahashi: Introducing Elevation View of Operating Field on Tele-robotic Surgery. Bio-Medical Engineering, vol.40, Suppl., p.198 (2002/05/09) Kyoto/Japan, Japanese.
- Kenta Hori, Tomohiro Kuroda, Hiroshi Oyama, Yasuhiko Ozaki, Takehiko Nakamura, Takashi Takahashi: Effectiveness of Video Streaming Delay on Tele-robotic Surgery. Bio-Medical Engineering, vol.40, Suppl., p.215 (2002/05/09) Kyoto, Japanese.
- Yoshito Tabata, Tomohiro Kuroda, Kunihiro Chihara: A Study on Finger Character Learning System. Bio-Medical Engineering, vol.40, Suppl., p.69 (2002/05/09) Kyoto/Japan, Japanese.
- Mikako Murakami, Tomohiro Kuroda, Kunihiro Chihara: Merchandise Information Service for Blind People Using Barcode. Bio-Medical Engineering, vol.40, Suppl., p.155 (2002/05/09) Kyoto/Japan, Japanese.
- Tomohiro Kuroda, Mikako Murakami, Yoshito Tabata, Kunihiro Chihara: A Method to Produce Legible Sign Animation. Bio-Medical Engineering, vol.40, Suppl., p.150 (2002/05/09) Kyoto/Japan, Japanese.
- Tomohiro Kuroda, Toshitaka Tateishi, Yoshihiro Yasumuro, Yoshitsugu Manabe, Kunihiro Chihara: E-cane with Situation Presumption for the Blind. Bio-Medical Engineering, vol.40, Suppl., p.151 (2002/05/09) Kyoto/Japan, Japanese.
- Tomohiro Kuroda: Medical Cockpit for Telemedicine. Bio-Medical Engineering, vol.40, Suppl., p.25 (2002/05/09) Kyoto/Japan, Japanese.
- Kouji Maeda, Yoshihiro Yasumuro, Tomohiro Kuroda, Yoshitsugu Manabe, Kunihiro Chihara: Real-Time Observation and the Map Creation of Information about Pedestrians Distribution. Bio-Medical Engineering, vol.40, Suppl., p.123 (2002/05/09) Kyoto/Japan, Japanese.
- Keiho Imanishi, Megumi Nakao, Tomohiro Kuroda, Hiroshi Oyama, Masaru Komori, Takashi Takahashi: Substitution of Haptic Display for Distance Visualization for Endoscopic Surgery. Bio-Medical Engineering, vol.40, Suppl., p.97 (2002/05/09) Kyoto/Japan, Japanese.
- Megumi Nakao, Tomohiro Kuroda, Hiroshi Oyama, Masaru Komori, Tetsuya Matsuda, Takashi Takahashi: Preoperative Planning and Procedural Training of Minimally Invasive Surgery Using Tissue Cutting and Surgical View Reconstruction. Bio-Medical Engineering, vol.40, Suppl., p.100 (2002/05/09) Kyoto/Japan, Japanese.
- Kaori Fujiwara, Takehiko Nakamura, Kazumi Hara, Tomohiro Kuroda, Hiroshi Oyama, Takashi Takahashi: An Interoperative Supporting System for Nurses. Bio-Medical Engineering, vol.40, Suppl., p.200 (2002/05/09) Kyoto/Japan, Japanese.
- Masataka Imura, Tomohiro Kuroda, Osamu Oshiro, Kunihiro Chihara: 3-D Blood Flow Visualization in Immersive Environment based on Color Doppler Images. Bio-Medical Engineering, vol.40, Suppl., p.238 (2002/05/10) Kyoto/Japan, Japanese.
- Koichi Minami, Masataka Imura, Yoshihiro Yasumuro, Tomohiro Kuroda, Yoshitsugu Manabe, Kunihiro Chihara: *** No English title in DB***. Proceedings of Annual Conference of the institute of Systems, Control and Information Engineers, pp.349-350 (2002/05/15) Japanese.
- Kumi Kamada, Tomohiro Kuroda, Yoshitsugu Manabe, Osamu Oshiro, Kunihiro Chihara: *** No English title in DB***. Proceedings of Annual Conference of the institute of Systems, Control and Information Engineers, pp.397-398 (2002/05/17) Japanese.
- Yoshito Tabata, Mikako Murakami, Tomohiro Kuroda, Kunihiro Chihara: *** No English title in DB***. Proceedings of Annual Conference of Japanese Society for Information and Systems in Education, pp.311-312 (2002/08/29) Japanese.
- Megumi Nakao, Tomohiro Kuroda, Hiroshi Oyama: An Input Method of Surgical Plans by Mouse Manipulation. Proceedings of Human Interface Symposium, pp.301-304 (2002/09/01) Sapporo/Japan, Encouragement Prize of Human Interface Society of Japan, Japanese.
- Mikako Murakami, Yoshito Tabata, Tomohiro Kuroda, Yoshitsugu Manabe, Kunihiro Chihara: Sign Animation System Introduced Modifier Representation. Proceedings of Human Interface Symposium, pp.219-220 (2002/09/01) Sapporo/Japan, Japanese.
- Kaori Fujiwara, Tomohiro Kuroda, Hiroshi Oyama, Takashi Takahashi: An Interoperative Supporting System for Nurses. Proceedings of Human Interface Symposium, pp.755-758 (2002/09/01) Sapporo/Japan, Japanese.
- Kenta Hori, Katsuya Tanaka, Tomohiro Kuroda, Hiroshi Oyama, Shinichi Warisawa, Mamoru Mitsuishi: Catalog Interface of Multi View for Medical Support on Network. Proceedings of Human Interface Symposium, pp.661-668 (2002/09/01) Sapporo/Japan, Japanese.
- Masataka Imura, Kumi Kamada, Tomohiro Kuroda, Osamu Oshiro, Yoshitsugu Manabe, Kunihiro Chihara: GRAPE: Measurement Support System for Cluster-shaped Object in Immersive Environment. Proceedings of Annual Conference of the Virtual Reality Society of Japan, pp.253-256 (2002/09/18) Tokyo/Japan, Japanese.
- Keiho Imanishi, Megumi Nakao, Tomohiro Kuroda, Hiroshi Oyama: Development of a Haptic Navigation Interface for Improving Safety of Master-Slave Type Robotic Surgery. Proceedings of Annual Conference of the Virtual Reality Society of Japan, pp.279-280 (2002/09/18) Tokyo/Japan, Japanese.
- Tomohiro Kuroda, Yoshihiro Yasumuro, Mikako Murakami, Yoshitsugu Manabe, Kunihiro Chihara: Development of E-Cane Aiming at Pedestrian's Intelligent Transport System. Bio-Medical Engineering, vol.40, Suppl. 2, p.137 (2002/11/14) Fukuoka/Japan, Japanese.
- Megumi Nakao, Tomohiro Kuroda, Hiroshi Oyama, Masaru Komori, Tetsuya Matsuda, Genichi Sakaguchi, Masashi Komeda, Takashi Takahashi: Decision Support System of Surgical Approaches with an Adaptive Physics-Based Model. Proceedings of Annual Conference of Japanese Society of Medical Virtual Reality, p.8 (2002/11/30) Tokyo/Japan, Japanese.
- Kenta Hori, Yasuhiko Ozaki, Tomohiro Kuroda, Hiroshi Oyama, Takashi Takahashi: Factor of Skill Difference on Tele-robotic Surgery. Proceedings of Annual Conference of Japanese Society of Medical Virtual Reality, p.11 (2002/11/30) Tokyo/Japan, Japanese.
- [Technical Notes]
- Tomohiro Kuroda: Research on Avatar-based Sign Language Communication. Research Reports of the Telecommunications Advancement Foundation, vol.16, pp.783-790 (2002/01/11) Japanese.
- Tomohiro Kuroda: Research on Shared Augmented Reality for Smooth Tele Diagnosis. Research Reports of Suzuken Memorial Foundation, vol.19, pp.71-77 (2002/01/31) Japanese.
- [Patents]
- Takashi Takahashi, Hiroshi Oyama, Tomohiro Kuroda, Kenta Hori: Medical Cockpit System. 特願2004-502860, PCT/JP2003/005729, WO2003/094768, 特許第4296278号 (2002/05/08) Japanese.
- [Others]
- Tomohiro Kuroda: Report: ICDVRAT (International Conference of Disability, Virtual Reality, and Associated Technologies). Magazine of Human Interface Society, vol.4, no.4, p.236 (2002/11/15) Japanese.
- 2003
- [Academic Awards]
- Megumi Nakao, Tomohiro Kuroda, Masaru Komori, Hiroshi Oyama: Award of Outstanding Paper. Proceedings of International Conference on Artificial Reality and Tele-existence (2003/12/03) Evaluation and User Study of Haptic Simulator for Learning Palpation in Cardiovascular Surgery.
- [Journal Papers]
- Yoshihiro Yasumuro, Mikako Murakami, Masataka Imura, Tomohiro Kuroda, Yoshitsugu Manabe, Kunihiro Chihara: E-Cane with Situation Presumption for the Visually Impaired. Biomedical Simulation, vol.2615, pp.409-421, Springer-verlag (2003/01/01)
- Yoshihiro Kuroda, Megumi Nakao, Tomohiro Kuroda, Hiroshi Oyama, Masaru Komori, Tetsuya Matsuda: Framework of VR Palpation Simulation based on Force Display. Medical Virtual Reality, vol.2, no.1, pp.43-49 (2003/01/01) Japanese.
- Yasuhiro Yamamoto, Megumi Nakao, Tomohiro Kuroda, Hiroshi Oyama, Masaru Komori, Tetsuya Matsuda, Genichi Sakaguchi, Masashi Komeda, Takashi Takahashi: Palpation Simulator of Beating Aorta for Cardiovascular Surgery Training. Transactions on the Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan E, vol.123, no.3, pp.85-92 (2003/03/01) Japanese.
- Koichi Minami, Tomi Korpipaa, Masataka Imura, Yoshihiro Yasumuro, Tomohiro Kuroda, Yoshitsugu Manabe, Kunihiro Chihara: A Distributed MR Transporter for Networked Collaboration. Entertainment Computing: Technologies and Applications, pp.495-502, Kluwer Academic Publishers (2003/04/01)
- Megumi Nakao, Tomohiro Kuroda, Hiroshi Oyama, Masaru Komori, Tetsuya Matsuda, Genichi Sakaguchi, Masashi Komeda: Supporting Surgical Planning with Simulation of Tissue Cutting and Opening Incision. Transactions of the Virtual Reality Society of Japan, vol.8, no.2, pp.163-170 (2003/06/01) Japanese.
- Yoshihiro Kuroda, Megumi Nakao, Tomohiro Kuroda, Hiroshi Oyama, Masaru Komori, Tetsuya Matsuda: Interaction Model between Elastic Objects for Organ-organ Contact Simulation. Transactions of the Virtual Reality Society of Japan, vol.8, no.2, pp.155-162 (2003/06/01) Best paper Award of VRSJ, Japanese.
- Mikako Murakami, Toshitaka Tateishi, Masataka Imura, Yoshihiro Yasumuro, Tomohiro Kuroda, Yoshitsugu Manabe, Kunihiro Chihara: E-cane with Situation Presumption for the Blind. Systems, Control and Information, vol.16, no.6, pp.287-294 (2003/06/01) Japanese.
- Megumi Nakao, Tomohiro Kuroda, Hiroshi Oyama, Masaru Komori, Tetsuya Matsuda, Takashi Takahashi: Physically Based Fine and Interactive Soft Tissue Cutting. IPSJ Journal, vol.44, no.8, pp.2255-2265 (2003/08/01) Japanese.
- Keiho Imanishi, Megumi Nakao, Tomohiro Kuroda, Hiroshi Oyama: Haptic Navigation Method for Improving Safety of Master-Slave Type Robotic Surgery. Transactions of the Virtual Reality Society of Japan, vol.8, no.3, pp.321-328 (2003/09/01) Japanese.
- [Lectures]
- Tomohiro Kuroda: Man-Machine Interface on Surgery Supporting Systems. Kansai Division Conference of Japanese Society of Medical and Biological Engineers, Osaka University (2003/03/01) Suita/Japan, Japanese.
- [Review Papers]
- Hiroshi Sasaki, Tomohiro Kuroda, Yoshitsugu Manabe, Kunihiro Chihara: Hand-Interface System: Input Interface for wearable Computers. IMAGE LAB, vol.14, no.7, pp.6-9 (2003/07/01) Japanese.
- Yoshihiro Yasumuro, Masataka Imura, Yoshitsugu Manabe, Kunihiro Chihara, Tomohiro Kuroda: Clip-Interface: Proposing Input Interface in 3D Workspace for Wearable Computers. IMAGE LAB, vol.14, no.7, pp.1-5 (2003/07/01) Japanese.
- Megumi Nakao, Yoshihiro Kuroda, Tomohiro Kuroda, Masaru Komori, Hiroshi Oyama: Development of Real-time Haptic Rendering Library and Surgical Simulator. IMAGE LAB, vol.14, no.9, pp.31-34 (2003/09/01) Japanese.
- [International Conferences]
- Koichi Minami, Yoshihiro Yasumuro, Masataka Imura, Tomohiro Kuroda, Yoshitsugu Manabe, Kunihiro Chihara: Shared MR Space Construction with Wearable PC Users. Proceedings of CREST Workshop on Advanced Computing and Communicating Techniques for Wearable Information Playing, pp.66-71 (2003/05/24) Ikoma/Japan.
- Kaori Fujiwara, Tomohiro Kuroda: Description Method of Surgical Operation for Intra-operative Support. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pp.217-258 (2003/06/27) Crete/Greece.
- Mikako Murakami, Yoshihiro Yasumuro, Tomohiro Kuroda, Yoshitsugu Manabe, Kunihiro Chihara: Merchandise Information Service for Visually Impaired People Using Barcode. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pp.249-250 (2003/06/27) Crete/Greece.
- Yoshihiro Yasumuro, Mikako Murakami, Masataka Imura, Yoshitsugu Manabe, Kunihiro Chihara, Tomohiro Kuroda: E-Cane: Look before You Step. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pp.257-258 (2003/06/27) Crete/Greece.
- Mikako Murakami, Yoshihiro Yasumuro, Tomohiro Kuroda, Yoshitsugu Manabe, Kunihiro Chihara: Modifier Representation in Sign Animation. Proceedings of Concurrent Engineering: Advanced Design, Production and Management Systems, pp.989-994 (2003/07/30) Madeira/Portugal.
- Yoshito Tabata, Tomohiro Kuroda, Atsutoshi Goto, Kunihiro Chihara: Development of Intelligent Glove-based Input Device Measuring Both Flexion and Touch. Proceedings of Polish-Japanese Symposium on Bio-Medical Engineering, pp.16-17 (2003/10/20) Kyoto/Japan.
- Megumi Nakao, Tomohiro Kuroda, Masaru Komori, Hiroshi Oyama: Evaluation and User Study of Haptic Simulator for Learning Palpation in Cardiovascular Surgery. Proceedings of International Conference on Artificial Reality and Tele-existence, pp.203-208 (2003/12/03) Tokyo/Japan, Award of Outstanding Paper.
- Yoshihiro Kuroda, Megumi Nakao, Tomohiro Kuroda, Hiroshi Oyama, Masaru Komori, Tetsuya Matsuda: Interaction Model between Elastic Objects for Accurate Haptic Display. Proceedings of International Conference on Artificial Reality and Tele-existence, pp.148-153 (2003/12/03) Tokyo/Japan.
- Megumi Nakao, Tomohiro Kuroda, Hiroshi Oyama: A Haptic Navigation System for Supporting Master-Slave Robotic Surgery. Proceedings of International Conference on Artificial Reality and Tele-existence, pp.209-214 (2003/12/03) Tokyo/Japan.
- [Domestic Conferences]
- Kaori Fujiwara, Tomohiro Kuroda, Hiroshi Oyama: *** No English title in DB***. Proceedings of Annual Conference of IPSJ, no.4, pp.299-300 (2003/03/27) Japanese.
- Keiho Imanishi, Megumi Nakao, Tomohiro Kuroda, Hiroshi Oyama: *** No English title in DB***. Proceedings of Annual Conference of IPSJ, no.4, pp.179-180 (2003/03/27) Japanese.
- Yoshihiro Kuroda, Megumi Nakao, Tomohiro Kuroda, Hiroshi Oyama, Masaru Komori, Tetsuya Matsuda: *** No English title in DB***. Proceedings of Annual Conference of IPSJ, no.5, pp.375-378 (2003/03/27) Japanese.
- Megumi Nakao, Tomohiro Kuroda, Hiroshi Oyama, Masaru Komori, Tetsuya Matsuda: *** No English title in DB***. Proceedings of Annual Conference of IPSJ, no.5, pp.379-382 (2003/03/27) Japanese.
- Naoto Kume, Megumi Nakao, Tomohiro Kuroda, Hiroshi Oyama, Masaru Komori: *** No English title in DB***. Proceedings of Annual Conference of IPSJ, no.5, pp.371-374 (2003/03/27) Japanese.
- Naoto Kume, Megumi Nakao, Tomohiro Kuroda, Masaru Komori: A Proposal of Soft Tissue Model of Ablation. Proceedings of Annual Conference of the institute of Systems, Control and Information Engineers, pp.533-534 (2003/05/16) Kyoto/Japan, Japanese.
- Hiroshi Sasaki, Tomohiro Kuroda, Yoshitsugu Manabe, Kunihiro Chihara: Usability Evaluation of the Hand-Pointing System for Wearable Computers. Proceedings of Annual Conference of the institute of Systems, Control and Information Engineers, pp.297-298 (2003/05/16) Kyoto/Japan, Japanese.
- Koichi Minami, Masataka Imura, Yoshihiro Yasumuro, Tomohiro Kuroda, Yoshitsugu Manabe, Kunihiro Chihara: Punch3D - An Interactive Environment Modeling Method for In-door Callaboration. Proceedings of Annual Conference of the institute of Systems, Control and Information Engineers, pp.291-292 (2003/05/16) Kyoto/Japan, Japanese.
- Yoshihiro Kuroda, Megumi Nakao, Tomohiro Kuroda, Masaru Komori, Tetsuya Matsuda: Evaluation of Physics-based Interaction Model between Elastic Objects Representing Collisions of Multiple Organs. Proceedings of Annual Conference of the institute of Systems, Control and Information Engineers, pp.537-538 (2003/05/16) Kyoto/Japan, Japanese.
- Kenta Hori, Katsuya Tanaka, Tomohiro Kuroda, Yasunari Suzuki, Yoshiki Arakawa, Mamoru Mitsuishi, Takashi Takahashi: Surgical Cockpit System for Information Suport in Telemedicine. Proceedings of Symposium on Medical and Biological Engineering, p.212 (2003/09/05) Japanese.
- Yoshihiro Kuroda, Megumi Nakao, Tomohiro Kuroda, Hiroshi Oyama, Masaru Komori, Tetsuya Matsuda: *** No English title in DB***. Proceedings of Symposium on Medical and Biological Engineering, p.241 (2003/09/06) Japanese.
- Megumi Nakao, Tomohiro Kuroda, Hiroshi Oyama, Masashi Komeda: VR Simulation for Preoperative Planning using Hybrid Mesh and Volume based Virtual Human. Proceedings of Annual Conference of the Virtual Reality Society of Japan, pp.205-208 (2003/09/19) Gifu/Japan, Encouragement Award of VRSJ, Japanese.
- Naoto Kume, Megumi Nakao, Tomohiro Kuroda, Masaru Komori: VR-based Simulation of Ablation using Deformable Soft Tissue Destruction Model. Proceedings of Annual Conference of the Virtual Reality Society of Japan, pp.195-198 (2003/09/19) Gifu/Japan, Japanese.
- Yoshihiro Kuroda, Megumi Nakao, Tomohiro Kuroda, Hiroshi Oyama, Masaru Komori, Tetsuya Matsuda: Development of Rectal Palpation Simulator based on an Interaction Model between Elastic Objects. Proceedings of Annual Conference of the Virtual Reality Society of Japan, pp.559-562 (2003/09/19) Gifu/Japan, Japanese.
- Ryuya Nadayoshi, Yoko Mitomi, Naoki Ohboshi, Tomohiro Kuroda, Naomi Sakihana, Takao Tachibana, Yoshiki Miyachi, Hiroyuki Yoshihara: Development of Electronic Treatment Planning System using Mobile Computer. Proceedings of Human Interface Symposium, CD-ROM (2003/09/30) Tokyo/Japan, Japanese.
- Kenta Hori, Katsuya Tanaka, Yasunari Suzuki, Tomohiro Kuroda, Yoshiki Arakawa, Mamoru Mitsuishi, Takashi Takahashi: Information Transfer and Display for Surgical Cockpit System. Bio-Medical Engineering, vol.41, Suppl. 2, p.150 (2003/10/21) Seika/Japan, Japanese.
- Megumi Nakao, Tomohiro Kuroda, Tetsuya Matsuda, Masashi Komeda: Supporting Planning of Surgical Approach in Cardiovascular Surgery. Bio-Medical Engineering, vol.41, Suppl. 2, p.149 (2003/10/22) Encouraging Award of JSMBE, Japanese.
- Naoto Kume, Megumi Nakao, Tomohiro Kuroda, Masaru Komori: Development of Soft Tissue Model of Ablation. Bio-Medical Engineering, vol.41, Suppl. 2, p.119 (2003/10/22) Seika/Japan, Japanese.
- Yoshihiro Kuroda, Megumi Nakao, Tomohiro Kuroda, Hiroshi Oyama, Masaru Komori, Tetsuya Matsuda: Rectal Palpation Simulator based on Virtual Reality in Urology. Bio-Medical Engineering, vol.41, Suppl. 2, p.118 (2003/10/22) Seika/Japan, Encouraging Award of JSMBE, Japanese.
- Osamu Okada, Naoki Ohboshi, Tomohiro Kuroda, Hiroyuki Yoshihara: Development of Electronic Clinical Path System using PDA as Inputting Device. Technical Reports of IPSJ, 2003-GN, no.49, pp.145-150 (2003/10/23) Tokushima/Japan, Japanese.
- Ryuya Nadayoshi, Yoko Mitomi, Naoki Ohboshi, Tomohiro Kuroda, Naomi Sakihana, Takao Tachibana, Yoshiki Miyachi, Hiroyuki Yoshihara: *** No English title in DB***. Proceedings of Joint Conference on Medical Informatics, vol.23, pp.41-43 (2003/11/22) Japanese.
- Tadamasa Takemura, Koji Tanaka, Jingiu Guo, Junzo Sato, Akira Takada, Tomohiro Kuroda, Keisuke Nagase, Hiroyuki Yoshihara: *** No English title in DB***. Proceedings of Joint Conference on Medical Informatics, vol.23, pp.437-438 (2003/11/22) Japanese.
- Takashi Tsukasa, Kenta Hori, Katsuya Tanaka, Tomohiro Kuroda, Mamoru Mitsuishi, Takashi Takahashi: Integrated Application Level QoS Control for Tele-medicine. Proceedings of Annual Conference of Japanese Society of Medical Virtual Reality, p.13 (2003/12/06) Tokyo/Japan, Japanese.
- Tomohiro Kuroda, Masayuki Harada, Takafumi Terada, Hiroshi Oyama: Applying Shared VR Simulator for Surgery Education from Remote Site. Proceedings of Annual Conference of Japanese Society of Medical Virtual Reality, p.18 (2003/12/06) Tokyo/Japan, Japanese.
- Megumi Nakao, Tomohiro Kuroda, Masaru Komori, Hiroshi Oyama: *** No English title in DB***. Proceedings of System Integration Division of Society of Instruments and Control Engineers, pp.960-961 (2003/12/21) Japanese.
- Yoshihiro Kuroda, Megumi Nakao, Tomohiro Kuroda, Hiroshi Oyama, Masaru Komori, Tetsuya Matsuda: *** No English title in DB***. Proceedings of System Integration Division of Society of Instruments and Control Engineers, pp.958-959 (2003/12/21) Japanese.
- Naoto Kume, Megumi Nakao, Tomohiro Kuroda, Masaru Komori: *** No English title in DB***. Proceedings of System Integration Division of Society of Instruments and Control Engineers, pp.954-955 (2003/12/21) Japanese.
- Yoshitsugu Manabe, Koichi Minami, Muneyuki Sakata, Hiroshi Sasaki, Masataka Imura, Yoshihiro Yasumuro, Tomohiro Kuroda, Kunihiro Chihara: *** No English title in DB***. Proceedings of System Integration Division of Society of Instruments and Control Engineers, pp.1058-1059 (2003/12/21) Japanese.
- [Patents]
- Kosuke Sasai, Tomohiro Kuroda: Medical Support System. 特願2003-294510, 特許第4191561号 (2003/08/18) Japanese.
- [Others]
- Tomohiro Kuroda: Preface: Basic Lesson, Introduction of Statistics. Magazine of Human Interface Society, vol.5, no.2, p.119 (2003/06/01) Japanese.
- 2004
- [Academic Awards]
- Yoshihiro Kuroda, Megumi Nakao, Tomohiro Kuroda, Hiroshi Oyama, Masaru Komori, Tetsuya Matsuda: Outstanding Paper Award. Virtual Reality Society of Japan (2004/09/09) Japanese.
- Yoshihiro Kuroda, Megumi Nakao, Tomohiro Kuroda, Hiroshi Oyama, Hiroyuki Yoshihara: Best Presentation Prize. System Integration Division of Society of Instruments and Control Engineers (2004/12/19) Japanese.
- [Journal Papers]
- Eisuke Hanada, Mitsuru Mori, Hitoshi Onishi, Tomohiro Kuroda, Yuji Inoue, Kimio Kondo: Connection of Two-way Satellite Communication Systems for Broader-based Education Network Construction. Journal of Multimedia Aided Education Research, vol.12, pp.9-16 (2004/01/01) Research Note, Japanese.
- Yoshihiro Kuroda, Megumi Nakao, Tomohiro Kuroda, Hiroshi Oyama, Masaru Komori, Tetsuya Matsuda: FEM-Based Interaction Model Between Elastic Objects for Indirect Palpation Simulator. Studies in Health Technology and Informatics, vol.98, pp.183-189, IOS Press (2004/01/17)
- Megumi Nakao, Tomohiro Kuroda, Masaru Komori, Hiroshi Oyama, Masashi Komeda: Physics-Based Preoperative Approach Planning Using Hybrid Virtual Bodies. Studies in Health Technology and Informatics, vol.98, pp.262-264, IOS Press (2004/01/17)
- Megumi Nakao, Keiho Imanishi, Tomohiro Kuroda, Hiroshi Oyama: Practical Haptic Navigation with Clickable 3D Region Input Interface for Supporting Master-Slave Type Robotic Surgery. Studies in Health Technology and Informatics, vol.98, pp.265-271, IOS Press (2004/01/17)
- Naoki Ohboshi, Ryuya Nadayoshi, Yoko Mitomi, Tomohiro Kuroda, Naomi Sakihana, Takao Tachibana, Yoshiki Miyachi, Hiroyuki Yoshihara: A Study of Electronic Treatment Planning System for Pressure Ulcers using Personal Digital Assistant. Japan Journal of Medical Informatics, vol.24, no.1, pp.99-109 (2004/04/01) Research Paper, Japanese.
- Katsuya Tanaka, Kenta Hori, Tomohiro Kuroda, Mamoru Mitsuishi: Integrated Control of Tele-surgery Robot System using CORBA Middleware. Japan Journal of Medical Informatics, vol.24, no.1, pp.45-53 (2004/04/01) Japanese.
- Tomohiro Kuroda, Masayuki Harada, Takafumi Terada, Hiroshi Oyama: Applying Shared-VR based Surgical Simulator for Medical Trial Study. Medical Virtual Reality, vol.3, no.1, pp.38-43 (2004/09/06) Japanese.
- Masato Mori, Takashi Tsukasa, Kenta Hori, Tomohiro Kuroda, Hiroyuki Yoshihara: Network QoS Control System Application for Telemedicine. Transactions of the Japanese Society for Medical and Biological Engineering, vol.42, no.4, pp.340-346 (2004/12/10) Japanese.
- [Lectures]
- Tomohiro Kuroda: Toward Clinical Application of Distributed Mixed Reality. Annual Conference of Japanese Society of Medical Virtual Reality, Kyoto University Shiran Hall (2004/09/10) Kyoto/Japan, Special Lecture, Japanese.
- Tomohiro Kuroda: Snapshot of VR Researches in Medical Field. VR Engineering Division of Society of Instruments and Control Engineers, Kyoto University (2004/11/22) Kyoto/Japan, Japanese.
- [Review Papers]
- Tomohiro Kuroda: Medical Informatics in Ubiquitous Information Age. Japan Journal of Medical Informatics, vol.23, no.5, pp.383-388 (2004/01/01) Japanese.
- [International Conferences]
- Yoshihiro Kuroda, Megumi Nakao, Tomohiro Kuroda, Hiroshi Oyama, Masaru Komori, Tetsuya Matsuda: FEM-Based Interaction Model Between Elastic Objects for Indirect Palpation Simulator. Proceedings of Medicine Meets Virtual Reality, pp.183-189 (2004/01/17) Newport Beach/USA.
- Megumi Nakao, Tomohiro Kuroda, Masaru Komori, Hiroshi Oyama, Masashi Komeda: Physics-Based Preoperative Approach Planning Using Hybrid Virtual Bodies. Proceedings of Medicine Meets Virtual Reality, pp.262-264 (2004/01/17) Newport Beach/USA.
- Megumi Nakao, Keiho Imanishi, Tomohiro Kuroda, Hiroshi Oyama: Practical Haptic Navigation with Clickable 3D Region Input Interface for Supporting Master-Slave Type Robotic Surgery. Proceedings of Medicine Meets Virtual Reality, pp.265-271 (2004/01/17) Newport Beach/USA.
- Tomohiro Kuroda, Yoshito Tabata, Atsutoshi Goto, Hiroki Ikuta, Mikako Murakami: Consumer price data-glove for sign language recognition. Proceedings of International Conference on Disability, Virtual Reality and Associated Technologies, pp.253-258 (2004/09/20) Oxford/UK.
- Tomohiro Kuroda, Yoshito Tabata, Atsutoshi Goto, Hiroki Ikuta, Eiji Tsushima: Consumer Price VR-glove possesses Hand Posture Recognition. Proceedings of International Conference on Virtual Systems and Multimedia, pp.324-331 (2004/11/17) Gifu/Japan.
- Yoshihiro Kuroda, Megumi Nakao, Tomohiro Kuroda, Hiroshi Oyama, Hiroyuki Yoshihara: Haptic Rendering Method of Friction Forces for Indirect Shape Perception. Proceedings of International Conference on Virtual Systems and Multimedia, pp.232-238 (2004/11/17) Gifu/Japan.
- Megumi Nakao, Takakazu Watanabe, Tomohiro Kuroda, Hiroyuki Yoshihara: 3D Interactive Clipping for Flexible Visualization and Extraction of Volume Data. Proceedings of International Conference on Virtual Systems and Multimedia, pp.225-231 (2004/11/17) Gifu/Japan.
- Naoto Kume, Megumi Nakao, Tomohiro Kuroda, Hiroyuki Yoshihara, Masaru Komori: FEM-Based Soft Tissue Destruction Model for Ablation Training Simulator. Proceedings of International Conference on Virtual Systems and Multimedia, pp.670-677 (2004/11/18) Gifu/Japan.
- [Domestic Conferences]
- Naomi Sakihana, Yoko Mitomi, Ryuya Nadayoshi, Naoki Ohboshi, Kazumi Hara, Tomohiro Kuroda: Computerization of Ulcer Care Plan Sheet for Supporting Ulcer Care . Proceedings of Meeting of Information Management Divisions of University Hospitals, pp.15-18 (2004/01/22) Tsu/Japan, Japanese.
- Hirotsugu Minowa, Tetsuo Sato, Mikio Suga, Tadao Sugiura, Kotaro Minato, Tomohiro Kuroda: *** No English title in DB***. Bio-Medical Engineering, vol.42, Suppl., p.365 (2004/05/20) Japanese.
- Yoshihiro Kuroda, Megumi Nakao, Tomohiro Kuroda, Hiroshi Oyama, Masaru Komori, Tetsuya Matsuda, Hiroyuki Yoshihara: *** No English title in DB***. Proceedings of Annual Conference of the institute of Systems, Control and Information Engineers, pp.367-368 (2004/05/21) Japanese.
- Naoto Kume, Megumi Nakao, Tomohiro Kuroda, Hiroyuki Yoshihara, Masaru Komori: *** No English title in DB***. Proceedings of Annual Conference of the institute of Systems, Control and Information Engineers, pp.371-372 (2004/05/21) Japanese.
- Takashi Tsukasa, Masato Mori, Kenta Hori, Katsuya Tanaka, Tomohiro Kuroda, Mamoru Mitsuishi, Takashi Takahashi: *** No English title in DB***. Bio-Medical Engineering, vol.42, Suppl., p.667 (2004/05/21) Japanese.
- Takashi Tsukasa, Masato Mori, Kenta Hori, Katsuya Tanaka, Tomohiro Kuroda, Mamoru Mitsuishi, Takashi Takahashi, Hiroyuki Yoshihara: *** No English title in DB***. Proceedings of Annual Conference of the institute of Systems, Control and Information Engineers, pp.369-370 (2004/05/21) Japanese.
- Takakazu Watanabe, Yoshihiro Kuroda, Megumi Nakao, Tomohiro Kuroda, Hiroyuki Yoshihara: *** No English title in DB***. Proceedings of Annual Conference of the institute of Systems, Control and Information Engineers, pp.365-366 (2004/05/21) Japanese.
- Yoshito Tabata, Tomohiro Kuroda, Atsutoshi Goto: Development of Data-glove equips Hand Gesture Recognizing Function. Proceedings of Annual Conference of Japanese Association of Sign Linguistics (2004/06/05) Nagoya/Japan, Japanese.
- Tomohiro Kuroda, Yoshito Tabata: Development of Mpeg-4 Face & Body Animation Player for Sign Animation using Java 3D. Proceedings of Annual Conference of Japanese Association of Sign Linguistics, pp.40-41 (2004/06/05) Nakoya/Japan, Japanese.
- Takashi Tsukasa, Masato Mori, Kenta Hori, Katsuya Tanaka, Tomohiro Kuroda, Mamoru Mitsuishi, Takashi Takahashi, Hiroyuki Yoshihara: *** No English title in DB***. Proceedings of JAMI Telemedicine Research Meeting, pp.82-83 (2004/08/21) Japanese.
- Yoshihiro Kuroda, Megumi Nakao, Tomohiro Kuroda, Hiroshi Oyama, Tetsuya Matsuda, Hiroyuki Yoshihara: Haptic Rendering of Friction with Elastic Objects for Shape Recognition. Proceedings of Annual Conference of the Virtual Reality Society of Japan, pp.373-376 (2004/09/08) Kyoto/Japan, Japanese.
- Masayuki Harada, Shuichi Takahashi, Takafumi Terada, Tomohiro Kuroda, Hiroshi Oyama: The development of a Shared-VR based Surgery Simulator for Educational Purposes. Proceedings of Annual Conference of the Virtual Reality Society of Japan, pp.525-528 (2004/09/08) Kyoto/Japan, Japanese.
- Megumi Nakao, Takakazu Watanabe, Tomohiro Kuroda, Hiroyuki Yoshihara: Interactive Extraction of 3D Region for Volume Data. Proceedings of Annual Conference of the Virtual Reality Society of Japan, pp.249-252 (2004/09/08) Kyoto/Japan, Japanese.
- Yoshito Tabata, Tomohiro Kuroda, Atsutoshi Goto, Hiroki Ikuta, Eiji Tsushima: Consumer Price Glove-based Input Device with Hand Posture Recognition. Proceedings of Annual Conference of the Virtual Reality Society of Japan, pp.137-138 (2004/09/08) Kyoto/Japan, Exhibition, Japanese.
- Yoshito Tabata, Tomohiro Kuroda, Atsutoshi Goto, Hiroki Ikuta, Eiji Tsushima: Consumer Price Glove-based Input Device with Hand Posture Recognition. Proceedings of Annual Conference of the Virtual Reality Society of Japan, pp.137-138 (2004/09/08) Kyoto/Japan, Japanese.
- Takashi Tsukasa, Masato Mori, Kenta Hori, Katsuya Tanaka, Tomohiro Kuroda, Mamoru Mitsuishi, Takashi Takahashi, Hiroyuki Yoshihara: QoS Control of Supporting Information for Robotic Tele-surgery. Proceedings of Annual Conference of Japanese Society of Medical Virtual Reality, p.15 (2004/09/10) Kyoto/Japan, Japanese.
- Tomohiro Kuroda: Toward Clinical Application of Distributed Mixed Reality. Proceedings of Annual Conference of Japanese Society of Medical Virtual Reality, pp.10-11 (2004/09/10) Kyoto/Japan, Japanese.
- Yoshihiro Kuroda, Megumi Nakao, Tomohiro Kuroda, Hiroshi Oyama, Tetsuya Matsuda, Hiroyuki Yoshihara: MVL: Real-time Medical Virtual Reality Simulation Library. Proceedings of Annual Conference of the Virtual Reality Society of Japan, pp.533-536 (2004/09/10) Kyoto/Japan, Japanese.
- Masato Mori, Takashi Tsukasa, Kenta Hori, Tomohiro Kuroda, Mamoru Mitsuishi, Kotaro Minato, Takashi Takahashi, Hiroyuki Yoshihara: *** No English title in DB***. Proceedings of Symposium on Medical and Biological Engineering, p.2 (2004/09/29) Japanese.
- Naoto Kume, Megumi Nakao, Tomohiro Kuroda, Hiroyuki Yoshihara, Masaru Komori: *** No English title in DB***. Proceedings of Symposium on Medical and Biological Engineering, p.48 (2004/09/29) Japanese.
- Takakazu Watanabe, Yoshihiro Kuroda, Megumi Nakao, Tomohiro Kuroda, Hiroyuki Yoshihara: *** No English title in DB***. Proceedings of Symposium on Medical and Biological Engineering, pp.50-51 (2004/09/29) Japanese.
- Tomohiro Kuroda, Yoshito Tabata, Atsutoshi Goto, Hiroki Ikuta, Eiji Tsushima: VR Glove Possessing Hand Posture Recognition. Proceedings of Human Interface Symposium, pp.969-972 (2004/10/08) Japanese.
- Takakazu Watanabe, Yoshihiro Kuroda, Megumi Nakao, Tomohiro Kuroda, Hiroyuki Yoshihara: A Support Environment for Shape and Stiffness Modeling from 3D CT/MRI data. Proceedings of Human Interface Symposium, pp.949-952 (2004/10/08) Japanese.
- Chie Kiyomitsu, Tadamasa Takemura, Tomohiro Kuroda, Hiroyuki Yoshihara: Trial of Automatic Assessment of Pressure Ulcers using Image Processing. Technical Reports of IPSJ, vol.2004, no.113, pp.77-82 (2004/11/11) Yokohama/Japan, Japanese.
- Yoichi Kawakami, Kosuke Sasai, Tomohiro Kuroda, Tadamasa Takemura, Hiroo Tamagawa, Toshinari Nakano, Keunsik Park, Haruhiko Hiramatsu, Yasushi Matsumura, Masaki Miyamoto: *** No English title in DB***. Proceedings of Joint Conference on Medical Informatics, CD-ROM (2004/11/26) Japanese.
- Tadamasa Takemura, Junzo Sato, Tomohiro Kuroda, Keisuke Nagase, Akira Takada, Koji Tanaka, Jingiu Guo, Hiroyuki Yoshihara: *** No English title in DB***. Proceedings of Joint Conference on Medical Informatics, CD-ROM (2004/11/26) Japanese.
- Yoichi Kawakami, Kosuke Sasai, Tomohiro Kuroda, Tadamasa Takemura, Hiroo Tamagawa, Toshinari Nakano, Keunsik Park, Haruhiko Hiramatsu, Yasushi Matsumura, Masaki Miyamoto: *** No English title in DB***. Proceedings of Joint Conference on Medical Informatics, CD-ROM (2004/11/27) Japanese.
- Chie Kiyomitsu, Tomohiro Kuroda, Hiroyuki Yoshihara: *** No English title in DB***. Proceedings of Joint Conference on Medical Informatics, CD-ROM (2004/11/27) Japanese.
- Chie Kiyomitsu, Tomohiro Kuroda, Hiroyuki Yoshihara: *** No English title in DB***. Proceedings of Joint Conference on Medical Informatics, CD-ROM (2004/11/28) Japanese.
- Takashi Tsukasa, Masato Mori, Kenta Hori, Katsuya Tanaka, Tomohiro Kuroda, Mamoru Mitsuishi, Takashi Takahashi, Hiroyuki Yoshihara: *** No English title in DB***. Jounal of Japan Society of Computer Aided Surgery, pp.161-162 (2004/12/11) Tokyo/Japan, Japanese.
- Naoto Kume, Megumi Nakao, Tomohiro Kuroda, Hiroyuki Yoshihara, Masaru Komori: *** No English title in DB***. Proceedings of System Integration Division of Society of Instruments and Control Engineers, pp.372-373 (2004/12/17) Japanese.
- Yoshihiro Kuroda, Megumi Nakao, Tomohiro Kuroda, Hiroshi Oyama, Hiroyuki Yoshihara: *** No English title in DB***. Proceedings of System Integration Division of Society of Instruments and Control Engineers, pp.370-371 (2004/12/17) Japanese.
- Takakazu Watanabe, Yoshihiro Kuroda, Megumi Nakao, Tomohiro Kuroda, Hiroyuki Yoshihara: *** No English title in DB***. Proceedings of System Integration Division of Society of Instruments and Control Engineers, pp.981-982 (2004/12/19) Japanese.
- [Patents]
- Megumi Nakao, Tomohiro Kuroda: Information Processing Device and Program. 特願2004-225388, PCT/JP2005/014024, WO2006/013813, 特許4337987号 (2004/08/02) Japanese.
- Yasuaki Inoue, Yoshinao Hiranuma, Kyoichi Takano, Tomohiro Kuroda: Digital Camera and Imaging Method. 特願2006-537762(特願2004-281001), PCT/JP2005/017782, WO2006/035788, 特許4745974号 (2004/09/28) Japanese.
- [News Items]
- Kyoto University Hospital Introduces High-Speed Network. Nikkei Business Daily, p.1 (2004/10/29) Japanese.
- New Stream of Digital Age-Semantic Web: Search upon Understanding Meanings of Words . Nikkei Business Daily, p.5 (2004/11/10) Japanese.
- Kyoto University Hospital Introducing High-Speed Information Network for Hospital Information System aiming Regional Shared Electric Health Record. Nikkei Computer, p.29 (2004/11/15) Japanese.
- [Others]
- Tomohiro Kuroda: Conference Report JSMVR the 3rd Annual Conference. Journal of Virtual Reality Society of Japan, vol.9, no.1, pp.44-45 (2004/03/25) Japanese.
- Tomohiro Kuroda: Report of the 9th Annual Conference -From Financial Chair. Journal of Virtual Reality Society of Japan, vol.9, no.4, p.23 (2004/12/25) Japanese.
- 2005
- [Academic Awards]
- Mikko Rissanen, Naoto Kume, Yoshihiro Kuroda, Megumi Nakao, Tomohiro Kuroda, Hiroyuki Yoshihara: Encouragement Prize. Japanese Society of Medical Virtual Reality (2005/09/30) Japanese.
- Megumi Nakao, Tomohiro Kuroda, Kotaro Minato: Best Presentation Prize. System Integration Division of Society of Instruments and Control Engineers (2005/12/18) Japanese.
- Tadamasa Takemura, Masahiro Hirose, Kazuya Okamoto, Tomohiro Kuroda, Keisuke Nagase, Hiroyuki Yoshihara: Best Presentation Prize. System Integration Division of Society of Instruments and Control Engineers (2005/12/18) Japanese.
- [Journal Papers]
- Naoto Kume, Megumi Nakao, Tomohiro Kuroda, Hiroyuki Yoshihara, Masaru Komori: FEM-Based Soft Tissue Destruction Model for Ablation Simulator. Studies in Health Technology and Informatics, vol.111, pp.263-269, IOS Press (2005/01/27)
- Yoshihiro Kuroda, Megumi Nakao, Tomohiro Kuroda, Hiroshi Oyama, Hiroyuki Yoshihara: MVL: Medical VR Simulation Library. Studies in Health Technology and Informatics, vol.111, pp.273-276, IOS Press (2005/01/27)
- Megumi Nakao, Takakazu Watanabe, Tomohiro Kuroda, Hiroyuki Yoshihara: Interactive 3D Region Extraction of Volume Data Using Deformable Boundary Object. Studies in Health Technology and Informatics, vol.111, pp.349-352, IOS Press (2005/01/27)
- Tadamasa Takemura, Shirou Manabe, Nobuhiro Nishiura, Tomohiro Kuroda, Keisuke Nagase, Hiroyuki Yoshihara, Nobuyuki Ashida: Development of a Psychiatric Care Information System based on Patient-Centered Concept. Journal of eHealth Technology and Application, vol.3, no.1, pp.171-175 (2005/01/27)
- Ryuya Nadayoshi, Yoko Mitomi, Naoki Ohboshi, Tomohiro Kuroda, Naomi Sakihana, Takao Tachibana, Yoshiki Miyachi: Development and Introduction of a Clinical Activity Supporting System for Pressure Ulcers based on a Web Application. Journal of Japanese Society of Pressure Ulcers, vol.7, no.1, pp.76-84 (2005/02/01) Japanese.
- Naoto Kume, Megumi Nakao, Tomohiro Kuroda, Hiroyuki Yoshihara, Masaru Komori: Simulation of Soft Tissue Ablation for a VR Simulator. Transactions of the Japanese Society for Medical and Biological Engineering, vol.43, no.1, pp.76-84 (2005/04/01) Japanese.
- Osamu Okada, Naoki Ohboshi, Tomohiro Kuroda, Keisuke Nagase, Hiroyuki Yoshihara: Electrinic Clinical Path System Based on Semistructured Data Model Using Personal Digital Assistant for Onsite Access. Journal of Medical Systems, vol.29, no.4, pp.379-389 (2005/08/01)
- Kenta Hori, Tomohiro Kuroda, Hiroshi Oyama, Yasuhiko Ozaki, Takehiko Nakamura, Takashi Takahashi: Improving Precise Positioning of Surgical Robotic Instruments by a Three-Side-View Presentation System on Telesurgery. Journal of Medical Systems, vol.29, no.6, pp.661-670 (2005/12/01)
- Yoshihiro Kuroda, Megumi Nakao, Tomohiro Kuroda, Hiroshi Oyama, Masaru Komori: Interaction Model between Elastic Objects for Haptic Feedback Considering Collisions of Soft Tissue. Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine, vol.81, no.1, pp.216-224, Elsevier (2005/12/01)
- Megumi Nakao, Tomohiro Kuroda, Kotaro Minato: Volumetric Mask and its Real-time Processing for Volume Interaction. Transactions of the Virtual Reality Society of Japan, vol.10, no.4, pp.591-598 (2005/12/31) Japanese.
- [Lectures]
- Kotaro Minato, Ken Toyoda, Akira Takada, Yukinori Itao, Tomohiro Kuroda, Yoshiaki Nose: Panel Discussion: Seven Problems about Electronic Medical Record -The Secret of Success from Bitter Experience-. Annual Conference of Japanese Society of Medical and Biological Engineering, Epocal Tsukuba (2005/04/25) Tsukuba/Japan, Organized Session, Japanese.
- Tomohiro Kuroda: Potential of Ubiquitous Computing -Case Study of Kyoto University Hospital. IBM Network Executive Seminar, Aoyama Diamond Hall (2005/11/30) Tokyo/Japan, Japanese.
- [Review Papers]
- Tomohiro Kuroda: Introducing Ubiquitous Nursing Support Information System into Kyoto University Hosital. New Medicine, vol.368, pp.176-180 (2005/08/01) Japanese.
- [International Conferences]
- Naoto Kume, Megumi Nakao, Tomohiro Kuroda, Hiroyuki Yoshihara, Masaru Komori: FEM-Based Soft Tissue Destruction Model for Ablation Simulator. Proceedings of Medicine Meets Virtual Reality, pp.263-269 (2005/01/27) Newport Beach/USA.
- Yoshihiro Kuroda, Megumi Nakao, Tomohiro Kuroda, Hiroshi Oyama, Hiroyuki Yoshihara: MVL: Medical VR Simulation Library. Proceedings of Medicine Meets Virtual Reality, pp.273-276 (2005/01/27) Newport Beach/USA.
- Megumi Nakao, Takakazu Watanabe, Tomohiro Kuroda, Hiroyuki Yoshihara: Interactive 3D Region Extraction of Volume Data Using Deformable Boundary Object. Proceedings of Medicine Meets Virtual Reality, pp.349-352 (2005/01/27) Newport Beach/USA.
- Tadamasa Takemura, Shirou Manabe, Nobuhiro Nishiura, Tomohiro Kuroda, Keisuke Nagase, Hiroyuki Yoshihara, Nobuyuki Ashida: Development of a Psychiatric Care Information System based on Patient-Centered Concept. Proceedings of APT Telemedicine Workshop, pp.171-175 (2005/01/27) Kuala Lumpur/Malaysia.
- Tomohiro Kuroda, Yoshihiro Kuroda, Yoshito Tabata: StrinGlove:a new VR-glove with hand posture recognition & Medical VR Simulator. Proceedings of IEEE Virtual Reality (2005/03/14) Bonn/Germany, Lab Demos.
- Yoshihiro Kuroda, Megumi Nakao, Tomohiro Kuroda, Hiroshi Oyama, Hiroyuki Yoshihara: Shape Perception with Friction Model for Indirect Touch. Proceedings of World HAPTICS, pp.571-572 (2005/03/20) Pisa/Italy.
- Megumi Nakao, Tomohiro Kuroda, Kotaro Minato: Advanced Volume Visualization for Interactive Extraction and Physics-based Modeling of Volume Data. Proceedings of International Conference on Complex Medical Engineering, pp.277-282 (2005/05/16) Takamatsu/Japan.
- Naoto Kume, Megumi Nakao, Tomohiro Kuroda, Hiroyuki Yoshihara, Masaru Komori: Ablation Simulator Based on FEM Soft Tissue Destruction Model. Proceedings of International Conference on Complex Medical Engineering, pp.283-286 (2005/05/16) Takamatsu/Japan.
- Tadamasa Takemura, Nobuyuki Ashida, Kiyoko Makimoto, Teruo Kirikae, Kazuya Okamoto, Tomohiro Kuroda, Keisuke Nagase, Hiroyuki Yoshihara: A Development of an Efficient Information Collecting and Retrieval System Using an Agent Technology to Specialized Area on World Wide Web for Infectious Disease. Proceedings of IEEE Healthcom, pp.456-459 (2005/06/24) Busan/Korea, doi: 10.1109/HEALTH.2005.1500503.
- Megumi Nakao, Tomohiro Kuroda, Kotaro Minato: Volume Interaction with Voxels by Manipulating 3D Voxels. ACM SIGGRAPH Poster (2005/08/02) Los Angels/California/USA.
- Yoshihiro Kuroda, Megumi Nakao, Tomohiro Kuroda, Hiroshi Oyama, Hiroyuki Yoshihara: Design and Implementation of MVL: Medical VR Simulation Library. ACM SIGGRAPH Poster (2005/08/02) Los Angels/California/USA.
- Mikko Rissanen, Naoto Kume, Yoshihiro Kuroda, Megumi Nakao, Tomohiro Kuroda, Hiroyuki Yoshihara: Framework for Annotation of Haptic Data in Simulated Surgical Procedures. Proceedings of International Conference on Virtual Systems and Multimedia, pp.647-656 (2005/10/06) Ghent/Belgium.
- Masahiro Hirose, Tadamasa Takemura, Yuko Adachi, Yasue Kuwabara, Yuichi Imanaka, Tomohiro Kuroda, Hiroyuki Yoshihara: Extracting 'Drug Name' from Incident Reports about Medication Errors by Profession at a National University Hospital in Japan. Proceedings of International Conference on Quality in Health Care (2005/10/25) Vancouber/Canada.
- [Domestic Conferences]
- Tadamasa Takemura, Junzo Sato, Tomohiro Kuroda, Akiko Ito, Hisao Saijo, Yasuo Shitanishi, Sadao Nonaka, Keisuke Nagase, Hiroyuki Yoshihara: Development of Web-based Hospital Management Information Viewer for Hospital Staffs based on Cost Accounting. Proceedings of Meeting of Information Management Divisions of University Hospitals, pp.134-137 (2005/01/20) Maebashi/Japan, Japanese.
- Megumi Nakao, Tomohiro Kuroda, Hiroshi Oyama, Kotaro Minato: *** No English title in DB***. Proceedings of Symposium of Tokyo University VR Laboratory (2005/03/04) Japanese.
- Naoki Ohboshi, Tomohiro Kuroda, Ryuya Nadayoshi, Yoko Mitomi, Naomi Sakihana, Takao Tachibana, Yoshiki Miyachi, Hiroyuki Yoshihara: Development and Introduction of Web-based Ulcer Care Management System using PDA as Terminal. Proceedings of Ubiquitous Medical Symposium, p.69 (2005/04/22) Tokyo/Japan, Japanese.
- Takashi Tsukasa, Masato Mori, Kenta Hori, Katsuya Tanaka, Tomohiro Kuroda, Mamoru Mitsuishi, Takashi Takahashi, Hiroyuki Yoshihara: Interactive QoS Control of Video Stream for Telemedicine. Proceedings of Ubiquitous Medical Symposium, p.70 (2005/04/23) Tokyo/Japan, Japanese.
- Kotaro Minato, Ken Toyoda, Akira Takada, Yukinori Itao, Tomohiro Kuroda, Yoshiaki Nose: Panel Discussion: Seven Problems about Electronic Medical Record -The Secret of Success from Bitter Experience-. Bio-Medical Engineering, vol.43, Suppl., p.153 (2005/04/25) Tsukuba/Japan, Japanese.
- Yuong-Shin Chon, Tadamasa Takemura, Yoshiaki Nakagawa, Sachiko Okada, Tomohiro Kuroda, Keisuke Nagase, Hiroyuki Yoshihara: Development of Hospital Cost Accounting Simulator. Proceedings of Annual Conference of the institute of Systems, Control and Information Engineers, pp.7-8 (2005/05/17) Kyoto/Japan, Japanese.
- Kazuya Okamoto, Tadamasa Takemura, Tomohiro Kuroda, Keisuke Nagase, Akira Takada, Koji Tanaka, Jingiu Guo, Hiroyuki Yoshihara: Automatic Clustering of Medical Records in Semi-Structured Data. Proceedings of Annual Conference of the institute of Systems, Control and Information Engineers, pp.5-6 (2005/05/17) Kyoto/Japan, Japanese.
- Yoshihiro Kuroda, Megumi Nakao, Tomohiro Kuroda, Hiroshi Oyama, Hiroyuki Yoshihara: Friction Force Display in Virtual Environment for Experiments of Indirect Shape Perception. Proceedings of Annual Conference of the institute of Systems, Control and Information Engineers, pp.653-654 (2005/05/19) Kyoto/Japan, Japanese.
- Makoto Hirai, Naoto Kume, Yoshihiro Kuroda, Megumi Nakao, Tomohiro Kuroda, Hiroyuki Yoshihara: Prototyping of Palpation VR Simulator with a Glove-shaped Force Feedback Device. Proceedings of Annual Conference of the institute of Systems, Control and Information Engineers, pp.651-652 (2005/05/19) Kyoto/Japan, Japanese.
- Mikko Rissanen, Naoto Kume, Yoshihiro Kuroda, Megumi Nakao, Tomohiro Kuroda, Hiroyuki Yoshihara: Dynamic Pressure Visualization for Mimicking Simulated Palpation of the Aorta. Proceedings of Annual Conference of Japanese Ergonomics Society, pp.110-111 (2005/06/11) Japanese.
- Yoshihiro Kuroda, Takakazu Watanabe, Megumi Nakao, Tomohiro Kuroda, Hiroyuki Yoshihara: *** No English title in DB***. Proceedings of Annual Conference of the Japanese Society of Medical Imaging Technology, CD-ROM (2005/07/26) Tokyo/Japan, Japanese.
- Yoshihiro Kuroda, Megumi Nakao, Tomohiro Kuroda, Hiroshi Oyama, Hiroyuki Yoshihara: *** No English title in DB***. Proceedings of Human Interface Symposium, pp.202-104 (2005/09/15) Japanese.
- Tadamasa Takemura, Yuong-Shin Chon, Sachiko Okada, Yoshiaki Nakagawa, Kazuya Okamoto, Makoto Hirai, Tomohiro Kuroda, Keisuke Nagase, Hiroyuki Yoshihara: *** No English title in DB***. Proceedings of Human Interface Symposium, pp.325-328 (2005/09/16) Japanese.
- Takashi Tsukasa, Masato Mori, Kenta Hori, Tomohiro Kuroda, Hiroyuki Yoshihara: *** No English title in DB***. Proceedings of Human Interface Symposium, pp.959-962 (2005/09/17) Japanese.
- Naoto Kume, Yoshihiro Kuroda, Megumi Nakao, Tomohiro Kuroda, Hiroyuki Yoshihara, Masaru Komori: Design of Distributed VR Simulation System with Physics-based Haptic Interaction. Proceedings of Annual Conference of the Virtual Reality Society of Japan, pp.221-222 (2005/09/27) Tokyo/Japan, Japanese.
- Tadamasa Takemura, Kazuya Okamoto, Tomohiro Kuroda, Keisuke Nagase, Hiroyuki Yoshihara: Extracting Technical Terms from Clinical Document Corpus using Knowledge obtained from Web. Proceedings of Symposium on Medical and Biological Engineering, p.229 (2005/09/27) Osaka/Japan, Japanese.
- Kazuya Okamoto, Tadamasa Takemura, Tomohiro Kuroda, Keisuke Nagase, Hiroyuki Yoshihara: Context-Based Retrieval System for Similar Medical Practice Documents. Proceedings of Symposium on Medical and Biological Engineering, p.230 (2005/09/27) Japanese.
- Yoshihiro Kuroda, Megumi Nakao, Tomohiro Kuroda, Hiroshi Oyama, Hiroyuki Yoshihara: Construction of Simulators with Medical VR Simulation Library: MVL. Proceedings of Annual Conference of the Virtual Reality Society of Japan, pp.536-537 (2005/09/27) Tokyo/Japan, Encouragement Award of VRSJ, Japanese.
- Yoshihiro Kuroda, Megumi Nakao, Tomohiro Kuroda, Hiroshi Oyama, Hiroyuki Yoshihara: Developing Simulator on Medical VR Simulation Library MVL. Proceedings of Annual Conference of the Virtual Reality Society of Japan (2005/09/27) Tokyo/Japan, Technical Demo, Japanese.
- Makoto Hirai, Yoshihiro Kuroda, Megumi Nakao, Tomohiro Kuroda, Hiroyuki Yoshihara: A Learning Environment of Hand-based Manipulation of Elastic Bodies for Medical Procedure. Proceedings of Annual Conference of the Virtual Reality Society of Japan, pp.391-392 (2005/09/28) Tokyo/Japan, Japanese.
- Takashi Tsukasa, Masato Mori, Kenta Hori, Tomohiro Kuroda, Hiroyuki Yoshihara: Emerging Intuitive Interface based on Multi-Modal Interface for Surgical Cockpit. Proceedings of Symposium on Medical and Biological Engineering, p.478 (2005/09/28) Osaka/Japan, Japanese.
- Megumi Nakao, Tomohiro Kuroda, Kotaro Minato: LiveVolume: A Volume Interaction Framework. Proceedings of Annual Conference of the Virtual Reality Society of Japan, pp.437-440 (2005/09/29) Tokyo/Japan, Japanese.
- Megumi Nakao, Tomohiro Kuroda, Kotaro Minato: *** No English title in DB***. Proceedings of Annual Conference of Japanese Society of Medical Virtual Reality, p.24 (2005/09/30) Japanese.
- Yoshihiro Kuroda, Megumi Nakao, Tomohiro Kuroda, Hiroshi Oyama, Hiroyuki Yoshihara: *** No English title in DB***. Proceedings of Annual Conference of Japanese Society of Medical Virtual Reality, p.13 (2005/09/30) Japanese.
- Mikko Rissanen, Naoto Kume, Yoshihiro Kuroda, Megumi Nakao, Tomohiro Kuroda, Hiroyuki Yoshihara: *** No English title in DB***. Proceedings of Annual Conference of Japanese Society of Medical Virtual Reality, p.14 (2005/09/30) Japanese.
- Takashi Tsukasa, Masato Mori, Kenta Hori, Tomohiro Kuroda, Hiroyuki Yoshihara: *** No English title in DB***. Proceedings of Annual Conference of Japanese Society of Medical Virtual Reality, p.18 (2005/09/30) Japanese.
- Kazuya Okamoto, Tadamasa Takemura, Tomohiro Kuroda, Keisuke Nagase, Hiroyuki Yoshihara: *** No English title in DB***. Proceedings of Joint Conference on Medical Informatics, pp.684-685 (2005/11/24) Japanese.
- Tadamasa Takemura, Kazuya Okamoto, Tomohiro Kuroda, Keisuke Nagase, Hiroyuki Yoshihara: *** No English title in DB***. Proceedings of Joint Conference on Medical Informatics, pp.516-517 (2005/11/24) Japanese.
- Naoki Ohboshi, Hiroo Tamagawa, Chigusa Katada, Yuko Shima, Masayuki Kawamoto, Tomohiro Kuroda, Taiji Sohmura, Yoshinobu Maeda, Hiroyuki Yoshihara: *** No English title in DB***. Proceedings of Joint Conference on Medical Informatics, pp.672-675 (2005/11/24) Japanese.
- Yoichi Kawakami, Shin Anei, Kosuke Sasai, Hiroshi Inada, Takahiro Kuchi, Tomohiro Kuroda, Norihiro Sakamoto, Tadamasa Takemura, Hiroshi Tanaka, Hiroo Tamagawa, Toshinari Nakano, Keunsik Park, Haruhiko Hiramatsu, Yasushi Matsumura, Masaki Miyamoto: *** No English title in DB***. Proceedings of Joint Conference on Medical Informatics, pp.962-965 (2005/11/24) Japanese.
- Yuong-Shin Chon, Tadamasa Takemura, Yoshiaki Nakagawa, Sachiko Okada, Tomohiro Kuroda, Keisuke Nagase, Hiroyuki Yoshihara: *** No English title in DB***. Proceedings of Joint Conference on Medical Informatics, pp.324-325 (2005/11/24) Japanese.
- Tomohiro Kuroda, Keisuke Nagase, Hiroyuki Yoshihara: Development Ubiquitous Hospital Information System using Networked Digital Camera and Mobile Terminal. Proceedings of System Integration Division of Society of Instruments and Control Engineers, p.184 (2005/12/17) Kumamoto/Japan, Japanese.
- Mikko Rissanen, Naoto Kume, Yoshihiro Kuroda, Tomohiro Kuroda, Hiroyuki Yoshihara: Annotation Framework for Simulated Surgical Manipulation. Proceedings of System Integration Division of Society of Instruments and Control Engineers, p.237 (2005/12/17) Kumamoto/Japan, Japanese.
- Megumi Nakao, Tomohiro Kuroda, Kotaro Minato: Volume Mask based Interactive Volume Deformation and Modeling System. Proceedings of System Integration Division of Society of Instruments and Control Engineers, p.238 (2005/12/17) Kumamoto/Japan, Best Presentation Award, Japanese.
- Tadamasa Takemura, Masahiro Hirose, Kazuya Okamoto, Tomohiro Kuroda, Keisuke Nagase, Hiroyuki Yoshihara: Automatic Classification of Incident/Accident Reports using Natural Language Processing. Proceedings of System Integration Division of Society of Instruments and Control Engineers, p.184 (2005/12/17) Kumamoto/Japan, Best Presentation Award, Japanese.
- [News Items]
- Developing Intra Hospital Information System from Three Points of View: Hardware Software and Education. Phase 3, no.246, pp.58-59 (2005/02/01) Japanese.
- Tiken's 'StrinGlove' VR-Glove to obtain hand motion. Fuji Sankei Business i, 第13面 (2005/06/17) Japanese.
- NI Teisho Issues Data-Glove aiming Sign Language Information Systems. Nikkei Business Daily, 第9面 (2005/06/17) Japanese.
- Kyoto University develops a device converting hand motion into characters. Ease sign language recognition.. Mainichi News (2005/06/17) Japanese.
- Teiken issues VR Glove, easy to repair, easy to wash. Daily Newspaper for Fashion Business (2005/06/17) Japanese.
- Teiken issues high-tech glove. The sen-i-news, 第3面 (2005/06/17) Japanese.
- Teiken develops VR glove, aiming Clinical Applications. The International Textile Journal, 第2面 (2005/06/17) Japanese.
- Teiken Develops VR Glove. Daily Newspaper of Synthetic Materials (2005/06/20) Japanese.
- VR Glove 'StrinGlove'. SENKEN SHIMBUN, 第4面 (2005/06/24) Japanese.
- Teiken issues glove device to measure hand motion. Best solution for making animation films. Daily Engineering and Construction News (2005/06/30) Japanese.
- Golden Egg Investigation Commission Vol.014 VR data-glove . TV Osaka Business 525 (2005/07/20) Japanese.
- VR Glove 'StrinGlove'. Kansai TV Business Kansai (2005/08/21) Japanese.
- Developing Intra Hospital Information System from Three Points of View: Hardware Software and Education. Clinical Management White Paper, pp.266-267 (2005/09/01) Japanese.
- Checking Patient Record during Dental Treatment using Head Mounted Display. The Nikkei (2005/10/31) Japanese.
- 2006
- [Academic Awards]
- Yoshihiro Kuroda, Megumi Nakao, Tomohiro Kuroda, Hiroshi Oyama, Hiroyuki Yoshihara: Encouragement Award. Virtual Reality Society of Japan (2006/03/16) Japanese.
- [Journal Papers]
- Tadamasa Takemura, Akiko Hagimoto, Kazuya Okamoto, Tomohiro Kuroda, Keisuke Nagase, Nobuyuki Ashida, Hiroyuki Yoshihara: Development of Discharge Summary Retrieval system for Nursing written in Medical Markup Language (MML). Journal of eHealth Technology and Application, vol.4, no.1, pp.210-214 (2006/01/25)
- Kazuya Okamoto, Tadamasa Takemura, Tomohiro Kuroda, Keisuke Nagase, Hiroyuki Yoshihara: Context-based Retrieval System for Similar Medical Practice Documents. Transactions of the Japanese Society for Medical and Biological Engineering, vol.44, no.1, pp.199-206 (2006/03/10) Japanese.
- Naomi Sakihana, Yasue Kuwabara, Tomohiro Kuroda, Tadamasa Takemura, Keisuke Nagase, Hiroyuki Yoshihara: Transfusion Checkup System using Mobile Terminals. Studies in Health Technology and Informatics, vol.122, p.978, IOS Press (2006/06/11)
- Tadamasa Takemura, Yoshihiro Kuroda, Naoto Kume, Kazuya Okamoto, Kenta Hori, Megumi Nakao, Tomohiro Kuroda, Hiroyuki Yoshihara: Requirement Extraction from Surgical Textbook using Natural Language Processing for Educational Virtual Reality Simulator. Japan Journal of Medical Informatics, vol.25, no.6, pp.457-462 (2006/06/20) Japanese.
- Yoichi Kawakami, Yasushi Matsumura, Kosuke Sasai, Shin Anei, Hiroshi Inada, Takahiro Kuchi, Tomohiro Kuroda, Norihiro Sakamoto, Tadamasa Takemura, Hiroshi Tanaka, Hiroo Tamagawa, Toshinari Nakano, Keunsik Park, Haruhiko Hiramatsu, Masaki Miyamoto: Application of RDF in Reporting System. Japan Journal of Medical Informatics, vol.25, no.6, pp.421-429 (2006/06/20) Technical Note, Japanese.
- Megumi Nakao, Tomohiro Kuroda, Masaru Komori, Hiroshi Oyama, Kotaro Minato, Takashi Takahashi: Transferring Bioelasticity Knowledge through Haptic Interaction. IEEE Multimedia, vol.13, no.3, pp.50-60 (2006/07/01)
- Megumi Nakao, Tomohiro Kuroda, Hiroshi Oyama, Genichi Sakaguchi, Masashi Komeda: Physics-Based Simulation of Surgical Fields for Preoperative Strategic Planning. Journal of Medical Systems, vol.30, no.5, pp.371-380 (2006/10/01)
- Tomohiro Kuroda, Kazuya Okamoto, Tadamasa Takemura, Keisuke Nagase, Hiroyuki Yoshihara: Constructing a New Coordinate System Suitable for Sign Animation. The International Journal on Disability and Human Development, vol.5, no.2, pp.113-117 (2006/12/01)
- Ryo Shikata, Tomohiro Kuroda, Yoshito Tabata, Yoshitsugu Manabe, Kunihiro Chihara: Development of Vision Based Meeting Support System for Hearing Impaired. The International Journal on Disability and Human Development, vol.5, no.2, pp.173-178 (2006/12/01)
- Hiroshi Sasaki, Tomohiro Kuroda, Peter Antoniac, Yoshitsugu Manabe, Kunihiro Chihara: Hand-Menu System: A Deviceless Virtual Imput Interface for Wearable Computers. CEAI Journal - Control Engineering and Applied Informatics, vol.8, no.2, pp.24-33 (2006/12/01)
- Mikko Rissanen, Yoshihiro Kuroda, Megumi Nakao, Naoto Kume, Tomohiro Kuroda, Keisuke Nagase, Hiroyuki Yoshihara: Annotated VR Simulation Records for Surgical Education -Evaluating the Benefits of Real-Time Visualization of Force Exertion-. Transactions of the Virtual Reality Society of Japan, vol.11, no.4, pp.527-536 (2006/12/01) Japanese.
- Tomohiro Kuroda, Mikako Murakami, Yoshito Tabata, Kunihiro Chihara: On-Demand Expansion of Avatar's Hand for Legible Sign Animation. CEAI Journal - Control Engineering and Applied Informatics, vol.8, no.2, pp.13-17 (2006/12/01)
- Yoshihiro Kuroda, Makoto Hirai, Megumi Nakao, Toshihiko Sato, Tomohiro Kuroda, Keisuke Nagase, Hiroyuki Yoshihara: A Study on Organ Exclusion Simulator with Multi-finger Force Feedback Device. Transactions of the Virtual Reality Society of Japan, vol.11, no.4, pp.515-525 (2006/12/01) Japanese.
- [Lectures]
- Tomohiro Kuroda: PACS as Shared Resource -Approach of Kyoto University Hospital-. Joint Conference on Medical Informatics, Sapporo Convention Center (2006/11/03) Sapporo/Japan, Luncheon Seminar, Japanese.
- Tomohiro Kuroda: Seeking Business Cooperation on Data-Glove. Futuristic Wearable Media Matching Forum, Osaka Dawn Center (2006/12/20) Osaka/Japan, Japanese.
- [International Conferences]
- Tadamasa Takemura, Akiko Hagimoto, Kazuya Okamoto, Tomohiro Kuroda, Keisuke Nagase, Nobuyuki Ashida, Hiroyuki Yoshihara: Development of Discharge Summary Retrieval system for Nursing written in Medical Markup Language (MML). Proceedings of APT Telemedicine Workshop, pp.210-214 (2006/01/25) Islamabad/Turkey.
- Naomi Sakihana, Yasue Kuwabara, Tomohiro Kuroda, Tadamasa Takemura, Keisuke Nagase, Hiroyuki Yoshihara: Transfusion Checkup System using Mobile Terminals. Proceedings of International Congress on Nursing Informatics, p.978 (2006/06/11) Seoul/Korea.
- Mikko Rissanen, Yoshihiro Kuroda, Naoto Kume, Megumi Nakao, Tomohiro Kuroda, Hiroyuki Yoshihara: Audiovisual Guidance for Simulated One Point Force Exertion Tasks. Proceedings of ACM International Conference on Virtual Reality Continuum and Its Applications, pp.365-368 (2006/06/16) Hong Kong/China.
- Megumi Nakao, Yoshihiro Kuroda, Tetsuo Sato, Tomohiro Kuroda, Kotaro Minato: Volume Interaction Framework for Preoperative Surgical Simulation on Volumetric Images. International Journal of Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery, vol.1, pp.156-158 (2006/06/28) Osaka/Japan.
- Takashi Tsukasa, Masato Mori, Kenta Hori, Tomohiro Kuroda, Hiroyuki Yoshihara: Telemedicine Cockpit with Intuitive Interface for Integrated Control of Communication and Presentation. International Journal of Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery, vol.1, pp.483-484 (2006/06/28) Osaka/Japan.
- Mikko Rissanen, Yoshihiro Kuroda, Naoto Kume, Megumi Nakao, Tomohiro Kuroda, Hiroyuki Yoshihara: Interactive Authoring of Example Surgical Procedures from Recorded Physics-based Simulation. International Journal of Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery, vol.1, pp.154-156 (2006/06/28) Osaka/Japan.
- Yoshihiro Kuroda, Megumi Nakao, Tomohiro Kuroda, Hiroshi Oyama, Hiroyuki Yoshihara: Study of Spatial Anisotropy in Finger's Haptic Perception for Advanced Palpation Training. International Journal of Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery, p.495 (2006/06/28) Osaka/Japan.
- Tomohiro Kuroda, Mikko Rissanen, Takafumi Terada, Masayuki Harada, Hiroshi Oyama: Haptized Shared VR based Surgical Simulator. Proceedings of Annual Meetings of the Society in Europe for Simulation Applied to Medicine, CD-ROM (2006/06/29) Porto/Portugal.
- Mikko Rissanen, Yoshihiro Kuroda, Naoto Kume, Megumi Nakao, Tomohiro Kuroda: Editing Recorded Haptic Data with SiRE - Simulation Record Editor. Proceedings of Eurohaptics, pp.543-546 (2006/07/03) Paris/France.
- Yoshihiro Kuroda, Megumi Nakao, Tomohiro Kuroda, Hiroshi Oyama, Hiroyuki Yoshihara: Performance of Position Detection Tasks under Restriction of Finger's Movement. Proceedings of Eurohaptics, pp.263-268 (2006/07/03) Paris/France.
- Mikko Rissanen, Yoshihiro Kuroda, Naoto Kume, Megumi Nakao, Tomohiro Kuroda, Hiroyuki Yoshihara: Annotated Surgical Manipulation for Simulator-based Surgical Skill-transfer using SiRE - Simulation Record Editor. Biomedical Simulation, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol.4072, pp.122-131 (2006/07/10) Zurich/Switzerland.
- Yoshihiro Kuroda, Makoto Hirai, Megumi Nakao, Tomohiro Kuroda, Keisuke Nagase, Hiroyuki Yoshihara: Multi-finger Haptic Interaction for Soft Tissue Exclusion Manipulation. ACM SIGGRAPH Poster (2006/07/30) Boston/USA.
- Tadamasa Takemura, Nobuyuki Ashida, Kazuya Okamoto, Tatsuro Ishida, Tomohiro Kuroda, Kiyoko Makimoto, Hiroyuki Yoshihara: Development of Information Retrieval and Web Information Integration System for Nosocomial Infection Anecdotal Research Papers. Proceedings of IEEE Healthcom, pp.157-159 (2006/08/17) New Delhi/India.
- Masahiro Hirose, Tadamasa Takemura, Kazuya Okamoto, Tomohiro Kuroda, Hiroyuki Yoshihara: Application of Textmining Based Clinical Documents in Integrated HIS, Co-occurrence Structure of Terms Among Incident/Accident Reports. Proceedings of Nordic Conference on eHealth and Telemedicine, pp.85-88 (2006/09/01) Helsinki/Finland.
- Takashi Tsukasa, Masato Mori, Kenta Hori, Tomohiro Kuroda, Hiroyuki Yoshihara: Telemedicine Cockpit for 'Plug & Play' Telemedicine with Single Action Control of Presentation and Communication. Proceedings of Nordic Conference on eHealth and Telemedicine, pp.251-253 (2006/09/01) Helsinki/Finland.
- Ryo Shikata, Tomohiro Kuroda, Yoshito Tabata, Yoshitsugu Manabe, Kunihiro Chihara: Development of Vision Based Meeting Support System for Hearing Impaired. Proceedings of International Conference on Disability, Virtual Reality and Associated Technologies, pp.53-58 (2006/09/18) Esbjerg/Denmark.
- Tomohiro Kuroda, Kazuya Okamoto, Tadamasa Takemura, Keisuke Nagase: Constructing New Coordinate System Suitable for Sign Animation. Proceedings of International Conference on Disability, Virtual Reality and Associated Technologies, pp.75-80 (2006/09/18) Esbjerg/Denmark.
- Tadamasa Takemura, Kazuya Okamoto, Tatsuro Ishida, Tomohiro Kuroda, Keisuke Nagase, Kiyoko Makimoto, Nobuyuki Ashida, Hiroyuki Yoshihara: Development of a numeric data extracting and analysis system using dependency analysis on Nosocomial Outbreak Investigation database. Proceedings of The World Congress on Internet in Medicine, p.113 (2006/10/13) Tronto/Canada.
- Tadamasa Takemura, Masahiro Hirose, Kazuya Okamoto, Tomohiro Kuroda, Tatsuro Ishizaki, Yuichi Imanaka, Hiroyuki Yoshihara: Automatic Classification of Incident reports based on Examples of Words: Using Machine Learning Technique of Natural Language Processing. Proceedings of International Conference on Quality in Health Care, p.60 (2006/10/22) London/UK.
- Naoto Kume, Tomohiro Kuroda, Hiroyuki Yoshihara: MAC Address-Based Position Detection of Illegal Access Terminals on Private Network for Hospital Asset Management. Proceedings of Annual Conference of Asia Pacific Association for Medical Informatics, pp.208-213 (2006/10/28) Taipei/ROC.
- Kazuya Okamoto, Tadamasa Takemura, Tomohiro Kuroda, Hiroyuki Yoshihara: Context-Based Retrieval System for Similar Medical Documents. Proceedings of Annual Conference of Asia Pacific Association for Medical Informatics, pp.177-183 (2006/10/29) Taipei/ROC.
- Yoshihiro Kuroda, Makoto Hirai, Megumi Nakao, Tomohiro Kuroda, Hiroyuki Yoshihara: Interactive Manipulation and Stress Visualization with Multi-finger Haptic Device. Proceedings of Asian Simulation Conference, pp.367-371 (2006/10/30) Tokyo/Japan.
- Megumi Nakao, Tomotaka Matsuyuki, Tomohiro Kuroda, Kotaro Minato: Physics-based Manipulation of Volumetric Images for Preoperative Surgical Simulation. Proceedings of Asian Simulation Conference, pp.377-380 (2006/10/30) Tokyo/Japan.
- Naoto Kume, Yoshihiro Kuroda, Megumi Nakao, Tomohiro Kuroda, Hiroyuki Yoshihara, Masaru Komori: Speculative FEM Simulation System for Invasive Surgical Operation with Haptic Interaction. Proceedings of Asian Simulation Conference, pp.372-376 (2006/10/30) Tokyo/Japan.
- [Domestic Conferences]
- Takashi Tsukasa, Masato Mori, Kenta Hori, Tomohiro Kuroda, Hiroyuki Yoshihara: Image Transmission System for Telemedicine. Technical Report of the Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers, vol.105, no.579, pp.117-120 (2006/01/27) Miyako/Japan, Japanese.
- Naoto Kume, Yoshihiro Kuroda, Megumi Nakao, Tomohiro Kuroda, Hiroyuki Yoshihara, Masaru Komori: *** No English title in DB***. Proceedings of Annual Conference of the institute of Systems, Control and Information Engineers, pp.653-654 (2006/05/01) Japanese.
- Takashi Nakai, Takashi Tsukasa, Kenta Hori, Tomohiro Kuroda, Keisuke Nagase, Takashi Kawamura, Hiroyuki Yoshihara: *** No English title in DB***. Proceedings of Annual Conference of the institute of Systems, Control and Information Engineers, pp.651-652 (2006/05/10) Japanese.
- Mikko Rissanen, Yoshihiro Kuroda, Naoto Kume, Megumi Nakao, Tomohiro Kuroda, Hiroyuki Yoshihara: *** No English title in DB***. Proceedings of Annual Conference of the institute of Systems, Control and Information Engineers, pp.661-662 (2006/05/10) Japanese.
- Hyongyong Kim, Tadamasa Takemura, Masahiro Hirose, Tomohiro Kuroda, Keisuke Nagase, Hiroyuki Yoshihara: *** No English title in DB***. Proceedings of Annual Conference of the institute of Systems, Control and Information Engineers, pp.181-182 (2006/05/10) Japanese.
- Tatsuro Ishida, Tadamasa Takemura, Kazuya Okamoto, Tomohiro Kuroda, Keisuke Nagase, Hiroyuki Yoshihara: *** No English title in DB***. Proceedings of Annual Conference of the institute of Systems, Control and Information Engineers, pp.185-186 (2006/05/10) Japanese.
- Yoshihiro Kuroda, Mikko Rissanen, Koji Yoshimura, Megumi Nakao, Tomohiro Kuroda, Toshiyuki Kamoto, Hiroshi Oyama, Osamu Ogawa, Hiroyuki Yoshihara: *** No English title in DB***. Proceedings of JAMIT Frontier, CD-ROM (2006/07/21) Kyoto/Japan, Japanese.
- Yoshihiro Kuroda, Mikko Rissanen, Koji Yoshimura, Megumi Nakao, Tomohiro Kuroda, Toshiyuki Kamoto, Hiroshi Oyama, Osamu Ogawa, Hiroyuki Yoshihara: *** No English title in DB***. Proceedings of Annual Conference of Japanese Society of Medical Virtual Reality, p.42 (2006/09/01) Japanese.
- Naoto Kume, Yoshihiro Kuroda, Megumi Nakao, Tomohiro Kuroda, Keisuke Nagase, Hiroyuki Yoshihara, Masaru Komori: *** No English title in DB***. Proceedings of Annual Conference of Japanese Society of Medical Virtual Reality, p.41 (2006/09/01) Japanese.
- Tatsuro Ishida, Tadamasa Takemura, Kazuya Okamoto, Tomohiro Kuroda, Keisuke Nagase, Hiroyuki Yoshihara: *** No English title in DB***. Proceedings of Symposium on Medical and Biological Engineering, pp.247-250 (2006/09/23) Japanese.
- Yoshihiro Kuroda, Makoto Hirai, Megumi Nakao, Tomohiro Kuroda, Keisuke Nagase, Hiroyuki Yoshihara: *** No English title in DB***. Proceedings of Annual Conference of the Virtual Reality Society of Japan, pp.364-365 (2006/09/27) Japanese.
- Mikko Rissanen, Yoshihiro Kuroda, Naoto Kume, Megumi Nakao, Tomohiro Kuroda, Keisuke Nagase, Hiroyuki Yoshihara: *** No English title in DB***. Proceedings of Annual Conference of the Virtual Reality Society of Japan, pp.205-206 (2006/09/27) Japanese.
- Tomohiro Kuroda, Kazuya Okamoto, Tadamasa Takemura, Keisuke Nagase, Hiroyuki Yoshihara: Trial Approach for New Coordinate System Suitable for Sign Information System. Proceedings of Joint Conference on Medical Informatics, pp.583-584 (2006/11/01) Sapporo/Japan, Japanese.
- Takatoshi Suenaga, Tomohiro Kuroda, Osamu Oshiro, Kunihiro Chihara: A Tele-ultrasound Diagnosis Supporting Environment - Tele-echo System. Proceedings of Joint Conference on Medical Informatics, pp.51-52 (2006/11/01) Sapporo/Japan, Japanese.
- Naoki Ohboshi, Hiroo Tamagawa, Yoshinobu Maeda, Tomohiro Kuroda, Hiroyuki Yoshihara: Development of Treatment Support System with Wearable Computer. Proceedings of Joint Conference on Medical Informatics, pp.575-576 (2006/11/01) Sapporo/Japan, Japanese.
- Kenta Hori, Takashi Tsukasa, Takashi Nakai, Tomohiro Kuroda: Development of Information Support Environment for Telemedicine. Proceedings of Joint Conference on Medical Informatics, pp.61-62 (2006/11/01) Sapporo/Japan, Japanese.
- Sachiko Okada, Keisuke Nagase, Akiko Ito, Tadamasa Takemura, Tomohiro Kuroda, Hiroyuki Yoshihara: Development of Hospital Financial Status Analysis System Using Rile-Based Engine. Proceedings of Joint Conference on Medical Informatics, pp.370-371 (2006/11/02) Sapporo/Japan, Japanese.
- Tatsuro Ishida, Tadamasa Takemura, Kazuya Okamoto, Tomohiro Kuroda, Keisuke Nagase, Hiroyuki Yoshihara: Development of Web Information Retrieval System Specialized for Medicine. Proceedings of Joint Conference on Medical Informatics, pp.303-304 (2006/11/02) Sapporo/Japan, Japanese.
- Tadamasa Takemura, Kazuya Okamoto, Tomohiro Kuroda, Keisuke Nagase, Nobuyuki Ashida, Hiroyuki Yoshihara: Extraction of Numeric Information from Medical Documents. Proceedings of Joint Conference on Medical Informatics, pp.843-844 (2006/11/02) Sapporo/Japan, Japanese.
- Hiroyuki Yoshihara, Tomohiro Kuroda, Tadamasa Takemura, Keisuke Nagase, Junzo Sato, Harutoshi Yazaki, Yasuyuki Kato: Approach of Electronic Clinical Record Data Recycling by End User Development Organization. Proceedings of Joint Conference on Medical Informatics, pp.337-338 (2006/11/02) Sapporo/Japan, Japanese.
- Takashi Tsukasa, Masato Mori, Kenta Hori, Tomohiro Kuroda, Hiroyuki Yoshihara: A Way of Integrated Control QoS and Presentation of Transmission Data in Telemedicine Cockpit. Proceedings of Joint Conference on Medical Informatics, pp.1243-1244 (2006/11/03) Sapporo/Japan, Japanese.
- Hiroyuki Yoshihara, Tomohiro Kuroda, Kinya Sakai, Kenji Arita, Toshiaki Suzuki, Katsuhiro Ohashi, Kenji Araki: A National Level Site Which Can Merge the Domestic Clinical Data Sites. Proceedings of Joint Conference on Medical Informatics, pp.1069-1072 (2006/11/03) Sapporo/Japan, Japanese.
- Takashi Nakai, Takashi Tsukasa, Kenta Hori, Takashi Kawamura, Keisuke Nagase, Hiroyuki Yoshihara: Trial Analysis of Effect of Synchronization of Video and Sound on Tele-ausculation. Proceedings of Joint Conference on Medical Informatics, pp.1245-1246 (2006/11/03) Sapporo/Japan, Japanese.
- Naoto Kume, Yoshihiro Kuroda, Megumi Nakao, Tomohiro Kuroda, Keisuke Nagase, Hiroyuki Yoshihara, Masaru Komori: Proposal of Speculative Operation for Haptic Interaction in Soft Tissue Rupture Simulator. Proceedings of Joint Conference on Medical Informatics, pp.1151-1152 (2006/11/03) Sapporo/Japan, Japanese.
- Yoshihiro Kuroda, Tadamasa Takemura, Naoto Kume, Kazuya Okamoto, Megumi Nakao, Kenta Hori, Tomohiro Kuroda, Hiroyuki Yoshihara: Design of Constructing System of Surgical Simulator from Meta Language Data Extracted from Surgical Manuals. Proceedings of Joint Conference on Medical Informatics, pp.1154-1155 (2006/11/03) Sapporo/Japan, Japanese.
- Mikko Rissanen, Yoshihiro Kuroda, Naoto Kume, Megumi Nakao, Tomohiro Kuroda, Keisuke Nagase, Hiroyuki Yoshihara: Preserving Evaluation-critical Features of Demonstrative Haptic Manipulation in Surgical VR. Proceedings of Joint Conference on Medical Informatics, pp.1157-1160 (2006/11/03) Sapporo/Japan, Japanese.
- Hyongyong Kim, Tadamasa Takemura, Masahiro Hirose, Tomohiro Kuroda, Keisuke Nagase, Hiroyuki Yoshihara: Influence Evaluation to Hospital Management by Automatic Extraction of Medical Examination and Treatment Act Related to Medical Accident. Proceedings of Joint Conference on Medical Informatics, pp.1269-1270 (2006/11/03) Sapporo/Japan, Japanese.
- Yoshihiro Kuroda, Makoto Hirai, Megumi Nakao, Tomohiro Kuroda, Keisuke Nagase, Hiroyuki Yoshihara: Evaluation of Organ Exclusion Simulator with Force Feedback Device. Proceedings of Design and Systems Division Conference of Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, pp.333-334 (2006/11/15) Nagoya/Japan, Japanese.
- Takashi Nakai, Takashi Tsukasa, Tomohiro Kuroda, Tadamasa Takemura, Takashi Kawamura, Masahiko Ando, Kenta Hori, Keisuke Nagase, Hiroyuki Yoshihara: Construction Trial of Tele-medicine Integration System using Campus Network. Proceedings of System Integration Division of Society of Instruments and Control Engineers, pp.1034-1035 (2006/12/16) Sapporo/Japan, Japanese.
- Tadamasa Takemura, Masahiro Hirose, Kazuya Okamoto, Tomohiro Kuroda, Hiroyuki Yoshihara: Analysis of Adverse Effects using Medical Term Co-occurrence Structure from Incident Reports. Proceedings of System Integration Division of Society of Instruments and Control Engineers, pp.1030-1031 (2006/12/16) Sapporo/Japan, Japanese.
- [Technical Notes]
- Tomohiro Kuroda: Research on Context-aware Wearable Information System for Clinical Environment. Technical Reports of the Okawa Foundation for Information and Telecommunications, p.39 (2006/10/01) Japanese.
- [Patents]
- Takashi Tsukasa, Kazuya Okamoto, Tatsuro Ishida, Hyongyong Kim, Takashi Nakai, Masayuki Kawasaki, Sachiko Okada, Mikko Rissanen, Naoto Kume, Yoshihiro Kuroda, Tadamasa Takemura, Tomohiro Kuroda, Keisuke Nagase, Hiroyuki Yoshihara: Air Current Measuring Device. 特願2006-241309, 特開2008-064533 (2006/09/06) Japanese.
- [News Items]
- Small camera for robot, equivalent to human eyesight. Nikkei Business Daily (2006/02/02) Japanese.
- JVC Develops Robot Approaches Limit of Human Vision. Daily Dempa News (2006/02/06) Japanese.
- [Others]
- Tomohiro Kuroda: Attendance Report SESAM2006. Journal of Virtual Reality Society of Japan, vol.11, no.3, p.41 (2006/10/01) Japanese.
- Tomohiro Kuroda: Book Review: Universal Design of IT. Magazine of Human Interface Society, vol.8, no.1, p.52 (2006/10/01) Japanese.
- Tomohiro Kuroda: Report: SIGGRAPH2005. Magazine of Human Interface Society, vol.8, no.1, p.53 (2006/10/01) Japanese.
- Tomohiro Kuroda: Life Goes Mobile! -Staying University of Oulu-. Magazine of Human Interface Society, vol.8, no.4, p.45 (2006/12/01) Japanese.
- 2007
- [Journal Papers]
- Mikko Rissanen, Yoshihiro Kuroda, Megumi Nakao, Naoto Kume, Tomohiro Kuroda, Keisuke Nagase, Hiroyuki Yoshihara: A Novel Approach for Training of Surgical Procedures Based on Visualization and Annotation of Behavioural Parameters in Simulators. Studies in Health Technology and Informatics, vol.125, pp.388-393, IOS Press (2007/02/06)
- Naoto Kume, Yoshihiro Kuroda, Megumi Nakao, Tomohiro Kuroda, Hiroyuki Yoshihara, Masaru Komori: A Proposal of Speculative Operation on Distributed System for FEM-Based Ablation Simulator. Studies in Health Technology and Informatics, vol.125, pp.238-240, IOS Press (2007/02/06)
- Yoshihiro Kuroda, Tadamasa Takemura, Naoto Kume, Kazuya Okamoto, Kenta Hori, Megumi Nakao, Tomohiro Kuroda, Hiroyuki Yoshihara: Semi-automatic Development of Optimized Surgical Simulator with Surgical Manuals. Studies in Health Technology and Informatics, vol.125, pp.250-255, IOS Press (2007/02/06)
- Yoshihiro Kuroda, Makoto Hirai, Megumi Nakao, Toshihiko Sato, Tomohiro Kuroda, Keisuke Nagase, Hiroyuki Yoshihara: Organ Exclusion Simulation with Multi-finger Haptic Interaction for Open Surgery Simulator. Studies in Health Technology and Informatics, vol.132, pp.244-249, IOS Press (2007/02/06)
- Yoshihiro Kuroda, Megumi Nakao, Naoto Kume, Mikko Rissanen, Tomohiro Kuroda, Hiroyuki Yoshihara: VRASS Simulation Platform. Studies in Health Technology and Informatics, vol.125, IOS Press (2007/02/07)
- Atsunobu Kimura, Tomohiro Kuroda, Yoshitsugu Manabe, Kunihiro Chihara: A Study of Display of Visualization of Motion Instruction Supporting. Journal of Japan Society for Educational Technology, vol.30, no.4, pp.293-303 (2007/03/01) Japanese.
- Tadamasa Takemura, Kazuya Okamoto, Tomohiro Kuroda, Nobuyuki Ashida, Hiroyuki Yoshihara: Automatic Extraction of Domain Specific Terms using World Wide Web Knowledge in Medicine. Journal of eHealth Technology and Application, vol.5, no.2, pp.150-154 (2007/06/16)
- Sachiko Okada, Keisuke Nagase, Akiko Ito, Tadamasa Takemura, Tomohiro Kuroda, Hiroyuki Yoshihara: Consideration of Appropriate Method of Knowledge Representation and Reasoning for a Hospital . Japan Journal of Medical Informatics, vol.27, no.2, pp.199-203 (2007/07/01) Technical Note, Japanese.
- Tomohiro Kuroda, Tadamasa Takemura, Kyoichi Takano, Yasuaki Inoue, Hiroki Miura, Hiroyuki Yoshihara: Networked Digital Camera for Clinical Use. Japan Journal of Medical Informatics, vol.27, no.4, pp.355-363 (2007/11/01) Technical Note, Japanese.
- [Lectures]
- Tomohiro Kuroda: Snapshot of VR-based Clinical Education. Annual Conference of Japanese Society of Medical Virtual Reality, Keio University Mita Campus (2007/09/01) Tokyo/Japan, Panel Discussion, Japanese.
- Tomohiro Kuroda: Ubiquitous Information Service via Dataglove. Innovative Advanced Technology Forum, Intex Osaka (2007/10/23) Osaka/Japan, Japanese.
- [Review Papers]
- Megumi Nakao, Yoshihiro Kuroda, Toshihiko Sato, Tomohiro Kuroda, Kotaro Minato: *** No English title in DB***. Surgery, vol.69, no.1, pp.36-42 (2007/01/01) Japanese.
- Tomohiro Kuroda: Basics of HIS (Hospital Information System) -As Preface of The Feature Articles-. Magazine of Human Interface Society, vol.9, no.2, pp.21-22 (2007/05/01) Japanese.
- Tomohiro Kuroda: Hospital Information System as an Example of Ubiquitous System. Magazine of Human Interface Society, vol.9, no.2, pp.53-56 (2007/05/01) Japanese.
- Hiroki Ikuta, Atsutoshi Goto, Eiji Tsushima, Yoshito Tabata, Tomohiro Kuroda: StrinGlove: Intelligent Dataglove. Journal of Virtual Reality Society of Japan, vol.12, no.2, pp.50-51 (2007/06/30) Japanese.
- Megumi Nakao, Tomohiro Kuroda: Haptics as a Media in Medical Information Technology. The Journal of the Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers, vol.90, no.8, pp.659-664 (2007/08/01) Japanese.
- [International Conferences]
- Mikko Rissanen, Yoshihiro Kuroda, Megumi Nakao, Naoto Kume, Tomohiro Kuroda, Keisuke Nagase, Hiroyuki Yoshihara: A Novel Approach for Training of Surgical Procedures Based on Visualization and Annotation of Behavioural Parameters in Simulators. Proceedings of Medicine Meets Virtual Reality, pp.388-393 (2007/02/06) Newport Beach/USA.
- Naoto Kume, Yoshihiro Kuroda, Megumi Nakao, Tomohiro Kuroda, Hiroyuki Yoshihara, Masaru Komori: A Proposal of Speculative Operation on Distributed System for FEM-Based Ablation Simulator. Proceedings of Medicine Meets Virtual Reality, pp.238-240 (2007/02/06) Newport Beach/USA.
- Yoshihiro Kuroda, Tadamasa Takemura, Naoto Kume, Kazuya Okamoto, Kenta Hori, Megumi Nakao, Tomohiro Kuroda, Hiroyuki Yoshihara: Semi-automatic Development of Optimized Surgical Simulator with Surgical Manuals. Proceedings of Medicine Meets Virtual Reality, pp.250-255 (2007/02/06) Newport Beach/USA.
- Yoshihiro Kuroda, Makoto Hirai, Megumi Nakao, Toshihiko Sato, Tomohiro Kuroda, Keisuke Nagase, Hiroyuki Yoshihara: Organ Exclusion Simulation with Multi-finger Haptic Interaction for Open Surgery Simulator. Proceedings of Medicine Meets Virtual Reality, pp.244-249 (2007/02/06) Newport Beach/USA.
- Yoshihiro Kuroda, Megumi Nakao, Naoto Kume, Mikko Rissanen, Tomohiro Kuroda, Hiroyuki Yoshihara: VRASS Simulation Platform. Proceedings of Medicine Meets Virtual Reality, (2007/02/07) Long Beach/USA.
- Mikko Rissanen, Yoshihiro Kuroda, Megumi Nakao, Naoto Kume, Tomohiro Kuroda, Hiroyuki Yoshihara: Toward Visualization of Skill in VR: Adaptive Real-time Guidance for Learning Force Exertion through the 'Shaping' Strategy . Proceedings of World HAPTICS, pp.324-329 (2007/03/23) Tsukuba/Japan.
- Yoshihiro Kuroda, Makoto Hirai, Megumi Nakao, Toshihiko Sato, Tomohiro Kuroda, Yasushi Masuda, Osamu Oshiro: Construction of Training Environment for Surgical Exclusion with a Basic Study of Multi-finger Haptic Interaction. Proceedings of World HAPTICS, pp.525-530 (2007/03/23) Tsukuba/Japan.
- Osamu Oshiro, Shunji Kamei, Yasushi Masuda, Yoshihiro Kuroda, Tomohiro Kuroda: Cross-Sampling Measurement of Vocal-Field Vibration using Ultrasound. Acoustical Imaging, vol.29, pp.101-106, Springer-verlag (2007/04/15) Shonan/Japan.
- Tadamasa Takemura, Kazuya Okamoto, Tomohiro Kuroda, Nobuyuki Ashida, Hiroyuki Yoshihara: Automatic Extraction of Domain Specific Terms using World Wide Web Knowledge in Medicine. Abstracts of 21st Pacific Science Congress, p.143 (2007/06/16) Ginowan/Japan.
- Tomohiro Kuroda, Tadamasa Takemura, Hiroyuki Yoshihara: Unified Image Repository for Hospital Information System. International Journal of Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery, vol.2, no.1, S509 (2007/06/27) Berlin/Germany.
- Naoto Kume, Yoshihiro Kuroda, Megumi Nakao, Tomohiro Kuroda, Hiroyuki Yoshihara, Shinichiro Mori, Shinji Tomita: Estimation of Application Level Speculative Operation on Distributed System for Haptic VR Simulatio of Invasive Operation. International Journal of Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery, vol.2, no.1, S179-S180 (2007/06/28) Berlin/Germany.
- Tadamasa Takemura, Kazuya Okamoto, Hyongyong Kim, Masahiro Hirose, Tomohiro Kuroda, Hiroyuki Yoshihara: Context-based Loose Information Structure for Medical Free Text Document. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, DVD-ROM (2007/07/25) Beijing/China.
- Mikko Rissanen, Yoshihiro Kuroda, Tomohiro Kuroda, Hiroyuki Yoshihara: A Novel Interface for Simulator Training: Describing and Presenting Manipulation Skill through VR Annotations. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, DVD-ROM (2007/07/25) Beijing/China.
- Tomohiro Kuroda, Kazuya Okamoto, Ryo Kitauchi, Tadamasa Takemura, Naoki Ohboshi, Hiroyuki Yoshihara: Finding Origin Points for New Coordinate System Suitable for Sign Animation. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, DVD-ROM (2007/07/27) Beijing/China.
- Tomohiro Kuroda, Antti Alasalmi, Olli Martikainen, Tadamasa Takemura, Naoto Kume, Yoshihiro Kuroda, Osamu Oshiro: Medical Equipment Logistics Improvement based on Location Data. Proceedings of International Symposium on Medical Information and Communication Technology, CD-ROM (2007/12/13) Oulu/Finland.
- [Domestic Conferences]
- Yoshihiro Kuroda, Makoto Hirai, Megumi Nakao, Toshihiko Sato, Tomohiro Kuroda, Yasushi Masuda, Osamu Oshiro: Construction and Evaluation of Prototype VR Simulator for Training of Liver Exclusion. Bio-Medical Engineering, vol.45, Suppl. 1, CD-ROM (2007/04/26) Sendai/Japan, Japanese.
- Masayuki Kawasaki, Naoto Kume, Yoshihiro Kuroda, Tomohiro Kuroda, Keisuke Nagase, Hiroyuki Yoshihara: Encouragement Prize of Human Interface Society of Japan. Proceedings of Annual Conference of the institute of Systems, Control and Information Engineers, pp.593-594 (2007/05/25) Kyoto/Japan, Japanese.
- Shunji Kamei, Yoshihiro Kuroda, Tomohiro Kuroda, Osamu Oshiro: *** No English title in DB***. ***No English Book Name in DB*** (2007/06/29) Toyonaka/Japan, Japanese.
- Toshiaki Tanimoto, Hiroshi Watabe, Yoshihiro Kuroda, Tomohiro Kuroda, Osamu Oshiro: Visualization of RI Tracer using List-mode Data. Joint Research Meeting (2007/07/10) Toyonaka/Japan, Japanese.
- Mikko Rissanen, Naoto Kume, Yoshihiro Kuroda, Tomohiro Kuroda, Koji Yoshimura, Toshiyuki Kamoto, Osamu Ogawa, Hiroyuki Yoshihara: Evaluation of VR Annotation Based Teaching using a Digital Rectal Examination Simulator. Proceedings of Annual Conference of Japanese Society of Medical Virtual Reality, p.33 (2007/09/01) Tokyo/Japan, Japanese.
- Yoshihiro Kuroda, Megumi Nakao, Tomohiro Kuroda, Osamu Oshiro: Experimental Study on Refresh Rate of Haptic Feedback for VR Training System on Finger Handling Skill. Proceedings of Annual Conference of Japanese Society of Medical Virtual Reality, p.25 (2007/09/01) Tokyo/Japan, Japanese.
- Naotsugu Yamasaki, Koji Yoshimura, Yoshihiro Kuroda, Megumi Nakao, Tetsuyuki Ito, Tomohiro Kuroda, Osamu Oshiro, Toshiyuki Kamoto, Osamu Ogawa: Preoperative Planning Support System for Partial Kidney Resection Surgery. Proceedings of Annual Conference of Japanese Society of Medical Virtual Reality, p.32 (2007/09/01) Tokyo/Japan, Japanese.
- Yoshihiro Kuroda, Megumi Nakao, Tomohiro Kuroda, Osamu Oshiro, Hiroyuki Yoshihara: *** No English title in DB***. Proceedings of Annual Conference of Japanese Society of Medical Virtual Reality, p.44 (2007/09/01) Tokyo/Japan, Exhibition, Japanese.
- Tomohiro Kuroda, Kazuya Okamoto, Tadamasa Takemura, Naoki Ohboshi, Yoshihiro Kuroda, Osamu Oshiro: A Study on Coordinate System for Sign Animation. Proceedings of Human Interface Symposium, CD-ROM (2007/09/04) Tokyo/Japan, Japanese.
- Tomohiro Kuroda, Kazuya Okamoto, Tadamasa Takemura, Naoki Ohboshi, Yoshihiro Kuroda, Osamu Oshiro: Morpholozical Analysis of Japanese-Japanese Sign Language Dictionary. Proceedings of Annual Conference of Japanese Association of Sign Linguistics, pp.47-48 (2007/09/16) Kiyose/Japan, Japanese.
- Yoshihiro Kuroda, Megumi Nakao, Tomohiro Kuroda, Osamu Oshiro: Construction of Organ Exclusion SImulator with Multi-finger Force Feedback Device. Proceedings of Annual Conference of the Virtual Reality Society of Japan, CD-ROM (2007/09/19) Fukuoka/Japan, Japanese.
- Shunji Kamei, Yoshihiro Kuroda, Tomohiro Kuroda, Osamu Oshiro: Haptic Navigation System for Understanding in Three-Dimensional Flow Fields. Proceedings of Annual Conference of the Virtual Reality Society of Japan, pp.151-154 (2007/09/19) Fukuoka/Japan, Japanese.
- Masayuki Kawasaki, Naoto Kume, Yoshihiro Kuroda, Tadamasa Takemura, Tomohiro Kuroda, Keisuke Nagase, Hiroyuki Yoshihara: Elasticity Distribution-based Mesh Generation for Finite Element Model. Proceedings of Annual Conference of the Virtual Reality Society of Japan, CD-ROM (2007/09/19) Fukuoka/Japan, Japanese.
- Yoshihiro Kuroda, Megumi Nakao, Tomohiro Kuroda, Osamu Oshiro: *** No English title in DB***. Proceedings of Annual Conference of the Virtual Reality Society of Japan, CD-ROM (2007/09/20) Japanese.
- Toru Haraguchi, Hideyuki Horio, Yoshihiro Kuroda, Yasushi Masuda, Tomohiro Kuroda, Osamu Oshiro, Hiroaki Naito, Masahiro Higashi, Kazuo Nakazawa: Visualization and Evaluation of Ventricular Wall Contraction and Extension Velocity based on MR Phase Contrast Method. Proceedings of Symposium on Medical and Biological Engineering, pp.1-6 (2007/09/21) Sapporo/Japan, Japanese.
- Yoshihiro Kuroda, Hideyuki Horio, Yasushi Masuda, Tomohiro Kuroda, Osamu Oshiro, Shigeo Wada, Toru Haraguchi, Kazuo Nakazawa: *** No English title in DB***. Proceedings of Symposium on Medical and Biological Engineering (2007/09/22) Japanese.
- Toshiaki Tanimoto, Hiroshi Watabe, Yoshihiro Kuroda, Tomohiro Kuroda, Osamu Oshiro: Extraction of RI-Tracer Dynamics from List-Mode Data. Technical Report of the Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers, vol.107, no.248, pp.39-42 (2007/10/11) Osaka/Japan, Japanese.
- Ryosuke Arai, Yoshihiro Kuroda, Tomohiro Kuroda, Osamu Oshiro: Simulation of Growing Crack of Virtual Tissue. Proceedings of Annual Conference of the Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan, Kansai Branch, G258 (2007/11/17) Hyoto/Japan, Encouragement Award of IEEJ Kansai, Japanese.
- Tomohiro Kuroda, Tadamasa Takemura, Kyoichi Takano, Yasuaki Inoue, Hiroki Miura, Hiroyuki Yoshihara: Networked Digital Camera for Clinical Use. Proceedings of Joint Conference on Medical Informatics, CD-ROM (2007/11/23) Kobe/Japan, Japanese.
- Takashi Tsukasa, Takashi Nakai, Tomohiro Kuroda, Tadamasa Takemura, Takashi Kawamura, Masahiko Ando, Kenta Hori, Keisuke Nagase, Hiroyuki Yoshihara: Application of Real-Time Multimedia Communication Technology into Health Care Service. Proceedings of Joint Conference on Medical Informatics, CD-ROM (2007/11/23) Kobe/Japan, Japanese.
- Naoto Kume, Tadamasa Takemura, Tomohiro Kuroda, Hiroyuki Yoshihara: Hospital Asset Management under MAC-Address Based Network. Proceedings of Joint Conference on Medical Informatics, CD-ROM (2007/11/24) Kobe/Japan, Japanese.
- Kazuya Okamoto, Tatsuro Ishida, Tadamasa Takemura, Naoto Kume, Tomohiro Kuroda, Hiroyuki Yoshihara: Web Search Engine for Clinical Use - MANDARA. Proceedings of Joint Conference on Medical Informatics, CD-ROM (2007/11/24) Kobe/Japan, Japanese.
- Tadamasa Takemura, Hyongyong Kim, Masahiro Hirose, Kazuya Okamoto, Naoto Kume, Tomohiro Kuroda, Hiroyuki Yoshihara: Development of Incident Report Navigation System based on Context-based Loose Information Structure. Proceedings of Joint Conference on Medical Informatics, CD-ROM (2007/11/24) Kobe/Japan, Japanese.
- Masayuki Kawasaki, Naoto Kume, Yoshihiro Kuroda, Tadamasa Takemura, Tomohiro Kuroda, Keisuke Nagase, Hiroyuki Yoshihara: Method of Calculation Reduction for Haptic Interaction in Medical Virtual Reality. Proceedings of Joint Conference on Medical Informatics, CD-ROM (2007/11/25) Kobe/Japan, Japanese.
- Toshiaki Tanimoto, Hiroshi Watabe, Yoshihiro Kuroda, Tomohiro Kuroda, Osamu Oshiro: Spacio-Temporal Analysis of RI Tracer using List-mode data. Joint Research Meeting (2007/11/26) Toyonaka/Japan, Japanese.
- Ryosuke Arai, Yoshihiro Kuroda, Tomohiro Kuroda, Osamu Oshiro: Simulation of Growing Crack of Virtual Tissue. Joint Research Meeting (2007/11/26) Toyonaka/Japan, Japanese.
- Shunji Kamei, Yoshihiro Kuroda, Tomohiro Kuroda, Osamu Oshiro: Haptic Display to Support Understanding of Flow Field. Joint Research Meeting (2007/11/26) Toyonaka/Japan, Japanese.
- [News Items]
- Not only... Teijin, StrinGlove, The first part of story., (2007/01/25) Flash broadcasting program in private site for clinical members, Japanese.
- Contribute Hospital Management by Linking Logistic System with Hospital Information System in Kyoto University Hospital. New Medicine, pp.10-13 (2007/02/01) Japanese.
- Not only... Teijin, StrinGlove, The latter part of story., (2007/02/08) Flash broadcasting program in private site for clinical members, Japanese.
- Kittilassa Uusi Seitaloyto. Inarilainen (2007/10/31)
- [Others]
- Megumi Nakao, Yoshihiro Kuroda, Tomohiro Kuroda: Simulation: You can try only once in real environment. Informatics B, (2) (2007/01/10) Japanese.
- Yoshihiro Kuroda, Tomohiro Kuroda, Osamu Oshiro, Tadamasa Takemura, Hiroyuki Yoshihara: Advanced Medical Information Technology. Proceedings of Science Instruments Show (2007/10/17) Osaka/Japan, Japanese.
- 2008
- [Books]
- Tomohiro Kuroda: Cutting Edge of Virtual Medical Training Center and Systems. Stereoscopic Technology -Cutting Edge of 3D Vision, 3D Display, Autostereography and Their Applications-, pp.456-464, NTN (2008/10/10) Section 3-2-4, Japanese.
- Megumi Nakao, Tomohiro Kuroda, Kotaro Minato: Medicine and Haptics. Sense, Feeling, Emotion, Human, Robot Abduction, Interaction, Communication Design, pp.349-360, Kogyo Chosakai Publishing (2008/11/01) Japanese.
- [Journal Papers]
- Yoshihiro Kuroda, Megumi Nakao, Tomohiro Kuroda, Osamu Oshiro: Haptic Rate for Surgical Manipulations with Fingers and Instruments. Studies in Health Technology and Informatics, vol.132, pp.230-232, IOS Press (2008/01/30)
- Mikko Rissanen, Naoto Kume, Yoshihiro Kuroda, Tomohiro Kuroda, Koji Yoshimura, Hiroyuki Yoshihara: Asynchronous Teaching of Psychomotor Skills Through VR Annotations: Evaluation in Digital Rectal Examination. Studies in Health Technology and Informatics, vol.132, pp.411-416, IOS Press (2008/01/31)
- Yoshihiro Kuroda, Hideyuki Horio, Yasushi Masuda, Tomohiro Kuroda, Osamu Oshiro, Shigeo Wada, Toru Haraguchi, Kazuo Nakazawa: Analysis of Cardiac Torsion by Strain Calculation with MR Phase-contrast Image. Transactions of the Japanese Society for Medical and Biological Engineering, vol.46, no.2, pp.246-253 (2008/04/10) Japanese.
- Takashi Nakai, Takashi Tsukasa, Kenta Hori, Tadamasa Takemura, Tomohiro Kuroda, Masahiko Ando, Takashi Kawamura, Hiroyuki Yoshihara: Application of Real-Time Multimedia Communication Technology into Health Care Service. Japanese Journal of Telemedicine and Telecare, vol.4, no.1, pp.35-40 (2008/04/20) Japanese.
- Yoshihiro Kuroda, Yuta Morishita, Yasushi Masuda, Tomohiro Kuroda, Osamu Oshiro: Depth Estimation of Gaze Point and Annotation Display using Distance of Purkinje Images. Journal of Human Interface Society, vol.10, no.2, pp.161-168 (2008/05/15) Japanese.
- Toru Haraguchi, Hideyuki Horio, Yoshihiro Kuroda, Yasushi Masuda, Tomohiro Kuroda, Osamu Oshiro: Analysis of the Regional Strain Rate in the Left Ventricular Myocardium by MR Phase-Contrast Imaging. Transactions of the Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers, J91-D, no.7, pp.1818-1828 (2008/07/01) Japanese.
- Tomohiro Kuroda, Kazuya Okamoto, Tadamasa Takemura, Naoki Ohboshi, Yoshihiro Kuroda, Osamu Oshiro: Analysis of Japanese-Japanese Sign Language Dictionary using Natural Language Processing. Japanese Journal of Sign Linguistics, vol.17, pp.85-92 (2008/09/14) Research notes, Japanese.
- Tadamasa Takemura, Tomohiro Kuroda, Naoto Kume, Kazuya Okamoto, Kenta Hori, Naoki Ohboshi, Nobuyuki Ashida, Antti Alasalmi, Olli Martikainen, Hiroyuki Yoshihara: System Value Analysis of Multipoint Distribution of Realtime Locating System (RTLS) in Hospital. Journal of eHealth Technology and Application, vol.6, no.2, pp.124-127 (2008/12/01)
- Kazuhiro Yamada, Yoshihiro Kuroda, Tomohiro Kuroda, Osamu Oshiro: Improvement of Bone-Conductred Speech Based on Bodebook Mapping. Transactions of the Japanese Society for Medical and Biological Engineering, vol.46, no.6, pp.621-628 (2008/12/10) Japanese.
- [Lectures]
- Osamu Oshiro, Daisuke Fukutsuka, Yoshihiro Kuroda, Tomohiro Kuroda: Physiome Database Technology via Multi Scale / Modal / Dimensional Images. Regular Symposium on Global COE Program in Silico Medicine, Advances in Biomedical Measurement and Imaging, Senri Hankyu Hotel (2008/03/03) Toyonaka/Japan.
- Tomohiro Kuroda: REAL of Engineers - To Produce Truly Useful Product. Osaka University Science Cafe, Osaka University Department of Letter (2008/06/19) Toyonaka/Japan, Japanese.
- Tomohiro Kuroda: Snapshot of Informationized Medicine Research and Future Forecast of Ultra Reality. URCF Workshop, Support Center for Advanced Telecommunications Technology Center (2008/09/16) Tokyo/Japan, Special Lecture, Japanese.
- Haruhiko Hiramatsu, Tadamasa Takemura, Tomohiro Kuroda: Future Forecast of Medical IT. Kansai Medical IT Consortium, Nakanoshima Center, Osaka University (2008/09/23) Osaka/Japan, Japanese.
- Yoshinari Kameda, Takeshi Kurata, Kiyoshi Kiyokawa, Masahiko Inami, Yoshihiro Ban, Ken Naemura, Masayuki Kambara, Tomohiro Kuroda, Norihiko Maeda: Recent Status of MR/AR/VR What has been done and what has not? What should be done from now?. Annual Conference of the Virtual Reality Society of Japan, Nara Institute of Science and Technology (2008/09/25) Ikoma/Japan, Panel Discussion, Japanese.
- Yoshihiro Kuroda, Hisashi Kanamori, Hidekazu Takiuchi, Masao Tanooka, Tomohiro Kuroda, Osamu Oshiro: Active Surgery Navigation based on Position of Endoscope. Consortium of 3-D Image Business Promotion, Josho Gakuen Osaka Center (2008/10/30) Osaka/Japan, Japanese.
- Tomohiro Kuroda: Sign Informatics Research and Development of Data Glove. Mie Medical Research Meeting, Mie University (2008/10/30) Tsu/Japan, Japanese.
- Tomohiro Kuroda, Naoto Kume, Tadamasa Takemura, Antti Alasalmi, Olli Martikainen, Futoshi Naya, Haruo Noma, Kiyoshi Kogure: Process Improvement Experiences -Theoretical Analysis & Trial Implementation-. SESC Workshop, University of Oulu (2008/12/18) Oulu/Finland.
- [International Conferences]
- Yoshihiro Kuroda, Megumi Nakao, Tomohiro Kuroda, Osamu Oshiro: Haptic Rate for Surgical Manipulations with Fingers and Instruments. Proceedings of Medicine Meets Virtual Reality, pp.230-232 (2008/01/30) Long Beach/USA.
- Mikko Rissanen, Naoto Kume, Yoshihiro Kuroda, Tomohiro Kuroda, Koji Yoshimura, Hiroyuki Yoshihara: Asynchronous Teaching of Psychomotor Skills Through VR Annotations: Evaluation in Digital Rectal Examination. Proceedings of Medicine Meets Virtual Reality, pp.411-416 (2008/01/31) Long Beach/USA.
- Daisuke Fukutsuka, Yoshihiro Kuroda, Tomohiro Kuroda, Osamu Oshiro: Proposal of Push-in Tangible Display. Proceedings of Korea-Japan Workshop on Mixed Reality (2008/06/22) Jeju/Korea.
- Petri Pulli, Xiasong Zheng, Peter Antoniac, Seamus Hickey, Tony Manninen, Olli Martikainen, Tomohiro Kuroda: Design and Development of Mobile Services Platform for Senior Citizens. Proceedings of International Conference on Concurrent Enterprising, pp.293-300 (2008/06/25) Lisbon/Portugal.
- Naoto Kume, Tsuyoshi Nagashima, Tadamasa Takemura, Tomohiro Kuroda, Naoki Ohboshi, Kenta Hori, Keisuke Nagase, Hiroyuki Yoshihara: Problem Clarification on Installation of Tracking System using WIFI-RFID in Hospital. Proceedings of International Symposium on Wireless Personal Multimedia Communications, CD-ROM (2008/09/09) Saariselka/Finland.
- Yoshito Tabata, Tomohiro Kuroda: Finger Spelling Recognition using Distinctive Features of Hand Shape. Proceedings of International Conference on Disability, Virtual Reality and Associated Technologies, pp.287-292 (2008/09/10) Maia/Portugal.
- Antti Alasalmi, Olli Martikainen, Tomohiro Kuroda, Naoto Kume, Tadamasa Takemura, Hiroyuki Yoshihara, Tsuyoshi Nagashima, Naoki Ohboshi: Core Nursing Process Improvement enabled by Wireless Services. Proceedings of IFIP Wireless Days Conference (2008/11/27) Dubai/UAE.
- [Domestic Conferences]
- Megumi Nakao, Tomohiro Kuroda, Kotaro Minato: Sharing Surgical Knowledge using Physics-based Simulation and Volume Visualization. Proceedings of Annual Conference of Japanese Association of Model and Simulation for Medical Education (2008/01/13) Tokyo/Japan, Japanese.
- Haruo Takemura, Hirokazu Kato, Kiyohide Sato, Tomohiro Kuroda, Takashi Okuma, Yoshinari Kameda: A Report on ISMAR2007. Technical Report of the Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers, vol.107, no.427, pp.261-268 (2008/01/18) Japanese.
- Tomohiro Kuroda, Yoshito Tabata, Atsutoshi Goto, Hiroki Ikuta, Eiji Tsushima, Yoshihiro Kuroda, Osamu Oshiro: StrinGlove - a Dataglove to Obtain Hand Posture. Technical Report of the Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers, vol.107, no.427, pp.123-124 (2008/01/18) Otsu/Japan, Japanese.
- Tadamasa Takemura, Junzo Sato, Tomohiro Kuroda, Keisuke Nagase, Harutoshi Yazaki, Yasuyuki Kato, Hiroyuki Yoshihara: Developing End-user Computing Environment within Hospital Information System. Proceedings of Meeting of Information Management Divisions of University Hospitals, pp.90-93 (2008/01/25) Matsumoto/Japan, Japanese.
- Tomohiro Kuroda, Yoshihiro Kuroda, Osamu Oshiro: Toward Physiome Database -Multi-scale Image Browser-. G-COE in Silico-Medicine Spring School 2008 (2008/03/09) Awaji/Japan, Japanese.
- Kenta Hori, Naoto Kume, Tadamasa Takemura, Tomohiro Kuroda, Takashi Nakai, Takashi Tsukasa: Information Support for Telemedicine. Bio-Medical Engineering, vol.46, Suppl. 1, pp.48-49 (2008/05/08) Kobe/Japan, Japanese.
- Takatoshi Suenaga, Hiroshi Sasaki, Yasushi Masuda, Tomohiro Kuroda, Yoshitsugu Manabe, Osamu Oshiro, Kunihiro Chihara: Ubiquitous Echo Project -Telemedicine Anywhere-. Bio-Medical Engineering, vol.46, Suppl. 1, p.50 (2008/05/08) Kobe/Japan, Japanese.
- Toshiaki Tanimoto, Hiroshi Watabe, Yoshihiro Kuroda, Tomohiro Kuroda, Osamu Oshiro: Spatio-Temporal Analysis Based Visualization of RI-Tracer Dynamics from List-Mode Data. Bio-Medical Engineering, vol.46, Suppl. 1, pp.394-395 (2008/05/08) Kobe/Japan, Japanese.
- Ryosuke Arai, Yoshihiro Kuroda, Tomohiro Kuroda, Osamu Oshiro: Fracture Simulation of Biological Soft Tissue with Fracture Mechanics Approach. Bio-Medical Engineering, vol.46, Suppl. 1, p.552 (2008/05/09) Kobe/Japan, Japanese.
- Shunji Kamei, Yoshihiro Kuroda, Tomohiro Kuroda, Osamu Oshiro: Haptization of Flow Field Focused on the Asymmetric Drag Distribution. Bio-Medical Engineering, vol.46, Suppl. 1, pp.874-875 (2008/05/10) Kobe/Japan, Japanese.
- Tadamasa Takemura, Kazuya Okamoto, Tomohiro Kuroda, Naoto Kume, Naoki Ohboshi, Kenta Hori, Masahiro Hirose, Tsutomu Fujita, Tetsutarou Takano, Nobuaki Ito, Keisuke Nagase, Nobuyuki Ashida, Hiroyuki Yoshihara: Development of Reporting and Similar Case Retrieving System Using Meta Information of Image Media. Proceedings of Japan Association of Medical Infomatics Spring Conference, P2-2, p.24 (2008/05/31) Akita/Japan, Japanese.
- Tomohiro Kuroda, Tsuyoshi Nagashima, Antti Alasalmi, Naoto Kume, Tadamasa Takemura, Olli Martikainen, Naoki Ohboshi, Kenta Hori, Hiroyuki Yoshihara, Yoshihiro Kuroda, Osamu Oshiro: Effectiveness of WLAN Location Service on Medical Equipment Logistics. Proceedings of Japan Association of Medical Infomatics Spring Conference, P3-2, p.28 (2008/05/31) Akita/Japan, Japanese.
- Hisashi Kanamori, Yoshihiro Kuroda, Hidekazu Takiuchi, Masao Tanooka, Tomohiro Kuroda, Osamu Oshiro: Producing Dynamically-Fused Endoscopic View depending on Position of Endoscopy . Proceedings of Annual Conference of the Japanese Society of Medical Imaging Technology, CD-ROM (2008/08/05) Koganei/Japan, Japanese.
- Tomohiro Kuroda, Toshiaki Tanimoto, Hiroshi Watabe, Yoshihiro Kuroda, Osamu Oshiro: Spacio-Temporal Visualization of RI Tracer from List-Mode Data. Proceedings of Annual Conference of the Japanese Society of Medical Imaging Technology, CD-ROM (2008/08/06) Koganei/Japan, Japanese.
- Daisuke Fukutsuka, Yoshihiro Kuroda, Tomohiro Kuroda, Osamu Oshiro: Proposing Push-in Tangible Display. Proceedings of Annual Conference of Japanese Society of Medical Virtual Reality, p.32 (2008/08/30) Nagoya/Japan, Japanese.
- Daisuke Fukutsuka, Yoshihiro Kuroda, Tomohiro Kuroda, Osamu Oshiro: Propsing Push-in Type Tangible Display. Proceedings of Annual Conference of Japanese Society of Medical Virtual Reality, p.50 (2008/08/30) Nagoya/Japan, Exhibition, Japanese.
- Yoshito Tabata, Tomohiro Kuroda: Finger Spelling Recognition using Distinctive Features of Hand Shape of Japanese Sign. Proceedings of Human Interface Symposium, pp.923-926 (2008/09/04) Suita/Japan, Japanese.
- Yoshito Tabata, Tomohiro Kuroda: Trial to Increase FInger Spelling Recognition using Distinctive Features. Proceedings of Annual Conference of Japanese Association of Sign Linguistics, pp.5-6 (2008/09/14) Kobe/Japan, Japanese.
- Tadamasa Takemura, Yasuhiro Nasu, Tomohiro Kuroda, Naoto Kume, Nobuyuki Ashida, Hiroyuki Yoshihara: Study on Digitize Paper-based Information on Hospital Information Systems. Proceedings of Symposium on Medical and Biological Engineering, p.470 (2008/09/19) Toyonaka/Japan, Japanese.
- Kazuhiro Yamada, Yoshihiro Kuroda, Tomohiro Kuroda, Osamu Oshiro: Quality Improvement of Bone-conducted Voice using Code-book Mapping. Proceedings of Symposium on Medical and Biological Engineering, pp.72-73 (2008/09/20) Toyonaka/Japan, Japanese.
- Naoto Kume, Tadamasa Takemura, Yoshihiro Kuroda, Megumi Nakao, Tomohiro Kuroda, Hiroyuki Yoshihara, Shinichiro Mori, Shinji Tomita: VR Anatomy Modeling along Multi-dimensional Modality Distribution for Levels-of-Details control under VR Surgery Simulation. Proceedings of Symposium on Medical and Biological Engineering, p.475 (2008/09/20) Toyonaka/Japan, Japanese.
- Takashi Tsukasa, Tadamasa Takemura, Kenta Hori, Tomohiro Kuroda, Hiroyuki Yoshihara: Proposing Intuitive Interface for Information Browsing during Tele-medicine. Proceedings of Symposium on Medical and Biological Engineering, p.469 (2008/09/20) Toyonaka/Japan, Japanese.
- Takeshi Yoshida, Yoshihiro Kuroda, Yoshiyuki Kagiyama, Tomohiro Kuroda, Hidefumi Kinoshita, Tadashi Matsuda, Osamu Oshiro: Trial Development of Forceps with Three Dimensional Pressure Sensor. Proceedings of Symposium on Medical and Biological Engineering, pp.205-212 (2008/09/20) Toyonaka/Japan, Japanese.
- Ryosuke Arai, Yoshihiro Kuroda, Yoshiyuki Kagiyama, Tomohiro Kuroda, Osamu Oshiro: Construction of Finite Element Model considering Crack Propagation based on Stress State. Proceedings of Annual Conference of the Virtual Reality Society of Japan, pp.73-76 (2008/09/24) Ikoma/Japan, Japanese.
- Hirotoshi Ashida, Yoshihiro Kuroda, Yoshiyuki Kagiyama, Ken Masutani, Tomohiro Kuroda, Osamu Oshiro: Registration Method for Visuo-Haptic VR Environment. Proceedings of Annual Conference of the Virtual Reality Society of Japan, pp.29-30 (2008/09/24) Ikoma/Japan, Japanese.
- Ryosuke Arai, Yoshihiro Kuroda, Yoshiyuki Kagiyama, Tomohiro Kuroda, Osamu Oshiro: Constructing Finite Element Model Applicable for Breaking Operation reflecting Realistic Stress Responce. Technical Report of the Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers (2008/10/20) Shijonawate/Japan, Japanese.
- [Others]
- Tomohiro Kuroda: About Special Issue on Biomedical Measurement and Applications. Journal of Human Interface Society, vol.10, no.2 (2008/05/15) Japanese.
- Tomohiro Kuroda: Report of the 13th VRSJ Annual Conferece -from Financial Chair. Journal of Virtual Reality Society of Japan, vol.13, no.4, pp.27-28 (2008/12/31) Japanese.
- 2009
- [Journal Papers]
- Takafumi Terada, Norihito Wada, Tomohiro Kuroda: Research of the Simulation Based Medical Education. Medical Virtual Reality, vol.7, no.1, pp.6-17 (2009/03/01) Japanese.
- Naoto Kume, Mikko Rissanen, Yoshihiro Kuroda, Megumi Nakao, Tadamasa Takemura, Hiroyuki Yoshihara, Tomohiro Kuroda, Shinichiro Mori, Shinji Tomita, Koji Yoshimura: Evaluation of Teaching Digital Rectal Examination on Annotated Haptic VR Simulator. Medical Virtual Reality, vol.7, no.1, pp.24-36 (2009/03/01) Japanese.
- Tomohiro Kuroda, Tsuyoshi Nagashima, Antti Alasalmi, Naoto Kume, Tadamasa Takemura, Olli Martikainen, Naoki Ohboshi, Kenta Hori, Hiroyuki Yoshihara, Yoshihiro Kuroda, Osamu Oshiro: Effectiveness of WLAN Location Services Medical Equipment Logistics. Japan Journal of Medical Informatics, vol.28, no.3, pp.139-146 (2009/06/12) Japanese.
- Toshiaki Tanimoto, Hiroshi Watabe, Yoshihiro Kuroda, Tomohiro Kuroda, Osamu Oshiro: Statistical Dynamic Imaging of RI Tracer from List-mode PET Data. Medical Imaging Technology, vol.27, no.4, pp.237-242 (2009/09/25) Japanese.
- Yoshihiro Kuroda, Hisashi Kanamori, Hidekazu Takiuchi, Masao Tanooka, Masataka Imura, Tomohiro Kuroda, Osamu Oshiro: Inside-body Registration with Pair-line Matching for AR Surgical Navigation. Transactions of the Virtual Reality Society of Japan, vol.4, no.4, pp.435-444 (2009/12/01) Japanese.
- [Lectures]
- Tomohiro Kuroda: Diagnosing Hospital Information Systems from Ubiquitous Computing Point of View. Japanese Society for Medical and Biological Engineering Special Interest Group on Respiration and Pulmonary Circulation, APA Hotel Kanazawa Ekimae (2009/03/07) Kanazawa/Japan, Japanese.
- Yoshihiro Kuroda, Hisashi Kanamori, Hidekazu Takiuchi, Masao Tanooka, Masataka Imura, Tomohiro Kuroda, Osamu Oshiro: Markerless intraoperative registration for AR surgical navigation. Regular Symposium on Global COE Program in Silico Medicine, Advances in Biomedical Measurement and Imaging (2009/06/02) Suita/Japan.
- Tomohiro Kuroda, Tadamasa Takemura, Naoto Kume, Kazuya Okamoto, Hiroyuki Yoshihara: Hospital as a Ubiquitous Information System and Its Future. Research Exchange Meeting on Public General Centered Service based on Enormous Data, AIST Tokyo Akihabara Site (2009/09/25) Tokyo/Japan, Japanese.
- Tomohiro Kuroda: Snapshot of HI for HIS. Internal Seminar, ABB Corporate Research (2009/10/09) Vasteras/Sweden.
- Petri Pulli, Tomohiro Kuroda: Scenarios and Smart Solution for the Future Environment for the Elderly, Finnish-Japanese Joint Research. Finland-Japan Joint Seminar on Well-being in Aging Society, Faculty of Medicine Main Building, University of Oulu (2009/10/14) Oulu/Finland.
- Tomohiro Kuroda: Next Generation Video Communication Technology -Supporting Todays Sign Language Telecommunication-. Annual Conference of Japanese Association of Sign Linguistics, Tokyo University Komaba Campus (2009/10/31) Tokyo/Japan, Japanese.
- [Review Papers]
- Tomohiro Kuroda: Ethics in Medical Engineering and Proposals to Japanese Association of Sign Linguistics. Japanese Journal of Sign Linguistics, vol.18, pp.31-34 (2009/10/31) Japanese.
- [International Conferences]
- Yoshihiro Kuroda, Hisashi Kanamori, Hidekazu Takiuchi, Masao Tanooka, Tomohiro Kuroda, Osamu Oshiro: Dynamic Transparency Control of Augmented Surgical View for Interoperative Navigation. Proceedings of International Forum on Medical Imaging in Asia, vol.108, no.385, pp.495-498 (2009/01/20) Taipei/ROC.
- Hideyuki Horio, Yoshihiro Kuroda, Tomohiro Kuroda, Osamu Oshiro, Shigeo Wada, Toru Haraguchi, Kazuo Nakazawa: Analysis of Cardiac Torsion from MR Phase-Contrast Image. Proceedings of International Forum on Medical Imaging in Asia, pp.337-342 (2009/01/20) Taipei/ROC.
- Naoto Kume, Yoshihiro Kuroda, Megumi Nakao, Tadamasa Takemura, Hiroyuki Yoshihara, Tomohiro Kuroda, Shinichiro Mori, Shinji Tomita: Virtual Organ Modeling by Reflecting the Tone Fit of Multiple Attributes. Proceedings of International Forum on Medical Imaging in Asia, pp.617-621 (2009/01/21) Taipei/ROC.
- Takahiro Tokui, Yoshihiro Kuroda, Tomohiro Kuroda, Osamu Oshiro: Context-based Filtering for Unconstrained Electrocardiograph. Proceedings of ACM International Workshop on Context-Awareness for Self-Managing Systems, pp.43-47 (2009/05/11) Nara/Japan.
- Daisuke Fukutsuka, Yoshiyuki Kagiyama, Yoshihiro Kuroda, Tomohiro Kuroda, Osamu Oshiro: Designing Multi-Touch Interface for Human Body Shaped Display. Proceedings of Korea-Japan Workshop on Mixed Reality, pp.97-99 (2009/05/23) Hakodate/Japan.
- Tomohiro Kuroda: Toward Wireless Hospital -Snapshot of Trials around the World. Proceedings of International Symposium on Electromagnetic Compatibility, pp.557-558 (2009/07/23) Kyoto/Japan, Organized Session.
- Yoshihiro Kuroda, Yuta Morishita, Tomohiro Kuroda, Yasushi Masuda, Osamu Oshiro: Error Reduction in 3D Gaze Point Estimation for Advanced Medical Annotations. IFMBE Proceedings of World Congress, pp.2117-2119 (2009/09/09) Munich/Germany.
- Hideyuki Horio, Yoshihiro Kuroda, Tomohiro Kuroda, Osamu Oshiro, Shigeo Wada, Toru Haraguchi, Kazuo Nakazawa: Analysis of Cardiac Torsion with Strain Tensor. IFMBE Proceedings of World Congress, pp.304-307 (2009/09/12) Munich/Germany.
- Osamu Oshiro, Tomohiro Kuroda, Masataka Imura, Hiroko Azuma, Masakazu Yagi, Kenji Takada: Physiome Image Fusion -Multi Modal Image Integration for Dental Clinic. Proceedings of ICB Seminar -New Trends in Biomedical and Clinical Engineering-, vol.104, pp.37-38 (2009/09/15) Warsaw/Poland.
- Tomohiro Kuroda, Daisuke Fukutsuka, Yoshiyuki Kagiyama, Yoshihiro Kuroda, Masataka Imura, Osamu Oshiro: Human-body Shaped Display System aiming Clinical Training. Proceedings of ICB Seminar -New Trends in Biomedical and Clinical Engineering-, vol.104, p.44 (2009/09/15) Warsaw/Poland.
- Yoshihiro Kuroda, Yoshiyuki Kagiyama, Masataka Imura, Tomohiro Kuroda, Osamu Oshiro: Virtual Reality-based Surgical Systems -Surgical Training and Navigation with VR Technologies. Proceedings of ICB Seminar -New Trends in Biomedical and Clinical Engineering-, vol.104, pp.58-59 (2009/09/16) Warsaw/Poland.
- Shunsuke Yoshimoto, Yoshihiro Kuroda, Yoshiyuki Kagiyama, Tomohiro Kuroda, Osamu Oshiro: Tactile Mapping Approach using Electrical Stimulus Pattern. Proceedings of IEEE International Symposium on Robot and Human Interactive Communication, pp.460-465 (2009/09/30) Toyama/Japan.
- [Domestic Conferences]
- Sachiko Okada, Keisuke Nagase, Akiko Ito, Tadamasa Takemura, Tomohiro Kuroda, Hiroyuki Yoshihara: Development of Hospital Financial Status Analysis System Using Rule-Based Engine. Proceedings of Meeting of Information Management Divisions of University Hospitals, pp.150-151 (2009/01/25) Matsumoto/Japan, Japanese.
- Kazuhiro Yamada, Tomohiro Kuroda, Eisuke Hanada, Yoshiyuki Kagiyama, Yoshihiro Kuroda, Osamu Oshiro, Shigeo Wada: Measurement of frequency response of electronic stethoscope. Bio-Medical Engineering, vol.47, Suppl.1, p.173 (2009/04/23) Tokyo/Japan, Japanese.
- Yoshiyuki Kagiyama, Daisuke Fukutsuka, Yoshihiro Kuroda, Tomohiro Kuroda, Osamu Oshiro: Multi-scale model viewer system of human body. Bio-Medical Engineering, vol.47, Suppl.1, p.558 (2009/04/25) Tokyo/Japan, Japanese.
- Takeshi Yoshida, Yoshihiro Kuroda, Yoshiyuki Kagiyama, Tomohiro Kuroda, Hidefumi Kinoshita, Tadashi Matsuda, Osamu Oshiro: Pressure measurement in three axial directions on the tip of the laparoscopic forceps and skill analysis in a detachment procedure. Bio-Medical Engineering, vol.47, Suppl.1, p.544 (2009/04/25) Tokyo/Japan, Japanese.
- Shinichiro Mori, Tomohiro Kuroda, Naoto Kume, Yoshihiro Kuroda, Megumi Nakao, Hajime Shimada, Shinji Tomita, Yasuhiko Nakashima: Development of Interactive Supercomputing Environment. Technical Report of the Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers, vol.109, no.26, pp.43-48 (2009/05/07) Fukui/Japan, Japanese.
- Tatsuya Tokunaga, Naoto Kume, Tadamasa Takemura, Tomohiro Kuroda, Naoki Ohboshi, Hiroyuki Yoshihara: A proposal of service oriented framework of medical information presentation. Proceedings of Annual Conference of the institute of Systems, Control and Information Engineers, pp.189-190 (2009/05/20) Kobe/Japan, Japanese.
- Ryosuke Arai, Yoshihiro Kuroda, Tomohiro Kuroda, Yoshiyuki Kagiyama, Osamu Oshiro: Real-time haptic and visual rendering of topological change. Proceedings of Annual Conference of the institute of Systems, Control and Information Engineers, pp.581-582 (2009/05/20) Kobe/Japan, Japanese.
- Hirotoshi Ashida, Yoshihiro Kuroda, Yoshiyuki Kagiyama, Tomohiro Kuroda, Osamu Oshiro: Fluid-Solid Interaction Simulation with Phase Transition Modeling. Proceedings of Annual Conference of the institute of Systems, Control and Information Engineers, pp.613-614 (2009/05/20) Kobe/Japan, Japanese.
- Yoko Tanaka, Tadamasa Takemura, Naoto Kume, Sachiko Okada, Tomohiro Kuroda, Masahiro Hirose, Hiroyuki Yoshihara: The Simulation of Hospital Management with Role-playing. Proceedings of Annual Conference of the institute of Systems, Control and Information Engineers, pp.191-192 (2009/05/20) Kobe/Japan, Japanese.
- Daisuke Fukutsuka, Yoshiyuki Kagiyama, Yoshihiro Kuroda, Tomohiro Kuroda, Osamu Oshiro: Designing Multi-Touch Interface for Human Body Shaped Display. Proceedings of Annual Conference of the institute of Systems, Control and Information Engineers, pp.193-194 (2009/05/20) Kobe/Japan, Japanese.
- Hisashi Kanamori, Yoshihiro Kuroda, Hidekazu Takiuchi, Masao Tanooka, Tomohiro Kuroda, Osamu Oshiro: A registration method using intraoperative measurement of the internal body. Correspondences on Human Interface, vol.11, no.3, pp.113-118 (2009/06/09) Tokyo/Japan, Japanese.
- Hideyuki Horio, Yoshihiro Kuroda, Tomohiro Kuroda, Osamu Oshiro: Static magnetic field correction consideraing permeability. Proceedings of Annual Conference of the Japanese Society of Medical Imaging Technology, OP5-06 (2009/08/04) Nagoya/Japan, Japanese.
- Hisashi Kanamori, Yoshihiro Kuroda, Hidekazu Takiuchi, Masao Tanooka, Masataka Imura, Tomohiro Kuroda, Shingo Yamashiro, Osamu Oshiro: Assessment of Registration Method based on Intraoperative Measurement in the Body. Proceedings of Annual Conference of Japanese Society of Medical Virtual Reality, p.15 (2009/08/29) Tokyo/Japan, Japanese.
- Tadamasa Takemura, Tomohiro Kuroda, Kazuya Okamoto, Naoto Kume, Hiroyuki Yoshihara: Informatization of Medicine and Life Log. Technical Report of the Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers, vol.109, no.206, pp.87-90 (2009/09/17) Hiroshima/Japan, Japanese.
- Yoko Tanaka, Tadamasa Takemura, Naoto Kume, Sachiko Okada, Tomohiro Kuroda, Masahiro Hirose, Hiroyuki Yoshihara: Hospital Management Simulation using Role Playing. Proceedings of Symposium on Medical and Biological Engineering, pp.151-152 (2009/09/18) Chiba/Japan, Japanese.
- Tatsuya Tokunaga, Naoto Kume, Tadamasa Takemura, Tomohiro Kuroda, Naoki Ohboshi, Hiroyuki Yoshihara: Proposing Service Orientation Medical Information Presentation Framework. Proceedings of Symposium on Medical and Biological Engineering, pp.153-154 (2009/09/18) Chiba/Japan, Japanese.
- Tomohiro Kuroda, Hideo Nakamura, Masayuki Nambu, Kikuo Hirano, Hidetsugu Igarashi, Hiroki Ikuta, Yoshihiro Kuroda, Osamu Oshiro: Development of Bio-measurement Circuit using Traditional Weaving Technique of NISHIJIN. Proceedings of Symposium on Medical and Biological Engineering, pp.82-83 (2009/09/18) Chiba/Japan, Japanese.
- Hideyuki Horio, Yoshihiro Kuroda, Masataka Imura, Tomohiro Kuroda, Osamu Oshiro: Measurement of Magnetic Permeability using Phase Image. Proceedings of Symposium on Medical and Biological Engineering, pp.278-279 (2009/09/19) Chiba/Japan, Japanese.
- Masataka Imura, Tomohiro Kuroda, Yoshihiro Kuroda, Osamu Oshiro, Hiroko Azuma, Masakazu Yagi, Kenji Takada: Reconstruction of Pseudo Three-Dimensional Dental Image from Dental Panoramic Radiograph and Tooth Surface Shape. Proceedings of Symposium on Medical and Biological Engineering, p.319 (2009/09/19) Chiba/Japan, Japanese.
- Shunsuke Yoshimoto, Yoshihiro Kuroda, Yoshiyuki Kagiyama, Tomohiro Kuroda, Masataka Imura, Osamu Oshiro: *** No English title in DB***. Technical Reports of Virtual Reality Society of Japan, vol.14, HDC03, pp.3-6 (2009/10/28) Suita/Japan, Japanese.
- Kazuhiro Yamada, Tomohiro Kuroda, Masataka Imura, Yoshihiro Kuroda, Yoshiyuki Kagiyama, Katsumi Murakami, Chizu Habukawa, Shigeo Wada, Osamu Oshiro: Respiratory Sound Analyzing System based on Auto-Regressive Model. Technical Report of the Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers, MBE2009, no.54, pp.5-8 (2009/10/29) Shijonawate/Japan, Japanese.
- Kazuhiro Yamada, Tomohiro Kuroda, Masataka Imura, Yoshihiro Kuroda, Yoshiyuki Kagiyama, Katsumi Murakami, Chizu Habukawa, Shigeo Wada, Osamu Oshiro: Method to Unnormal Respiratory Sound based on Auto-Regressive Model. Joint Research Meeting (2009/11/04) Toyonaka/Japan, Japanese.
- Hisashi Kanamori, Yoshihiro Kuroda, Hidekazu Takiuchi, Masao Tanooka, Masataka Imura, Tomohiro Kuroda, Shingo Yamamoto, Osamu Oshiro: Clinical Application of Registration Method based on In-vivo Measurement during Surgery. Joint Research Meeting (2009/11/04) Toyonaka/Japan, Japanese.
- Hisashi Kanamori, Yoshihiro Kuroda, Hidekazu Takiuchi, Masao Tanooka, Masataka Imura, Tomohiro Kuroda, Shingo Yamamoto, Osamu Oshiro: Trial of Clinical Evaluation of Registration Method based on Intraoperative Measurement in the Body . Technical Report of the Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers, vol.109, no.270, pp.7-12 (2009/11/11) Suita/Japan, Japanese.
- Daisuke Fukutsuka, Tomohiro Kuroda, Yoshiyuki Kagiyama, Masataka Imura, Yoshihiro Kuroda, Osamu Oshiro: Decision of Tomograhic Plane with Human Body Shaped Display . Technical Report of the Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers, vol.109, no.270, pp.29-32 (2009/11/11) Suita/Japan, Japanese.
- Kosuke Sasai, Yoichi Kawakami, Naoki Mihara, Tomohiro Kuroda, Toshinari Nakano, Yasushi Matsumura, Masaki Miyamoto: Development of Image Diagnosis Support System based on Case Ontology. Proceedings of Joint Conference on Medical Informatics, pp.1195-1196 (2009/11/22) Hiroshima/Japan, Japanese.
- Tatsuya Tokunaga, Tadamasa Takemura, Naoto Kume, Tomohiro Kuroda, Naoki Ohboshi, Hiroyuki Yoshihara: A Construction of Service Oriented Framework of Medical Information Presentation. Proceedings of Joint Conference on Medical Informatics, pp.470-471 (2009/11/22) Hiroshima/Japan, Japanese.
- Yoko Tanaka, Tadamasa Takemura, Naoto Kume, Sachiko Okada, Tomohiro Kuroda, Masahiro Hirose, Hiroyuki Yoshihara: The Simulation of Hospital Management with Role-playing. Proceedings of Joint Conference on Medical Informatics, pp.706-707 (2009/11/23) Hiroshima/Japan, Japanese.
- Tadamasa Takemura, Masahiro Hirose, Kazuya Okamoto, Naoto Kume, Tomohiro Kuroda, Hiroyuki Yoshihara: A Development of Automatic Analysis System for Incident / Accident Reports. Proceedings of Joint Conference on Medical Informatics, pp.766-777 (2009/11/24) Hiroshima/Japan, Japanese.
- Naoto Kume, Tadamasa Takemura, Tomohiro Kuroda, Hiroyuki Yoshihara: Migration of Mail Server to Google Apps at Kyoto University Hospital. Proceedings of Joint Conference on Medical Informatics, pp.874-875 (2009/11/24) Hiroshima/Japan, Japanese.
- Tomohiro Kuroda, Naoto Kume, Tadamasa Takemura, Hiroyuki Yoshihara: Next-generation Medical Equipments Embedded into Hospital Information Systems. Proceedings of Joint Conference on Medical Informatics, pp.375-376 (2009/11/24) Hiroshima/Japan, Organized Session, Japanese.
- Tomohiro Kuroda: Does Hospital Still Needs Department of Medical Informatics?. Proceedings of Joint Conference on Medical Informatics, JC-615 (2009/11/25) Hiroshima/Japan, Symposium Panelist, Japanese.
- [Patents]
- Tomohiro Kuroda, Tetsuro Kaga, Masakazu Yagi, Osamu Oshiro, Kenji Takada: Method and System to develop 3D image of dental arch. 特願2009-031808, 特開2010-184090 (2009/02/13) Japanese.
- Tomohiro Kuroda, Hidetsugu Igarashi: Textile with multiple electrodes. 特願2009-162337, 特開2011-015817, 特許5305396号 (2009/07/09) Japanese.
- Tomohiro Kuroda, Hideo Nakamura, Masayuki Nambu, Hidetsugu Igarashi: Bioelectronic measurement device. 特願2009-162338, 特開2011-015818, 特許5487496号 (2009/07/09) Japanese.
- [Others]
- Tomohiro Kuroda: Relay Essay: to work between hospital and informatics. Transactions of the Japanese Society for Medical and Biological Engineering, vol.47, no.2, p.255 (2009/04/10) Japanese.
- Tomohiro Kuroda: Preface: about Special Issue on Interface Technology for Safety. Magazine of Human Interface Society, vol.11, no.2, p.24 (2009/05/01) Japanese.
- Tomohiro Kuroda: Report: The 28th Joint Conference on Medical Informatics. Magazine of Society on Biomechanisms Japan, vol.33, no.2, p.151 (2009/06/01) Japanese.
- Tomohiro Kuroda: Report: The 56th Human Interface Workshop. Magazine of Human Interface Society, vol.11, no.3, p.36 (2009/08/01) Japanese.
- Tomohiro Kuroda, Toshiya Nakaguchi, Sawako Nakajima: Special Issue on VR for Clinical Field. Transactions of the Virtual Reality Society of Japan, vol.14, no.4, pp.433-434 (2009/12/01) Japanese.
- 2010
- [Journal Papers]
- Masataka Imura, Tomohiro Kuroda, Yoshiyuki Kagiyama, Yoshihiro Kuroda, Osamu Oshiro, Hiroko Azuma, Masakazu Yagi, Kenji Takada: Reconstruction of Pseudo Three-Dimensional Dental Image from Dental Panoramic Radiograph at Tooth Surface Shape. Transactions of the Japanese Society for Medical and Biological Engineering, vol.48, no.1, pp.75-82 (2010/02/10) Japanese.
- Ryosuke Arai, Yoshihiro Kuroda, Yoshiyuki Kagiyama, Tomohiro Kuroda, Osamu Oshiro: Real-time Calculation Mothod of Topological Change by Localization and Recording and Playing Approaches. Transactions of the Virtual Reality Society of Japan, vol.15, no.1, pp.93-100 (2010/03/31) Japanese.
- Yoshihiro Kuroda, Shunji Kamei, Tomohiro Kuroda, Genta Kawahara, Osamu Oshiro: Flow Field Haptization System focused on Asymmetric Drag Distribution. Journal of Human Interface Society, vol.12, no.2, pp.139-146 (2010/05/01) Japanese.
- Tomohiro Kuroda, Tetsuro Kaga, Hiroko Azuma, Masakazu Yagi, Yoshihiro Kuroda, Masataka Imura, Osamu Oshiro, Kenji Takada: Method to Develop Pseudo Three-Dimensional Dental Image from Dental Panoramic Radiograph. Lecture Notes of the ICB Seminar -New Trends in Biomedical and Clinical Engineering-, vol.84, pp.51-63 (2010/08/01)
- [Lectures]
- Tomohiro Kuroda: Trial development of wearable circuit using historic weaving technique -Nishijinn-Ori Project-. Seminar of Headquarters for Innovative Society-Academia Cooperation of Fukui University, Fukui University (2010/01/07) Fukui/Japan, Japanese.
- Tomohiro Kuroda: Hospital Information System -Now and Future-. Internal Seminar, Canon Head Quarter (2010/03/25) Tokyo/Japan, Japanese.
- Tomohiro Kuroda: Way to establish relation -American way and European way-. Workshop of Japanese Society of Medical Informatics Kansai Division, Kyoto University Sugiura Hall (2010/03/27) Kyoto/Japan, Japanese.
- Tomohiro Kuroda: Researcher as a Job -Why I become a resarcher-. School Festival in Todaiji, Todaiji Gakuen Middle and High School (2010/09/12) Ikoma/Japan, Japanese.
- Tomohiro Kuroda: Medical IT now and future. Internal Seminar, Fuji Xerox Head Quarter (2010/10/13) Tokyo/Japan, Japanese.
- [Review Papers]
- Tomohiro Kuroda, Yoshihiro Kuroda: AR for Clinical Medicine - Interfacing Clinical Data with Clinical Field- (Special Features Augmented Reality). IPSJ Magazine, vol.51, no.4, pp.398-402 (2010/04/15) Japanese.
- [International Conferences]
- Tomohiro Kuroda, Daisuke Yoshitake, Goshiro Yamamoto, Seamus Hickey, Jaakko Hyry, Kunihiro Chihara, Petri Pulli: PiTaSu: Mobile Mixed Reality Interface among Ubiquitous Information Support Environment. Proceedings of Korea-Japan Workshop on Mixed Reality, pp.182-184 (2010/04/25) Gyeongju/Korea.
- Tomohiro Kuroda, Goshiro Yamamoto, Daisuke Yoshitake, Seamus Hickey, Jaakko Hyry, Kunihiro Chihara, Petri Pulli: PiTaSu: Wearable Interface for Assisting Senior Citizens with Memory Problems. Proceedings of International Conference on Disability, Virtual Reality and Associated Technologies, pp.61-69 (2010/08/31) Vina del Mar/Chile.
- Yoshito Tabata, Tomohiro Kuroda, Kazuya Okamoto: Basic Study toward Automatic Generation of Glove-type Command Input Device with Optimal Number of Sensors. Proceedings of International Conference on Disability, Virtual Reality and Associated Technologies, pp.283-289 (2010/09/02) Vina del Mar/Chile.
- Matti Pouke, Seamus Hickey, Tomohiro Kuroda, Haruo Noma: Activity Recognition of the Elderly. Proceedings of ACM International Workshop on Context-Awareness for Self-Managing Systems, pp.46-52 (2010/09/26) Copenhagen/Denmark.
- [Domestic Conferences]
- Masahiko Kitamura, Takahiro Murooka, Tomoko Sawabe, Atsushi Takahara, Tetsuro Fujii, Mayumi Bono, Tomohiro Kuroda: Evaluation of the Video Quality with High Resolution and High Framerate Images for Sign Lnguage. Proceedings of IEICE General Conference, A-15-31 (2010/03/18) Sendai/Japan, Japanese.
- Daisuke Yoshitake, Goshiro Yamamoto, Seamus Hickey, Tomohiro Kuroda, Jaakko Hyry, Kunihiro Chihara, Petri Pulli: PuTaSu: A Tapping User Interface on Wall Surfaces for Senior Citizens with Memory Problem. Correspondences on Human Interface, vol.12, no.2, pp.53-60 (2010/03/19) Kyoto/Japan, Japanese.
- Tomohiro Kuroda: Application of OpenEHR - Way of composing referral system - European way and States way -. Proceedings of Seagaia Meeting (2010/05/14) Onnna/Japan, Japanese.
- Toshio Uchiyama, Kazuya Okamoto, Tadamasa Takemura, Takayuki Adachi, Naoto Kume, Tomohiro Kuroda, Tadasu Uchiyama, Hiroyuki Yoshihara: DPC Coding using Concept base Specialized in Medical Field. Technical Report of the Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers (2010/05/14) Kasugai/Japan, Japanese.
- Tomohiro Kuroda: Basic Structure of Hospital Information System. Research Colloquium of Human Interface Society of Japan (2010/06/19) Kyoto/Japan, Japanese.
- Juha-Pekka Hamina, Tomohiro Kuroda, Hideo Nakamura, Masayuki Nambu, Timo Rahkonen, Kazuya Okamoto, Naoto Kume, Tadamasa Takemura, Hiroyuki Yoshihara: Cloth with Embedded Electrode Matrix for Continuous Monitoring of Six Lead Electrocardiogram. Bio-Medical Engineering, vol.48, Suppl.1, FC-9-3 (2010/06/25) Osaka/Japan, Japanese.
- Rei Yamaoka, Naoto Kume, Megumi Nakao, Tomohiro Kuroda, Kazuya Okamoto, Tadamasa Takemura, Kotaro Minato, Hiroyuki Yoshihara: Introduction of Deformation by Gravity into Finite Element Deformation Model for Visualization of Brain Shift Phenomena. Proceedings of Annual Conference of Japanese Society of Medical Virtual Reality, p.15 (2010/09/04) Kyoto/Japan, Japanese.
- Kazuya Okamoto, Toshio Uchiyama, Tadamasa Takemura, Takayuki Adachi, Naoto Kume, Tomohiro Kuroda, Tadasu Uchiyama, Hiroyuki Yoshihara: Automatic DPC Coding from Discharge Summary using Multiple Machine Learning Method. Proceedings of Symposium on Medical and Biological Engineering, pp.460-461 (2010/09/11) Sapporo/Japan, Japanese.
- Rei Yamaoka, Naoto Kume, Megumi Nakao, Tomohiro Kuroda, Kazuya Okamoto, Tadamasa Takemura, Kotaro Minato, Hiroyuki Yoshihara, Nobuhiro Mikuni: FEB-Based Soft Tissue Deformation by Gravity Modeling for Brain-shift Simulation. Proceedings of Annual Conference of the Virtual Reality Society of Japan, pp.552-555 (2010/09/17) kanazawa/Japan, Japanese.
- Tadamasa Takemura, Naoto Kume, Kazuya Okamoto, Tomohiro Kuroda, Hiroyuki Yoshihara: Developing a seamless environment between a hospital information system and a campus network with Server Based Computing and Cloud Computing. Proceedings of Joint Conference on Medical Informatics, pp.84-85 (2010/11/19) Hamamatsu/Japan, Japanese.
- [Patents]
- Tomohiro Kuroda, Kazuya Okamoto, Yoshito Tabata: Designing Method and Program of Data-glove. 特願2010-192015, 特開2012-48612 (2010/08/30) Japanese.
- [Others]
- Tomohiro Kuroda: Reports from Session Chairs of VRSJ Annual Conference : Wearable. Journal of Virtual Reality Society of Japan, vol.15, no.4, p.234 (2010/12/31) Japanese.
- 2011
- [Books]
- Tomohiro Kuroda: Seeds of Simulation-based medical education. (Ed.), Introduction to Simulation-based Medical Education, pp.314-321, Shinoharashinsha Inc. (2011/04/26) Japanese.
- Tomohiro Kuroda, Masaki Miyamoto, Yasuo Okuda: Managing Recorded Data. Tomohiro Kuroda, Hiroki Watanabe, Haruhiko Hiramatsu, Tadamasa Takemura(Ed.), Medical Information System, Knowledge Base of the Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers (2011/06/01) Goup 11, Part 4, Chapter4 , Japanese.
- Tomohiro Kuroda: Contribution for Patient Safety. Tomohiro Kuroda, Hiroki Watanabe, Haruhiko Hiramatsu, Tadamasa Takemura(Ed.), Medical Information System, Knowledge Base of the Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers (2011/06/01) Group 11, Part 4, Chapter 7, Japanese.
- Tomohiro Kuroda: Telemedicine. Tomohiro Kuroda, Hiroki Watanabe, Haruhiko Hiramatsu, Tadamasa Takemura(Ed.), Medical Information System, Knowledge Base of the Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers (2011/06/01) Group 11, Part 4, Chapter 11, Japanese.
- [Journal Papers]
- Kazuya Okamoto, Toshio Uchiyama, Tadamasa Takemura, Takayuki Adachi, Naoto Kume, Tomohiro Kuroda, Hiroyuki Yoshihara: Automatic DPC Code Selection from Discharge Summaries using Several Machine Learning Methods. Transactions of the Japanese Society for Medical and Biological Engineering, vol.49, no.1, pp.40-47 (2011/02/10) Japanese.
- Tadamasa Takemura, Yoko Tanaka, Kazuya Okamoto, Naoto Kume, Tomohiro Kuroda, Masahiro Hirose, Hiroyuki Yoshihara: Development of the Hospital Management Game for Education based on Role-Play. Japan Journal of Medical Informatics, vol.30, no.1, pp.37-48 (2011/03/02) Japanese.
- Tomohiro Kuroda, Junzo Sato, Harutoshi Yazaki, Tadamasa Takemura, Keisuke Nagase, Yasuyuki Kato, Hiroyuki Yoshihara: Introduction of Template-based Database Framework for Prospective Study into Daily-using HIS. Japan Journal of Medical Informatics, vol.30, no.3, pp.157-164 (2011/06/15) Japanese.
- Eizen Kimura, Shinji Kobayashi, Tomohiro Kuroda, Ken Ishihara, Hiroyuki Yoshihara, Tsuneyo Mimori, Ryosuke Takahashi, Tsutomu Chiba: Lessons Learned from Modeling Archetypes for Intractable Disease Surveys. Japan Journal of Medical Informatics, vol.30, no.3, pp.173-182 (2011/06/15) Japanese.
- Tomohiro Kuroda, Tetsuro Kaga, Hiroko Azuma, Masakazu Yagi, Yoshihiro Kuroda, Masataka Imura, Osamu Oshiro, Kenji Takada: Method to Develop Pseudo Three-Dimensional Dental Image from Dental Panoramic Radiograph. Journal of Biocybernetics and Biomedical Engineering, vol.31, no.2, pp.59-70 (2011/06/20)
- Goshiro Yamamoto, Tomohiro Kuroda, Daisuke Yoshitake, Seamus Hickey, Jaakko Hyry, Kunihiro Chihara, Petri Pulli: PiTaSu: Wearable Interface for Assisting Senior Citizens with Memory Problems. The International Journal on Disability and Human Development, vol.10, no.4, pp.295-300 (2011/11/10)
- [Lectures]
- Tomohiro Kuroda: Our New HIS System and Our Future. Internal Seminar, Dept. of Clinical Laboratory, Kyoto University Hospital (2011/01/19) Kyoto/Japan, Japanese.
- Tomohiro Kuroda: Make Traditional Crafts Techniques as Fundamental Technology for IT - NISHIJIN Project-. Seminar of the Textile Machinery Society of Japan "New Trend of eTextiles", Osaka Science and Technology Center (2011/01/28) Osaka/Japan, Japanese.
- Tomohiro Kuroda: VR is Available for Medical Education. Asia Pacific Meeting on Simulation in Healthcare, Grand Hyatt Hong Kong (2011/05/20) Hong Kong / China, Expert Panel Session: Simulation Development, Impact of New Technology and Needs in Medical Education.
- Tomohiro Kuroda: KING5: a New Hospital Information System of Ubiquitous Age. Kinki Medical Record Administration Seminar , Shiran Hall (2011/06/10) Kyoto/Japan, Japanese.
- Tomohiro Kuroda: Future with Ubiquitous Sensor Network Technology -A Hospital is A Gigantic Computer-. Conference of Nursing Informatics Division of Japan Association for Medical Informatics, The Kobe Chamber of Commerce and Industry (2011/07/17) Kobe/Japan, Japanese.
- Tomohiro Kuroda: Hospital Information Systems in the Information Age - For Tactful Information Support in Daily Clinical Activities. China-Japan Symposium on Visual Computing, Hunan University (2011/09/18) Changsha/China.
- Tomohiro Kuroda: Nursing of Information Age -Toward Inconspicuous Computer Support-. International Healthcare Exhibition, Tokyo Big Site (2011/11/10) Tokyo/Japan, Japanese.
- Tomohiro Kuroda: Toward Ubiquitous Information Services within Hospitals. Kansai Division Conference of Japanese Society of Medical and Biological Engineers, Osaka National Hospital (2011/12/10) Osaka/Japan, Japanese.
- [Review Papers]
- Tomohiro Kuroda, Yoshihiro Kuroda: Mixed Reality in Medicine. IMAGE LAB, vol.22, no.2, pp.29-34 (2011/02/10) Japanese.
- Tomohiro Kuroda, Hideo Nakamura, Masayuki Nambu: Applying Traditional Textile Techniques for e-Textile Development -NISHIJIN-ORI Project-. Journal of the Textile Machinery Society of Japan, vol.64, no.7, pp.417-420 (2011/07/25) Japanese.
- [International Conferences]
- Tomohiro Kuroda, Atsushi Kitamura, Naoki Ohboshi, Hiroshi Sasaki, Hiroo Tamagawa, Mitsuhiko Obata, Hiroyuki Yoshihara: Prototyping MR Clinical Support System for Dentists. Proceedings of Korea-Japan Workshop on Mixed Reality (2011/04/16) Suita/Japan.
- Kazuya Okamoto, Tadamasa Takemura, Naoto Kume, Tomohiro Kuroda, Naoki Ohboshi, Kenta Hori, Masahiro Hirose, Nobuaki Ito, Hiroyuki Yoshihara: A Reporting System and a Similar Case Retrieval System Exploiting Meta-information of Image. International Journal of Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery, S277-278 (2011/06/22) Berlin/Germany.
- Shinji Kobayashi, Eizen Kimura, Takeki Yoshikawa, Hugh Leslie, Heather Lesie, Masaki Yasukawa, Ken Ishihara, Tomohiro Kuroda, Hiroyuki Yoshihara: Clinical Data Modeling Using ArchetypeTechnology for National Surveillance of Intractable Diseases in Japan. Proceedings of International Conference of the European Federation for Medical Informatics, CD-ROM (2011/08/29) Oslo/Norway.
- Tomohiro Kuroda, Kenta Hori, Masahiko Ando, Takashi Kawamura, Tadamasa Takemura, Hiroyuki Yoshihara: Designing Smooth Communication Environment for Telemedicine for General Practitioner. Proceedings of International Workshop on Multimodality in Multispace Interaction, pp.69-79 (2011/12/02) Takamatsu/Japan.
- [Domestic Conferences]
- Tadamasa Takemura, Toshiharu Teramae, Kenichiro Fujita, Kazuya Okamoto, Naoto Kume, Tomohiro Kuroda, Hiroyuki Yoshihara: Developing Unified Data Repository of Clinical Research Data and Electoric Patient Record in Kyoto University Hospital. Proceedings of Meeting of Information Management Divisions of University Hospitals, pp.26-29 (2011/02/03) Tsukuba/Japan, Japanese.
- Masayuki Kadono, Naoki Ohboshi, Tomohiro Kuroda, Osamu Oshiro: Developing Context-aware Unconstraint Cardiograph. Correspondences on Human Interface, vol.13, no.1, pp.29-32 (2011/03/08) Kyoto/Japan, Japanese.
- Kohei Kikuchi, Mayumi Bono, Hideyuki Nakanishi, Tomohiro Kuroda, Sumihiro Kawano: An analysis of gaze agreement in sign language and phonetic language conversation using tele-presence system environment. Technical Report of The Japanese Society for Artificial Intelligence, vol.61, pp.23-27 (2011/03/15) Tokyo/Japan, Japanese.
- Naoki Ohboshi, Atsushi Kitamura, Hiroshi Sasaki, Tomohiro Kuroda, Hiroo Tamagawa, Mitsuhiko Obata, Hiroyuki Yoshihara: Development of Medical Treatment Support System having NFC Device as Trigger. Technical Reports of IPSJ, 2011-GN-79, no.22 (2011/03/18) Kumamoto/Japan, Japanese.
- Kana Eguchi, Naoto Kume, Tomohiro Kuroda, Koji Yoshimura, Kazuya Okamoto, Tadamasa Takemura, Hiroyuki Yoshihara: A Proposal of Virtual Reality-based Dissection Simulation of Layered Soft Tissue. Proceedings of Annual Conference of the institute of Systems, Control and Information Engineers, pp.329-330 (2011/05/18) Suita/Japan, Japanese.
- Tomoya Hioki, Naoto Kume, Tomohiro Kuroda, Kazuya Okamoto, Tadamasa Takemura, Hiroyuki Yoshihara: A Proposal of Mixed Reality Training Simulator for Endoscopic Surgery. Proceedings of Annual Conference of the institute of Systems, Control and Information Engineers, pp.627-628 (2011/05/19) Suita/Japan, Japanese.
- Toshiyuki Tanaka, Tadamasa Takemura, Kazuya Okamoto, Naoto Kume, Masahiro Hirose, Tomohiro Kuroda, Hiroyuki Yoshihara: A Development of Multiplayer Game for Education of Hospital Management. Proceedings of Annual Conference of the institute of Systems, Control and Information Engineers, pp.459-460 (2011/05/19) Suita/Japan, Japanese.
- Naoto Kume, Rei Yamaoka, Nobuhiro Mikuni, Koji Sakai, Tomohiro Kuroda, Megumi Nakao, Kazuya Okamoto, Tadamasa Takemura, Kotaro Minato, Hiroyuki Yoshihara: VR-based Brain-shift Simulation for Neurosurgery. Proceedings of Japan Association of Medical Infomatics Spring Conference, p.97 (2011/06/17) Chiba/Japan, Japanese.
- Tadamasa Takemura, Kazuya Okamoto, Naoto Kume, Tomohiro Kuroda, Masahiro Hirose, Hiroyuki Yoshihara: Automatic Extraction of Medical Practices based on Accidents. Proceedings of Japan Association of Medical Infomatics Spring Conference, p.108 (2011/06/17) Chiba/Japan, Japanese.
- Tomohiro Kuroda, Haruo Noma, Chisako Naito, Masahiro Tada, Hiroe Yamanaka, Tadamasa Takemura, Kazuko Nin, Hiroyuki Yoshihara: Prototyping Sensor Networking System for Automatic Vital Data Collection. Proceedings of Japan Association of Medical Infomatics Spring Conference, p.101 (2011/06/18) Chiba/Japan, Japanese.
- Kazuya Okamoto, Hiroko Tanaka, Tadamasa Takemura, Naoto Kume, Tomohiro Kuroda, Hiroyuki Yoshihara: A Development of Clinical Knowledge Acquisitions Support System Using Medical Records. Proceedings of Japan Association of Medical Infomatics Spring Conference, p.129 (2011/06/18) Chiba/Japan, Japanese.
- Yuta Yamane, Kenta Hori, Tomohiro Kuroda, Naoki Ohboshi: Multiscale Video Streaming System for Application Level QoS Control. Proceedings of Japan Association of Medical Infomatics Spring Conference, p.140 (2011/06/18) Chiba/Japan, Japanese.
- Tadamasa Takemura, Kazuya Okamoto, Naoto Kume, Tomohiro Kuroda, Hiroyuki Yoshihara: Information Retrieval System on Hospital Information Systems. Proceedings of Japan Association of Medical Infomatics Spring Conference, p.74 (2011/06/18) Chiba/Japan, Japanese.
- Naoto Kume, Rei Yamaoka, Nobuhiro Mikuni, Koji Sakai, Tomohiro Kuroda, Megumi Nakao, Kazuya Okamoto, Tadamasa Takemura, Susumu Miyamoto, Hiroyuki Yoshihara: Inner Brain Deformation Simulation for Brain Surgery Support. Proceedings of Annual Conference of Japanese Society of Medical Virtual Reality, p.28 (2011/08/27) Ikoma/Japan, Japanese.
- Kana Eguchi, Naoto Kume, Tomohiro Kuroda, Koji Yoshimura, Kazuya Okamoto, Tadamasa Takemura, Hiroyuki Yoshihara: Defining Direction of Fracture Propagation in Multi-point Operational Soft-tissue Dissection . Proceedings of Annual Conference of Japanese Society of Medical Virtual Reality, p.12 (2011/08/27) Ikoma/Japan, Japanese.
- Tomoya Hioki, Naoto Kume, Tomohiro Kuroda, Kazuya Okamoto, Tadamasa Takemura, Hiroyuki Yoshihara: Designing Mixed Reality Simulator for Endoscopic Surgery Training. Proceedings of Annual Conference of Japanese Society of Medical Virtual Reality, p.15 (2011/08/27) Ikoma/Japan, Japanese.
- Kojiro Taura, Megumi Nakao, Tomohiro Kuroda, Kotaro Minato, Etsuno Hatano, Shinji Uemoto: Virtual Reality in Hepatectomy -Using Plissimo Era-. Proceedings of Annual Conference of Japanese Society of Medical Virtual Reality, p.25 (2011/08/27) Ikoma/Japan, Japanese.
- Naoto Kume, Rei Yamaoka, Megumi Nakao, Nobuhiro Mikuni, Koji Sakai, Tomohiro Kuroda, Kazuya Okamoto, Tadamasa Takemura, Susumu Miyamoto, Hiroyuki Yoshihara: Self-wright Deformation Simulation of Soft Tissue for Brain Surgery. Proceedings of Annual Conference of the Virtual Reality Society of Japan, pp.257-260 (2011/09/20) Hakodate/Japan, Japanese.
- Tomoya Hioki, Naoto Kume, Tomohiro Kuroda, Kazuya Okamoto, Tadamasa Takemura, Hiroyuki Yoshihara: Prototyping Mixed Reality Training Simulator for Endoscopic Surgery. Proceedings of Annual Conference of the Virtual Reality Society of Japan, pp.358-361 (2011/09/20) Hakodate/Japan, Japanese.
- Kana Eguchi, Naoto Kume, Tomohiro Kuroda, Koji Yoshimura, Kazuya Okamoto, Tadamasa Takemura, Hiroyuki Yoshihara: A Method to Solve the Direction of Rupture Progression on a VR-based Dissection Simulation. Proceedings of Annual Conference of the Virtual Reality Society of Japan, pp.261-264 (2011/09/20) Hakodate/Japan, Japanese.
- Etsuyo Kaneko, Namiko Hattori, Mikako Ohi, Noriko Hashimoto, Kenichiro Fujita, Kazuhiro Yanagihara, Tomohiro Kuroda, Osamu Ogawa, Hiroyuki Yoshihara: Design and Operation of the Case Finding. Japan Journal of Medical Informatics, vol.31, Suppl., pp.926-927 (2011/11/21) Kagoshima/Japan, Japanese.
- Tomohiro Kuroda, Tadamasa Takemura, Naoto Kume, Kazuya Okamoto, Hiroyuki Yoshihara: Developing Networked Digital Camera System for Clinical Use based on Commercial Ready Sybsystems. Japan Journal of Medical Informatics, vol.31, Suppl, pp.319-320 (2011/11/21) Kagoshima/Japan, Japanese.
- Tadamasa Takemura, Naoto Kume, Kazuya Okamoto, Tomohiro Kuroda, Hiroyuki Yoshihara: Development of an Environment for Information Reuse on a Hospital Information System. Japan Journal of Medical Informatics, vol.31, Suppl., pp.936-937 (2011/11/21) Kagoshima/Japan, Japanese.
- Kazuya Okamoto, Toshio Uchiyama, Tadamasa Takemura, Takayuki Adachi, Naoto Kume, Tomohiro Kuroda, Tadasu Uchiyama, Hiroyuki Yoshihara: Automatic DPC Code Selection from Treatment Data Corresponding to Length of a Hospitalization. Japan Journal of Medical Informatics, vol.31, Suppl, pp.529-532 (2011/11/22) Kagoshima/Japan, Japanese.
- Toshiyuki Tanaka, Tadamasa Takemura, Kazuya Okamoto, Naoto Kume, Tomohiro Kuroda, Masahiro Hirose, Hiroyuki Yoshihara: A Development of Multiplayer Fame for Education of Hospital Management. Japan Journal of Medical Informatics, vol.31, Suppl., pp.604-605 (2011/11/22) Kagoshima/Japan, Japanese.
- Kazuya Okamoto, Tadamasa Takemura, Setsuko Murata, Naoto Kume, Tomohiro Kuroda, Hiroyuki Yoshihara: The Development of a System Storing Life Logs and Utilization of the Life Logs in Medical Care. Japan Journal of Medical Informatics, vol.31, Suppl., pp.1045-1046 (2011/11/22) Kagoshima/Japan, Japanese.
- Naoki Mihara, Kosuke Sasai, Tomohiro Kuroda, Noriyuki Tomiyama, Toshinari Nakano, Masaki Miyamoto, Keunsik Park, Hiroo Tamagawa, Yasushi Matsumura: The Prototype of the Self-learning System of the Chest X-ray Images. Japan Journal of Medical Informatics, vol.31, Suppl., pp.576-579 (2011/11/22) Kagoshima/Japan, Japanese.
- Tatsuya Tokunaga, Tadamasa Takemura, Kazuya Okamoto, Naoto Kume, Tomohiro Kuroda, Naoki Ohboshi, Hiroyuki Yoshihara: A Construction of a Web Service Providing Clinical Data n Maiko-net. Japan Journal of Medical Informatics, vol.31, Suppl, 428−429 (2011/11/22) Kagoshima/Japan, Japanese.
- Tadamasa Takemura, Haruo Noma, Tomohiro Kuroda, Masahiro Tada, Naoto Kume, Kazuya Okamoto, Hiroyuki Yoshihara: Development of Bluetooth Barcode System to Ordering Check under Wi-Fi Network. Japan Journal of Medical Informatics, vol.31, Suppl., pp.986-987 (2011/11/22) Kagoshima/Japan, Japanese.
- Naoto Kume, Yasutomo Kawata, Shirou Manabe, Yoshinari Shima, Yasushi Matsumura, Kenji Araki, Katsuhiko Takabayashi, Kazuya Okamoto, Tadamasa Takemura, Tomohiro Kuroda, Hiroyuki Yoshihara: Traversal Search in Between Four University Hospitals on a Developed Distributed Database of Clinical Accounting Information and Clinical Information. Japan Journal of Medical Informatics, vol.31, Suppl., pp.750-751 (2011/11/23) Kagoshima/Japan, Japanese.
- Tomohiro Kuroda, Kazuya Okamoto, Naoto Kume, Tadamasa Takemura, Hiroyuki Yoshihara: Outpatient Guide System equipping Postion Tracking and Health Insurance Card Authentication. Japan Journal of Medical Informatics, vol.31, Suppl., pp.855-865 (2011/11/23) Kagoshima/Japan, Japanese.
- [News Items]
- Automatic recording system of blood pressure and of temperature. A Subsidiary of Omron and others. The Nikkei, p.3 (2011/03/04) Evening News, Japanese.
- Automatic recording body temperature and blood pressure To reduce paperworks of nurses Joint development of Kyoto University and partners. Daily Kyoto News, p.15 (2011/03/05) Japanese.
- Clinical trials of vital records system. ATR and partners, starting next year. Daily Engineering and Construction News, p.20 (2011/03/07) Japanese.
- Automatic transmission inpatient data such as body temperature and pulse rate, to halve the burden of nurses and to help preventing medical accidents. Kyoto University and partners evaluating prototype. Daily Asahi News, p.23 (2011/03/07) Japanese.
- Five companies including ATR and Shimadzu S.D. jointly develop automatic vital data recording system. They are evaluating prototype at Kyoto University Hospital. And plan to commercialize in 2012. Daily Dempa News, p.2 (2011/03/07) Japanese.
- Automatic Recording of Temperature and Blood Pressure. Prevent errors in Hospital. Kyoto University and partners. Nikkei Business Daily, p.11 (2011/03/07) Japanese.
- ATR, Kyoto University and partners, demonstration experiment of automatic vital data recording system, sending test data by single click. The Dempa Times, p.1 (2011/03/11) Japanese.
- Recording blood pressure and temperature into EPR automatically. Daily Yomiuri, p.12 (2011/03/13) Japanese.
- Future of Medicine and Healthcare is on generalization and personalization. Nikkei Electronics, pp.77-84 (2011/05/30) Japanese.
- Presenting Research Report of Automatic Vital Data Collection System : Kyoto University Hospital. Nikkei Digital Health On Line (2011/06/27) Japanese.
- Recording blood pressure and temperature into EPR automatically. Daily Kyoto News (2011/07/12) Japanese.
- Patient Reception System and Insurance Card Authentication System producing good amenity in outpatient ward using IT. SHIMADZU, vol.455, pp.19-21 (2011/08/10) Intra-company magazine of SHIMADZU corp., Japanese.
- Kyoto University Hospital introduced new system for Patient Record. Improving protection of privacy. Daily Kyoto News (2011/09/16) Japanese.
- [Others]
- Tomohiro Kuroda: Under warm protection of honored teachers and colleagues. Report of JORAKUKAI, p.13 (2011/01/28) Japanese.
- Tomohiro Kuroda: Toward Clinical Care of Information Age with VR Simulation. Kyoto University Hospital News, vol.93, p.5 (2011/07/01) Japanese.
- Tomohiro Kuroda: Introduction of Patient Guide System. Kyoto University Hospital News, vol.93, p.11 (2011/07/01) Japanese.
- Tomohiro Kuroda: Essences for introducing thin-client type hospital information systems. Medister, 特別編, pp.4-5 (2011/11/21) Japanese.
- 2012
- [Academic Awards]
- Kazuya Okamoto, Hiroki Kayama, Minoru Yamada, Naoto Kume, Tomohiro Kuroda, Tomoki Aoyama: Best Short Paper Award. Proceedings of International Conference on Disability, Virtual Reality and Associated Technologies (2012/09/13) Development of a system for the assessment of a dual-task performance based on a motion-capture device.
- [Books]
- Tomohiro Kuroda: Medical Information System. The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers(Ed.), Libraries of Modern Electrics, Information and Communication Technologies -Forest of Knowledge-, Ohmsha (2012/01/25) Japanese.
- [Journal Papers]
- Yuta Yamane, Kenta Hori, Tomohiro Kuroda, Naoki Ohboshi: Multiscale Video Streaming System for Application Level Total QoS Control. Japan Journal of Medical Informatics, vol.32, no.1, pp.19-25 (2012/05/02) Japanese.
- Kazuya Okamoto, Hiroko Tanaka, Tadamasa Takemura, Naoto Kume, Tomohiro Kuroda, Hiroyuki Yoshihara: Development of a Hypothesis-finding Support System using Medical Records for Clinical Knowledge Acquisition. Japan Journal of Medical Informatics, vol.32, no.3, pp.123-130 (2012/07/25) Japanese.
- Tomohiro Kuroda, Kenta Hori, Masahiko Ando, Takashi Kawamura, Tadamasa Takemura, Hiroyuki Yoshihara: Designing Smooth Communication Environment for Telemedicine for General Practitioner. Manabu Okumura(Ed.), Revised Selected Papers of International Workshop on Multimodality in Multispace Interation, JSAI International Symposia on AI, vol.7258, pp.253-263, Springer-verlag (2012/07/31)
- Tadamasa Takemura, Kenji Araki, Kenji Arita, Toshiaki Suzuki, Kazuya Okamoto, Naoto Kume, Tomohiro Kuroda, Akira Takada, Hiroyuki Yoshihara: Development of Fundamental Infrastructure for Nationwide EHR in Japan. Journal of Medical Systems, vol.36, no.4, 2213−2218 (2012/08/01)
- Kenta Hori, Tomohiro Kuroda, Naoki Ohboshi: JPEG2000 Multi-scale Video Streaming System for Total Information Transmission Control in Telemedicine. Japanese Journal of Telemedicine and Telecare, vol.8, no.2, pp.212-215 (2012/09/30) Japanese.
- Yusuke Uchida, Tomohiro Kuroda, Tsukasa Kan, Hideya Takahashi, Kenta Hori, Naoto Kume, Masahiko Ando, Takashi Kawamura, Tadamasa Takemura, Hiroyuki Yoshihara: Constructing an Information Support System for Remote Ausculation. Japanese Journal of Telemedicine and Telecare, vol.8, no.2, pp.235-237 (2012/09/30) Japanese.
- Tadamasa Takemura, Toshiyuki Tanaka, Kazuya Okamoto, Naoto Kume, Tomohiro Kuroda, Masahiro Hirose, Hiroyuki Yoshihara: The Development of a Multiplayer Game for Education of Hospital Management. Japanese Journal of Telemedicine and Telecare, vol.8, no.2, 249−251 (2012/09/30) Japanese.
- Tomohiro Kuroda, Hiroshi Sasaki, Takatoshi Suenaga, Yasushi Masuda, Yoshihiro Yasumuro, Kenta Hori, Naoki Ohboshi, Tadamasa Takemura, Kunihiro Chihara, Hiroyuki Yoshihara: Embedded Ubiquitous Services on Hospital Information Systems. IEEE Transactions on Information Technology in Biomedicine, vol.16, no.6, pp.1216-1223 (2012/12/03)
- [Lectures]
- Tomohiro Kuroda: Practical Use of Lifelog in Healthcare Domain. Lecture of Kansai Branch of Four Electronics-related institutions -Snapshot and Possibility of Lifelog-, Central Electric Club (2012/01/27) Osaka/Japan, Japanese.
- Tomohiro Kuroda: Ubiquitous Computing for Clinical Environment. Internal Seminar, Australian e-Health Research Centre (2012/02/21) Brisbane/Australia.
- Tomohiro Kuroda: Snapshots of Medical Virtual Reality for Clinical Education. Internal Seminar, Australian e-Health Research Centre (2012/02/22) Brisbane/Australia.
- Tomohiro Kuroda: Ubiquitous Computing for Clinical Environment. Internal Seminar, University of Southern Queensland (2012/02/23) Toowoomba/Australia.
- Tomohiro Kuroda: Toward plug and play telemedicine and long-lasting EHR. Internal Seminar, Center for Online Health, University of Queensland (2012/02/24) Brisbane/Australia.
- Tomohiro Kuroda: Ubiquitous Computing for Clinical Environment. Internal Seminar, University of Western Sydney (2012/02/27) Sydney/Australia.
- Tomohiro Kuroda: Ubiquitous Computing for Clinical Environment. Internal Seminar, CSIRO ICT Centre (2012/02/28) Sydney/Australia.
- Tomohiro Kuroda: Snapshots of Medical Virtual Reality for Clinical Education. Internal Seminar, University of Southern Australia (2012/02/29) Adelaide/Australia.
- Tomohiro Kuroda: Hospital Information System of Ubiquitous Computing Era -For Reducing Nursing Tasks and Improving Medical Safety-. ATR Open House, ATR (2012/11/08) Seika/Japan, Japanese.
- Tomohiro Kuroda: Attempt to Emerge e-Textile Factory - NISHIJIN Project-. Fiber Manufacturing Symposium, Kyoto University (2012/11/09) Uji/Japan, Japanese.
- Tomohiro Kuroda: For minimization of nursing tasks. International Healthcare Exhibition, Tokyo Big Sight (2012/11/14) Tokyo/Japan, Japanese.
- Tomohiro Kuroda: Continuous Improvement of a Document Management System at Kyoto University Hospital. Joint Conference on Medical Informatics, Toki Messe (2012/11/16) Niigata/Japan, Japanese.
- [International Conferences]
- Tomohiro Kuroda: Ubiquitous Information Supports for Healthcare Service. Proceedings of Kyoto University - HKBU Joint Workshop on Field Informatics, p.16 (2012/03/05) Hong Kong/China.
- Tomohiro Kuroda, Tomoya Hioki, Naoto Kume, Kazuya Okamoto, Tadamasa Takemura, Hiroyuki Yoshihara: Prototyping Mixed Reality Endoscopic Surgery Trainer. Proceedings of Korea-Japan Workshop on Mixed Reality, USB Proceedings (2012/04/14) Seoul/Korea.
- Naoto Kume, Nobuhiro Mikuni, Megumi Nakao, Koji Sakai, Kazuya Okamoto, Tadamasa Takemura, Tomohiro Kuroda, Susumu Miyamoto, Hiroyuki Yoshihara: Brain-shift-Simulation using Hounsfield Numbers for Elasticity Parameter on Finite Element Method. International Journal of Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery, vol.7, Suppl.1, S434-S435 (2012/06/29) Pisa/Italy.
- Tomohiro Kuroda, Tadamasa Takemura, Haruo Noma, Kazuya Okamoto, Naoto Kume, Hiroyuki Yoshihara: Impact of Position Tracking on the Outpatient Navigation System. Proceedings of Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, pp.6104-6106 (2012/08/31) San Diego/USA.
- Kazuya Okamoto, Hiroki Kayama, Minoru Yamada, Naoto Kume, Tomohiro Kuroda, Tomoki Aoyama: Development of a system for the assessment of a dual-task performance based on a motion-capture device. Proceedings of International Conference on Disability, Virtual Reality and Associated Technologies, pp.483-486 (2012/09/11) Laval/France, Best Short Paper Award.
- Yoshito Tabata, Tomohiro Kuroda, Kazuya Okamoto: Development of a Glove-Type Input Device with the Minimum Number of Sensors for Japanese Finger Spelling. Proceedings of International Conference on Disability, Virtual Reality and Associated Technologies, pp.305-310 (2012/09/12) Laval/France.
- Kazuya Okamoto, Toshio Uchiyama, Tadamasa Takemura, Takayuki Adachi, Naoto Kume, Tomohiro Kuroda, Tadasu Uchiyama, Hiroyuki Yoshihara: Automatic Selection of Diagnosis Procedure Combination Codes Based on Partial Treatment Data Relative to the Number of Hospitalization Days. Proceedings of Annual Conference of Asia Pacific Association for Medical Informatics, CD-ROM (2012/10/24) Beijing/China.
- Hiroyuki Yoshihara, Naoto Kume, Tomohiro Kuroda: The History of MML (Medical Markup Language) and its Application for EHR (Dolphin Project) in Japan. Proceedings of International Conference on Open Data and Information for a Changing Planet, Web Proceedings (2012/10/29) Taipei/ROC.
- Tadamasa Takemura, Kazuya Okamoto, Naoto Kume, Tomohiro Kuroda, Hiroyuki Yoshihara: Development of an environment for information reuse on a hospital information system. Proceedings of the International Conference on Soft Computing and Intelligent Systems and the International Symposium on Advanced Intelligent Systems, pp.1384-1387 (2012/11/23) Kobe/Japan.
- Kazuya Okamoto, Hiroko Tanaka, Tadamasa Takemura, Naoto Kume, Tomohiro Kuroda, Hiroyuki Yoshihara: A Hypothesis-generating Support System Using Medical Records for Clinical Knowledge Acquisition. Proceedings of the International Conference on Soft Computing and Intelligent Systems and the International Symposium on Advanced Intelligent Systems, pp.1130-1133 (2012/11/23) Kobe/Japan.
- [Domestic Conferences]
- Yuya Yamamoto, Tomohiro Kuroda, Naoki Ohboshi, Osamu Oshiro: Prototyping armrest-mounted context-aware electrocardiograph. Technical Report of the Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers, vol.111, no.380, pp.377-380 (2012/01/20) Neyagawa/Japan, Japanese.
- Haruo Noma, Masahiro Tada, Tomohiro Kuroda, Tadamasa Takemura: Development of Real-Time Location System Using Bluetooth. Technical Report of the Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers, vol.111, no.446, pp.29-34 (2012/02/27) Tokyo/Japan, Japanese.
- Kentaro Nakayama, Kenta Hori, Tomohiro Kuroda, Naoki Ohboshi: Applying QoS Management Framework designed for Telemedicine on Multi-scaling Video Streaming. Proceedings of Annual Conference of Student Division of Kansai Branch of the Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers, vol.17, p.39 (2012/03/09) Kusatsu/Japan, Japanese.
- Yosuke Hirayama, Naoto Kume, Naoki Ohboshi, Kazuya Okamoto, Tadamasa Takemura, Tomohiro Kuroda, Kenji Araki, Hiroyuki Yoshihara: Development of the EHR browser on tablet. Proceedings of Annual Conference of Student Division of Kansai Branch of the Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers, vol.17, p.67 (2012/03/09) Kusatsu/Japan, Japanese.
- Naoki Ohboshi, Yosuke Hirayama, Naoto Kume, Kazuya Okamoto, Tadamasa Takemura, Tomohiro Kuroda, Kenji Araki, Hiroyuki Yoshihara: An asynchronous communication technique for retrieving electronic health record with tablet terminal. Technical Reports of IPSJ, GN83, no.3, pp.1-6 (2012/03/21) Chofu/Japan, Japanese.
- Yusuke Uchida, Tomohiro Kuroda, Kenta Hori, Naoto Kume, Kazuya Okamoto, Tadamasa Takemura, Hiroyuki Yoshihara: A Proposal of Information Support System for Remote Auscultation. Proceedings of Annual Conference of the institute of Systems, Control and Information Engineers, pp.191-192 (2012/05/21) Kyoto/Japan, Japanese.
- Hiroki Murata, Naoto Kume, Tomohiro Kuroda, Koji Yoshimura, Kazuya Okamoto, Tadamasa Takemura, Hiroyuki Yoshihara: A Proposal of The Virtual Organ Model for Several Pelvic Organ Prolapse. Proceedings of Annual Conference of the institute of Systems, Control and Information Engineers, pp.193-194 (2012/05/21) Kyoto/Japan, Japanese.
- Seiko Tsuruoka, Kazuya Okamoto, Tadamasa Takemura, Naoto Kume, Tomohiro Kuroda, Hiroyuki Yoshihara: Medical Document Ranking using HITS Algorithm. Proceedings of Annual Conference of the institute of Systems, Control and Information Engineers, pp.197-198 (2012/05/21) Kyoto/Japan, Japanese.
- Tomohiro Kuroda, Kikuo Hirano, Kazushige Sugimura, Satoshi Adachi, Hidetsugu Igarashi, Kazuo Ueshima, Hiroyuki Yoshihara: Prototyping e-textile underwear for 12-lead electrocardiograph using traditional weaving technique . Proceedings of The Annual Conference of Textile Machinery Society of Japan, pp.212-213 (2012/06/01) Osaka/Japan, Japanese.
- Masahiro Yakami, Tomohiro Kuroda, Takeshi Kubo, Yutaka Emoto, Hiroyuki Yoshihara, Kaori Togashi: Developing Case Finding and Information Retrieval System for Non-informatics Specialists Enabling Complicated Query over Multiple EMR Tables. Proceedings of Japan Association of Medical Infomatics Spring Conference, pp.132-133 (2012/06/01) Hakodate/Japan, Japanese.
- Kenta Hori, Kentaro Nakayama, Yuta Yamane, Tomohiro Kuroda, Naoki Ohboshi: A Multi-Scale Image Transmission on an Integrated Communication Control System for Telemedicine. Proceedings of Japan Association of Medical Infomatics Spring Conference, pp.140-141 (2012/06/01) Hakodate/Japan, Japanese.
- Kojiro Taura, Megumi Nakao, Etsuno Hatano, Takamichi Ishii, Tadahiro Narita, Hiromitsu Nagata, Tomohiro Kuroda, Kotaro Minato, Shinji Uemoto: Virtual Reality of Hepatectomy using Plissimo Era. Proceedings of The General Meeting of the Japanese Society of Gastroenterological Surgery, WS-3-1-6 (2012/07/18) Toyama/Japan, Japanese.
- Hiroki Murata, Naoto Kume, Tomohiro Kuroda, Koji Yoshimura, Kazuya Okamoto, Tadamasa Takemura, Hiroyuki Yoshihara: Prototyping The Virtual Organ Model for Several Pelvic Organ Prolapse. Proceedings of Annual Conference of Japanese Society of Medical Virtual Reality, p.21 (2012/08/25) Chiba/Japan, Japanese.
- Tatsuya Tokunaga, Kazuya Okamoto, Naoto Kume, Tadamasa Takemura, Tomohiro Kuroda, Hiroyuki Yoshihara: Prototyping statistical data provider based on EHR application framework. Proceedings of Annual Conference of M Technology Association Japan, pp.42-44 (2012/09/01) Nagasaki/Japan, Japanese.
- Naoto Kume, Kana Eguchi, Koji Yoshimura, Tomohiro Kuroda, Kazuya Okamoto, Tadamasa Takemura, Hiroyuki Yoshihara: Soft tissue ablation model by multiple manipulation for surgical simulation. Proceedings of Symposium on Medical and Biological Engineering, p.52 (2012/09/07) Toyonaka/Japan.
- Hiroki Murata, Naoto Kume, Tomohiro Kuroda, Koji Yoshimura, Kazuya Okamoto, Tadamasa Takemura, Hiroyuki Yoshihara: Development of The Virtual Organ Model for Several Pelvic Organ Prolapse. Proceedings of Symposium on Medical and Biological Engineering, 262−263 (2012/09/07) Toyonaka/Japan, Japanese.
- Tatsuya Tokunaga, Naoto Kume, Kazuya Okamoto, Tadamasa Takemura, Tomohiro Kuroda, Naoki Ohboshi, Hiroyuki Yoshihara: An application framework providing medical information enriched by web service combination. Proceedings of Symposium on Medical and Biological Engineering, p.509 (2012/09/08) Toyonaka/Japan.
- Fumihiko Ando, Tadamasa Takemura, Tomohiro Kuroda, Hiroyuki Yoshihara: Hospital management simulation by the model to fill the sickbed with real patient data. Proceedings of Symposium on Medical and Biological Engineering, p.519 (2012/09/08) Toyonaka/Japan.
- Sachiko Okada, Keisuke Nagase, Akiko Ito, Fumihiko Ando, Yoshiaki Nakagawa, Kazuya Okamoto, Naoto Kume, Tadamasa Takemura, Tomohiro Kuroda, Hiroyuki Yoshihara: Development and Evaluation of Outlier Detector on Hospital Management using Hospital Information Systems. Proceedings of Symposium on Medical and Biological Engineering, p.505 (2012/09/08) Toyonaka/Japan, Japanese.
- Yusuke Uchida, Tomohiro Kuroda, Tsukasa Kan, Hideya Takahashi, Kenta Hori, Naoto Kume, Masahiko Ando, Takashi Kawamura, Kazuya Okamoto, Tadamasa Takemura, Hiroyuki Yoshihara: Developing Tele-medicine Support Information System Which Integrates and Transmits Visual, Tactile, and Auditory information. Proceedings of Symposium on Medical and Biological Engineering, pp.488-489 (2012/09/08) Toyonaka/Japan, Japanese.
- Masahiro Yakami, Tomohiro Kuroda: Development and evaluation of a system for end-users to retrieve case data from a HIS supporting complex search conditions involving multiple data tables. Proceedings of Symposium on Medical and Biological Engineering, p.501 (2012/09/08) Toyonaka/Japan.
- Tomohiro Kuroda, Eizen Kimura, Yasushi Matsumura, Yoshinori Yamashita, Haruhiko Hiramatsu, Naoto Kume: Simulating Cloud Environment for HIS backup using Secret Sharing. Proceedings of Joint Conference on Medical Informatics, pp.474-477 (2012/11/15) Niigata/Japan, Japanese.
- Yusuke Uchida, Tomohiro Kuroda, Tsukasa Suga, Hideya Takahashi, Kenta Hori, Naoto Kume, Masahiko Ando, Takashi Kawamura, Kazuya Okamoto, Tadamasa Takemura, Hiroyuki Yoshihara: Information Support System for Tele-Auscultation using Mixed Reality. Proceedings of Joint Conference on Medical Informatics, pp.562-564 (2012/11/15) Niigata/Japan, Research Encouragement Award, Japanese.
- Satoki Hamaguchi, Toshihiko Osugi, Tomohiro Kuroda, Ken-ichiro Watanabe: ICT Support for Educational Activity at Special Needs Education School for Sick Children. Proceedings of Joint Conference on Medical Informatics, pp.1410-1413 (2012/11/16) Niigata/Japan, Japanese.
- Seiko Tsuruoka, Kazuya Okamoto, Tadamasa Takemura, Naoto Kume, Tomohiro Kuroda, Hiroyuki Yoshihara: Medical Document Ranking using External Information of the Documents. Proceedings of Joint Conference on Medical Informatics, pp.1030-1033 (2012/11/17) Niigata/Japan, Japanese.
- Seiko Tsuruoka, Kazuya Okamoto, Tadamasa Takemura, Naoto Kume, Tomohiro Kuroda, Hiroyuki Yoshihara: Proposal of Ranking Method of Clinical Documents Using External Data. Joint Research Meeting (2012/11/29) Kyoto/Japan, Japanese.
- Yusuke Uchida, Tomohiro Kuroda, Tsukasa Kan, Hideya Takahashi, Kenta Hori, Naoto Kume, Masahiko Ando, Takashi Kawamura, Kazuya Okamoto, Tadamasa Takemura, Hiroyuki Yoshihara: Development of Information System for Tele-auscultation support. Joint Research Meeting (2012/11/29) Kyoto/Japan, Japanese.
- Hiroki Murata, Naoto Kume, Tomohiro Kuroda, Koji Yoshimura, Tadamasa Takemura, Hiroyuki Yoshihara: Three Dimensional Model to Explain Pelvic Organ Prolapse. Joint Research Meeting (2012/11/29) Kyoto/Japan, Japanese.
- Masahiro Tada, Haruo Noma, Tomohiro Kuroda, Tadamasa Takemura: Development of Information Service within Hospital using Sensor Network. Proceedings of Symposium on Information, System, and Technology of Special Interest Group on Information System Technologies of Architectural Institute of Japan, pp.323-326 (2012/12/13) Tokyo/Japan, Japanese.
- [News Items]
- Fiber with ultra-small IC by Urase corp. Nikkei Business Daily, 北陸版 (2012/04/11) Japanese.
- MIC selected research proposal of Ehime university to distribute backup of EMR data. Ehime News (2012/07/06) Japanese.
- Ehime University and others are planning distributed backup of EMR data. Ehime Keizai Report (2012/07/19) Japanese.
- Distributed Backup of EMR Data for Massive Disaster. Mainichi News (2012/07/27) Japanese.
- Hospital Information System to support clinical environment. Yozemi Journal Medical, vol.613, p.5 (2012/09/30) Japanese.
- [Others]
- Tomohiro Kuroda: Prefatory Note: The final message as the Secretary General. Japanese Journal of Sign Linguistics, vol.21, pp.1-2 (2012/12/21) Japanese.
- Tomohiro Kuroda: Rakusho: Absorbed in Travelling. Kyoto University News, vol.684, p.3784 (2012/12/27) Japanese.
- 2013
- [Journal Papers]
- Masahiro Yakami, Tomohiro Kuroda, Takeshi Kubo, Yutaka Emoto, Hiroyuki Yoshihara, Kaori Togashi: Development and Evaluation of an End-User System for Retrieving Case Data from a Hospital Information System Supporting Complex Search Conditions Involving Multiple Data Tables. Advanced Biomedical Engineering, vol.1, pp.47-53 (2013/01/31)
- Naoto Kume, Kana Eguchi, Tomohiro Kuroda, Koji Yoshimura, Kazutoshi Okubo, Kazuya Okamoto, Tadamasa Takemura, Hiroyuki Yoshihara: Rupture Progression Model of Stress Integration for Virtual Reality Ablation. Studies in Health Technology and Informatics, vol.184, pp.242-246 (2013/02/22)
- Tomohiro Kuroda, Haruo Noma, Chisako Naito, Masahiro Tada, Hiroe Yamanaka, Tadamasa Takemura, Kazuko Nin, Hiroyuki Yoshihara: Prototyping Sensor Network System for Automatic Vital Signs Collection -Evaluation of a Location Based Automated Assignment of Measured Vital Signs to Patients-. Methods of Information in Medicine, vol.52, no.3, pp.239-249 (2013/05/01)
- Sachiko Okada, Keisuke Nagase, Akiko Ito, Masahiko Ando, Yoshiaki Nakagawa, Kazuya Okamoto, Naoto Kume, Tadamasa Takemura, Tomohiro Kuroda, Hiroyuki Yoshihara: Development of a methodology for the detection of hospital financial outliers using information systems. International Journal of Health Planning and Management, vol.29, no.3, e207-32 (2013/06/20)
- Tadamasa Takemura, Toshiyuki Tanaka, Kazuya Okamoto, Naoto Kume, Tomohiro Kuroda, Masahiro Hirose, Hiroyuki Yoshihara: The Development of a Multiplayer Game for Education of Hospital Management. Studies in Health Technology and Informatics, p.1212 (2013/08/22)
- Kazuya Okamoto, Toshio Uchiyama, Tadamasa Takemura, Naoto Kume, Takayuki Adachi, Tomohiro Kuroda, Tadasu Uchiyama, Hiroyuki Yoshihara: Qualitative Evaluation of the Supporting System for Diagnosis Procedure Combination Code Selection. Studies in Health Technology and Informatics, p.1031 (2013/08/22)
- Tomohiro Kuroda, Eizen Kimura, Yasushi Matsumura, Yoshinori Yamashita, Haruhiko Hiramatsu, Naoto Kume: Simulating Cloud Environment for HIS backup using Secret Sharing. Studies in Health Technology and Informatics, pp.171-174 (2013/08/23)
- Seiko Tsuruoka, Kazuya Okamoto, Tadamasa Takemura, Naoto Kume, Tomohiro Kuroda, Hiroyuki Yoshihara: Medical Document Ranking Useful to Study Using External Information of the Documents. Japan Journal of Medical Informatics, vol.33, no.3, pp.151-159 (2013/09/30) Japanese.
- Naoto Kume, Kana Eguchi, Koji Yoshimura, Tomohiro Kuroda, Kazuya Okamoto, Tadamasa Takemura, Hiroyuki Yoshihara: Soft Tissue Ablation Model for Surgical Simulation by Applying a Combination of Multiple Hypotheses. Advanced Biomedical Engineering, vol.2, pp.38-46 (2013/10/05)
- Tadamasa Takemura, Haruo Noma, Tomohiro Kuroda, Masahiro Tada, Naoto Kume, Kazuya Okamoto, Tomoko Hikita, Hiroyuki Yoshihara: Ubiquitous Sensor Network Environment in Hospital using BT-AP Antenna. Japanese Journal of Telemedicine and Telecare, vol.9, no.2, pp.136-139 (2013/10/18) Japanese.
- Tomohiro Kuroda, Eizen Kimura, Yasushi Matsumura, Yoshinori Yamashita, Haruhiko Hiramatsu, Naoto Kume: Feasibility Study of HIS Backup Cloud based on Secret Sharing. Japan Journal of Medical Informatics, vol.33, no.4, pp.225-233 (2013/11/08) Japanese.
- [Lectures]
- Tomohiro Kuroda: Applying Medical ICT for Regional Medicine. CISCO Health Innovation Seminar, Tokyo Midtown (2013/02/13) Tokyo/Japan, Japanese.
- Tomohiro Kuroda: Developing Ubiquitous Hospital Information Environment. Workshop of Japanese Society of Medical Informatics Kansai Division, Kyoto University (2013/03/16) Kyoto/Japan, Japanese.
- Tomohiro Kuroda: Overview of Kyoto University MEDINFO Team. Workshop of Japanese Society of Medical Informatics Kansai Division, Kyoto Univeristy (2013/03/16) Kyoto/Japan.
- Tomohiro Kuroda, Tadamasa Takemura, Haruo Noma: Implementing Ubiquitous Sensor Network into Clinical Environment. IEICE General Conference, Gifu University (2013/03/21) Gifu/Japan, Invited Panel Session, Japanese.
- Tomohiro Kuroda: Clinical Danger after Introduction of HIS : Consider Boarders. Meeting of Japan Society of Fuzzy Theory and Intelligent Informatics Kansai Division, Kyoto University (2013/07/27) Kyoto/Japan, Japanese.
- Tomohiro Kuroda: Clinical Medicine of Information Age. Annual Conference of M Technology Association Japan, University of Hyogo (2013/08/30) Kobe/Japan, Japanese.
- Tomohiro Kuroda: Image Media and Sign Language. Workshop of Multi-Field Science: Sign Language, Society, and Technology, Grand Front Osaka (2013/09/19) Osaka/Japan, Japanese.
- Tomohiro Kuroda: Job of Professor, Job of Healthcare CIO. Lecture in Todaiji Middle School, Todaiji Middle and High School (2013/11/02) Ikoma/Japan, Japanese.
- Tomohiro Kuroda: Is it Electric Health Record ?. ISOUKAI x, Fashion Mart Kobe (2013/11/20) Kobe/Japan, Japanese.
- Tomohiro Kuroda: How AR Reforms Social Medical System?. International Display Workshops, Sapporo Convention Center (2013/12/05) Sapporo/Japan.
- Tomohiro Kuroda: Connecting hospital and school -what happens in this project-. Panel Discussion at open school of Toyo Special School for MIC Future School and MEXT Education Innovation Project, Toyo Special School (2013/12/06) Kyoto/Japan, Japanese.
- [International Conferences]
- Kana Eguchi, Naoto Kume, Tomohiro Kuroda, Koji Yoshimura, Kazutoshi Okubo, Kazuya Okamoto, Hiroyuki Yoshihara: Rupture progression model of stress integration for VR ablation. Studies in Health Technology and Informatics, pp.242-246 (2013/02/22) San Diego/USA.
- Tomohiro Kuroda, Yusuke Uchida, Tsukasa Kan, Maya Minami, Chisako Naito, Kenta Hori, Hideya Takahashi, Masahiko Ando, Takashi Kawamura, Kazuya Okamoto, Tadamasa Takemura, Hiroyuki Yoshihara: Mixed Reality Navigation for Tele-Auscultation. Proceedings of Korea-Japan Workshop on Mixed Reality, USB Proceeding (2013/04/13) Onna/Japan.
- Hiroki Kayama, Kazuya Okamoto, Shu Nishiguchi, Minoru Yamada, Tomohiro Kuroda, Tomoki Aoyama: Effect of a Kinect-based exercise game on improving executive cognitive performance in community-dwelling elderly. Proceedings of International Conference on Pervasive Computing Technologies for Healthcare, USB Proceedings (2013/05/05) Venice/Italy.
- Tomohiro Kuroda, Kikuo Hirano, Kazushige Sugimura, Satoshi Adachi, Hidetsugu Igarashi, Kazuo Ueshima, Hideo Nakamura, Masayuki Nambu, Takahiro Doi: Applying NISHIJIN Historical Textile Technique for e-Textile. Proceedings of Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, pp.1226-9 (2013/07/04) Osaka/Japan.
- Tomohiro Kuroda, Eizen Kimura, Yasushi Matsumura, Yoshinori Yamashita, Haruhiko Hiramatsu, Naoto Kume, Atsushi Sato: Applying Secret Sharing for HIS Backup Exchange. Proceedings of Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, pp.4179-82 (2013/07/05) Osaka/Japan.
- Kenta Hori, Yusuke Uchida, Tsukasa Kan, Maya Minami, Chisako Naito, Tomohiro Kuroda, Hideya Takahashi, Masahiko Ando, Takashi Kawamura, Naoto Kume, Kazuya Okamoto, Tadamasa Takemura, Hiroyuki Yoshihara: Tele-Auscultation Support System with Mixed Reality Navigation. Proceedings of Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, pp.4646-9 (2013/07/05) Osaka/Japan.
- Tuukka Karvonen, Tapio Seppanen, Suvi Tiinanen, Antti Kiviniemi, Kazuya Okamoto, Tomohiro Kuroda, Mikko Tulppo: Ultrasound Image Analysis for Assessment of Flow-mediated Dilation of Human Arteries. IEEE EMBC Short Papers, no.3379 (2013/07/06) Osaka/Japan.
- Kikue Sato, Tomohiro Kuroda, Tadamasa Takemura, Akitoshi Seiyama: Feasibility Assessment of Bluetooth Based Location System for Workflow Analysis of Nursing Staff. IEEE EMBC Short Papers, no.3316 (2013/07/06) Osaka/Japan.
- Hitomi Yamada, Tadamasa Takemura, Kazuya Okamoto, Tomohiro Kuroda, Shigeki Kuwata: A Study of Automatic Evaluation System for Written Informed Consent using Machine Learning. IEEE EMBC Short Papers, no.3352 (2013/07/06) Osaka/Japan.
- Kazuya Okamoto, Tadamasa Takemura, Naoto Kume, Tomohiro Kuroda, Hiroyuki Yoshihara: Development of a Hypothesis-generating Support System using Medical Records for Clinical Knowledge Acquisition . IEEE EMBC Short Papers, no.1106 (2013/07/07) Osaka/Japan.
- Naoto Kume, Shirou Manabe, Yasushi Matsumura, Kenji Araki, Katsuhiko Takabayashi, Yoshinari Shima, Kazuya Okamoto, Tadamasa Takemura, Tomohiro Kuroda, Hiroyuki Yoshihara: Distributed Clinical Study Database for Traversal Search of the Accounting Information and Laboratory Test Results . IEEE EMBC Short Papers, no.1686 (2013/07/07) Osaka/Japan.
- Tadamasa Takemura, Toshiyuki Tanaka, Kazuya Okamoto, Naoto Kume, Tomohiro Kuroda, Masahiro Hirose, Hiroyuki Yoshihara: The Development of a Multiplayer Game for Education of Hospital Management. Proceedings of World Congress on Medical and Health Informatics, p.1212 (2013/08/22) Copenhagen/Denmark.
- Kazuya Okamoto, Toshio Uchiyama, Tadamasa Takemura, Naoto Kume, Takayuki Adachi, Tomohiro Kuroda, Tadasu Uchiyama, Hiroyuki Yoshihara: Qualitative Evaluation of the Supporting System for Diagnosis Procedure Combination Code Selection. Proceedings of World Congress on Medical and Health Informatics, p.1031 (2013/08/22) Copenhagen/Denmark.
- Tomohiro Kuroda, Eizen Kimura, Yasushi Matsumura, Yoshinori Yamashita, Haruhiko Hiramatsu, Naoto Kume: Simulating Cloud Environment for HIS backup using Secret Sharing. Proceedings of World Congress on Medical and Health Informatics, pp.171-174 (2013/08/23) Copenhagen/Denmark.
- Tomohiro Kuroda, Kenta Hori, Kazuya Okamoto: Introducing Multi-media Communication for Regional Medicine: Nagahama Telemedicine Project. Proceedings of Internatonal Society for Telemedicine and eHealth International Conference, p.49 (2013/10/18) Takamatsu/Japan.
- Naoto Kume, Tomohiro Kuroda, Hiroyuki Yoshihara: The Electronic Health Record as a Clinical Study Information Hub. Proceedings of International Joint Conference on Natural Language Processing, 43-47 (2013/10/18) Nagoya/Japan.
- Tomohiro Kuroda, Yoshihiro Kuroda, Kenta Hori, Naoki Ohboshi: How AR Reforms Social Medical System?. Proceedings of International Display Workshops, vol.20, pp.1427-1429 (2013/12/05) Sapporo/Japan.
- [Domestic Conferences]
- Naoto Kume, Yasutomo Kawata, Shirou Manabe, Yoshinari Shima, Yasushi Matsumura, Kenji Araki, Katsuhiko Takabayashi, Kazuya Okamoto, Tomohiro Kuroda, Hiroyuki Yoshihara: Problems toward Sharing Laboratory Data Between Hospitals. Proceedings of Meeting of Information Management Divisions of University Hospitals, pp.82-84 (2013/02/07) Niigata/Japan, Japanese.
- Hironobu Murano, Masashi Kotani, Kunihiro Terazawa, Tomohiro Kuroda, Nobuya Inagaki, Hiroyuki Yoshihara: Publication for Administrative Improvement -Activities of Office for Hospital Strategic Planning-. Proceedings of Meeting of Information Management Divisions of University Hospitals, pp.268-270 (2013/02/07) Niigata/Japan, Japanese.
- Masashi Kanai, Keiko Furukawa, Shigemi Matsumoto, Atsushi Yonezawa, Tomohiro Kuroda, Tatsuaki Yonezawa, Shuichi Shiga, Hironori Haga, Masashi Kosugi, Satoshi Ichiyama, Hiroyuki Yoshihara, Kazuo Matsubara, Tsutomu Chiba, Manabu Muto: Kyoto University Hospital Cancer Center, Bio-bank and -informatics for Cancer (BIC) Project. Proceedings of Kyoto Workshop for Cancer Research (2013/03/15) Kyoto/Japan, Japanese.
- Tomohiro Kuroda, Tadamasa Takemura, Haruo Noma: Implementing Ubiquitous Sensor Network into Clinical Environment. Proceedings of IEICE General Conference, SS-49-SS-50 (2013/03/21) Gifu/Japan, Invited Panel Session, Japanese.
- Tomohiro Kuroda, Kikuo Hirano, Kazushige Sugimura, Satoshi Adachi, Hidetsugu Igarashi, Kazuo Ueshima: Prototyping e-Textile Underwear for 12-lead Electrocardiograph using Traditional Weaving Technique 2nd Report. Proceedings of The Annual Conference of Textile Machinery Society of Japan, pp.112-113 (2013/06/01) Osaka/Japan, Japanese.
- Kikue Sato, Tomohiro Kuroda, Tadamasa Takemura: Quantitative Analysis of Staff Trajectory based on Location System using Bluetooth. Proceedings of Japan Association of Medical Infomatics Spring Conference, pp.108-109 (2013/06/21) Toyama/Japan, Japanese.
- Seiko Tsuruoka, Kazuya Okamoto, Tadamasa Takemura, Naoto Kume, Tomohiro Kuroda, Hiroyuki Yoshihara: Medical Document Ranking Useful to Study using External Information of the Documents. Proceedings of Japan Association of Medical Infomatics Spring Conference, pp.88-89 (2013/06/22) Toyama/Japan, Japanese.
- Tomohiro Kuroda, Eizen Kimura, Yasushi Matsumura, Yoshinori Yamashita, Haruhiko Hiramatsu, Naoto Kume: Feasibility Study of HIS Backup Cloud based on Secret Sharing. Proceedings of Japan Association of Medical Infomatics Spring Conference, pp.84-85 (2013/06/22) Toyama/Japan, Japanese.
- Risa Sakurai, Tadamasa Takemura, Hiroshi Tamura, Tomohiro Kuroda, Hideyuki Horio, Kazuhiko Yamashita: Developing Computerized Contrast-sensitivity Test for Early Diagnosis of Cataract. Proceedings of Annual Conference of M Technology Association Japan, pp.46-47 (2013/08/31) Kobe/Japan, Japanese.
- Atsuo Sawada, Koji Yoshimura, Hiroki Murata, Naoto Kume, Tomohiro Kuroda: Developing Explanation Support System based on Virtual Reality -Process Visualization of Pelvic Organ Prolapse-. Proceedings of Annual Conference of Japanese Society of Medical Virtual Reality, p.27 (2013/08/31) Neyagawa/Japan, Japanese.
- Tomohiro Kuroda, Nodoka Nakashima, Mayuko Kaneda, Kikue Sato, Naoki Ohboshi, Ayumu Okada, Kazuya Okamoto, Hiroyuki Yoshihara, Tomoya Akiyama: Evaluating the Workload Reduction from Automatic Vital Data Transmission. Proceedings of Symposium on Medical and Biological Engineering, p.171 (2013/09/20) Fukuoka/Japan.
- Kikue Sato, Tomohiro Kuroda, Tadamasa Takemura, Kazuya Okamoto, Akitoshi Seiyama: Visualization of nursing staff's workflow for management with location system. Proceedings of Symposium on Medical and Biological Engineering, p.181 (2013/09/20) Fukuoka/Japan.
- Atsushi Sato, Eizen Kimura, Tomohiro Kuroda: Improving the Performance of Secret Sharing Backup System by Applying Compression and Differential Methods on HIS data. Proceedings of Joint Conference on Medical Informatics, pp.108-109 (2013/11/21) Kobe/Japan, Japanese.
- Tomohiro Kuroda, Hiroaki Iwamaru, Kenji Masaki, Kazuya Okamoto: Study and Validation of the Cloud Print System under Virtual Desktop Infrastructure. Proceedings of Joint Conference on Medical Informatics, pp.226-227 (2013/11/21) Kobe/Japan, Japanese.
- Takashi Yamamoto, Kenichi Murakami, Yoji Okada, Tomohiro Miyasaka, Kazuya Okamoto, Tomohiro Kuroda: Dynamic Control of Wireless Network Configuration Considering Priority of Medical Device Communication. Proceedings of Joint Conference on Medical Informatics, pp.1288-1289 (2013/11/21) Kobe/Japan, Japanese.
- Tomohiro Kuroda, Kenji Araki, Yoshiyau Okuhara, Eizen Kimura, Toru Kumai, Naoto Kume, Atsushi Sato, Tadahiro Shimogawa, Yutaka Hatakeyama, Haruhiko Hiramatsu, Yasushi Matsumura, Yoshinori Yamashita: Basic Strategy of HIS data backup. Proceedings of Joint Conference on Medical Informatics, pp.98-99 (2013/11/21) Kobe/Japan, Japanese.
- Tomohiro Nakano, Nao Onose, Kikue Sato, Tomoko Hikita, Reiko Houya, Kazuya Okamoto, Tomohiro Kuroda, Naoki Ohboshi: Development of Context-aware Nursing Support Mobile System. Proceedings of Joint Conference on Medical Informatics, pp.1156-1157 (2013/11/22) Kobe/Japan, Japanese.
- Tadamasa Takemura, Hitomi Yamada, Kazuya Okamoto, Tomohiro Kuroda, Kazuo Nakazawa, Shigeki Kuwata: Development of Automatic Evaluation System for Written Informed Consent on Electronic Medical Record System. Proceedings of Joint Conference on Medical Informatics, pp.684-685 (2013/11/22) Kobe/Japan, Japanese.
- Takuya Uwate, Tadamasa Takemura, Kazuya Okamoto, Tatsuya Tokunaga, Naoto Kume, Tomohiro Kuroda, Masumi Azuma, Naoki Ohboshi, Hiroyuki Yoshihara, Haruhiko Nishimura: Development of Mediation Support System using EHR and Social Media System. Proceedings of Joint Conference on Medical Informatics, pp.906-907 (2013/11/23) Kobe/Japan, Japanese.
- Yoshihiro Umehara, Masatoshi Yoshikawa, Tomohiro Kuroda, Kazuya Okamoto, Naoto Kume, Hiroyuki Yoshihara: Study on platform for therapeutic value analysis of medicine based on electronic patient record. Technical Reports of IPSJ, 2013-DBS-158, no.29, pp.1-8 (2013/11/26) Kyoto/Japan, Japanese.
- [Technical Notes]
- Tomohiro Kuroda: Automatic Vital Data Recording System to Support Clinical Safety under Harmonic Collaboration between Human and Machine. Proceedings of Tateishi Science and Technical Foundation Supported Researches, vol.22, pp.77-80 (2013/09/01) Japanese.
- Tomohiro Kuroda, Tadamasa Takemura, Haruo Noma, Kazuya Okamoto, Naoto Kume, Hiroyuki Yoshihara: Impact of Position Tracking o the Outpatient Navigation. Bulletin of Fukuda Foundation for Medical Technology, no.26, pp.13-16 (2013/12/01) Japanese.
- [News Items]
- (JCMI) MR-based Telemedicine Support System Telling the Condition by Color. Nikkei Digital Health On Line (2013/01/15) Japanese.
- Farawell Party over Wireless Connection Toyo Special Needs Education School for Sick Children and Class Rooms in Three Hospitals. Daily Kyoto News, p.24 (2013/03/14) Japanese.
- IT connecting Classrooms. Daily Kyoto News (2013/04/17) Japanese.
- Nagahama City Hospital Connected with Two Hospitals. Daily Yomiuri (2013/10/04) Japanese.
- Three hospitals in Nagahama are connected by video phone. Chunichi Shimbun (2013/10/04) Japanese.
- Medical Collaboration System around Nagahama City Hospital. Sankei News (2013/10/04) Japanese.
- Medical Collaboration System to connect one clinic and two hospitals. Mainichi News (2013/10/04) Japanese.
- Sharing Electronic Patient Records and Tele-Consultation, Nagahama. Daily Kyoto News (2013/10/06) Japanese.
- Inside and Outside Kyoto (Tele-teaching with zoo). Daily Kyoto News (2013/10/07) Evening page 9, Japanese.
- TV class between zoo and special needs school. Daily Yomiuri (2013/10/08) Japanese.
- The 33rd Joint Conference on Medical Informatics (Part 1). Innavi net (2013/11/26) Japanese.
- [Others]
- Tomohiro Kuroda: To illustrate medical environment under information age. Shirankai Bulletin, vol.179, p.2 (2013/10/01) Japanese.
- 2014
- [Books]
- Tomohiro Kuroda: Medical Applications. Wearable Electronics, pp.219-224, NTS (2014/06/27) Japanese.
- Tomohiro Kuroda, Hideya Takahashi, Atsushi Masuda: Woven Electronic Textiles. Edward Sazonov, Michael R. Neuman(Ed.), Wearable Sensors -Fundamentals, Implementation and Applications-, pp.175-198, Elsevier (2014/09/01)
- Kazuya Okamoto, Hiroki Kayama, Minoru Yamada, Naoto Kume, Tomohiro Kuroda, Tomoki Aoyama: Development of a system for the assessment of a dual-task performance based on a motion-capture device. Paul Sharkey, Joav Merrick(Ed.), Virtual Reality: Rehabilitation in Motor, Cognitive and Sensorial Disorders, pp.49-56, Nova Publishers (2014/10/20)
- [Journal Papers]
- Tatsuya Tokunaga, Naoto Kume, Kazuya Okamoto, Tadamasa Takemura, Tomohiro Kuroda, Naoki Ohboshi, Hiroyuki Yoshihara: An Application Framework for Enriching Electronic Health Records by Web Services Coordination. Journal of eHealth Technology and Application, vol.10, no.1 (2014/01/31)
- Hiroki Kayama, Kazuya Okamoto, Shu Nishiguchi, Minoru Yamada, Tomohiro Kuroda, Tomoki Aoyama: Effect of a Kinect-based Exercise Game on Improving Executive Cognitive Performance in Community-dwelling Elderly: Case Control Study. Journal of Medical Internet Research, vol.16, no.2, e61 (2014/02/14) doi:10.2196/jmir.3108.
- Tatsuya Tokunaga, Naoto Kume, Kazuya Okamoto, Tadamasa Takemura, Tomohiro Kuroda, Hiroyuki Yoshihara: Electronic Health Record Application Development Framework of Clinical Information Statistics. Mumps, vol.27, pp.37-48 (2014/02/17) Japanese.
- Tomohiro Kuroda, Nodoka Nakashima, Mayuko Kaneda, Kikue Sato, Naoki Ohboshi, Ayumu Okada, Kazuya Okamoto, Hiroyuki Yoshihara, Tomoya Akiyama: Evaluating the Workload Reduction of Automatic Vital Data Transmission. Advanced Biomedical Engineering, vol.2, pp.124-129 (2014/02/19)
- Kazuya Okamoto, Hiroki Kayama, Minoru Yamada, Naoto Kume, Tomohiro Kuroda, Tomoki Aoyama: Development of a system for the assessment of a dual-task performance based on a motion-capture device. The International Journal on Disability and Human Development, vol.13, no.3, pp.333-336 (2014/08/13) doi:10.1515/ijdhd-2014-0324.
- Kenta Hori, Yusuke Uchida, Maya Minami, Chisako Naito, Tomohiro Kuroda, Hideya Takahashi, Masahiko Ando, Takashi Kawamura, Naoto Kume, Kazuya Okamoto, Tadamasa Takemura, Hiroyuki Yoshihara: Evaluation of Vision-based Remote Navigation System for Tele-auscultation. Medical Virtual Reality, vol.12, no.1, pp.15-26 (2014/11/10) Japanese.
- [Lectures]
- Tomohiro Kuroda: Prototyping Healthcare Environment of Information Age -How Ubiquitous Computing Changes our Workflow-. TERVEUSTEKNOLOGIA (Health Technology Expo in Finland), Helsingin Messukeskus (2014/01/09) Helsinki/Finland.
- Tomohiro Kuroda: Regional Medicine of Information Age. Internal Seminar, CISCO Tokyo Office (2014/01/16) Tokyo/Japan, Japanese.
- Tomohiro Kuroda: Pitfalls of HIS and Pitfalls of the Internet. Internal Seminar, Kyoto University Hospital (2014/01/27) Kyoto/Japan, Japanese.
- Tomohiro Kuroda: Role of e-Textile for the Advancement of Medicine in the Information Age. Research meeting of TMSJ SIG e-Textile , Osaka Science and Technology Center (2014/03/10) Osaka/Japan, Japanese.
- Tomohiro Kuroda: Future of the past is still future. Hospital goes into human body and Healthcare goes into daily lives. Future of healthcare and expectation to the coming technology. . Nikkei Digital Health Summit, JA Kyosai Building Conference Hall (2014/03/18) Tokyo/Japan, Japanese.
- Tomohiro Kuroda: Regional Health Information Share Strategy of Kyoto University Hospital. Internal Seminar, Oike Clinic (2014/03/19) Kyoto/Japan, Japanese.
- Tomohiro Kuroda: Role of e-Textile for the Advancement of Medicine in the Information Age. Regular Research Meeting of e-Textile Product Developers, Industrial Technology Center of Fukui Prefecture (2014/05/16) Fukui/Japan, Japanese.
- Tomohiro Kuroda: Toward Social Hospital -snapshot of medical information technologies. Joint CBU-BCBU Summer School, University of Eastern Finland, Kuopio Campus (2014/08/25) Kuopio/Finland.
- Tomohiro Kuroda: Toward Social Hospital -snapshot of medical information technologies-. Internal Seminar, Department of Applied Informatics of Gothenburg University and Chalmers University (2014/09/05) Gothenburg/Sweden.
- Tomohiro Kuroda: HCI to make user friendly -context aware hospital information systems-. Sweden - Kyoto Symposium, KTH Royal Institute of Technology (2014/09/12) Stockholm/Sweden.
- Tomohiro Kuroda: Increase of Resolution of Clinical and Health Data by Activity Sensing Technologies. Lecture of Kansai Branch of Four Electronics-related institutions -Snapshots of Medical Information Platform and Big-data Analysis-, Central Electric Club (2014/10/21) Osaka/Japan, Japanese.
- [Review Papers]
- Tomohiro Kuroda: IoT distributes functions of hospital into society -Toward the future utilization of clinical data . Snapshots and prospects of cloud computing in medicine -Introduction and Application Guidance, pp.8-11 (2014/11/06) Japanese.
- [International Conferences]
- Goshiro Yamamoto, Zeeshan Asghar, Yuki Uranishi, Takashi Taketomi, Christian Sandor, Tomohiro Kuroda, Petri Pulli, Hirokazu Kato: Grid-pattern Indicating Interface for Ambient Assisted Living. Proceedings of International Conference on Disability, Virtual Reality and Associated Technologies, pp.405-408 (2014/09/03) Gothenburg/Sweden, Best Short Paper Commendation.
- Ryosuke Sawano, Masatoshi Yoshikawa, Kazuya Okamoto, Tomohiro Kuroda: Assessment of Electronic Medical Records Highly Ranked by Scoring Algorithms using Access Logs. Proceedings of Annual Conference of Asia Pacific Association for Medical Informatics (2014/11/01) New Delhi / India.
- Shinji Kobayashi, Naoto Kume, Tomohiro Kuroda, Hiroyuki Yoshihara: Designing clinical models of EHR (Electronic Health Records) for long-term care providers to elderly persons. Proceedings of AMIA Annual Symposium, p.1469 (2014/11/19) Washington DC/USA.
- [Domestic Conferences]
- Ryosuke Sawano, Masatoshi Yoshikawa, Akihiro Hamasaki, Kazuya Okamoto, Tomohiro Kuroda: Extracting Relation between Clinical Documents from Access Log. Proceedings of Forum on Data Engineering and Information Management, F6-1 (2014/03/05) Awaji/Japan, Japanese.
- Tomohiro Kuroda, Atsushi Masuda, Tomoaki Harii, Hideya Takahashi, Eiji Shimizu: Prototyping Pressure Ulcer Prevention Mattress Management System using RFID Fiber Woven Label. Proceedings of The Annual Conference of Textile Machinery Society of Japan, 220−221 (2014/05/31) Osaka/Japan, Japanese.
- Yusuke Takeuchi, Hideya Takahashi, Tomohiro Kuroda, Atsushi Masuda, Tomoaki Harii, Eiji Shimizu: RFID Sensor System for Detection of Volume of Urinary Incontinence. Proceedings of The Annual Conference of Textile Machinery Society of Japan (2014/05/31) Osaka/Japan, Japanese.
- Hitomi Yamada, Tadamasa Takemura, Takahiro Asai, Kazuya Okamoto, Tomohiro Kuroda, Shigeki Kuwata: Consideration of Automatic Evaluation System for Written Informed Consent. Proceedings of Japan Association of Medical Infomatics Spring Conference, 83−84 (2014/06/06) Okayama/Japan, Japanese.
- Tomohiro Nakano, Nao Onose, Kikue Sato, Tomoko Hikita, Reiko Houya, Kazuya Okamoto, Tomohiro Kuroda, Naoki Ohboshi: Development of Situation Detection Part of Context-aware Nursing Support Mobile System. Proceedings of Japan Association of Medical Infomatics Spring Conference, 119−120 (2014/06/07) Okayama/Japan, Japanese.
- Yu Uneno, Masashi Kanai, Keiko Tamon, Kei Taneishi, Kazuya Okamoto, Shigemi Matsumoto, Tomohiro Kuroda, Yasushi Okuno, Manabu Muto: Exploratory Research on predicting therapeutic effect and side effect of anticancer drug using Electronic Patient Record Database System (CyberOncology). Proceedings of Kyoto Workshop for Cancer Research (2014/10/10) Kyoto/Japan, Japanese.
- Takashi Nakai, Tadamasa Takemura, Kenichiro Fujita, Kazuya Okamoto, Tomohiro Kuroda: State definition for medical decision support system by machine learning. Proceedings of Joint Conference on Medical Informatics, CD-ROM (2014/11/06) Chiba/Japan, Japanese.
- Naoto Kume, Shinji Kobayashi, Kenta Masuda, Tomohiro Kuroda, Kenji Araki, Hiroyuki Yoshihara: Preparation of Common Test Item Master Table for Clinical Study between Plural Facilities. Proceedings of Joint Conference on Medical Informatics, CD-ROM (2014/11/06) Chiba/Japan, Japanese.
- Risa Sakurai, Tadamasa Takemura, Naoto Kume, Tomohiro Kuroda: Attempt to Mapping openEHR for DPC Data as Medical Record. Proceedings of Joint Conference on Medical Informatics, CD-ROM (2014/11/06) Chiba/Japan, Japanese.
- Kenichiro Fujita, Tadamasa Takemura, Tomoko Hikita, Kazuya Okamoto, Tomohiro Kuroda: Study of the evaluation criteria for the screen design of electronic medical records based on the user experience. Proceedings of Joint Conference on Medical Informatics, CD-ROM (2014/11/07) Chiba/Japan, Japanese.
- Hitomi Yamada, Tadamasa Takemura, Takahiro Asai, Kazuya Okamoto, Tomohiro Kuroda, Hiroshi Narazaki, Shigeki Kuwata: Development of Criteria for Medical Record Audits Focused on Informed Consent Descriptions. Proceedings of Joint Conference on Medical Informatics, CD-ROM (2014/11/08) Chiba/Japan, Japanese.
- Takahiro Asai, Hitomi Yamada, Tadamasa Takemura, Hiroshi Narazaki, Kazuya Okamoto, Tomohiro Kuroda, Shigeki Kuwata: Building a consent described automated audit system in the electronic medical record system. Proceedings of Joint Conference on Medical Informatics, CD-ROM (2014/11/08) Chiba/Japan, Japanese.
- Naoki Mihara, Yasushi Matsumura, Eizen Kimura, Tomohiro Kuroda, Naoto Kume, Souichi Saishu, Atsushi Sato: Development of Document Backup System for DACS (Document Archiving and Communication System) By Using Secret Sharing. Proceedings of Joint Conference on Medical Informatics, CD-ROM (2014/11/08) Chiba/Japan, Excellent Oral Presentation Award, Japanese.
- Kazuya Okamoto, Tadamasa Takemura, Tomohiro Kuroda, Youhei Taniguchi, Hiroyuki Yoshihara: Adoption and Evaluation of Functions Enabling Templates to Connect Each Other and HIS DB. Proceedings of Joint Conference on Medical Informatics, CD-ROM (2014/11/08) Chiba/Japan, Japanese.
- Ayako Kajimura, Tadamasa Takemura, Kenichiro Fujita, Tomoko Hikita, Akane Taruya, Tomohiro Kuroda: Analysis of the relationship of screen transition and the nursing service in Electric Medical Records. Proceedings of Joint Conference on Medical Informatics, CD-ROM (2014/11/08) Chiba/Japan, Japanese.
- [Patents]
- Tatsunori Sakamoto, Juichi Ito, Tomohiro Kuroda, Tuukka Karvonen: Decision of relative orientation of two structures from slice imges. 特願2014-053790 (2014/03/07) Japanese.
- [News Items]
- CISCO presents software platform for telemedicine. EE Times Japan (2014/01/17) Japanese.
- CISCO presents new product HelathPresence 2.5 -trial use in Shiga-Prefecture. IT Pro (2014/01/17) Japanese.
- Communication Environment Changes Medicine - CISCO Challenges Telemedicine. ZD Net Japan (2014/01/21) Japanese.
- Cisco Systems holds press release about CISCO Health Presence 2.5 Telemedicine Solution. Innavi net (2014/01/27) Japanese.
- Special Article: Social Hospital. Nikkei Digital Health, vol.2, no.3, pp.23-48 (2014/02/03) Japanese.
- Reason why telemedicine is still not there. Tech Target Japan (2014/02/14) Japanese.
- Cisco Systems presented Cisco HealthPresence 2.5 to support telemedicine. InnerVision, vol.29, no.3, p.89 (2014/03/05) Japanese.
- Prof. Kuroda of Kyoto University Hospital points out hospital goes social over the Internet. Nikkei Digital Health On Line (2014/03/18) Japanese.
- Kyoto University Hospital introduces cloud print service under secure environment. Evening Ameba News (2014/05/20) Japanese.
- Konica Minolta and Cisco start cloud print service for hospitals. Nikkei Digital Health On Line (2014/05/20) Japanese.
- Kyoto University Hospital introduces cloud print environment -- to deal with complex virtual environment. ZD Net Japan (2014/05/20) Japanese.
- Cloud print service under highly secure environment is launched at Kyoto University Hospital. Zaikei Shinbun News (2014/05/20) Japanese.
- Konica Minolta realized cloud print service for highly secure hospital information system. Rad Fan Online (2014/05/20) Japanese.
- Konica Minolta and Cisco start cloud print service for Kyoto University Hospital. RBB Today (2014/05/20) Japanese.
- Konica Minolta operates cloud print service for Kyoto University Hosptal. Kabukei News (2014/05/20) Japanese.
- Kyoto University Hospital introduces cloud print service under secure environment. mynavi news (2014/05/20) Japanese.
- Konica Minolta and Cisco start Cloud Print Service for Kyoto University Hospital. Innavi net (2014/05/21) Japanese.
- Cisco and Konica Minolta developed print service under secure environment. Security Next (2014/05/22) Japanese.
- Konica Minolta and Cisco supply cloud to Kyoto University Hospital. Asahi News Digital (2014/05/28) Japanese.
- Browse a web site and print it out. Konica Minolta and Cisco introduces new system on VDI of Kyoto University Hospital, to improve efficiency without decreasing security. Daily Engineering and Construction News, p.9 (2014/06/11) Japanese.
- Frontier medical field supported by cloud service. Nikkei Business Daily, p.10 (2014/06/23) Newspaper Advertisement , Japanese.
- How an university hospital which forced to isolate its IT environmed finds a potential of cloud printing service. Diamond Online (2014/07/18) Japanese.
- How potential the smart devices and the TV-phone in clinical field. Discussion among clinical informaticians of national university hospitals of Japan. Nikkei Digital Health (2014/07/23) Japanese.
- Walk together, Record by apps. Shiga Yukan News (2014/08/07) Japanese.
- Nagahama conducts walking event, Ritsumeikan university and city are to survey healthy minds of citizens. The Nikkei (2014/10/10) Japanese.
- Compete waling distance using smart phones, Ritsumeikan university developed . Daily Kyoto News (2014/10/10) Japanese.
- Let's walk with smart phones, Ritsumeikan Univ PR. Chunichi Shimbun (2014/10/10) Japanese.
- Compare healthy life using smart phone, Ritsumeikan university develops walking distance collection system . Mainichi News (2014/10/10) Japanese.
- Let's walk together to be healthier, demonstrative research of social service collecting walking logs in Nagahama city. Nikkei Digital Health (2014/10/15) Japanese.
- Silver Bullet to crowd sourcing of printer for Kyoto University Hospital. Tech Target Japan (2014/10/29) Japanese.
- Future medicine: Future of past is still future. Clinical Medicine goes into your home, daily life, and your body. Nikkei Digital Health, vol.2, pp.8-11 (2014/12/02) Japanese.
- Ohmi Explorer: Support continuous exercise. NHK Otsu From Ohmi 610 (2014/12/17) Japanese.
- Supporting Continuous Exercise. NHK Kansai Around Kansai before Noon (2014/12/22) Japanese.
- Supporting Continuous Exercise. NHK-AM Osaka Kansai Radio Wide (2014/12/24) Japanese.
- Try to discover iPS in computer game. Prof. Yamanaka appears as a character.. Daily Kyoto News (2014/12/30) Japanese.
- [Others]
- Tomohiro Kuroda: Greetings from newly appointed professor. Bulletin of Association for Presidents of Affiliated Hospitals of Kyoto University, no.34, pp.14-16 (2014/06/01) Japanese.
- Tomohiro Kuroda: When will the record of vaccination be in use?. CHAIRUSU Column (2014/08/15) Japanese.
- Tomohiro Kuroda: Where do you store your maternity passbook?. CHAIRUSU Column (2014/09/16) Japanese.
- Tomohiro Kuroda: What is Information Bank ? (1). CHAIRUSU Column (2014/11/14) Japanese.
- Tomohiro Kuroda: What is Information Bank (2). CHAIRUSU Column (2014/11/21) Japanese.
- Tomohiro Kuroda: When Information Bank will be modernized. CHAIRUSU Column (2014/12/19) Japanese.
- 2015
- [Academic Awards]
- Tomohiro Kuroda, Tadamasa Takemura, Haruo Noma: Best Organized Session Paper Award. Proceedings of The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers Human Communication Group Symposium (2015/12/16) Utilize Location Data in Hospital Information System, Japanese.
- [Books]
- Tomohiro Kuroda: Revolution on clinical medicine caused by information and communication technologies - Socialize medicine and Hospitalize elderlies- Towards Social Medicine. Shuzo Nishimura(Ed.), White Paper on the Clinical Medicine 2015-2016, pp.116-123, Japanese Medical Planning (2015/08/18) Japanese.
- Tomohiro Kuroda, Naoki Ohboshi, Yoshihiro Kuroda, Kenta Hori: Medical AR. Takeshi Kurata, Kiyoshi Kiyokawa, Takashi Okuma(Ed.), Fundamentals, Progress and Applications of AR (Augmented Reality) Technology , pp.346-363, Kagaku Joho Shuppan (2015/09/28) Japanese.
- [Journal Papers]
- Risa Sakurai, Tadamasa Takemura, Hiroshi Tamura, Tomohiro Kuroda, Hiroyuki Horio: Visual Function Evaluation System using Blue Contract Sensitivity. Transactions of the Japanese Society for Medical and Biological Engineering, vol.53, no.3, pp.187-192 (2015/06/10) Japanese.
- Tomohiro Kuroda, Haruo Noma, Kazuhiko Takase, Shigeto Sasaki, Tadamasa Takemura: Bluetooth Roaming for Sensor Network System in Clinical Environment. Studies in Health Technology and Informatics, vol.216, pp.198-201 (2015/08/21)
- [Lectures]
- Tomohiro Kuroda: Nagahama Walk - Gamified Event by Mobile ICT and Collective Responsibility. GASEL (Gamified Services for Elderly) Project Finland-Japan Workshp, Sendai Finland Wellbeing Center (2015/01/23) Sendai/Japan.
- Tomohiro Kuroda: Basic Knowledge about Clinical Medicine. Design Seminar Series II Healthcare Design, Design School of Kyoto University (2015/02/04) Kyoto/Japan, Japanese.
- Tomohiro Kuroda: Snapshot of Clinical Applications of Wearable and Ubiquitous Computing Technologies. Research Meeting on Medicine and New Media, Arcadia Ichigaya (2015/02/24) Tokyo/Japan, Japanese.
- Tomohiro Kuroda: Fruit of Information Integration on Medical Cloud. Joint Scientific Seminar of Medical Associations of Matsumoto-city, Azumino-city and Enchiku-region, Matsumoto City Medical Association Hall (2015/03/07) Matsumoto/Japan, Japanese.
- Tomohiro Kuroda: To increase Nyquist Frequency of Medicine - Can Electronic Patient Records be Big Data ? -. Workshop of Japanese Society of Medical Informatics Kansai Division, Graduate School of Applied Informatics, University of Hyogo (2015/03/14) Kobe/Japan, Japanese.
- Tomohiro Kuroda: Impact of Wearable Electronics in the Advancement of Healthcare of the Information Age. Spring Conference of the Japan Institute of Electronics Packaging, University of Tokyo (2015/03/16) Tokyo/Japan, Japanese.
- Tomohiro Kuroda: How does information Technology change medicine ?. Annual Conference of IPSJ, Kyoto University (2015/03/17) Kyoto/Japan, Japanese.
- Tomohiro Kuroda: Big Data, is it benefit or invasion of privacy. Annual Scientific Meeting of the Japanese Society of Internal Medicine, Kyoto International Convention Center (2015/04/11) Kyoto/Japan, Japanese.
- Tomohiro Kuroda: Trends of Informatized Medicine due to Sensor Network Technologies. General Assembly of the Japanese Association of Medical Sciences, Kyoto International Convention Center (2015/04/13) Kyoto/Japan, Japanese.
- Tomohiro Kuroda: Management and utilization of clinical information. Physical Therapy Japan, Tokyo International Forum (2015/06/07) Tokyo/Japan, Invited Educational Lecture, Japanese.
- Tomohiro Kuroda: Challenges of IT utilization for regional health collaboration on cancer treatment. Kyoto Min-iren Chuo Hospital Regional Collaboration Seminar on Cancer Treatment, Kyoto Brighton Hotel (2015/06/13) Kyoto/Japan, Japanese.
- Tomohiro Kuroda: Medical Information System Driving Personalized Health in Cancer. Kyoto University - INSERM CRC Paris Joint Symposium, Centre de Recherche des Cordeliers (2015/06/25) Paris/France.
- Tomohiro Kuroda: Medical Information systems driving personalized medicine. Internal Seminar, Cambridge University Trinity Hall (2015/06/30) Cambridge/UK.
- Tomohiro Kuroda: Role of Wearable Electronics for Advancement of Medicine in Information Age. Internal Seminar, Teijin Tokyo Research Center (2015/07/03) Hino/Japan, Japanese.
- Tomohiro Kuroda: Clinical Medicine of Information Age given by Sensor Network Technology -IT Network emerges Social Hospital-. Sendai Finland Wellbeing Center Wellbeing Research Meeting, Sendai Finland Wellbeing Center (2015/07/23) Sendai/Japan, Japanese.
- Tomohiro Kuroda: Medicine of Information Age. MEDC Medical Education Seminar and Workshop, Gifu University Medical Education Development Center (2015/08/08) Gifu/Japan, Japanese.
- Tomohiro Kuroda: Let us design health promotion services. Inochi Student Forum, Shiran Kaikan (2015/08/12) Kyoto, Japanese.
- Tomohiro Kuroda: Big-data analysis using much richer data : Wearable Health Data. Entry Seminar for interdisciplinary Medical Research of Japanese Society for Quality and Safety in Healthcare, Medical Big-data Analysis for whom we will analyze it?, Hitachi Tokyo Center for Social Innovation (2015/09/05) Tokyo/Japan, Japanese.
- Tomohiro Kuroda: Toward Clinical Medicine of Information Age. Internal Seminar, Institute of Frontier Medical Science of Kyoto University (2015/09/19) Kyoto/Japan, Japanese.
- Tomohiro Kuroda: Social Hospital : Clinical services will be pinned on whole society. Nikkei Digital Health Days, Tokyo Big Sight (2015/10/02) Tokyo/Japan, Japanese.
- Tomohiro Kuroda: Lets use EHR platform as EDC platform for multi-party collaborative clinical researches!. Kick off symposium of EHR of one thousand years project, Miyazaki University 330 Memorial Hall (2015/10/19) Miyazaki/Japan, Japanese.
- Tomohiro Kuroda: Make traditional crafts industry as wearable industry platform -NISHIJIN Project-. Kyoto city life science innovation support center symposium, Kyoto University (2015/11/10) Kyoto/Japan, Japanese.
- Tomohiro Kuroda: Impact of the privacy act reform for medical informatics research. Symposium of Kansai Division of Operation Research Society of Japan, Kyoto Prefectural University (2015/11/14) Kyoto/Japan, Japanese.
- Tomohiro Kuroda: Future vision of advanced ICT in Kyoto University Hospital. Internal Seminar, Kyoto University Hospital (2015/11/26) Kyoto/Japan, Japanese.
- Tomohiro Kuroda: Are you concerning handling private information?. Internal Seminar, Kyoto University Hospital (2015/11/27) Kyoto/Japan, Japanese.
- Tomohiro Kuroda: How does information technology change clinical medicine?. Measurement and Control Show, Tokyo Big Sight (2015/12/02) Tokyo/Japan, Japanese.
- Tomohiro Kuroda: How does the information technology change clinical medicine?. Takeda-Kyoto University Hospital Joint Symposium on Digital Health in Japan, Kyoto University SHIRANKAIKAN Hall (2015/12/04) Kyoto/Japan, Japanese.
- Tomohiro Kuroda: Legal topics surrounding global EHR project. Global EHR Symposium, Kyoto University Clock Tower Centennial Hall (2015/12/18) Kyoto/Japan, Japanese.
- [International Conferences]
- Tomohiro Kuroda, Haruo Noma, Kazuhiko Takase, Shigeto Sasaki, Tadamasa Takemura: Bluetooth Roaming for Sensor Network System in Clinical Environment. Proceedings of World Congress on Medical and Health Informatics, pp.198-201 (2015/08/21) Sao Paulo/Brazil.
- Kenichiro Fujita, Tadamasa Takemura, Tomohiro Kuroda: Study of Screen Design Principles for Visualizing Medical Records. Studies in Health Technology and Informatics, vol.216, p.966 (2015/08/21) Sao Paulo/Brazil.
- Hitomi Yamada, Tadamasa Takemura, Takahiro Asai, Kazuya Okamoto, Tomohiro Kuroda, Shigeki Kuwata: A Development of Automatic Audit System for Written Informed Consent using Machine Learning. Studies in Health Technology and Informatics, vol.216, p.926 (2015/08/22) Sao Paulo/Brazil.
- Takashi Nakai, Tadamasa Takemura, Risa Sakurai, Kenichiro Fujita, Kazuya Okamoto, Tomohiro Kuroda: Prediction of Clinical Practices by Clinical Data of the Previous Day Using Linear Support Vector Machine. Innovation in Medicine and Healthcare, Smart Innovation, Systems and Technologies, vol.45, pp.3-14, Springer-verlag (2015/09/11) Kyoto/Japan.
- Kikue Sato, Tomohiro Kuroda, Akitoshi Seiyama: Visualization and Quantitative Analysis of Nursing Staff Trajectories Based on a Location System. Innovation in Medicine and Healthcare, Smart Innovation, Systems and Technologies, vol.45, pp.25-35, Springer-verlag (2015/09/12) Kyoto/Japan.
- Misa Esashi, Haruo Noma, Tomohiro Kuroda: Supporting Nurses Work and Improving Medical Safety Using a Sensor Network System in Hospitals. Innovation in Medicine and Healthcare, Smart Innovation, Systems and Technologies, vol.45, pp.225-236, Springer-verlag (2015/09/12) Kyoto/Japan.
- Niina S Keränen, Mia Hautala, Adesh Chimariya, Maarit Kangas, Timo Jämsä, Tomohiro Kuroda: Validation of signal quality in NISHIJIN e-Textile ECG vest. Proceedings of International Conference of u-Healthcare, pp.93-96 (2015/12/01) Higashi-Osaka/Japan.
- Samar El Helou, Naoto Kume, Shinji Kobayashi, Eiji Kondo, Yuki Uranishi, Kazuya Okamoto, Hiroshi Tamura, Tomohiro Kuroda: Exploring Graph Databases with openEHR in Antenatal Care Settings. Proceedings of Symposium on Big Data Analytics in Science and Engineering (2015/12/07) Aizu Wakamatsu/Japan.
- [Domestic Conferences]
- Tomohiro Kuroda: Developing Health Promotion Program based on Wearable ICT and Collective Responsibility. Proceedings of Research Report of Health Labour Sciences Research Grant for Comprehensive Research on Lifestyle Related Diseases such as Cardiac Disease and Diabetes, pp.75-78 (2015/01/20) Tokyo/Japan, Japanese.
- Tomohiro Kuroda, Kikuo Hirano, Kazushige Sugimura, Satoshi Adachi, Hidetsugu Igarashi, Kazuo Ueshima: Developing 12-lead ECG textile -Project NISHIJIN-. Proceedings of Research Meeting for 12-lead ECG transmission, vol.2, p.5 (2015/01/24) Tokyo/Japan, Japanese.
- Misa Esashi, Haruo Noma, Tomohiro Kuroda: Development of Sensor Network for Collecting Information from the Real-world at the Hospital. Proceedings of Interaction, pp.248-249 (2015/02/26) Tokyo/Japan, Japanese.
- Ryosuke Sawano, Masatoshi Yoshikawa, Akihiro Hamasaki, Kazuya Okamoto, Yoshihiro Kuroda: Evaluating Importance of EMR Articles based on Access Logs and Writing Clinical Staffs. Proceedings of Forum on Data Engineering and Information Management, G5-5 (2015/03/03) Koriyama/Japan, Student Presentation Award, Japanese.
- Katsuya Takanashi, Kenta Hori, Chisako Naito, Tomohiro Kuroda: Multimodal and Multichannel Sequential Analysis of Interactional Patterns in a Simulated Tele-auscultation Experiment. Technical Report of The Japanese Society for Artificial Intelligence, SIG-SLUD-B403, no.05, pp.29-34 (2015/03/09) Tokyo/Japan, Japanese.
- Tomohiro Nakano, Masahito Sugano, Kikue Sato, Tomoko Hikita, Reiko Houya, Kazuya Okamoto, Tomohiro Kuroda, Naoki Ohboshi: Development of Data Communication Part of Context-aware Nursing Support Mobile System. Technical Reports of IPSJ, 2015-GN-94, no.1, pp.1-4 (2015/03/12) Tokyo/Japan, Japanese.
- Yuichi Sugiyama, Masatoshi Yoshikawa, Kazuya Okamoto, Tomohiro Kuroda, Akihiro Hamasaki: Medication Pattern Mining with Time Interval. Proceedings of Annual Conference of IPSJ, vol.1, pp.673-674 (2015/03/19) Kyoto/Japan, Japanese.
- Eriko Sumi, Masayoshi Sudo, Masayuki Yokode, Masashi Kosugi, Tomohiro Kuroda: Unitary management of signed letter of consent for clinical study. Proceedings of Annual Scientific Meeting of the Japanese Society of Internal Medicine (2015/04/10) Kyoto/Japan, Japanese.
- Tomohiro Kuroda: Considering technical challenges to use EHR as EDC platform. Proceedings of Seagaia Meeting (2015/05/16) Miyazaki/Japan, Japanese.
- Yu Maruyama, Yuki Uranishi, Chisako Naito, Kazuya Okamoto, Hiroshi Tamura, Tomohiro Kuroda: Anatomical Structure Projection onto Simulator Arm for Injection Training. Proceedings of Annual Conference of the institute of Systems, Control and Information Engineers, 313-5 (2015/05/22) Osaka/Japan, Japanese.
- Yuki Uranishi, Masataka Imura, Tomohiro Kuroda, Osamu Oshiro: Natural Color Pattern Matching for Light Direction Estimation. Proceedings of Annual Conference of the institute of Systems, Control and Information Engineers, 343-4 (2015/05/22) Osaka/Japan, Japanese.
- Kenta Hori, Katsuya Takanashi, Chisako Naito, Tomohiro Kuroda: Communication Analysis of a Simulated Tele-auscultation Experiment. Proceedings of Japan Association of Medical Infomatics Spring Conference, PA-1-3-1 (2015/06/12) Sendai/Japan, Japanese.
- Risa Sakurai, Tadamasa Takemura, Naoto Kume, Tomohiro Kuroda: Attempt to Mapping openEHR for Medical Action and Laboratory Test Results. Proceedings of Japan Association of Medical Infomatics Spring Conference, PB-3-6 (2015/06/13) Sendai/Japan, Japanese.
- Ayako Kajimura, Tadamasa Takemura, Kenichiro Fujita, Tomoko Hikita, Akane Hashiya, Tomohiro Kuroda: The access log analysis of nurses’ using of electronic medical records. Proceedings of Japan Association of Medical Infomatics Spring Conference, PB-3-4 (2015/06/13) Sendai/Japan, Japanese.
- Shigemi Matsumoto, Masahiro Yakami, Kazuya Okamoto, Masashi Kanai, Kaori Togashi, Tomohiro Kuroda, Manabu Muto: Setting up of a new therapeutic evaluation workflow deploying LMS(Lesion Management Solution) in oncology practice. Proceedings of The Japanese Society of Medical Oncology Annual Meeting (2015/07/16) Sapporo/Japan, Japanese.
- Yukiko Mori, Kazuya Okamoto, Genta Kato, Takeshi Sugino, Masayoshi Sudo, Tomohiro Kuroda, Manabu Muto: Survey of gastric cancer treatment in Japan using real world data obtained from health insurance claims. Proceedings of The Japanese Society of Medical Oncology Annual Meeting (2015/07/17) Sapporo/Japan, Japanese.
- Yu Uneno, Kei Taneishi, Masashi Kanai, Keiko Tamon, Kazuya Okamoto, Akira Nozaki, Daisuke Yamaguchi, Yoshitaka Nishikawa, Teruko Tomono, Masatoshi Hamanaka, J.B. Brown, Shigemi Matsumoto, Tomohiro Kuroda, Yasushi Okuno, Manabu Muto: Establishment of a Terminal Prognosis Prediction Model by applying Time Series Analysis to Real-World Data. Proceedings of The Japanese Society of Medical Oncology Annual Meeting (2015/07/18) Sapporo/Japan, Japanese.
- Shusuke Hiragi, Hiroshi Tamura, Genta Kato, Rei Goto, Kazuya Okamoto, Kiyoshi Suzuma, Nagahisa Yoshimura, Tomohiro Kuroda: Survey on Laser Treatment for Diabetic Retinopathy using Sampling Dataset from Healthcare Insurance Claim and Specific Health Checkup Database (NDB) . Proceedings of Annual Meeting of Kansai Society for Laser Surgery and Medicine, p.19 (2015/07/25) Kyoto/Japan, Japanese.
- Mao Suzuki, Asuka Wakao, Kohei Matsumura, Haruo Noma, Osamu Sugiyama, Masahiro Tada, Tomohiro Kuroda: Tekupeko : a System Promotes Users to Acquire Daily Walking Habit. Proceedings of Human Interface Symposium, pp.583-588 (2015/09/03) Hakodate/Japan, Japanese.
- Yu Maruyama, Yuki Uranishi, Chisako Naito, Kazuya Okamoto, Hiroshi Tamura, Tomohiro Kuroda: Estimating Angle and Depth of Needle for Blood Collection Training. Proceedings of Annual Conference of Japanese Society of Medical Virtual Reality, p.13 (2015/09/12) Kyoto/Japan, Japanese.
- Tuukka Karvonen, Yuki Uranishi, Tatsunori Sakamoto, Yosuke Tona, Kazuya Okamoto, Hiroshi Tamura, Tomohiro Kuroda: Segmentation of Cochlear Structure in Optical Coherence Tomography Images. Proceedings of Annual Conference of Japanese Society of Medical Virtual Reality, pp.39-40 (2015/09/12) Kyoto/Japan, Japanese.
- Mao Suzuki, Asuka Wakao, Kohei Matsumura, Haruo Noma, Masahiro Tada, Tomohiro Kuroda: Working as a Team Makes Walking Daily Habit - an Exploratory Study. Proceedings of Symposium on Medical and Biological Engineering, p.91 (2015/09/25) Okayama/Japan, Japanese.
- Kenichiro Fujita, Tadamasa Takemura, Katsumi Onishi, Tomohiro Kuroda: The Improvement of EHR User Experience by Screen Design Principles. Proceedings of Symposium on Medical and Biological Engineering, p.148 (2015/09/26) Okayama/Japan.
- Tuukka Karvonen, Yuki Uranishi, Tatsunori Sakamoto, Yosuke Tona, Kazuya Okamoto, Hiroshi Tamura, Tomohiro Kuroda: Estimation of the degree of endolymphatic hydrops using optical coherence tomography. Proceedings of Symposium on Medical and Biological Engineering, p.134 (2015/09/26) Okayama/Japan.
- Genta Kato, Toshihiko Masui, Shintaro Yagi, Miho Nishii, Hiroshi Tamura, Toshimi Kaido, Hideaki Okajima, Tomohiro Kuroda, Toshio Heike, Shinji Uemoto: How to make transplantation sustainable ?. Proceedings of Annual Congress of the Japanese Society for Transplantation, p.287 (2015/10/03) Kumamoto/Japan, Japanese.
- Masashi Kanai, Tomohiro Sakuma, Koji Yanagisawa, Kentaro Matsushima, Tomoyoshi Koyanagi, Shigemi Matsumoto, Tomohiro Kuroda, Satoshi Morita, Masashi Kosugi, Yasushi Okuno, Manabu Muto: The Frist Introduction of Clinical Sequence using Exhaustive Gene Mutation Panel in Japan. Proceedings of Annual Meeting of Japan Society of Clinical Oncology (2015/10/29) Kyoto/Japan, Japanese.
- Manabu Muto, Yukiko Mori, Masashi Kanai, Shigemi Matsumoto, Tomohiro Sakuma, Tomoyoshi Koyanagi, Kazuya Okamoto, Genta Kato, Tomohiro Kuroda, Satoshi Morita, Masashi Kosugi, Keiko Tamon, Kei Taneishi, Yasushi Okuno, Akifumi Takaori: Clinical Bio-bank, Clinical Sequencing, and Big-data Analysis in Kyoto University Hospital. Proceedings of Annual Meeting of Japan Society of Clinical Oncology (2015/10/29) Kyoto/Japan, Japanese.
- Kazuya Okamoto, Yukiko Mori, Genta Kato, Tomohiro Kuroda, Manabu Muto: The Construction of Data Mart to Analyze Japanese Receipt Information of Stomach Cancer Cases. Proceedings of Annual Meeting of Japan Society of Clinical Oncology (2015/10/30) Kyoto/Japan, Japanese.
- Ayako Kajimura, Tadamasa Takemura, Tomoko Hikita, Kenichiro Fujita, Waon Yoshihara, Akane Hashiya, Tomohiro Kuroda: Analysis of actual electronic-medical-record-use before nurses start day-shifts. Proceedings of Joint Conference on Medical Informatics, pp.438-439 (2015/11/02) Ginowan/Japan, Japanese.
- Samar El Helou, Naoto Kume, Yuki Uranishi, Shinji Kobayashi, Eiji Kondo, Kazuya Okamoto, Hiroshi Tamura, Tomohiro Kuroda: Design of Archetype-based Clinical Concept Models: Towards Interoperable Antenatal Care EHR Systems. Proceedings of Joint Conference on Medical Informatics, pp.250-253 (2015/11/02) Ginowan/Japan.
- Risa Sakurai, Tadamasa Takemura, Naoto Kume, Kazuya Okamoto, Tomohiro Kuroda: Attempt to Mapper From DPC data to openEHR/Archetype. Proceedings of Joint Conference on Medical Informatics, pp.254-255 (2015/11/02) Ginowan/Japan, Japanese.
- Takashi Nakai, Tadamasa Takemura, Risa Sakurai, Kenichiro Fujita, Kazuya Okamoto, Tomohiro Kuroda: A study of prediction using Clinical Practices of the Previous Day and Linear Support Vector Machine. Proceedings of Joint Conference on Medical Informatics, pp.268-269 (2015/11/02) Ginowan/Japan, Japanese.
- Mao Suzuki, Asuka Wakao, Kohei Matsumura, Haruo Noma, Masahiro Tada, Tomohiro Kuroda: A Method to Motivate and Keep the Habit of Daily Exercise. Proceedings of Joint Conference on Medical Informatics, pp.208-209 (2015/11/02) Ginowan/Japan, Japanese.
- Genta Kato, Tomohiro Kuroda: An introduction of the process of launching national insurance claims database (NDB) on-site research center. Proceedings of Joint Conference on Medical Informatics, pp.96-97 (2015/11/02) Ginowan/Japan, Japanese.
- Waon Yoshihara, Tadamasa Takemura, Kenichiro Fujita, Tomoko Hikita, Ayako Kajimura, Kazuya Okamoto, Tomohiro Kuroda: Current analysis of a GUI and consideration of usability in an electronic medical record system. Proceedings of Joint Conference on Medical Informatics, pp.506-507 (2015/11/03) Ginowan/Japan, Japanese.
- Kenichiro Fujita, Tadamasa Takemura, Takashi Nakai, Kazuya Okamoto, Tomohiro Kuroda: Analysis of EMR Usage from the Informal Terminal toward Context Awareness in EMR. pp.494-497 (2015/11/03) Ginowan/Japan, Japanese.
- Kazuya Okamoto, Yukiko Mori, Genta Kato, Tomohiro Kuroda, Manabu Muto: Reconstruction of Japanese Receipt Data to Investigate Actual Treatments for Stomach Cancer. Proceedings of Joint Conference on Medical Informatics, pp.606-608 (2015/11/03) Ginowan/Japan, Japanese.
- Kosuke Sasai, Mika Ishii, Nobuyoshi Abe, Naoki Mihara, Toshinari Nakano, Sawako Uchida, Shinya Nakajima, Haruhiko Hiramatsu, Tomohiro Kuroda, Hiroo Tamagawa, Keunsik Park, Yasushi Matsumura, Masaki Miyamoto: Development of the diagnostic imaging support system using the knowledge base. Proceedings of Joint Conference on Medical Informatics, pp.1292-1295 (2015/11/03) Ginowan/Japan, Japanese.
- Hitomi Yamada, Tadamasa Takemura, Takahiro Asai, Kazuya Okamoto, Tomohiro Kuroda, Hiroshi Narazaki, Shigeki Kuwata: Speculation about relationship between improper informed consent and medical record description from trends of factual finding in recent precedent. Proceedings of Joint Conference on Medical Informatics, pp.844-845 (2015/11/04) Ginowan/Japan, Japanese.
- Naoki Mihara, Shirou Manabe, Eizen Kimura, Tomohiro Kuroda, Yasushi Matsumura: Assessment of the safe backup and disaster recovery of medical documents in the DACS (Document Archiving and Communication System) with secret sharing. Proceedings of Joint Conference on Medical Informatics, pp.780-782 (2015/11/04) Ginowan/Japan, Japanese.
- Mika Nishihara, Kohei Matsumura, Haruo Noma, Kazuko Nishizawa, Tomohiro Kuroda: Development of Training Simulator for Neonatal Resuscitation. Correspondences on Human Interface, vol.17, no.9, pp.11-14 (2015/11/28) Kyoto/Japan, Japanese.
- Tomohiro Kuroda, Tadamasa Takemura, Haruo Noma: Utilize Location Data in Hospital Information System. Proceedings of The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers Human Communication Group Symposium, pp.170-173 (2015/12/16) Toyama/Japan, Organized Session Award, Japanese.
- [Patents]
- Tomohiro Kuroda, Kei Nishiyama, Kazuo Ueshima, Hidetsugu Igarashi: Textile for electrocardiography. 特願2015-038025, 特許6601608 (2015/02/27) Japanese.
- Tomohiro Kuroda, Kazuo Ueshima, Hidetsugu Igarashi: Cardiac Rehabilitation Supporting System. 特願2015-038033, 特許6601609 (2015/02/27) Japanese.
- [News Items]
- Enjoy walking, Just as a game. Daily Yomiuri (2015/01/25) Japanese.
- Consult IT Manager of Kyoto University Hospital (First Volume) : Reason Why Kyoto University Hospital Introduces Cloud Print Service. IT Media (2015/02/02) Japanese.
- Consult IT Manager of Kyoto University Hospital (Latter Volume) : How should the hospital information system to realize informatized medicine be ?. IT Media (2015/02/04) Japanese.
- Application Learn about iPS Cell. NHK Kyoto Today's News 610 (2015/02/24) Japanese.
- Nagahama city tackles challenges of regional medicine using CISCO collaboration. CISCO Collaboration Case Study (2015/02/24) Japanese.
- E-textile based on NISHIJIN Technique. Nikkei Business Daily (2015/04/07) Japanese.
- E-textile for Cardiograph based on NISHIJIN technique. The Nikkei (2015/04/07) Japanese.
- Kyoto University and its partners develop e-textile for cardiogram using NISHIJIN historical weaving technology. Daily Kyoto News (2015/04/07) Japanese.
- Interview: Design and Medical Informatics. Kyoto University Design School Open Courseware (2015/04/08) Japanese.
- Teiken limited developed wearable e-textile for cardiogram using NISHIJIN technique. Nikkei Digital Health (2015/04/09) Japanese.
- Simply wrap textile around chest. Teiken Limited, a subsidiary of Teijin corp co-developed wearable cardiography based on NISHIJIN technique with Kyoto University. Sankei News (2015/04/09) Japanese.
- Teiken limited co-developed wearable e-textile for 12-lead cardiogram with Kyoto university.. The Nikkei (2015/04/09) Japanese.
- Develop electrocardiogram using NISHIJIN technique. Sankei News (2015/04/10) Japanese.
- Teijin developed wearable e-textile for detailed cardiogram based on NISHIJIN technique. Daily Engineering and Construction News (2015/04/10) Japanese.
- Japanese fiber firm develops wearable electrocardiogram textile. (2015/04/15)
- Japanese company develops wearable ECG textile. Fiber2Fashion (2015/04/16)
- Kinect for Windows shows promise in helping seniors retain cognitive functions. KINECT for Windows BLOG (2015/04/17)
- E-textile for cardiogram based on NISHIJIN brocade weaving technique. NHK News Hot Kansai (2015/04/30) Live on-air, Japanese.
- Prof. Kuroda of Kyoto University says whole society members take social care in the near future. Nikkei Digital Health (2015/05/12) Japanese.
- Retrieve Electronic Health Record - Store in Multiple Hospitals - Kyoto University Developed. Chunichi Shimbun (2015/05/13) Japanese.
- Kyoto university and research partners evaluates new technology, store electronic health record using secret share technologies. Jiji Press (2015/05/13) Japanese.
- Kyoto university and research partners evaluates new technology, store electronic health record using secret share technologies. Gadget Press (2015/05/13) Japanese.
- Kyoto university and research partners evaluates new technology, store electronic health record using secret share technologies. Daily Ameba News (2015/05/13) Japanese.
- Retrieve Electronic Health Record - Store in Multiple Hospitals - Kyoto University Developed. Fukui Shimbun News (2015/05/13) Japanese.
- Retrieve Electronic Health Record - Store in Multiple Hospitals - Kyoto University Developed. Chiba Nippo (2015/05/13) Japanese.
- Retrieve Electronic Health Record - Store in Multiple Hospitals - Kyoto University Developed. Kobe Shimbun (2015/05/13) Japanese.
- Retrieve Electronic Health Record - Store in Multiple Hospitals - Kyoto University Developed. Shikoku News (2015/05/13) Japanese.
- Retrieve Electronic Health Record - Store in Multiple Hospitals - Kyoto University Developed. Nagasaki Shimbun (2015/05/13) Japanese.
- Retrieve Electronic Health Record - Store in Multiple Hospitals - Kyoto University Developed. Niigata Nippo (2015/05/13) Japanese.
- Retrieve Electronic Health Record - Store in Multiple Hospitals - Kyoto University Developed. Tokyo Shimbun (2015/05/13) Japanese.
- Retrieve Electronic Health Record - Store in Multiple Hospitals - Kyoto University Developed. Miyanichi Press (2015/05/13) Japanese.
- Retrieve Electronic Health Record - Store in Multiple Hospitals - Kyoto University Developed. Fukushima Minpo (2015/05/13) Japanese.
- Retrieve Electronic Health Record - Store in Multiple Hospitals - Kyoto University Developed. Hokkaido Shimbun Press (2015/05/13) Japanese.
- Retrieve Electronic Health Record - Store in Multiple Hospitals - Kyoto University Developed. Nishinippon Shimbun (2015/05/13) Japanese.
- Retrieve Electronic Health Record - Store in Multiple Hospitals - Kyoto University Developed. San-in Chuo Shimpo (2015/05/13) Japanese.
- Retrieve Electronic Health Record - Store in Multiple Hospitals - Kyoto University Developed. Joumou Shinbun (2015/05/13) Japanese.
- Retrieve Electronic Health Record - Store in Multiple Hospitals - Kyoto University Developed. 47 News (2015/05/13) Japanese.
- Retrieve Electronic Health Record - Store in Multiple Hospitals - Kyoto University Developed. To-o Nippon Press (2015/05/13) Japanese.
- Retrieve Electronic Health Record - Store in Multiple Hospitals - Kyoto University Developed. Tokushima Shimbun (2015/05/13) Japanese.
- Kyoto university and research partners evaluates new technology, store electronic health record using secret share technologies. Wall Street Journal Japanese (2015/05/13) Japanese.
- Retrieve Electronic Health Record - Store in Multiple Hospitals - Kyoto University Developed. mynavi news (2015/05/13) Japanese.
- Kyoto university and research partners evaluates new technology, store electronic health record using secret share technologies. Biglobe News (2015/05/13) Japanese.
- Backup electronic medical record, New system as preparation for coming disaster, Browse retrieved records at multiple hospitals. Sankei News (2015/05/14) Japanese.
- Retrieve Electronic Patient Records in case of Disaster. Store Split-and-Cyphered data. Ehime News (2015/05/14) Japanese.
- Retrieve Electronic Health Record - Store in Multiple Hospitals as preparation for comming disaster - Kyoto University Developed. Daily Kyoto News (2015/05/15) Japanese.
- Presenting Result of Demonstrative Experiment named 'Research and development of secret share backup technology for electronic health record to secure continuity of clinical service'. CNET Japan (2015/05/15) Japanese.
- Crftsmans skills supporting clinical medicine. The Nikkei, p.15 (2015/07/19) Japanese.
- Revive Traditional Technical Art for Clinical Medicine. TV Tokyo World Business Satellite (2015/08/07) Japanese.
- In Future : Textile-type Wearable Devices under Development. NHK-BS Ecomony Frontline (2015/09/12) Japanese.
- A Challenge of Kyoto University Hospital to provide maximum usability without spoiling information security. TECH.ASCII.JP (2015/09/15) Japanese.
- Frontline of Wearable Development. NHK Good Morning Japan (2015/09/23) Japanese.
- Fiber save lives?. NHK News Web (2015/09/25) Japanese.
- Walking for Health Promotion as You Play a Game. The Nikkei (2015/09/27) Japanese.
- Digital Health Days 2015: How can we shake electronic health records off from trash bins of information: Lecture of Professor Kuroda of Kyoto University Hospital. Nikkei Digital Health (2015/10/19) Japanese.
- The decision!; investigate IT introduction process.: Managing both information security and usability; introduction of cloud print service.. BCN Weekly, vol.1600, pp.16-17 (2015/10/19) Japanese.
- The decision!; investigate IT introduction process.: Managing both information security and usability; introduction of cloud print service.. BCN Bizline (2015/10/19) Japanese.
- Clothing that Doesn't Miss a Beat. NHK World News (2015/10/20)
- What does society lose by force patients to visit hospital. Nikkei Digital Health (2015/11/05) Japanese.
- Digital Health Days 2015 : Electronic Patient Records are Trash Bin of Information?. Nikkei Digital Health, pp.32-37 (2015/11/05) Special Edition Fall, Japanese.
- Japan accept telemedicine practically, Step forward for Social Hospital. The Nikkei (2015/11/24) Japanese.
- 2016
- [Books]
- Tomohiro Kuroda, Hiroshi Tamura, Genta Kato, Naoto Kume, Eiji Aramaki, Kazuya Okamoto, Shinji Kobayashi: Chapter 9 Designing Healthcare. Toru Ishida(Ed.), Introduction to design studies, pp.197-181, Kyoritsu Shuppan (2016/04/10) Japanese.
- Tomohiro Kuroda: Social Hospital : Clinical Medicine of Near Future. Yuzo Takahashi(Ed.), Medicine and Medical Education of AI age, pp.3-4, Shinoharashinsha Inc. (2016/09/04) Japanese.
- Tomohiro Kuroda: What is the basic skill of clinicians in information age ?. Yuzo Takahashi(Ed.), Medicine and Medical Education of AI age, pp.117-122, Shinoharashinsha Inc. (2016/09/24) Japanese.
- Tomohiro Kuroda: An Attempt to Establish E-Textile Production Process. The Latest Developments for Wearable Sensing, pp.228-230, Johokiko (2016/11/24) Japanese.
- Tomohiro Kuroda: To Realize Social System for Health Promotion. The Latest Developments for Wearable Sensing, pp.311-314, Johokiko (2016/11/24) Japanese.
- [Journal Papers]
- Tuukka Karvonen, Yuki Uranishi, Tatsunori Sakamoto, Yosuke Tona, Kazuya Okamoto, Hiroshi Tamura, Tomohiro Kuroda: Estimation of the Degree of Endolymphatic Hydrops Using Optical Coherence Tomography. Advanced Biomedical Engineering, vol.5, pp.19-25 (2016/02/10)
- Kenta Hori, Katsuya Takanashi, Chisako Naito, Tomohiro Kuroda: Communication Analysis of a Simulated Tele-auscultation Experiment. Japan Journal of Medical Informatics, vol.35, no.6, pp.297-304 (2016/02/22) Japanese.
- Mao Suzuki, Asuka Wakao, Kohei Matsumura, Haruo Noma, Masahiro Tada, Tomohiro Kuroda: Working as a Team Promotes Daily Walking Habit - An Exploratory Study -. Transactions of the Japanese Society for Medical and Biological Engineering, vol.54, no.2, pp.58-65 (2016/04/10) Japanese.
- Eizen Kimura, Yasushi Matsumura, Naoki Mihara, Tomohiro Kuroda, Yoshinori Yamashita, Haruhiko Hiramatsu, Shirou Manabe, Daisuke Tanaka, Atsushi Sato, Tadashi Yamakura: Applying Secret Sharing for Backup Exchange and Reference of Medical Information. Transactions of the Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers, J99-D, no.5, pp.526-538 (2016/05/01) Japanese.
- Kikue Sato, Koji Yamashita, Mitsuko Goshima, Tomohiro Kuroda, Yasutomi Kinosada, Akitoshi Seiyama: An Analysis of the Factor Model on the Workload of Nursing Staff Using a Hospital Management Tool. Studies in Health Technology and Informatics, vol.225, pp.58-62 (2016/06/27)
- Ayako Kajimura, Tadamasa Takemura, Tomoko Hikita, Kenichiro Fujita, Waon Yoshihara, Akane Hashiya, Tomohiro Kuroda: Nurses’ Actual Usage of EMRs: An Access Log-Based Analysis. Studies in Health Technology and Informatics, vol.255, pp.858-859 (2016/06/28)
- Eizen Kimura, Koki Hamada, Ryo Kikuchi, Koji Chida, Kazuya Okamoto, Shirou Manabe, Tomohiro Kuroda, Yasushi Matsumura, Toshihiro Takeda, Naoki Mihara: Evaluation of Secure Computation in a Distributed Healthcare Setting. Studies in Health Technology and Informatics, vol.228, pp.152-156 (2016/08/29)
- [Lectures]
- Tomohiro Kuroda: How to treat medical data, discussion from modified privacy protection act of japan. Internal Seminar, Kyoto University Hospital (2016/01/12) Kyoto/Japan, Japanese.
- Tomohiro Kuroda: Medicine and Personal Health Data. Information Bank Ideason on Personal Health Data Utilization , Keio University Osaka City Campus (2016/02/08) Osaka/Japan, Japanese.
- Tomohiro Kuroda: Possibilities and challenges of medicine in information age derived by sensor networking. Medical Japan, Intex Osaka (2016/02/27) Osaka/Japan, Japanese.
- Tomohiro Kuroda: Management and Hospital Information System : Information System Management as Healthcare CIO. Seminar of Kobe University Medical Organization Managent, Kobe University Umeda Intelligent Laboratory (2016/03/30) Osaka/Japan, Japanese.
- Tomohiro Kuroda: The Millennium EHR Project, Seeking Feasibility of Nationwide EHR Platform. InfoEver Research Meeting, International Institute for Advanced Studies (2016/05/13) Kidugawa/Japan, Japanese.
- Tomohiro Kuroda: Who is the one wanted by your CIO? -Does CIO want the medical information technologists?-. Lectures of Kansai Association of Healthcare Information Technologist, Campus Plaza Kyoto (2016/05/14) Kyoto/Japan, Japanese.
- Tomohiro Kuroda: The future of medicine of information age which IoT brings. The Congress of Japanese Association for Clinical Engineers, Kyoto International Conference Center (2016/05/14) Kyoto/Japan, Japanese.
- Tomohiro Kuroda: Kyoto University Hospital as a Core of Data Health Science -Sketch of Medicine of Information Age and Preemptive Medicine and The Role of Lifestyle-related Disease Research Center-. Internal Seminar, Kyoto University Shiran Hall (2016/06/01) Kyoto/Japan, Japanese.
- Tomohiro Kuroda: Social Hospital : How IoT changes the medicine. EAI International Conference on IoT and Big Data Technologies for Healthcare, Mercure Budapest Korona Hotel (2016/06/15) Budapest/Hungary, Keynote Lecture.
- Tomohiro Kuroda: Development of Medical Conference Portal and Future of Medical Informatics. Modern Hospital Show, Tokyo Big Sight (2016/07/13) Tokyo/Japan, Japanese.
- Tomohiro Kuroda: Contribution of HIS for Hospital Management. International Symposium on Geriatric Patients Diabetic, Cardiovascular and Renal Diseases, Taichung Veterans General Hospital (2016/07/16) Taichung/Taiwan.
- Tomohiro Kuroda: To Produce Health Big Data. Centricity Live Tokyo, Tokyo Garden Terrace Kioicho (2016/07/23) Tokyo/Japan, Japanese.
- Tomohiro Kuroda: Future of medicine created by IoT and information bank. Lecture on ICT in KINKI -Snapshot and Future Vision of ICT use-, Sannnomiya Training Center (2016/08/09) Kobe/Japan, Japanese.
- Tomohiro Kuroda: Future of Clinical Medicine emerged by IoT and Information Bank. IoT Round Table, Head quarter of Japan Medtronic (2016/09/25) Tokyo/Japan, Japanese.
- Tomohiro Kuroda: How does digital health strategy changes medicine?. Kaika Project Seminar, Kyoto University Shiran Kaikan (2016/09/29) Kyoto/Japan, Japanese.
- Tomohiro Kuroda: The digital transformation changes the medicine. An open symposium presented by Kyoto University and NEC -The digital transformation changes our society-, Kyoto University Clock Tower Centennial Hall (2016/10/14) Kyoto/Japan, Japanese.
- Tomohiro Kuroda: Applying Millenium EHR Platform for Multi-party Collaborative Clinical Research. Seagaia Meeting, Phoenix Seagaia Resort Convention Hall (2016/10/15) MIyazaki/Japan, Japanese.
- Tomohiro Kuroda: Do you conscious on privacy?. Internal Seminar, Kyoto University Hospital (2016/11/16) Kyoto/Japan, Japanese.
- Tomohiro Kuroda: Amendment of Ethical Guidelines for Clinical Researches following Amendment of Personal Information Protection Act. Internal Seminar, Kyoto University Office of Science-Academia Collaboration for Innovation Tokyo Satellite (2016/11/18) Tokyo/Japan, Japanese.
- Tomohiro Kuroda: Make PACS as a Shared Storage Platform based on Open Architecture Approach -Development of VNA OCDB Platform-. Joint Conference on Medical Informatics, Pacifico Yokohama (2016/11/22) Yokohama/Japan, Japanese.
- Tomohiro Kuroda: When you try to connect medical devices to information network.... Joint Conference on Medical Informatics, Pacifico Yokohama (2016/11/23) Yokohama/Japan, Japanese.
- Tomohiro Kuroda: Technical and Legal Challenges for Remote Monitoring of CPAP and HOT. Internal Seminar, Kyoto University Tokyo Office (2016/11/25) Tokyo/Japan, Japanese.
- Tomohiro Kuroda: Expectation for improvement of efficiency of clinical medicine caused by unification of EHR and PHR. Internal Seminar, Kyoto University Library (2016/12/02) Kyoto/Japan, Japanese.
- Tomohiro Kuroda: Clinical Medicine of Information Age. Medical ICT Conference, Station Conference Tokyo (2016/12/09) Tokyo/Japan, Japanese.
- Tomohiro Kuroda: Future of Digital Health. Beyer Kyoto University Joint Symposium on Digital Health in Japan, Kyoto University Office of Society-Academia Collaboration for Innovation (2016/12/14) Kyoto/Japan, Japanese.
- Tomohiro Kuroda: Project NISHIJIN -establishing e-Textile production Technique-. Internal Seminar, Kyoto University Office of Society-Academia Collaboration for Innnovation (2016/12/15) Kyoto/Japan.
- Tomohiro Kuroda: IoT Technology opens up Future of Medicine of Information Age . Internal Seminar, Terumo Kyoto Branch (2016/12/15) Kyoto/Japan, Japanese.
- Tomohiro Kuroda: Snapshots and Future of ICT in Hospital -IoT Technology opens up Future of Medicine in Infomation Age-. JIRA Research Meeting on Medical Imaging System Industry, Japan-China Friendship Center (2016/12/16) Tokyo/Japan, Japanese.
- [Review Papers]
- Tomohiro Kuroda: How should be the patient record of in the information age ?. New Medicine, vol.43, no.5, pp.149-153 (2016/05/01) Japanese.
- Tomohiro Kuroda, Hisashi Saito, Genta Kato, Hiroshi Tamura: Effect of amendment of the Personal Information Protection Act. Operations Research, vol.61, no.5, pp.295-299 (2016/05/01) Japanese.
- Tomohiro Kuroda, Kazuya Okamoto, Kenichiro Fujita: Creating Smart Information Infrastructure -balance usability and security using Dynamic VLAN technology-. New Medicine, vol.43, no.11, pp.76-82 (2016/11/01) Japanese.
- [International Conferences]
- Yuki Uranishi, Masataka Imura, Tomohiro Kuroda: The Rainbow Marker: An AR Marker with Planar Light Probe based on Structural Color Pattern Matching. Proceedings of IEEE Virtual Reality, pp.303-304 (2016/03/21) Greenville/USA.
- Genta Kato, Shusuke Hiragi, Tomohide Iwao, Kazuya Okamoto, Hisashi Saito, Hiroshi Tamura, Tomohiro Kuroda: An Introduction of the Database of Health Insurance Claims in Japan. Proceedings of Asian Researcher Symposium (2016/04/25) Depok/Indonesia.
- Shusuke Hiragi, Hiroshi Tamura, Rei Goto, Tomohiro Kuroda: The Validity of Markov Model for the Prognostic Estimation of Chronic Kidney Disease. Value in Health, vol.19, no.7, A852-A853 (2016/05/05) Singapore/Singapore.
- Kikue Sato, Koji Yamashita, Mitsuko Goshima, Tomohiro Kuroda, Yasutomi Kinosada, Akitoshi Seiyama: An Analysis of the Factor Model on the Workload of Nursing Staff Using a Hospital Management Tool. Proceedings of International Congress on Nursing Informatics, pp.58-62 (2016/06/27) Geneva/Switzeland.
- Ayako Kajimura, Tadamasa Takemura, Tomoko Hikita, Kenichiro Fujita, Waon Yoshihara, Akane Hashiya, Tomohiro Kuroda: Nurses’ Actual Usage of EMRs: An Access Log-Based Analysis. Proceedings of International Congress on Nursing Informatics, pp.858-859 (2016/06/28) Geneva/Switzerland.
- Misa Esashi, Tomohiro Nakano, Nao Onose, Kikue Sato, Tomoko Hikita, Reiko Houya, Kazuya Okamoto, Naoki Ohboshi, Tomohiro Kuroda: Prototyping Context-aware Nursing Support Mobile System. Proceedings of Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, pp.5397-5400 (2016/08/18) Orlando/USA.
- Tuukka Karvonen, Tatsunori Sakamoto, Yosuke Tona, Kazuya Okamoto, Hiroshi Tamura, Tomohiro Kuroda: 3D Reconstruction of Cochlea Using Optical Coherence Tomography. Proceedings of Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, pp.5905-5908 (2016/08/19) Orlando/USA.
- Purnomo Husnul Khotimah, Yuichi Sugiyama, Masatoshi Yoshikawa, Akihiro Hamasaki, Kazuya Okamoto, Tomohiro Kuroda: Revealing Oral Medication Patterns from Reconstructed Long-Term Medication History of Type 2 Diabetes. Proceedings of Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, pp.5599-5603 (2016/08/19) Orlando/USA.
- Samar El Helou, Naoto Kume, Shinji Kobayashi, Eiji Kondo, Yuki Uranishi, Kazuya Okamoto, Hiroshi Tamura, Tomohiro Kuroda: Graph databases for openEHR repositories. European Journal of Epidemiology, vol.31, 1 Suppl., S48-S49 (2016/08/29) Munich/Germany.
- Eizen Kimura, Koki Hamada, Ryo Kikuchi, Koji Chida, Kazuya Okamoto, Shirou Manabe, Tomohiro Kuroda, Yasushi Matsumura, Toshihiro Takeda, Naoki Mihara: Evaluation of Secure Computation in a Distributed Healthcare Setting. Proceedings of Medical Informatics Europe, pp.152-156 (2016/08/29) Munich/Germany.
- Purnomo Husnul Khotimah, Masatoshi Yoshikawa, Akihiro Hamasaki, Osamu Sugiyama, Kazuya Okamoto, Tomohiro Kuroda: Comparing Frequent Patterns: A Study Case of Apriori and Singleton Implementations in a Diabetes Type 2 Data set. Proceedings of International Conference on Computer, Control, Informatics, and its Applications , pp.163-168 (2016/10/03) Jakarta/Indonesia.
- [Domestic Conferences]
- Yu Maruyama, Yuki Uranishi, Chisako Naito, Kazuya Okamoto, Hiroshi Tamura, Tomohiro Kuroda: Feedback Projecting Blood Collection Simulator for Risk Management Learning. Proceedings of The Society of Instrument and Control Engineers Kansai Division and The Institute of Systems, Control and Information Engineers Co-organized Young Researchers Conference, pp.175-180 (2016/01/16) Suita/Japan, Japanese.
- Hironobu Murano, Genta Kato, Hiroshi Tamura, Tomohiro Kuroda, Toshio Heike: Activity of Office for Hospital Strategic Planning. Proceedings of Meeting of Information Management Divisions of University Hospitals, pp.216-217 (2016/01/29) Nagasaki/Japan, Japanese.
- Mai Sato, Eiji Kondo, Genta Kato, Shusuke Hiragi, Hiroshi Tamura, Kazuya Okamoto, Hiroshi Takai, Kaoru Kawasaki, Tomohiro Kuroda, Ikuo Konishi: A Study on the Actual Conditions of Relaxed Bleeding Cases using the National Claims Database . Acta Obstetrica et Gynecologia Japonica, vol.68, no.2, p.743 (2016/02/01) Tokyo/Japan, Japanese.
- Yuji Morita, Masatoshi Yoshikawa, Akihiro Hamasaki, Kazuya Okamoto, Tomohiro Kuroda: Toward Clinical Decision Support System for Pharmacotherapy of Thyroid Disease. Proceedings of Forum on Data Engineering and Information Management (2016/03/02) Fukuoka/Japan, Japanese.
- Mika Nishihara, Wei Yaguang, Kohei Matsumura, Haruo Noma, Kazuko Nishizawa, Tomohiro Kuroda: A Proposal of Training Simulator for Neonatal Resuscitation Using the Stethoscope with Sensor. Proceedings of Interaction, pp.504-505 (2016/03/03) Tokyo/Japan, Japanese.
- Tomohiro Nakano, Misa Esashi, Kikue Sato, Tomoko Hikita, Reiko Houya, Kazuya Okamoto, Tomohiro Kuroda, Naoki Ohboshi: Development of Context-aware Nursing Support Mobile System. Proceedings of Annual Conference of IPSJ, vol.3, 2V-03, pp.467-468 (2016/03/10) Yokohama/Japan, Japanese.
- Misa Esashi, Tomohiro Nakano, Tomohide Iwao, Yuki Uranishi, Kazuya Okamoto, Genta Kato, Hisashi Saito, Hiroshi Tamura, Haruo Noma, Tomohiro Kuroda: An attempt to connect medical instruments to hospital information system. Bio-Medical Engineering, vol.54, Suppl 1, p.140 (2016/04/26) Toyama/Japan, Japanese.
- Yuta Fukushi, Tomohide Iwao, Kazuya Okamoto, Yuki Uranishi, Hiroshi Tamura, Hisashi Saito, Genta Kato, Tomohiro Kuroda: Analysis of waiting time of patients using position tracking data and clinical order data in an outpatient ward. Proceedings of Annual Conference of the institute of Systems, Control and Information Engineers (2016/05/25) Kyoto/Japan, Japanese.
- Takeshi Imanaka, Kazuya Okamoto, Tomoko Hikita, Tomohide Iwao, Yuki Uranishi, Hiroshi Tamura, Hisashi Saito, Genta Kato, Tomohiro Kuroda: Implementation of nursing scheduling extracted constraints from past roster treatment. Proceedings of Annual Conference of the institute of Systems, Control and Information Engineers (2016/05/27) Kyoto/Japan, Japanese.
- Wei Yaguang, Haruo Noma, Kazuko Nishizawa, Kougoro Iwanaga, Tomohiro Kuroda: Developing Neonatal Cardio-Pulmonary Resuscitation Trainer to Promote Trainers Discovery. Proceedings of Annual Conference of Japan Society of Perinatal and Neonatal Medicine (2016/07/17) Toyama/Japan, Japanese.
- Tomohiro Kuroda, Satoshi Adachi, Kikuo Hirano, Kazushige Sugimura, Kazuo Ueshima, Hisashi Yoshida, Masaki Yoshida, Hiroshi Kobayashi: NISHIJIN e-Textile to for Maternal and Fatal Electrocardiogram -Overview of the Project-. Proceedings of Joint Symposium on NISHIJIN e-Textile for Maternal and Fatal Electrocardiogram (2016/08/26) Seika/Japan, Japanese.
- Hisashi Yoshida, Tomohiro Kuroda, Masaki Yoshida, Hiroshi Kobayashi: Developing Antenatal Monitoring System using e-Textile based Fatal Electrocardiogram. Proceedings of Joint Symposium on NISHIJIN e-Textile for Maternal and Fatal Electrocardiogram (2016/08/26) Seika/Japan, Japanese.
- Tomohiro Kuroda, Kazuo Ueshima: E-textile design, prototype, and production service based using NISHIJIN Technology. Proceedings of Japan Analytical Scientific Instrument Show (2016/09/07) Chiba/Japan, Japanese.
- Yusuke Yokota, Tomohiro Kuroda, Naoki Ohboshi: Prototyping Integrated Telemedicine Support Information System. Proceedings of Forum on Information Technology, pp.371-373 (2016/09/08) Toyama/Japan, FIT Encouragement Award, Japanese.
- Yuji Morita, Masatoshi Yoshikawa, Akihiro Hamasaki, Kazuya Okamoto, Tomohiro Kuroda, Osamu Sugiyama: Toward Computer Aided Clinical Decision Support for Hypothyroidism : Medication Adherence Estimation and Prescription Data Mining. Proceedings of Kansai Database Workshop (2016/09/11) Kobe/Japan, Japanese.
- Noboru Kada, Masatoshi Yoshikawa, Akihiro Hamasaki, Kazuya Okamoto, Tomohiro Kuroda, Osamu Sugiyama: Designing Computer Aided Clinical Decision Sport System for Pharmacotherapy of Hypothyroidism. Proceedings of Kansai Database Workshop (2016/09/12) Kobe/Japan, Japanese.
- Takeshi Imanaka, Kazuya Okamoto, Tomoko Hikita, Shusuke Hiragi, Genta Kato, Hiroshi Tamura, Masayuki Nambu, Tomohiro Kuroda: Developing Nurse Scheduling System to Reduce Workloads of Nurses. Proceedings of Annual Autumn Research Meeting of the Operations Research Society of Japan, 2-E-7 (2016/09/16) Yamagata/Japan, Japanese.
- Tomohiro Kuroda, Satoshi Adachi, Kikuo Hirano, Kazushige Sugimura, Hisashi Yoshida, Masaki Yoshida, Hiroshi Kobayashi: Prototyping e-Textile for Fetal Electrocardiogram. Proceedings of Symposium on Medical and Biological Engineering, p.93 (2016/09/17) Asahikawa/Japan, Japanese.
- Yusuke Yokota, Tomohiro Kuroda: Developing Integrated Information System for Tele-medicine Support. Japanese Journal of Telemedicine and Telecare, p.80 (2016/10/15) Yonago/Japan, Japanese.
- Tomohiro Kuroda, Kazuya Okamoto, Masayoshi Sudo, Keisuke Teranishi, Toshimizu Yamane, Masanobu Nakachi, Takahiro Kurosawa: Developing Conference Support Information System. Proceedings of Joint Conference on Medical Informatics, pp.310-313 (2016/11/22) Yokohama/Japan, Japanese.
- Hiroshi Tamura, Kentaro Honma, Genta Kato, Yohei Ishida, Shusuke Hiragi, Toshiharu Teramae, Tomohiro Kuroda: Estimation of Automated Drug Recognizing System in the Operation Theater, Looking over Eliminating Work Loads and Improving Health Insurance Claims. Proceedings of Joint Conference on Medical Informatics, pp.308-309 (2016/11/22) Yokohama/Japan, Japanese.
- Ayako Kajimura, Tadamasa Takemura, Waon Yoshihara, Kenichiro Fujita, Tomoko Hikita, Akane Hashiya, Tomohiro Kuroda: Analysis of Screen Transition Patterns of Electric Heath Records through Access Logs of Nurses. Proceedings of Joint Conference on Medical Informatics, pp.338-339 (2016/11/22) Yokohama/Japan, Japanese.
- Misa Esashi, Osamu Sugiyama, Shusuke Hiragi, Kazuya Okamoto, Hiroshi Tamura, Masayuki Nambu, Tomohiro Kuroda: Integration of Infusion Pumps and Syringe Drivers with Hospital Information System to Avoid Human Errors. Proceedings of Joint Conference on Medical Informatics, pp.1194-1197 (2016/11/23) Yokohama/Japan, Japanese.
- Yuta Fukushi, Kazuya Okamoto, Osamu Sugiyama, Hiroshi Tamura, Masayuki Nambu, Tomohiro Kuroda: An Attempt to Obtain Patients Waiting Time from Position Tracking Data and Clinical Order Data in a General Hospital. Proceedings of Joint Conference on Medical Informatics, pp.566-569 (2016/11/23) Yokohama/Japan, Japanese.
- Michi Sakai, Shosuke Ohtera, Tomohide Iwao, Kazuya Okamoto, Genta Kato, Takeo Nakayama, Tomohiro Kuroda: Validation for Future Utilization of NDB Onsite Research Center. Proceedings of Joint Conference on Medical Informatics, pp.142-145 (2016/11/23) Yokohama/Japan, Japanese.
- Tomohiro Kuroda, Ryuichi Yamamoto, Kazuhiro Oshima, Mariko Kuriyama, Takayuki Fujita, Yoshiteru Yano, Shigeto Yonemura: Ongoing Activities between Medicine and New Act on the Protection of Personal Information. Proceedings of Joint Conference on Medical Informatics, pp.88-89 (2016/11/23) Yokohama/Japan, Japanese.
- Ryo Otsuki, Mao Suzuki, Kohei Matsumura, Osamu Sugiyama, Masahiro Tada, Haruo Noma, Tomohiro Kuroda: Analyzing Attendants Behavior to Design Information System to Support Walking Habit. Proceedings of Workshop on Interactive Systems and Software (2016/12/14) Nagahama/Japan, Japanese.
- [Patents]
- Mika Nishihara, Kohei Matsumura, Haruo Noma, Tomohiro Kuroda, Kazuko Nishizawa, Michiyo Kono: Auscultation Training System and Its Pseudo-sound Collector. 特願2016-038515, 特許第6647526号 (2016/03/01) Japanese.
- Yutaka Honda, Yoichi Koshida, Tomohiro Kuroda, Haruo Noma, Zhennan Yang, Masahiro Tada: Health Promotion System. 特許第6737451号 (2016/06/03) Japanese.
- [News Items]
- What is the legal challenge to realize Milllenium EHR Project. Nikkei Digital Health (2016/01/06) Japanese.
- Intelligent clothes as watchdog, seeking for collaboration with medicine and IT. The Nikkei (2016/01/21) Japanese.
- Can the electronic patient records which contains only data of patients be called big data?. Medical BIg Data 2016, pp.94-97 (2016/02/01) Japanese.
- Kyoto university opens up facility for browsing NDB (National medical claims database) and starts test phase. Nikkei Digital Health (2016/02/18) Japanese.
- Emerging medical devices to put on human body. The Nikkei (2016/05/04) Japanese.
- Urase invented new yarn to sew IC-tag into cloths. The Nikkei (2016/06/08) Hokuriku Edition, Japanese.
- Follow conditions of fetus without doctors visit ... Maternity belt to send ECG data to smart phone. Sankei News (2016/06/11) Japanese.
- Kyoto University Introduced 1100 bedside vital data input terminal. Nikkei Digital Health (2016/06/23) Japanese.
- Centricity Universal Viewer x Kyoto University Hospital constructs advanced clinical, educational, and academic environment by introduction of unified medical image storage and of DICOM viewer with advanced functions. InnerVision, vol.31, no.9, pp.85-88 (2016/08/25) Japanese.
- Centricity Universal Viewer x Kyoto University Hospital constructs advanced clinical, educational, and academic environment by introduction of unified medical image storage and of DICOM viewer with advanced functions . Innavi net (2016/09/01) Japanese.
- The key for secondary use of medical information is independence of information bank. Nikkei Digital Health (2016/09/14) Japanese.
- Hospitals of Kyoto including Kyoto University Hospital start operating inter hospital network. Daily Kyoto News (2016/09/23) Japanese.
- New approach for strengthen regional medicine, support young doctors via videophones. Sankei News (2016/09/23) Japanese.
- Hospital-Hospital collaboration using ICT. KBS Kyoto News Face (2016/09/23) Japanese.
- Site Visit : Prof. Tomohiro Kuroda, Division of Medial Information Technology and Administration Planning, Kyoto University Hospital. Proceedings of Tateishi Science and Technical Foundation Supported Researches, no.25, pp.24-28 (2016/10/01) Japanese.
- Cannon and Kyoto University Hospital diminishes preparation time for clinical conference . Nikkei Digital Health (2016/11/16) Japanese.
- Teaming helps continuous activity. NHK News Hot Kansai (2016/11/21) Japanese.
- Teaming helps continuous activity. NHK Otsu From Ohmi 610 (2016/11/24) Japanese.
- Toward Center of Data Health Science, Integrated Data Ware House takes Central Role. Nikkei Digital Health (2016/12/15) Japanese.
- [Others]
- Tomohiro Kuroda, Yuta Fukushi: Report on ISCIE industry visit. Systems, Control and Information, vol.60, no.9, p.408 (2016/09/15) Japanese.
- 2017
- [Journal Papers]
- Takeo Nakayama, Yuichi Imanaka, Yasushi Okuno, Genta Kato, Tomohiro Kuroda, Rei Goto, Shiro Tanaka, Hiroshi Tamura, Shunichi Fukuhara, Shingo Fukuma, Manabu Muto, Motoko Yanagita, Yosuke Yamamoto: Analysis of the Evidence-practice Gap to Facilitate Proper Medical Care for the Elderly: Investigation, using Databases, of Utilization Measures for National Database of Health Insurance Claims and Specific Health Checkups of Japan (NDB). Environmental Health and Preventive Medicine (2017/06/06) DOI: 10.1186/s12199-017-0644-5.
- Goshiro Yamamoto, Luiz Sampaio, Takashi Taketomi, Hirokazu Kato, Christian Sandor, Tomohiro Kuroda: Imperceptible On-Screen Markers for Mobile Interaction on Public Large Displays. Transactions of the Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers, E100-D, no.9, pp.2027-2036 (2017/06/14)
- Hitomi Yamada, Tadamasa Takemura, Kazuya Okamoto, Tomohiro Kuroda, Shigeki Kuwata: Consideration of Automatic Evaluation System for Description of Informed Consent in Medical Records. Health Information Management, vol.29, no.1, pp.53-61 (2017/06/19) Japanese.
- Tuukka Karvonen, Yusuke Muranishi, Goshiro Yamamoto, Tomohiro Kuroda, Toshihiko Sato: Evaluation of a novel multi-articulated endoscope: proof of concept through a virtual simulation. International Journal of Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery, vol.12, no.7, pp.1123-1130 (2017/06/20) DOI: 10.1007/s11548-017-1599-0.
- Yuki Uranishi, Yu Maruyama, Chisako Naito, Kazuya Okamoto, Hiroshi Tamura, Genta Kato, Tomohiro Kuroda: Blood Collection Trainer with Visualization of Failure. Transactions of the Virtual Reality Society of Japan, vol.22, no.2, pp.217-227 (2017/06/30) DOI: 10.18974/tvrsj.22.2_217, Japanese.
- Kana Eguchi, Masayuki Nambu, Kazuo Ueshima, Tomohiro Kuroda: Prototyping of Smart Wearable Socks for Periodic Limb Movement Home Monitoring System. Journal of Fiber Science and Technology, vol.73, no.11, pp.284-293 (2017/11/28) DOI: 10.2115/fiberst.2017-0043, The Telecommunication Advancement Foundation Telecom System Technology Student Award Honorary Mention.
- Purnomo Husnul Khotimah, Yuichi Sugiyama, Masatoshi Yoshikawa, Akihiro Hamasaki, Osamu Sugiyama, Kazuya Okamoto, Tomohiro Kuroda: Medication Episode Construction Framework for Retrospective Database Analyses of Patients with Chronic Diseases. The IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics (2017/12/15) doi:10.1109/JBHI.2017.2786741, Japanese Association for Medical Informatics Best Paper Award.
- [Lectures]
- Tomohiro Kuroda: About Revised Personal Information Protection Law. Seminar of Japanese Association for Medical Informatics, Nippon Medical School Hospital (2017/02/05) Tokyo/Japan, Japanese.
- Tomohiro Kuroda: About Next Generation Medical Platform Act. Seminar of Japanese Association for Medical Informatics, Nippon Medical School Hospital (2017/02/05) Tokyo/Japan, Japanese.
- Tomohiro Kuroda: KING6 -HIS of Kyoto University Hospital and its aim-. Internal Seminar, Japanese Red Cross Wakayama Medical Center (2017/03/01) Wakayama/Japan, Japanese.
- Tomohiro Kuroda: About Modified Personal Information Protection Act. Internal Seminar, Shiga University of Medical Science (2017/03/09) Seta/Japan, Japanese.
- Tomohiro Kuroda: Are you conscious on privacy? -About new privacy protection act-. Internal Seminar, Kyoto University Hospital (2017/05/15) Kyoto/Japan, Japanese.
- Tomohiro Kuroda: Clinical medicine under information age. -Does AI replace clinician?. Lecture for Okayama Prefecture Association of Public Health Doctors, Okayama Plaza Hotel (2017/05/28) Okayama/Japan, Japanese.
- Tomohiro Kuroda: Ubiquitous Computing Technology changes Data Health. Annual Conference of Japanese Society of Cardiovascular Prevention, Kyoto University Shiran Kaikan (2017/06/17) Kyoto/Japan, Japanese.
- Tomohiro Kuroda: Are you conscious on privacy? (Part 2) -About secondary use of clinical records. Internal Seminar, Kyoto University Hospital (2017/06/22) Kyoto/Japan, Japanese.
- Tomohiro Kuroda, Haruo Noma, Masahiro Tada, Osamu Sugiyama, Kohei Matsumura: Future beyond Nagahama Health Walk. Special Interest Group Meeting of Behavior Change and Social System, Kansai Division of Information Processing Society of Japan, Osaka International Convention Center (2017/06/26) Osaka/Japan, Japanese.
- Tomohiro Kuroda: Now and Future of Secondary Use of Medical Information -AI EHR PHR and Health Information Bank-. Lecture for Kanagawa Prefecture Association of Public Health Doctors, Kanagawa Prefecture Association of Public Health Doctors (2017/06/30) Yokohama/Japan, Japanese.
- Tomohiro Kuroda: Accumulation of Nursing Information for Big Data Science. Annual Meeting of Japan Society of Nursing Diagnosis, Kyoto International Conference Center (2017/07/16) Kyoto/Japan, Japanese.
- Tomohiro Kuroda: Snapshots of Medical Informatics Research in Japan. China-US Healthcare Big Data Forum, Zhejiang University (2017/08/21) Hangzhou/China.
- Tomohiro Kuroda: About Act on Next Generation Medical Platform. Research Meeting on Security Information Processing Society of Japan Computer Security Group, Meiji University Nakano Campus (2017/08/29) Tokyo Japan, Japanese.
- Tomohiro Kuroda: Future of Medicine of Information Age produced by IoT. Special Interest Group on CPS/IoT Sensing Solution Technologies of Japan Electronics and Information Technology Industries Association , Japan Electronics and Information Technology Industries Association (2017/09/04) Tokyo/Japan, Japanese.
- Tomohiro Kuroda: How do we need to change research process after amended act on the protection of personal Information. Symposium on Medical and Biological Engineering, Shinshu University Ueda Campus (2017/09/15) Ueda/Japan, Japanese.
- Tomohiro Kuroda: Next Generation Medical Platform Act and Utilization of Medical Data. International Activity WG, Information Policy Committee, Japan Electronics and Information Technology Industries Association, Advanced Science, Technology & Management Research Institute of KYOTO (ASTEM) (2017/09/29) Kyoto/Japan, Japanese.
- Tomohiro Kuroda: Operation of Kyoto University Hospital for Personal Data Protection Law. Kyoto Medical IT Personnel Group, Kyoto Min-iren Chuo Hospital (2017/09/30) Kyoto/Japan, Japanese.
- Tomohiro Kuroda: Medicine after Information Revolution. Internal Seminar, Kouseiren Takaoka Hospital (2017/10/02) Takaoka/Japan, Japanese.
- Tomohiro Kuroda: Utilize Cloud Environment and Information Security in Clinical Field -Message from the Field-. Nikkei Digital Health Days, Tokyo Big Site (2017/10/13) Tokyo/Japan, Japanese.
- Tomohiro Kuroda: About Act on the Protection of Privacy Inforamtion. General Assembly of Association for Presidents of Affiliated Hospitals of Kyoto University, Kyoto University Shiran Kaikan (2017/10/20) Kyoto/Japan, Japanese.
- Tomohiro Kuroda: Toward NDB friendly for everyone. NTT Data Technology Conferene, Tokyo Conference Center Shinagawa (2017/10/30) Tokyo/Japan, Japanese.
- Tomohiro Kuroda: Medical ICT Technology opens up Medicine of Near Future. Kyoto University Public Lecture on Human Health Science, Department of Human Health Science, School of Medicine, Kyoto University (2017/11/18) Kyoto/Japan, Japanese.
- Tomohiro Kuroda: How are computing technologies changing clinical medicine ?. Public Lecture Series of University of Nagasaki, University of Nagasaki Siebold Campus (2017/12/02) Nagayo/Japan, Japanese.
- Tomohiro Kuroda: How does the Information Revolution change clinical medicine. Kansai Division Conference of Japanese Society of Medical and Biological Engineers, Kindai University Blossom Cafe (2017/12/09) Higashi Osaka / Japan, Japanese.
- [Review Papers]
- Tomohiro Kuroda: Security Risk called Medical Devices. New Medicine, vol.44, no.6, pp.100-102 (2017/06/01) Japanese.
- Tomohiro Kuroda: Foreword: About Featured Articles on Amended Act on the Protection of Personal Information. Japan Journal of Medical Informatics, vol.37, no.5, pp.2130-215 (2017/10/30) Japanese.
- Tomohiro Kuroda: Impact on Medical Specialist Certification System and Medical Registry Activities. Japan Journal of Medical Informatics, vol.37, no.5, pp.231-233 (2017/10/30) Japanese.
- Tomohiro Kuroda: Future beyond Next Generation Medical Platform Act. Japan Journal of Medical Informatics, vol.35, no.7, pp.257-260 (2017/10/30) Japanese.
- Tomohiro Kuroda, Hiroshi Tamura, Shusuke Hiragi, Masayuki Nambu, Osamu Sugiyama, Kazuya Okamoto: Kyoto University Hospital : New Generation of HIS improve its Clinical Safety and Efficiency using its Logistic Management System. New Medicine, vol.44, no.1, pp.8-13 (2017/11/01) Japanese.
- [International Conferences]
- Tomohiro Kuroda: Snapshot of Medical Informatics Research in Japan. Abstract Book at EMBEC and NBC, p.51 (2017/06/12) Tampere/Finland.
- Masayuki Nambu, Osamu Sugiyama, Miho Asano, Kazuya Okamoto, Tomohiro Kuroda: Data Warehouse System Conjunction with Cohort Data and Clinical Data. Abstract Book at EMBEC and NBC, p.53 (2017/06/12) Tampere/Finland.
- Tuukka Karvonen, Goshiro Yamamoto, Yusuke Muranishi, Toshihiko Sato, Tomohiro Kuroda: Augmented Virtuality Platform for Usability Evaluation of a Novel Endoscope Concept. IFMBE Proceedings, vol.65, pp.575-578 (2017/06/12) Tampere/Finland.
- Tuukka Karvonen, Yusuke Muranishi, Goshiro Yamamoto, Tomohiro Kuroda, Toshihiko Sato: Evaluation of a novel multi-articulated endoscope: proof of concept through a virtual simulation. Proceedings of International Congress and Exhibition Computer Aided Radiology and Surgery, pp.1123-1130 (2017/06/20) Barcelona/Spain, DOI: 10.1007/s11548-017-1599-0.
- Noboru Nishimoto, Wei Yaguang, Kohei Matsumura, Roberto Lopez-Gulliver, Haruo Noma, Kougoro Iwanaga, Tomohiro Kuroda: Training Simulator for Resuscitation of Neonate with High Effectiveness and Low Introduction Cost. Innovation in Medicine and Healthcare (2017/06/21) Vilamoura/Portugal, DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-59397-5_29.
- Toshiki Kawai, Haruka Kanbara, Kohei Matsumura, Haruo Noma, Osamu Sugiyama, Manabu Shimoto, Shigeru Ohtsuru, Tomohiro Kuroda: Design and Implementation of a Social Networking Service-Based Application for Supporting Disaster Medical Assistance Teams. Innovation in Medicine and Healthcare (2017/06/21) Vilamoura/Portugal, DOI:10.1007/978-3-319-59397-5_18.
- Tomohiro Kuroda, Hiroki Shiomi, Eri Minamino-Muta, Yugo Yamashita, Tomohide Iwao, Hiroshi Tamura, Kazuo Ueshima, Takeshi Kimura: Evaluation of NISHIJIN e-Textile for 12-lead ECG measurement through Automatic ECG Analyzer. Proceedings of Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, pp.1234-1237 (2017/07/12) Jeju/Korea.
- Tomohiro Kuroda, Tomoko Hikita, Kenichiro Fujita, Osamu Sugiyama, Kazuya Okamoto: Bedside Vital Data Terminal reducing Nursing Tasks. Proceedings of Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (2017/07/14) Jeju/Korea.
- Kana Eguchi, Masayuki Nambu, Kimihiko Murase, Kazuo Chin, Tomohiro Kuroda: Surface Electromyogram Measurement e-Textile for the Wearable Periodic Limb Movement Home Monitoring System. Proceedings of Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (2017/07/14) Jeju/Korea.
- Tomohiro Kuroda, Kenichiro Fujita, Goshiro Yamamoto, Kazuya Okamoto, Masahiro Yakami, Mizuho Nishio, Hiroyoshi Isoda: A Medical Image De-identifier Bridging a Hospital Information Systems and Cloud Services. Proceedings of Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (2017/07/14) Jeju/Korea.
- Tomohiro Kuroda: New Japanese Legislations on Privacy Protection and Health Data Utilization. Studies in Health Technology and Informatics (2017/08/23) Hangzhou/China.
- Samar El Helou, Tuukka Karvonen, Goshiro Yamamoto, Naoto Kume, Shinji Kobayashi, Eiji Kondo, Shusuke Hiragi, Kazuya Okamoto, Hiroshi Tamura, Tomohiro Kuroda: Generation of OpenEHR Test Datasets for Benchmarking. Studies in Health Technology and Informatics, vol.245, p.1266 (2017/08/23) Hangzhou/China, DOI: 10.3233/978-1-61499-830-3-1266.
- Kensuke Morris, Naoto Kume, Goshiro Yamamoto, Shinji Kobayashi, Kazuya Okamoto, Hiroshi Tamura, Tomohiro Kuroda: Authenticating Unknown Doctors for Access to EHRs based on Societal Trust. Studies in Health Technology and Informatics, vol.245, p.1308 (2017/08/23) Hangzhou/China, DOI: 10.3233/978-1-61499-830-3-1308.
- Ryo Otsuki, Osamu Sugiyama, Kohei Matsumura, Masahiro Tada, Haruo Noma, Tomohiro Kuroda: When should the Health Promotion Agent Recommend the User to Walk? - Approach for Searching an Appropriate Walking Pattern for the User. Proceedings of Human Agent Interaction, pp.469-472 (2017/10/19) Bielefeld/Germany.
- [Domestic Conferences]
- Mao Suzuki, Ryo Otsuki, Asuka Wakao, Kohei Matsumura, Osamu Sugiyama, Haruo Noma, Tomohiro Kuroda: Analyzing Relations between Number of Steps and External Factors for Walking Habituation. Technical Reports of IPSJ, HCI-171, no.3 (2017/01/23) Ishigaki/Japan, Japanese.
- Atsushi Hattori, Toshiharu Teramae, Masayoshi Sudo, Kazuko Komai, Takeshi Sugino, Genta Kato, Hiroshi Tamura, Tomohiro Kuroda, Toshio Heike, Susumu Miyamoto: An Example of Hospital Management Improvement utilizing Data -Activity of Office for Hospital Strategic Planning-. Proceedings of Meeting of Information Management Divisions of University Hospitals (2017/01/26) Otsu/Japan, Japanese.
- Kazuko Komai, Toshiharu Teramae, Masayoshi Sudo, Atsushi Hattori, Youhei Taniguchi, Daisuke Suto, Ayako Nakamura, Rikako Sato, Kazuo Matsubara, Sachio Fukatsu, Junko Ozaki, Hiroshi Tamura, Genta Kato, Tomohiro Kuroda, Toshio Heike: Switching to Generic Drug based on HOMAS2 data -Utilize Benchmark Data-. Proceedings of Meeting of Information Management Divisions of University Hospitals (2017/01/26) Otsu/Japan, Japanese.
- Kazuya Okamoto, Masahiro Yakami, Akira Yamamoto, Hiroyoshi Isoda, Kenichiro Fujita, Masayoshi Sudo, Kaori Togashi, Tomohiro Kuroda: How to secure data continuation in PACS update. Proceedings of Meeting of Information Management Divisions of University Hospitals, pp.70-71 (2017/01/26) Otsu/Japan, Japanese.
- Shusuke Hiragi, Yasushi Kobayashi, Hiroshi Tamura, Rei Goto, Yukari Tanaka, Atsuo Sawada, Kaoru Sakai, Hitomi Miyata, Motoko Yanagita, Tomohiro Kuroda: Evaluation of QoL after Renal Transplantation using EQ5D5L. 日本腎臓移植学会抄録集, p.233 (2017/02/16) Kobe/Japan, Japanese.
- Noboru Kada, Masatoshi Yoshikawa, Akihiro Hamasaki, Osamu Sugiyama, Kazuya Okamoto, Tomohiro Kuroda: User Interface of CDSS for Drug Therapy of Thyroid Disease. Proceedings of Forum on Data Engineering and Information Management, I4-4 (2017/03/07) Takayama/Japan, Japanese.
- Yuji Morita, Masatoshi Yoshikawa, Akihiro Hamasaki, Kazuya Okamoto, Osamu Sugiyama, Tomohiro Kuroda: Reconstruction of Medication History and Pattern Mining considering Medical Doctors' Diversity. Proceedings of Forum on Data Engineering and Information Management, I4-5 (2017/03/07) Takayama/Japan, IPSJ Computer Science Research Award for Young Scientists, Japanese.
- Osamu Sugiyama, Mao Suzuki, Ryo Otsuki, Kohei Matsumura, Masahiro Tada, Asuka Wakao, Haruo Noma, Tomohiro Kuroda: Development of PHR Platform to Collect Activity Record within Health Promotion Event and Analysis of the Activity to Make People Obtain Walking Habit. Proceedings of Hyper Interdisciplinary Conference Osaka Forum (2017/03/12) Iabaraki/Japan, Japanese.
- Kana Eguchi, Masayuki Nambu, Kimihiko Murase, Kazuo Chin, Tomohiro Kuroda: Wearable Electromyogram Measurement Textile for Periodic Limb Movement Monitoring in Daily Life. Technical Report of the Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers, vol.116, no.520, pp.33-36 (2017/03/13) Tokyo/Japan, Japanese.
- Goshiro Yamamoto, Tomohiro Kuroda, Naoki Ohboshi, Kenta Ogushi: A Study on Doctor-Patient Communication in Telemedicine using Hand Gesture. Proceedings of Annual Conference of IPSJ, no.4, pp.393-394 (2017/03/16) Nagoya/Japan, Japanese.
- Hisashi Yoshida, Saki Konaka, Satoshi Adachi, Kikuo Hirano, Kazushige Sugimura, Kazuo Ueshima, Tomohiro Kuroda, Masaki Yoshida, Toshiyuki Sado, Hiroshi Kobayashi: Potential distribution of fetal electrocardiogram on maternal abdomen and development of e-Textile. Bio-Medical Engineering, p.207 (2017/05/03) 東北大学星陵キャンパス, Japanese.
- Karin Goka, Kazuya Okamoto, Masahiro Hirose, Shusuke Hiragi, Goshiro Yamamoto, Osamu Sugiyama, Masayuki Nambu, Tomohiro Kuroda: Attempt at Automatic Incident Detection from Electronic Medical Records using Natural Language Processing. Proceedings of Annual Conference of the institute of Systems, Control and Information Engineers (2017/05/23) Kyoto/Japan, Japanese.
- Ryo Otsuki, Osamu Sugiyama, Mao Suzuki, Kohei Matsumura, Masahiro Tada, Haruo Noma, Tomohiro Kuroda: Activity Recognition from Many Types of Media for Constructing Personal Health Record System. Proceedings of Annual Conference of the institute of Systems, Control and Information Engineers (2017/05/23) Kyoto/Japan, Japanese.
- Shoko Ueno, Osamu Sugiyama, Mizuho Nishio, Masahiro Yakami, Goshiro Yamamoto, Kazuya Okamoto, Masayuki Nambu, Tomohiro Kuroda: Design of Computer-Aided Diagnosis for Pulmonary Nodule Classification with 3D Convolutional Neural Network. Proceedings of Annual Conference of the institute of Systems, Control and Information Engineers (2017/05/23) Kyoto/Japan, Japanese.
- Tomohide Iwao, Shusuke Hiragi, Shosuke Ohtera, Michi Sakai, Genta Kato, Hiroshi Tamura, Tomohiro Kuroda: Development of Analytical Database on National Database of Health Insurance Claims and Specific Health Checkups of Japan (NDB) for Epidemiology Research. IT Healthcare, vol.12, no.1 (2017/05/28) Nagoya/Japan, Japanese.
- Tomohiro Kuroda: Regulations around Medical Image Database -Including Next Generation Medical Platform Act-. Proceedings of Annual Conference of the Japanese Society of Medical Imaging Technology, p.43 (2017/07/28) Gifu/Japan, Organized Session, Japanese.
- Michi Sakai, Shosuke Ohtera, Tomohide Iwao, Yukiko Neff, Hirokazu Kato, Tomohiro Kuroda, Yoshimitsu Takahashi, Takeo Nakayama: Clarification of Terminal Care using National Database of Health Insurance Claims and Specific Health Checkups of Japan. Proceedings of Annual Meeting of Japan Health Economics Association (2017/09/02) Tokyo/Japan, Japanese.
- Kana Eguchi, Masayuki Nambu, Kimihiko Murase, Kazuo Chin, Tomohiro Kuroda: Measurement Points Optimization for Wearable Surface Electromyogram Devices Targeting Periodic Limb Movements Screening at Home. Proceedings of Symposium on Medical and Biological Engineering, p.131 (2017/09/15) Ueda/Japan, JBMES Poster Award.
- Kenichiro Fujita, Youhei Taniguchi, Yoshihiro Kinoshita, Kazuya Okamoto, Tadamasa Takemura, Tomohiro Kuroda: Developing Conference Support Information System with Inter-system Extraction / Display Function. Proceedings of Symposium on Medical and Biological Engineering, p.22 (2017/09/15) Ueda/Japan, Japanese.
- Tomohide Iwao, Shosuke Ohtera, Michi Sakai, Shusuke Hiragi, Shigeru Ohtsuru, Eiji Kondo, Hiroshi Tamura, Genta Kato, Tomohiro Kuroda: Research on the reconstruction method of health insurance claims database suitable for secondary use for epidemiological analysis. Proceedings of Symposium on Medical and Biological Engineering, p.23 (2017/09/15) Ueda/Japan.
- Genta Kato, Michi Sakai, Shosuke Ohtera, Toru Shimogaki, Hiroki Matsui, Tatsuya Noda, Hideo Yasunaga, Tomoaki Imamura, Tomohiro Kuroda: Research on Next Generation NDB platform Generation for New Medical Evidences : Potential for Epidemiology. Proceedings of Annual Meeting of the Society for Clinical Epidemiology (2017/09/30) Tokyo/Japan, Japanese.
- Yusuke Yokota, Goshiro Yamamoto, Shusuke Hiragi, Naoki Ohboshi, Tomohiro Kuroda: Development of . Proceedings of JAMI Telemedicine Research Meeting, p.106 (2017/09/30) Utsunomiya/Japan, Japanese.
- Genta Kato, Michi Sakai, Shosuke Ohtera, Toru Shimogaki, Hiroki Matsui, Tatsuya Noda, Hideo Yasunaga, Tomoaki Imamura, Tomohiro Kuroda: Abstract Report : Next Generation NDB Research Platform for New Medical Evidences. Proceedings of General Assembly of Japan Society of Public Health (2017/11/01) Kagoshima/Japan, Japanese.
- Manabu Muto, Osamu Kato, Shinnichi Usami, Eizaburo Sueoka, Tomohiro Kuroda: Medical Information to Save Lives -Real-World Data toward Precision Medicine-. Japan Journal of Medical Informatics, vol.37, Suppl, p.73 (2017/11/21) Osaka/Japan, Japanese.
- Tomohiro Kuroda: To Emerge Medical Information Database to Save Lives. Proceedings of Joint Conference on Medical Informatics (2017/11/21) Osaka/Japan, Japanese.
- Kensuke Morris, Goshiro Yamamoto, Shosuke Ohtera, Michi Sakai, Shusuke Hiragi, Kazuya Okamoto, Osamu Sugiyama, Naoto Kume, Masayuki Nambu, Tomohiro Kuroda: Reducing Patient Privacy Concerns via Access Control to EHRs. Japan Journal of Medical Informatics, vol.37, Suppl., pp.512-517 (2017/11/21) Osaka/Japan.
- Kenichiro Fujita, Youhei Taniguchi, Masashi Kotani, Masahiro Yakami, Mizuho Nishio, Kazuya Okamoto, Tadamasa Takemura, Hiroyoshi Isoda, Tomohiro Kuroda: Construction of Clinical Information Export Environment Complying with the Amended Act on the Protection of Personal Information. Japan Journal of Medical Informatics, vol.37, Suppl, pp.458-461 (2017/11/21) Osaka/Japan, Japanese.
- Shusuke Hiragi, Naoya Kondo, Youhei Taniguchi, Midori Higashiura, Kumiko Uno, Yuki Nakajima, Eiji Kobayasi, Kenichiro Fujita, Tomohiro Kuroda: Development of Hospital Information Module for Dialysis Department - For Better Information Sharing -. Japan Journal of Medical Informatics, vol.37, Suppl, pp.469-471 (2017/11/21) Osaka/Japan, Young Researcher's Award, Japanese.
- Eizen Kimura, Koki Hamada, Gembu Morohashi, Koji Chida, Kazuya Okamoto, Shirou Manabe, Toshihiro Takeda, Naoki Mihara, Tomohiro Kuroda, Yasushi Matsumura: Feasibility Study of Applying Secure Multiparty Computation on Distributed Medical Information Analysis System. Japan Journal of Medical Informatics, vol.37, Suppl, 518−522 (2017/11/21) Osaka/Japan, Japanese.
- Tomohiro Kuroda: Future with Next Generation Medical Platform Act. Japan Journal of Medical Informatics, vol.37, Suppl, pp.78-79 (2017/11/22) Osaka/Japan, Japanese.
- Tomoko Hikita, Hiroe Yamanaka, Kenichiro Fujita, Tadamasa Takemura, Tomohiro Kuroda: Evaluation on Usage Situation of Vital Data Terminal. Japan Journal of Medical Informatics, vol.37, Suppl, 682−684 (2017/11/22) Osaka/Japan, Japanese.
- Kosuke Sasai, Yuko Shimoe, Naoki Mihara, Sawako Uchida, Shinya Nakajima, Toshinari Nakano, Tomohiro Kuroda, Hiroo Tamagawa, Keunsik Park, Masaki Miyamoto: Development of the Diagnostic Imaging Navigation using the Knowledge Base. Japan Journal of Medical Informatics, vol.37, Suppl, pp.1232-1235 (2017/11/22) Osaka/Japan, Japanese.
- Shosuke Ohtera, Michi Sakai, Genta Kato, Tomohiro Kuroda: Progress in Usage of National Insurance Claims Database (NDB) On-site Research Center in Kyoto. Japan Journal of Medical Informatics, vol.37, Suppl, pp.145-147 (2017/11/22) Osaka/Japan, Japanese.
- Osamu Sugiyama, Hiroaki Kobayashi, Takumi Ishida, Kazuhiko Takase, Tomohiro Kuroda: Attempt to Develop Medical Device Data Collection Platform for IoT based Hospital Information System. Japan Journal of Medical Informatics, vol.37, Suppl, pp.901-902 (2017/11/23) Osaka/Japan, Japanese.
- Tomohiro Kuroda: Ideal Data Flow of Medicine of Information Age. Proceedings of Joint Conference on Medical Informatics (2017/11/23) Osaka/Japan, Japanese.
- Karin Goka, Kazuya Okamoto, Masahiro Hirose, Shusuke Hiragi, Goshiro Yamamoto, Osamu Sugiyama, Masayuki Nambu, Tomohiro Kuroda: Attempt to Detect Incidents from Electronic Medical Records using Data Mining Technology. Japan Journal of Medical Informatics, vol.37, Suppl, pp.814-817 (2017/11/23) Osaka/Japan, Japanese.
- Kenichiro Fujita, Kazuya Okamoto, Minoru Fukushima, Tomohiro Kuroda: Efforts to Improve Regional Healthcare Collaboration by Connecting FAX and Hospital Information System. Japan Journal of Medical Informatics, vol.37, Suppl, pp.1179-1180 (2017/11/23) Osaka/Japan, Japanese.
- Tomohiro Kuroda, Hisashi Saito, Shinsuke Muto, Shigeto Yonemura, Takashi Suzuki: Challenges on Legal Systems for Computerization of Clinical Medicine - Toward Accumulation and Utilization of Clinical Big Data -. Japan Journal of Medical Informatics, vol.37, Suppl, pp.277-278 (2017/11/23) Osaka/Japan, Japanese.
- Shoko Ueno, Osamu Sugiyama, Mizuho Nishio, Masahiro Yakami, Goshiro Yamamoto, Kazuya Okamoto, Masayuki Nambu, Tomohiro Kuroda: Attempts of Computer-Aided Diagnosis for Pulmanory Nodule Classification with Patient Information. Proceedings of Japanese Association for Medical Informatics and Japanese Society for Artificial Intelligence Joint Research Meeting of Special Interest Group on Artificial Intelligence in Medicine , SIG-AIMED-004, no.04, pp.04-1-04-4 (2017/11/24) Yokohama/Japan, Japanese.
- Osamu Sugiyama, Ryo Otsuki, Mao Suzuki, Kohei Matsumura, Masahiro Tada, Haruo Noma, Tomohiro Kuroda: Analysis of Health Behavior based on Users' Activities in the Health Promotion Event. Proceedings of Japanese Association for Medical Informatics and Japanese Society for Artificial Intelligence Joint Research Meeting of Special Interest Group on Artificial Intelligence in Medicine , SIG-AIMED-004, no.14, pp.14-1-14-4 (2017/11/24) Yokohama/Japan, Japanese.
- Tomohiro Kuroda: Ideal Data Flow of Clinical Medicine of the Information Age and Laws. Proceedings of General Meeting of Japanese Association of Medical Law (2017/11/25) Kyoto/Japan, Japanese.
- [News Items]
- Report : Trial of Kyoto University Hospital to Increase Efficiency by ICT (1) : Simply Touch Devices to Recode Vital Data Immediately. Nikkei Medical (2017/01/18) Japanese.
- Report : Trial of Kyoto University Hospital to Increase Efficiency by ICT (2) : Time for Preparation of Conference from 25 minutes to zero. Nikkei Medical (2017/01/19) Japanese.
- ICT Revolution of Kyoto University Hospital (The First Volume) : Record Vital Data just by Touch. Nikkei Digital Health (2017/01/20) Japanese.
- ICT Revolution of Kyoto University Hospital (The Last Volume) : Delete Preparation for Clinical Conference. Nikkei Digital Health (2017/01/24) Japanese.
- Prescription toward Social Hospital opened up by Information Technology Report 1. Micorsoft Japan (2017/01/27) Japanese.
- Outrageous members are here. Nikkei Digital Health (2017/01/30) Japanese.
- Let's discuss about medicine, healthcare, and welfare in 2020.. Nikkei Digital Health (2017/02/06) Japanese.
- Do we need medical doctors for this job? Let's forget prejudices now.. Nikkei Digital Health (2017/02/07) Japanese.
- Cisco Collaboration Example : Kyoto MEDIO NET. CISCO Collaboration Case Study (2017/02/07) Japanese.
- GE Seminar Report : Summit of Data Management of Digital Transformation Age. InnerVision, vol.32, no.3, pp.60-61 (2017/02/25) Japanese.
- Prescription toward Social Hospital opened up by Information Technology Report 2. Micorsoft Japan (2017/04/07) Japanese.
- Why cannot we realize the things technically possible?. Nikkei Digital Health (2017/04/21) Japanese.
- Establish Customer Relation Service for Clinical Medicine. Nikkei Digital Health (2017/04/26) Japanese.
- Kyoto University LIMS Program gathers expectations from pharmacists . Yakuji Nippo, p.3 (2017/06/05) Japanese.
- How would you proceed collaboration among clinical specialists in special zone?. Nikkei Digital Health (2017/06/05) Japanese.
- AIxBig Data Part II Changing World 7 New regislation for Health Data Sharing. Daily Yomiuri, p.27 (2017/06/09) Japanese.
- Overriding boundary between multiple clinical specialist is the key for good future. Nikkei Digital Health (2017/06/12) Japanese.
- New Hospital Tools : ICT Tools to Improve efficiency, Safety and Quality. Journal of Japan Institute of Healthcare Architecture, vol.196, pp.32-33 (2017/07/01) Japanese.
- Let's discuss about medicine, healthcare, and welfare in 2020. Nikkei Digital Health, Special Issue, pp.5-22 (2017/07/12) Japanese.
- Prof. Kuroda of Kyoto University Hospital Talks about Medicine of Information Age. Nikkei Digital Health (2017/10/30) Japanese.
- Wearable e-Textile using Nishijin Technique is Filed as Medical Device.. Nikkei Digital Health (2017/11/17) Japanese.
- Teijin ships out wearable e-textile using Nishijin technique. The Nikkei (2017/11/17) Japanese.
- Teijin Frontier start selling Wearable e-Textile for Electrocardiogram. Daily Chemical News (2017/11/17) Japanese.
- Teijin Frontier Launches Wearable e-Textile for Electrocardiogram. Sekiyu Kagaku Shinbun News (2017/11/17) Japanese.
- Teijin Frontier Launches Wearable E-Textile for Electrocardiogram Next Spring. The Chemical Daily (2017/11/17) Japanese.
- Frontline of Real World Data Utilization : Special Talk between Academia x iQVIA : Transformation of Medicine in Big-Data Age. JB Press (2017/11/22) Japanese.
- For Good Medical Data Utilization, Do Not Avoid Discussing First Use of Data before Discussing on Secondary Use. Nikkei Digital Health (2017/12/27) Japanese.
- 2018
- [Academic Awards]
- Kazuya Okamoto, Masahiro Hirose, Tomohiro Kuroda: Outstanding Research Prize (Oral Prize). the Japan Society for Healthcare Administration (2018/11/01) Finding Incidents from Electronic Medical Records using Machine Learning Technique, Japanese.
- [Books]
- Tomohiro Kuroda: Construction and Utilization of Medical Big Data. Takaaki Sato, Yoshiyuki Sakaki, Kennichi Matsubara(Ed.), Precision Medicine, pp.19-24 (2018/10/19) Second Section, Japanese.
- [Journal Papers]
- Yuji Morita, Masatoshi Yoshikawa, Noboru Kada, Akihiro Hamasaki, Osamu Sugiyama, Kazuya Okamoto, Tomohiro Kuroda: Medication Pattern Mining Considering Unbiased Frequent Use by Doctors. European Journal for Biomedical Informatics, vol.14, no.1, pp.26-33 (2018/01/29)
- Kazuya Okamoto, Toshio Uchiyama, Tadamasa Takemura, Naoto Kume, Tomohiro Kuroda, Hiroyuki Yoshihara: Automatic Selection of Diagnosis Procedure Combination Codes Based on Partial Treatment Data Relative to the Number of Hospitalization Days. European Journal for Biomedical Informatics, vol.14, no.1, pp.34-40 (2018/02/05)
- Kenichiro Fujita, Youhei Taniguchi, Yoshihiro Kinoshita, Kazuya Okamoto, Tadamasa Takemura, Tomohiro Kuroda: Developing a Conference Support Information System with Inter-System Extraction and Display Function. Transactions of the Japanese Society for Medical and Biological Engineering, vol.56, no.1, pp.1-7 (2018/02/10) Japanese.
- Shusuke Hiragi, Hiroyuki Yamada, Tatsuo Tsukamoto, Kazuki Yoshida, Naoya Kondo, Takeshi Matsubara, Motoko Yanagita, Hiroshi Tamura, Tomohiro Kuroda: Acetaminophen Administration and the Risk of Acute Kidney Injury: a Self-Controlled Case Series Study. Clinical Epidemiology, vol.10, pp.265-276 (2018/03/06) DOI: 10.2147/CLEP.S158110.
- Mizuho Nishio, Mitsuo Nishizawa, Osamu Sugiyama, Ryosuke Kojima, Masahiro Yakami, Tomohiro Kuroda, Kaori Togashi: Computer-aided diagnosis of lung nodule using gradient tree boosting and Bayesian optimization. PLOS One, vol.13, no.4, e0195875 (2018/04/19) DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0195875.
- Kensuke Morris, Goshiro Yamamoto, Shusuke Hiragi, Shosuke Ohtera, Michi Sakai, Osamu Sugiyama, Kazuya Okamoto, Masayuki Nambu, Tomohiro Kuroda: Designing an Authorization System Based on Patient Privacy Preferences in Japan. Studies in Health Technology and Informatics, vol.247, pp.71-75 (2018/04/24) doi; 10.3233/978-1-61499-852-5-71.
- Mai Sato, Eiji Kondo, Tomohide Iwao, Shusuke Hiragi, Kazuya Okamoto, Hiroshi Tamura, Haruta Mogami, Yoshitsugu Chigusa, Tomohiro Kuroda, Masaki Mandai, Ikuo Konishi, Genta Kato: Nationwide Survey of Severe Postpartum Haemorrhage in Japan: an Exploratory Study using the National Database of Health Insurance Claims. The Journal of Maternal-Fetal and Neonatal Medicine (2018/04/26) doi: 10.1080/14767058.2018.1465921.
- Samar El Helou, Goshiro Yamamoto, Eiji Kondo, Hiroshi Tamura, Shusuke Hiragi, Osamu Sugiyama, Masayuki Nambu, Tomohiro Kuroda: Understanding the Roles of EMR Systems in Japanese Antenatal Care Settings. Studies in Health Technology and Informatics, vol.251, pp.257-260 (2018/06/06)
- Mizuho Nishio, Osamu Sugiyama, Masahiro Yakami, Shoko Ueno, Takeshi Kubo, Tomohiro Kuroda, Kaori Togashi: Computer-aided diagnosis of lung nodule classification between benign nodule, primary lung cancer, and metastatic lung cancer at different image size using deep convolutional neural network with transfer learning. PLOS One (2018/07/27) DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0200721.
- Tomohide Iwao, Ken Yano, Tomohiro Kuroda: Survey of drug prescription patterns among patients with nontuberculous mycobacterial disease using the database of health insurance claims. Japanese Journal of Pharmacoepidemiology, vol.32, no.2, pp.89-94 (2018/07/31) Japanese.
- Kenichiro Fujita, Youhei Taniguchi, Masashi Kotani, Masahiro Yakami, Mizuho Nishio, Kazuya Okamoto, Tadamasa Takemura, Hiroyoshi Isoda, Tomohiro Kuroda: Construction and Evaluation of Clinical Information Export Environment Complying with the Amended Act on the Protection of Personal Information. Transactions of the Japanese Society for Medical and Biological Engineering, vol.56, no.4, pp.149-156 (2018/08/01) DOI: 10.11239/jsmbe56.149, Japanese.
- Tomohiro Kuroda, Yuki Kuroda, Kazuo Chin: Structure of Information System for Remote Monitoring. Japanese Journal of Telemedicine and Telecare, vol.14, no.2, 98−100 (2018/11/09) Japanese.
- Shusuke Hiragi, Hiroshi Tamura, Rei Goto, Tomohiro Kuroda: The Effect of Model Selection on Cost-effectiveness Research: a Comparison of Kidney Function-based Microsimulation and Disease Grade-based Microsimulation in Chronic Kidney Disease Modeling. BMC Medical Informatics and Decision Making, vol.18, no.94 (2018/11/09) DOI: 10.1186/s12911-018-0678-7.
- Tomohiro Kuroda: Year in Review - Viewpoint of Engineering. Japan Journal of Medical Informatics, vol.38, no.5, pp.273-278 (2018/12/28) Japanese.
- [Lectures]
- Tomohiro Kuroda, Kazuo Ueshima, Kikuo Hirano, Kazushige Sugimura, Satoshi Adachi: Development of TECHNO SENSOR ER a Twelve-lead ECG e-Textile for Ambulance using Nishijin Brocade Technique . Research Meeting for 12-lead ECG transmission, Congress Square Nihonbashi (2018/01/13) Tokyo/Japn, Keynote, Japanese.
- Tomohiro Kuroda: Future of Clinical Medicine in Information Age produced by IoT. Special Interest Group on Human Care Device and System Technologies of Japan Electronics and Information Technology Industries Association, Japan Electronics and Information Technology Industries Association (2018/01/16) Tokyo/Japan, Japanese.
- Tomohiro Kuroda: Medical Information Bank is coming. How will PHR be connected? . Mixi Kyoto University Joint Symposium on Digital Health in Japan, Kyoto University Office of Society-Academia Collaboration for Innovation (2018/01/19) Kyoto/Japan, Japanese.
- Tomohiro Kuroda: Medical Devices : Security Risk of Hospital Information Network. Lectures of Kansai Association of Healthcare Information Technologist, Kobe City Medical Center Genera Hospital (2018/02/11) Kobe/Japan, Japanese.
- Tomohiro Kuroda, Toshikazu Shiga: Snapshots and Challenges of PHR Application for Clinical Medicine. Medical Japan, Intex Osaka (2018/02/21) Osaka/Japan, Japanese.
- Tomohiro Kuroda: Recommendation of Ubiquitous Hospital Information System. Internal Seminar, Hotel La Raison Osaka (2018/02/21) Osaka/Japan, Japanese.
- Tomohiro Kuroda: Actual Personal Data Management after Amendment of Privacy Data Protection Law -Case of Kyoto University Hospital-. Medical Japan, Intex Osaka (2018/02/22) Osaka/Japan, Japanese.
- Tomohiro Kuroda: In order to Enjoy Fruit of Information Revolution for Clinical Medicine. Symposium on ICT Platform toward Ubiquitous High-Level Clinical Care, Ritsumeikan University Roam Plaza (2018/02/26) Kusatsu/Japan, Japanese.
- Tomohiro Kuroda: The Requisites of Hospital Facility Personnel in Information Age. Internal Seminar, Kyoto University Hospital (2018/03/05) Kyoto/Japan, Japanese.
- Tomohiro Kuroda: Medial Informatics Management in University Hospital under the Act on the Protection of Personal Information. Internal Seminar, Shiga University of Medical Science (2018/03/16) Otsu/Japan, Japanese.
- Tomohiro Kuroda: What is the New Generation Medical Platform Act ?. Bayer Medical Dialogue, Web seminar (2018/04/04) Tokyo/Japan, Japanese.
- Tomohiro Kuroda: Pitfalls of Privacy Information Management -Lets utilize KING, HIS of Kyoto University-. Internal Seminar, Kyoto University Hospital (2018/04/19) Kyoto/Japan, Japanese.
- Tomohiro Kuroda: From Utilization of Clinical Data to Digital Health. The Annual Meeting of the Japanese Brest Cancer Society, Kyoto International Conference Center (2018/05/16) Kyoto/Japan, Invited Talk, Japanese.
- Tomohiro Kuroda: How the Information Technology changes the Medicine. Learn Wisdom of Kyoto University in Tokyo, Kyoto Academia Forum (2018/05/22) Tokyo/Japan, Japanese.
- Tomohiro Kuroda, Kazuo Ueshima, Kikuo Hirano, Kazushige Sugimura, Satoshi Adachi: Development of TECHNOSENSOR ER, an e-Textile for 12-lead Electro-cardiograph. The Annual Conference of Textile Machinery Society of Japan, Osaka Science and Technology Center (2018/06/01) Osaka, Keynote Lecture, Japanese.
- Tomohiro Kuroda: Can hospital feed AI ?. Annual Conference of Japan Primary Care Association, Mie Center for the Arts (2018/06/16) Tsu/Japan, Japanese.
- Tomohiro Kuroda: About Act on Clinical Research - Effect on Medical Engineering Researches. Annual Conference of Japanese Society of Medical and Biological Engineering, Sapporo Convention Center (2018/06/20) Sapporo/Japan, Japanese.
- Tomohiro Kuroda: Current Usage, Future, and Challenges of Online Medicine. Online Medicine Conference, Nihon Lifescience Building (2018/06/24) Tokyo/Japan, Japanese.
- Tomohiro Kuroda: To Share the Fruit of the Information Revolution among Medicine. General Assembly of the Japan Society for Simulation Technology, Kyoto University Tokyo Office (2018/06/25) Tokyo/Japan, Japanese.
- Tomohiro Kuroda: The Potential of Next Generation Medical Information Services delivered by Next Generation Medical Platform. Kyoto City Symposium for Life Innovation Promotion, Kyoto University Shiran Kaikan Inamori Memorial Hall (2018/07/06) Kyoto/Japan, Japanese.
- Tomohiro Kuroda: How Does IT Change Clinical Medicine?. Seminar of the Consortium for Information Society in Kyoto, Mielparque Kyoto (2018/07/09) Kyoto/Japan, Japanese.
- Tomohiro Kuroda: How the Advanced Technologies Change Clinical Medicine -An Inconvenient Sequel in 2025 and Workaround-. Nikkei Digital Health Conference, Toranomon Hills Forum (2018/07/12) Tokyo/Japan, Japanese.
- Tomohiro Kuroda: IoT Brings Cyber Physical Medicine. Modern Hospital Show, Tokyo Big Site (2018/07/13) Tokyo/Japan, Japanese.
- Tomohiro Kuroda: Observe Medicine from Informaticians point of view -Somethings are Changing-. Mibu Clinical Collaboration Conference, Kyoto City Hospital (2018/07/26) Kyoto/Japan, Japanese.
- Tomohiro Kuroda: Do You Know Proper Way to Handle Patient Data ?. Annual Meeting of Japan Association for Diabetes Education and Care, Kyoto International Conference Center (2018/07/29) Kyoto/Japan, Japanese.
- Tomohiro Kuroda: Proper Handling of Personal Health Data in Information System for Self Blood Glucose Management. Internal Seminar, Medtronic Japan (2018/08/22) Tokyo/Japan, Japanese.
- Tomohiro Kuroda: Clinical Medicine after Information Revolution -Through Amended Act of Privacy Data Protection, Next Generation Medical Platform Act, and Opening of on-line clinics-. Academic Seminar of Izumisano-Sennnan Medical Association, Rinku General Medical Center (2018/09/01) Izumisano/Japan, Japanese.
- Tomohiro Kuroda: Future Direction of Medical Record due to Introduction of IoT. Japanese-German EHRS Symposium, University of Applied Sciences and University of Osnabrück - HealthCampus (2018/09/03) Osnabrück/Germany.
- Tomohiro Kuroda: Digitization in Healthcare. Internal Seminar, Gourmet KINEYA House for Social Contribution (2018/09/07) Osaka/Japan.
- Tomohiro Kuroda: Beyond the Amended Act on the Protection of Personal Information and the Next Generation Medical ICT Platform Act. Internal Seminar, Kyoto College of Medical Science (2018/09/10) Nantan/Japan, Japanese.
- Tomohiro Kuroda: Actual Personal Data Management after Amendment of Privacy Data Protection Law -Case of Kyoto University Hospital-. Medical Japan, Makuhari Messe (2018/09/12) Chiba/Japan, Japanese.
- Tomohiro Kuroda: Can Hospital Feed AI?. The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers Society Conference, Kanazawa University Kakuma Campus (2018/09/13) Kanazawa/Japan, Japanese.
- Tomohiro Kuroda: International Trend of utilization of personal health record including health-checkup data. Kansai Medical IT Consortium, Osaka University Nakanoshima Center (2018/09/29) Osaka/Japan, Japanese.
- Tomohiro Kuroda: Measures of Doctors Works Reform -Approach of Kyoto University Hospital. General Assembly of Association for Presidents of Affiliated Hospitals of Kyoto University, Kyoto University Shiran Kaikan (2018/10/13) Kyoto/Japan, Japanese.
- Tomohiro Kuroda: Millennium EHR Project -Health Data Market of Near Future-. The Special Seminar of Research Complex Program for the Compass to Healthy Life -Future of Data Health, RIKEN Integrated Innovation Building (2018/10/18) Kobe/Japan, Japanese.
- Tomohiro Kuroda: Implementation of Data Collection System for Image Database Project. Academic Conference of the Japan Society of Ultrasonics in Medicine Kanto Koshinetsu Division, Toshi Center Hotel Tokyo (2018/10/28) Tokyo/Japan, Japanese.
- Tomohiro Kuroda: Case-based Discussion of Prevention of Personal Data Leak. Internal Seminar, Kyoto University Hospital (2018/10/31) Kyoto/Japan, Japanese.
- Tomohiro Kuroda: Information Security : An Inconvenient Truth of Clinical Fields. Trend Micro DIrection, Westin Hotel Osaka (2018/11/01) Osaka/Japan, Japanese.
- Tomohiro Kuroda: How will clinical medicine become after information revolution ?. Internal Seminar, Sakai Medical Association (2018/11/15) Sakai/Japan, Japanese.
- Tomohiro Kuroda: Future of Medical ICT Platform -Open Architecture emerges Open Innovation. Japan Association of Medical Imaging Information Specialist Seminar on Management of Medical Imaging Information, Japan Red Cross Kyoto Daini Hospital (2018/11/17) Kyoto/Japan, Japanese.
- Tomohiro Kuroda: To Promote Healthcare Industry of Information Age. MITI Healthcare IT Research Meeting, Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (2018/11/21) Tokyo/Japan, Japanese.
- Tomohiro Kuroda: Potential of Cloud Computing for Medical Data Science -Through Next Generation NDB Development. Joint Conference on Medical Informatics, Fukuoka Convention Center (2018/11/24) Fukuoka/Japan, Japanese.
- Tomohiro Kuroda: Snapshot of Data Health Activities. Symposium of Kansai Health and Medical Care Innovation Council, Kansai Economic Federation (2018/11/29) Osaka/Japan, Japanese.
- Tomohiro Kuroda: Efforts on Education of Medical Informatics at Kyoto University School of Medicine and Kyoto University Hospital. Symposium of Kansai Health and Medical Care Innovation Council, Kansai Economic Federation (2018/11/29) Osaka/Japan, Japanese.
- Tomohiro Kuroda: Generating Usable Data in Kyoto University Hospital. JAHIS Seminar, Japanese Association of Healthcare Information Systems Industry (2018/11/30) Tokyo/Japan, Japanese.
- Tomohiro Kuroda: How Shall We Educate Social Public for Sustainable Healthcare. ERLEP Trans-Disciplinary Forum, University of Melbourne (2018/12/04) Melbourne/Australia.
- Tomohiro Kuroda: Healthcare of IoT Age. International Conference of u-Healthcare, Kyoto University (2018/12/13) Kyoto/Japan.
- Tomohiro Kuroda: Plausible Scenario of Medical Device Industry of Information Age. The Osaka Chamber of Commerce and Industry Next Generation Medical System Industrialization Forum, Kyoto Research Park (2018/12/14) Kyoto/Japan, Japanese.
- Tomohiro Kuroda: Snapshot and Challenges of Telemedicine Supporting Community-based Integrated Care Systems. Annual Conference of Japan Academy of Nursing Science, Himegin Hall (2018/12/16) Matsuyama/Japan, Japanese.
- [Review Papers]
- Tomohiro Kuroda: IoT to Improve Efficiency of Clinical Tasks. Journal of Healthcare Engineering Association of Japan, vol.60, no.2, pp.21-24 (2018/04/01) Japanese.
- Tomohiro Kuroda: Make EMR Store Good Data -How the data should be to progress precision medicine-. The Lipid, vol.29, no.2, pp.165-172 (2018/04/10) Japanese.
- Tomohiro Kuroda: Trends of the Information Infrastructure to Realize the Nursing with Information Systems and Devices. InnerVision, no.38, pp.24-26 (2018/06/25) Japanese.
- Hiroaki Kato, Tomohiro Kuroda: School of Online Clinic and Medical Collaboration - 32 Questions and Answers. Journal of Health Insurance and Medical Practice, vol.73, no.10, pp.7-16 (2018/10/10) Japanese.
- Tomohiro Kuroda: Development of Innovative Hospital Information System with Man-Machine System. Hope Vision, vol.31, pp.0-1 (2018/11/21) Japanese.
- [International Conferences]
- Kensuke Morris, Goshiro Yamamoto, Shusuke Hiragi, Shosuke Ohtera, Michi Sakai, Osamu Sugiyama, Kazuya Okamoto, Masayuki Nambu, Tomohiro Kuroda: Designing an Authorization System Based on Patient Privacy Preferences in Japan. Proceedings of Medical Informatics Europe, pp.71-75 (2018/04/24) Gothenburg/Sweden, doi; 10.3233/978-1-61499-852-5-71.
- Samar El Helou, Goshiro Yamamoto, Eiji Kondo, Hiroshi Tamura, Shusuke Hiragi, Osamu Sugiyama, Masayuki Nambu, Tomohiro Kuroda: Understanding the Roles of EMR Systems in Japanese Antenatal Care Settings. Proceedings of International Conference on Informatics, Management and Technology in Healthcare, pp.257-260 (2018/06/06) Athens/Greece.
- Luciano Henrique de Oliveiria Santos, Kazuya Okamoto, Goshiro Yamamoto, Shusuke Hiragi, Osamu Sugiyama, Tomoki Aoyama, Tomohiro Kuroda: Pervasive Game Design to Evaluate Social Interaction Effects on Levels of Physical Activity Among Older Adults. Proceedings of International Conference on Disability, Virtual Reality and Associated Technologies, pp.157-164 (2018/09/04) Nottingham/UK.
- Shosuke Ohtera, Michi Sakai, Tomohide Iwao, Yukiko Neff, Yoshimitsu Takahashi, Genta Kato, Tomohiro Kuroda, Takeo Nakayama: Health Care Utilization and Hospital Expenditures Among Inpatients Dying of Cancer in Japan. Value in Health, vol.21, Suppl. 2, S60 (2018/09/08) Tokyo/Japan.
- Kazuya Okamoto, Karin Goka, Masahiro Hirose, Goshiro Yamamoto, Shusuke Hiragi, Osamu Sugiyama, Masayuki Nambu, Tomohiro Kuroda: Detecting Incidents of Injection from Electronic Medical Records using Machine Learning Methods. Proceedings of ISPOR Europe (2018/11/13) Barcelona/Spain.
- Samar El Helou, Goshiro Yamamoto, Tomohiro Kuroda: A Socio-Temporal Approach to Understanding Electronic Medical Record System in their Context of Use. Proceedings of International Conference of u-Healthcare (2018/12/13) Kyoto/Japan.
- Ryo Otsuki, Osamu Sugiyama, Kohei Matsumura, Shuji Yano, Masahiro Tada, Haruo Noma, Tomohiro Kuroda: Walking Record Analysis in the Health Promotion Event with State Transition Diagram. Proceedings of International Conference of u-Healthcare (2018/12/13) Kyoto/Japan.
- [Domestic Conferences]
- Takeshi Sugino, Masayoshi Sudo, Kenichiro Fujita, Kazuya Okamoto, Tomohiro Kuroda: Cost Reduction of Expendables by Replacement of Printer. Proceedings of Meeting of Information Management Divisions of University Hospitals (2018/02/01) Asahikawa/Japan, Japanese.
- Toshiki Kawai, Hiroki Chino, Haruka Kanbara, Kohei Matsumura, Manabu Shimoto, Osamu Sugiyama, Shigeru Ohtsuru, Haruo Noma, Tomohiro Kuroda: Proposal and Development of Information Management System based on SNS for Disaster Medical Assistant Team. Proceedings of Interaction (2018/03/05) Tokyo/Japan, Japanese.
- Kenya Murata, Noboru Nishimoto, Kohei Matsumura, Takahiro Adachi, Haruo Noma, Kougoro Iwanaga, Tomohiro Kuroda: A Proposal of an Attachment Device of Stethoscope for the Neonatal Cardio-Pulmonary Resuscitation Training Workshop. Proceedings of Interaction, pp.917-919 (2018/03/07) Tokyo/Japan, Japanese.
- Ryo Otsuki, Osamu Sugiyama, Kohei Matsumura, Masahiro Tada, Haruo Noma, Tomohiro Kuroda: An Attempt to Develop a Pedometer reading Booth for Health Promotion Event Management. Proceedings of Annual Conference of IPSJ, 5ZD-07 (2018/03/14) Tokyo/Japan, Japanese.
- Ryo Otsuki, Osamu Sugiyama, Kohei Matsumura, Masahiro Tada, Haruo Noma, Tomohiro Kuroda: Medical Numerical Record Recognition using Deep Learning. Proceedings of Japanese Association for Medical Informatics and Japanese Society for Artificial Intelligence Joint Research Meeting of Special Interest Group on Artificial Intelligence in Medicine , vol.5, no.1, pp.1-6 (2018/03/15) Miura/Japan, Japanese.
- Tomohiro Kuroda, Toshikazu Shiga: Data Management for Home Health Monitoring. Proceedings of Annual Scientific Meeting on the Japanese Circulation Society, p.650 (2018/03/25) Osaka/Japan, Japanese.
- Kana Eguchi, Masayuki Nambu, Kazuo Ueshima, Tomohiro Kuroda: Periodic Limb Movements Detection at Daily Life Environment using Wearable Surface Electromyogram Measurement Textile. Proceedings of The Annual Conference of Textile Machinery Society of Japan, pp.126-127 (2018/06/01) Osaka/Japan, Japanese.
- Kana Eguchi, Masayuki Nambu, Tomohiro Kuroda: Overnight Investigation of Periodic Limb Movements by Two Channel Surface EMG in Lower. 03-4−1−5 (2018/06/21) Sapporo/Japan, Japanese.
- Tomohiro Kuroda, Tomohiro Sawa: Year in Review. Proceedings of Japan Association of Medical Infomatics Spring Conference (2018/06/22) Japanese.
- Tomohiro Kuroda: Basic Strategy to Generate Machine Readable Data. Proceedings of Symposium of Society of Clinical Biobank, p.32 (2018/07/07) Kyoto/Japan, Japanese.
- Kenichiro Fujita, Youhei Taniguchi, Masahiro Yakami, Mizuho Nishio, Kazuya Okamoto, Tadamasa Takemura, Hiroyoshi Isoda, Tomohiro Kuroda: Developing Clinical Data Output Platform along the Act on Privacy Data Protection. Proceedings of Symposium on Medical and Biological Engineering, 2A-20 (2018/09/15) Nagoya/Japan, Japanese.
- Ryo Otsuki, Osamu Sugiyama, Kohei Matsumura, Shuji Yano, Masahiro Tada, Haruo Noma, Tomohiro Kuroda: Analyzing Change of Steps using Step Counter Record during a Walking Event. Proceedings of Hyper Interdisciplinary Conference Osaka Forum (2018/10/13) Osaka/Japan, Japanese.
- Kazuya Okamoto, Masahiro Hirose, Tomohiro Kuroda: Finding Incidents from Electronic Medical Records using Machine Learning Technique. Journal of the Japan Society for Healthcare Administration, vol.55, Suppl., p.63 (2018/10/27) Koriyama/Japan, Outstanding Research Prize (Oral Prize), Japanese.
- Jun Hatanaka, Shusuke Hiragi, Osamu Sugiyama, Goshiro Yamamoto, Hiroshi Sasaki, Kazuya Okamoto, Masayuki Nambu, Tomohiro Kuroda: Evaluating Bed-Control based on Market Mechanism. Journal of the Japan Society for Healthcare Administration, vol.55, Suppl., p.95 (2018/10/27) Koriyama/Japan, Japanese.
- Kenichiro Fujita, Osamu Sugiyama, Shusuke Hiragi, Kazuya Okamoto, Tadamasa Takemura, Tomohiro Kuroda: Analysis for a Predictive Model for an Annual Quantity of Description of Electronic Medical Records. Proceedings of Joint Conference on Medical Informatics, 278-281 (2018/11/23) Fukuoka/Japan, Japanese.
- Yasushi Matsumura, Katsuyuki Miura, Hiroyasu Iso, Isao Muraki, Takeo Okada, Tomohiro Kuroda, Genta Kato, Toshihiro Takeda, Katsuki Okada: The Possibility of Unified Management of Medical Checkup Data as PHR. Proceedings of Joint Conference on Medical Informatics, pp.580-585 (2018/11/24) Fukuoka/Japan, Japanese.
- Jun Hatanaka, Shusuke Hiragi, Osamu Sugiyama, Shosuke Ohtera, Goshiro Yamamoto, Hiroshi Sasaki, Kazuya Okamoto, Masayuki Nambu, Tomohiro Kuroda: Attempt for Effective Bed Control by Market Mechanism-based Approach. Proceedings of Joint Conference on Medical Informatics, pp.618-621 (2018/11/24) Fukuoka/Japan, Japanese.
- Tomohiro Kuroda, Yuki Kuroda, Kazuo Chin: Favorable Configuration of Information System to Support Remote Monitoring. Proceedings of Joint Conference on Medical Informatics, pp.626-627 (2018/11/24) Fukuoka/Japan, Japanese.
- Osamu Sugiyama, Shigeto Sasaki, Hiroaki Kobayashi, Takumi Ishida, Kazuhiko Takase, Tomohiro Kuroda: Development of Zero-Step Checkup System with IoT Equipment Data Collection Platform. Proceedings of Joint Conference on Medical Informatics, pp.830-833 (2018/11/25) Fukuoka/Japan, Japanese.
- Yohei Yamasaki, Shusuke Hiragi, Osamu Sugiyama, Shosuke Ohtera, Hiroshi Sasaki, Goshiro Yamamoto, Kazuya Okamoto, Masayuki Nambu, Tomohiro Kuroda: Interpretation Trial of Nephrosis Prediction Model based on Deep Learning with Clinical Time-series Data. Proceedings of Joint Conference on Medical Informatics, pp.774-777 (2018/11/25) Fukuoka/Japan, Japan Association of Medical Informatics Encouragement Award, Japanese.
- [News Items]
- Teijin Frontier Applies NISHIJIN-based e-Textile for Medicine - from Wearable EXPO. mynavi news (2018/01/17) Japanese.
- Mixi and Kyoto University Co-organized Digital Health Symposium - Medical Information Bank is coming. How will PHR be connected?. Nikkei Digital Health (2018/01/25) Japanese.
- Features Project toward Medical Big Data for Everyone - Next-Generation NDB Data Research Infrastructure. IT Leaders (2018/02/08) Japanese.
- Techniques of Kyoto is Applied to Wearables. Daily Kyoto News (2018/03/10) Japanese.
- Open Innovation of Medical Information Systems derived by VNA-OCDB (Vender Neutral Archive - Open Connect Database). Nikkei Medical, pp.50-51 (2018/04/10) Japanese.
- Let us Discuss Future of Medicine and Reorganization of Clinical Staffs Task. Nikkei Digital Health (2018/05/14) Japanese.
- Anything is possible when we carefully analyze which task can be performed on-line. DOC Magazine, vol.2, pp.3-5 (2018/05/20) Japanese.
- The Second Lecture of -Learn Wisdom of Kyoto University in Tokyo- Series 28 -Information Society for the Future -Innovation in Daily Life- is Held. Kyoto University News (2018/05/31) Japanese.
- Can we apply from the experiences of the industries to the reform of clinicians work. Nikkei Digital Health (2018/06/06) Japanese.
- Work styles reform of health care, what can be realized and what is the barriers. Nikkei Digital Health (2018/06/22) Japanese.
- We are managing Information Platform to Support Clinical Activities of our Hospital. Kyoto University Hospital News, no.116 (2018/10/01) Japanese.
- ICT Answers the Question Do we still need this particular task?. Nikkei Digital Health, Special Issue, pp.10-13 (2018/10/17) Japanese.
- Terumo and Kyoto University Start Research on Infusion Workflow using IoT Pump. The Nikkei (2018/11/12) Japanese.
- Collaborative Research on Infusion Workflow using IoT Pump - Terumo and Kyoto University. QLifePro Medical News (2018/11/14) Japanese.
- [TERUMO] Infusion using IoT Pump - Collaboration Research with Kyoto University. Yakuji Nippo (2018/11/15) Japanese.
- Do you know proper way to treat patient data ?. DM Ensemble, vol.32, p.47 (2018/11/30) Japanese.
- It is urgent to train healthcare data scientist. Nikkei Digital Health (2018/11/30) Japanese.
- [Others]
- Tomohiro Kuroda: IT Strategy of Kyoto University Hospital -As Clinical Sites applying Medical Information Technology-. Column of Kyoto Univesrity Training Program of Leaders for Integrated Medical Systems (2018/01/16) Japanese.
- Tomohiro Kuroda, Naoto Kume: Toward utilize Millenium EMR as EDC. Japan Medical Network Association News Letter (2018/01/27) Japanese.
- Tomohiro Kuroda: Words from OBG. SENTAN, vol.26 (2018/01/31) Japanese.
- Kazuhiko Ohe, Yasushi Matsumura, Tomohiro Kuroda: Tripartite Talk : Talk about Frontier of Medical Informatics - Advancement of Medicine and Role of Medical Informatics. Ever, vol.11, pp.2-15 (2018/02/01) Japanese.
- Shigeto Yonemura, Youichiro Itakura, Tomohiro Kuroda, Toshihisa Takagi, Shimon Tashiro, Kohei Yoshimine: Future of Privacy Protection and Data Utilization in Clinical Medicine and Medical Science - From Field of Medicine. Quartely Jurist, no.24, pp.142-166 (2018/02/10) Japanese.
- Tomohiro Kuroda: Editorial: East meets West. European Journal for Biomedical Informatics, vol.14, no.1, p.1 (2018/02/21)
- Tomohiro Kuroda: The Amended Act on the Protection of Personal Information. Bulletin of Association for Presidents of Affiliated Hospitals of Kyoto University, pp.16-19 (2018/03/01) Japanese.
- Tomohiro Kuroda: The One Future Medicine Needs is the Brake who knows Medicine, Informatics and Ethics . News Letter of Kansai Academic Network for Health and Medicine, vol.3 (2018/03/27) Japanese.
- Tomohiro Kuroda: Editorial : Do We Still Need Electronic Medical Record?. European Journal for Biomedical Informatics, vol.14, no.4, pp.51-52 (2018/08/16)
- Shigeto Yonemura, Takayuki Fujita, Kohei Yoshimine, Tomohiro Kuroda: Analyzing How to re-organize medical data regulation from Medical Science and Clinical Medicine Point of View. Journal of Medical Law, vol.33, pp.55-71 (2018/08/25) Japanese.
- Kyoto University Hospital: Hospital Information Management by ICT. Annual Report and Action Plan for Implementation of te Future Vision of National University Hospital Council of Japan, p.34 (2018/09/01) Japanese.
- Naoki Nakajima, Kayo Waki, Tomohiro Kuroda, Yutaka Hatori: Future and Limitation of Medicine after Informatization (Feature Articles on Innovation of Clinical Medicine by ICT and AI ). The Journal of the Japan Medical Association, vol.147, no.8, pp.1557-1570 (2018/11/01) Japanese.
- 2019
- [Academic Awards]
- Samar El Helou, Victoria Abou-Khalil, Goshiro Yamamoto, Eiji Kondo, Hiroshi Tamura, Shusuke Hiragi, Osamu Sugiyama, Kazuya Okamoto, Masayuki Nambu, Tomohiro Kuroda: Best Paper Award Third Place. MEDINFO (2019/08/30) Prioritizing Features to Redesign in an EMR System.
- [Books]
- Tomohiro Kuroda: Development and Launch of e-Textile for ECG Measurement. Yoshikazu Yamasaki(Ed.), Recent Development and Application of High Functional and High Performance Fibers, 90−99, CMC Publishing (2019/08/06) Japanese.
- Tomohiro Kuroda: The Latest Trend of Legal System and Utilization Promotion of Medical Big-data. Yoshihiro Muragaki(Ed.), Smart Medical Technology - Next-generation Surgical Systems and Medical Management using AI and Big-data, pp.9-26, NTS (2019/10/25) Chapter 1, Japanese.
- [Journal Papers]
- Shusuke Hiragi, Rei Goto, Yukari Tanaka, Yoko Matsuyama, Atsuo Sawada, Kaoru Sakai, Hitomi Miyata, Hiroshi Tamura, Motoko Yanagita, Tomohiro Kuroda, Osamu Ogawa, Takashi Kobayashi: Estimating the Net Utility Gains among Donors and Recipients of Adult Living Donor Kidney Transplantation. Transplantation Processings (2019/01/26) DOI: 10.1016/j.transproceed.2019.01.049.
- Tomohiro Kuroda: Clinical Medicine of Infomation Age. Nextcom, vol.37, pp.4-11 (2019/03/01) Japanese.
- Tadao Nagasaki, Keiko Sato, Naoto Kume, Tsuyoshi Oguma, Hironobu Sunadome, Isao Ito, Yumi Izuhara, Kazuya Okamoto, Shinji Kobayashi, Tomoya Ohno, Akiko Mizukami, Akihiro Kobayashi, Toshihiko Kaise, Tomohiro Kuroda, Michiaki Mishima, Hisako Matsumoto: The Prevalence and Disease Burden of Severe Eosinophilic Asthma in Japan. Journal of Asthma (2019/03/01) doi: 10.1080/02770903.2018.1534967.
- Samar El Helou, Victoria Abou-Khalil, Goshiro Yamamoto, Eiji Kondo, Hiroshi Tamura, Shusuke Hiragi, Osamu Sugiyama, Kazuya Okamoto, Masayuki Nambu, Tomohiro Kuroda: Understanding the EMR-Related Experiences of Pregnant Japanese Women to Redesign Antenatal Care EMR Systems. Informatics, vol.6, no.2, p.15 (2019/04/04) doi: 10.3390/informatics6020015.
- Samar El Helou, Victoria Abou-Khalil, Goshiro Yamamoto, Hiroshi Tamura, Shusuke Hiragi, Kazuya Okamoto, Masayuki Nambu, Tomohiro Kuroda: Understanding the Situated Roles of Electronic Medical Record Systems to Enable Redesign: Mixed Methods Study. Journal of Medical Internet Research Human Factors, vol.6, no.3, e13812 (2019/07/09) doi:10.2196/13812.
- Luciano Henrique de Oliveiria Santos, Kazuya Okamoto, Silvana Funghetto, Adriana Cavalli, Shusuke Hiragi, Goshiro Yamamoto, Osamu Sugiyama, Carla Castanho, Tomoki Aoyama, Tomohiro Kuroda: Effects of Social Interaction Mechanics in Pervasive Games on the Physical Activity Levels of Older Adults: Quasi-Experimental Study. Journal of Medical Internet Research Serious Games, vol.7, no.3, e13962 (2019/07/22) doi:10.2196/13962, Japanese Association for Medical Informatics Best Paper Award.
- Yohei Yamasaki, Osamu Sugiyama, Shusuke Hiragi, Shosuke Ohtera, Goshiro Yamamoto, Hiroshi Sasaki, Kazuya Okamoto, Masayuki Nambu, Tomohiro Kuroda: Early Nephrosis Detection Based on Deep Learning with Clinical Time-Series Data. Studies in Health Technology and Informatics, vol.264, pp.1596-1597 (2019/08/27) DOI: 10.3233/SHTI190552.
- Kenichiro Fujita, Osamu Sugiyama, Shusuke Hiragi, Kazuya Okamoto, Tadamasa Takemura, Tomohiro Kuroda: Analysis for the Annual Text Amount of Electronic Medical Records. Studies in Health Technology and Informatics, vol.264, pp.1662-1665 (2019/08/29) DOI: 10.3233/SHTI190585.
- Samar El Helou, Victoria Abou-Khalil, Goshiro Yamamoto, Eiji Kondo, Hiroshi Tamura, Shusuke Hiragi, Osamu Sugiyama, Kazuya Okamoto, Masayuki Nambu, Tomohiro Kuroda: Prioritizing Features to Redesign in an EMR System. Studies in Health Technology and Informatics, vol.264, pp.1213-1217 (2019/08/29) DOI: 10.3233/SHTI190419, MEDINFO Best Paper Award Third Place.
- Tomohide Iwao, Genta Kato, Shigeru Ohtsuru, Eiji Kondo, Takeo Nakayama, Tomohiro Kuroda: An Optimum Data Warehouse for Epidemiological Analysis using the National Database of Health Insurance Claims of Japan. European Journal for Biomedical Informatics, vol.15, no.3, pp.31-42 (2019/09/30)
- Yuichi Nishioka, Sadanori Okada, Tatsuya Noda, Tomoya Myojin, Shinichiro Kubo, Shosuke Ohtera, Genta Kato, Tomohiro Kuroda, Hitoshi Ishii, Tomoaki Imamura: Absolute Risk of Acute Coronary Syndrome after Severe Hypoglycemia: A Population-Based 11 2-year Cohort Study Using the National Database in Japan. Journal of Diabetes Investigation (2019/10/03) doi: 10.1111/JDI.13153.
- Kana Eguchi, Masayuki Nambu, Takahiro Kamikawa, Kazuo Ueshima, Tomohiro Kuroda: Smart Textile Device with Embedded Fabric Electrodes Targeting Periodic Limb Movements Monitoring at Home: A Case Report. Journal of Fiber Science and Technology, vol.75, no.11, pp.164-180 (2019/11/10) DOI: 10.2115/fiberst.2019-0020.
- Samar El Helou, Shinji Kobayashi, Goshiro Yamamoto, Naoto Kume, Eiji Kondo, Shusuke Hiragi, Kazuya Okamoto, Hiroshi Tamura, Tomohiro Kuroda: Graph databases for openEHR clinical repositories. International Journal of Computational Science and Engineering, vol.20, no.3, pp.281-298 (2019/11/28) doi: 10.1504/IJCSE.2019.103955.
- Kenichiro Fujita, Katsumi Onishi, Tadamasa Takemura, Tomohiro Kuroda: The Improvement of the Electronic Health Record User Experience by Screen Design Principles. Journal of Medical Systems, vol.44, no.21 (2019/12/10) DOI://10.1007/s10916-019-1505-0.
- Tomohide Iwao, Genta Kato, Eiji Aramaki, Tomohiro Kuroda: A survey of clarithromycin monotherapy and long‐term administration of ethambutol for patients with MAC lung disease in Japan: A retrospective cohort study using the database of health insurance claims. Pharmacoepidemiology and Drug Safety, vol.29, no.4, pp.427-432 (2019/12/25) DOI: 10.1002/pds.4951.
- [Lectures]
- Tomohiro Kuroda: What's the EMR ?. Fujitsu Forum on Electronic Medical Record -Master of the EMR Users- Introduction/Management Case Report, Fujitsu Tokai Branch (2019/01/26) Nagoya/Japan, Japanese.
- Tomohiro Kuroda: How Does Privacy Protection Act Work on Medicine. Japanese Association for Medical Informatics Health Information Technologist Life-Time Seminar, Tokyo Medical University (2019/01/27) Tokyo/Japan, Japanese.
- Tomohiro Kuroda: Overview of Next Generation Medical ICT Platform Act and Preferable Treatment of Medical Information to Protect Patient Privacy. Internal Seminar, Shiga University of Medical Science (2019/01/28) Otsu/Japan, Japanese.
- Tomohiro Kuroda: What is the Expected Role of AI in Clinical Sites ?. Digital Health Symposium, Kyoto University Medical and Pharmaceutical Research Building Fujita Memorial Hall (2019/03/01) Kyoto/Japan, Japanese.
- Tomohiro Kuroda: Clinical Medicine of Information Age -Future which Next Generation Platform Act and IoT Bring-. Research Meeting of Japanese Association of Medical Informatics Tohoku Branch, TKP Garden City Premium Sendai Nishiguchi (2019/03/02) Sendai/Japan, Japanese.
- Tomohiro Kuroda: About Providing Clinical Data to a Third Party - Viewpoint from Clinical Data Management Section. AMED ICT-related Projects Outcome Report Symposium, Marunouchi Building Hall (2019/03/05) Tokyo/Japan, Japanese.
- Tomohiro Kuroda: Knowledge of information security and personal information protection. Internal Seminar, Kyoto University Hospital (2019/04/17) Kyoto/Japan, Japanese.
- Tomohiro Kuroda: Medicine of Information Age Initiated by Next Generation Medical Information Platform Act and Remote Monitoring. Medicine and Welfare Strategy Special Seminar of Japan Research Institute for New Systems of Society, SSK Nishi-Shinbashi Seminar Room (2019/04/19) Tokyo/Japan, Japanese.
- Tomohiro Kuroda: Future of the Old days, Future of That Day, and Reality after That Day. General Assembly of the Japanese Association of Medical Sciences, Portmesse Nagoya (2019/04/26) Nagoya/Japan, Japanese.
- Tomohiro Kuroda: How do AI and ICT Changes Medicine ?. General Assembly of the Japanese Association of Medical Sciences, Wink Aichi (2019/04/28) Nagoya/Japan, Japanese.
- Tomohiro Kuroda: Clinicians of Digital Health Era - What we should do ?. Symposium by Osaka University and Oulu University, Kansai University KANDAI Me RISE (2019/06/15) Osaka/Japan.
- Tomohiro Kuroda: What is EMR ?. Research Meeting on Healthcare IT Systems, Fujitsu Kansai Systems Laboratory (2019/06/27) Osaka/Japan, Japanese.
- Tomohiro Kuroda: Medical Devices of Information Age. Meeting of Network of Manufacturer for Medicine and Engineering Collaboration in Shiga, Collabo-Shiga 21 (2019/06/28) Otsu/Shiga, Japanese.
- Tomohiro Kuroda: BCP of Hospital Information Systems. Memorial Symposium Launching Regional Healthcare BCP Research Laboratory, Kyoto University Shiran Hall (2019/06/29) Kyoto/Japan, Japanese.
- Tomohiro Kuroda: Where does the Information Revolution Navigate Clinical Medicine ?. iQVIA Japan Conference, Westin Hotel Tokyo (2019/07/18) Tokyo/Japan, Japanese.
- Tomohiro Kuroda: Clinical Medicine on Next Generation Health Data Platform. Annual Meeting of the Japan Association Applied IT Healthcare, Osaka College of Health Welfare (2019/07/20) Osaka/Japan, Special Lecture, Japanese.
- Tomohiro Kuroda: Healthcare Data Management to support AI development. University of Tokyo, Keio University and M3 Seminar Medicine x AI, University of Tokyo Future Vision Research Center (2019/07/21) Tokyo/Japan, Japanese.
- Tomohiro Kuroda: Clinical Medicine of the Information Age and the Way to Reach There. Tokyo Medical and Dental University Graduate School Seminar, Tokyo Medical and Dental University Institute of Biomaterials and Bioengineering (2019/07/31) Tokyo/Japan, Japanese.
- Tomohiro Kuroda: Discussion around Medical ID -with Privacy Protection Act. NDB Users Meeting, MRI (2019/08/23) Tokyo/Japan, Japanese.
- Tomohiro Kuroda: Snapshot of Health IT of Japan. Internal Seminar, Tallinn University of Technology (2019/09/02) Tallinn/Estonia.
- Tomohiro Kuroda: How does the Advancement of ICT Changes Clinical Medicine? -Remedies for An Inconvenient Future of 2025 . Jikei Medical Management Research Center Healthcare and Welfare Management Seminar, Jikei Institute Graduate School of Health Care Sciences (2019/09/21) Osaka/Japan, Japanese.
- Tomohiro Kuroda: Social Hospital and Preemptive Medicine Prospects of Cyber-Physical Clinical Medicine in Information Age. CyberWorlds, Mielparque Kyoto (2019/10/03) Kyoto/Japan, Keynote.
- Tomohiro Kuroda: Introduction of Kansai Union Education Program for Digital Health Innovation (KUEP-DHI). Symposium of Kansai Health and Medical Care Innovation Council, Meeting Room of Kansai Economic Federation (2019/10/12) Osaka/Japan, Japanese.
- Tomohiro Kuroda: Medicine of Digital Age. Asahi World Forum, Imperial Hotel Tokyo (2019/10/16) Tokyo/Japan, Japanese.
- Tomohiro Kuroda: Healthcare Business of Information Age. University of Hyogo Advanced Medical Engineering Center Research Meeting, Himeji and Nishi-Harima Local Industry Center Building (2019/10/18) Himeji/Japan, Japanese.
- Tomohiro Kuroda: Social Change Around Utilization of Healthcare Data and Future Prospect From Academic Viewpoint. Next Generation Medical ICT Kyoto Forum, Kyoto University Fujita Memorial Hall (2019/10/21) Kyoto/Japan, Japanese.
- Tomohiro Kuroda: What's Clinical Trials Act ?. Internal Seminar, National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (2019/10/31) Tsukuba/Japan, Japanese.
- Tomohiro Kuroda: Secondary Use of Health Data and Privacy Protection. Nikkei BP 21st Century Medicine Forum, Zenkoku Choson Kaikan (2019/11/06) Tokyo/Japan, Japanese.
- Tomohiro Kuroda: Future of Clinical Medicine of Information Age Brought by Next Generation Medical Platform. Nikkei BP Beyond Health Seminar, Aflac Japan (2019/11/06) Tokyo/Japan, Japanese.
- Tomohiro Kuroda: About GDPR -In order to avoid mines. Internal Seminar, Kyoto University Hospital (2019/11/09) Kyoto/Japan, Japanese.
- Tomohiro Kuroda: Snapshot around Utilization of Clinical Data and Our Challenges. Internal Seminar, Osaka Prefecture (2019/11/13) Osaka/Japan, Japanese.
- Tomohiro Kuroda: Snapshot and Future of Information System to Support Social Hospital and Precision Medicine. Seminar of the Institute of Systems, Control and Information Engineers, Osaka University Nakanoshima Center (2019/11/15) Osaka/Japan, Japanese.
- Tomohiro Kuroda: Facing Cloud Age -Motivation of This Session. Joint Conference on Medical Informatics, Makuhari Messe (2019/11/22) Chiba/Japan, Japanese.
- Tomohiro Kuroda: Strategic Utilization of Health Data -From Viewpoint to Overview Whole Data Flow. Seed Planning Medical Informatics Seminar, Seed Planning (2019/11/25) Tokyo/Japan, Japanese.
- Tomohiro Kuroda: Future and Barrier of Digital Healthcare -Aim of this Call for Funding. Internal Seminar, Kyoto University Shiran Kaikan (2019/12/02) Kyoto/Japan, Japanese.
- Tomohiro Kuroda: How ICT changes medicine ?. Internal Seminar, Japanese Medical Association Office (2019/12/03) Tokyo/Japan, Japanese.
- Tomohiro Kuroda: Information Management of Kyoto University Hospital. Internal Seminar, Tokyo Medical and Dental University (2019/12/13) Tokyo/Japan, Japanese.
- [Review Papers]
- Tomohiro Kuroda, Hiroki Shiomi, Kazuo Ueshima, Tomohide Iwao, Hiroshi Tamura, Takeshi Kimura: Evaluation of Techno Sensor ER, an e-Textile for 12-lead ECG made by NISHIJIN (First Report. ICU and CCU, vol.43, no.4, p.222 (2019/06/15) Japanese.
- Tomohiro Kuroda: Information Platform to Support Medical Data Science. Journal of the Japan Society for Simulation Technology, vol.38, no.2, pp.100-105 (2019/06/15) Japanese.
- Tomohiro Kuroda: Challenges and Visions of Healthcare Data Platforms to Support Developments of Medical AIs. InnerVision, vol.34, no.7, pp.6-7 (2019/06/25) Japanese.
- [International Conferences]
- Koji Shimizu, Gakuto Aoyama, Mizuho Nishio, Masahiro Yakami, Takeshi Kubo, Yutaka Emoto, Tatsuya Ito, Tomohiro Kuroda, Hiroyoshi Isoda: A case study regarding clinical performance evaluation method of medical device software for approval. Proceedings of SPIE Medical Imaging (2019/03/04) San Diego/USA, DOI:10.1117/12.2511936, Medical Imaging 2019 Conference Poster Award.
- Luciano Henrique de Oliveiria Santos, Kazuya Okamoto, Goshiro Yamamoto, Osamu Sugiyama, Tomoki Aoyama, Tomohiro Kuroda: Design Elements of Pervasive Games for Elderly Players: A Social Interaction Study Case. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pp.204-215 (2019/07/29) Orlando/USA, DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-22015-0_16.
- Yohei Yamasaki, Osamu Sugiyama, Shusuke Hiragi, Shosuke Ohtera, Goshiro Yamamoto, Hiroshi Sasaki, Kazuya Okamoto, Masayuki Nambu, Tomohiro Kuroda: Early Nephrosis Detection Based on Deep Learning with Clinical Time-Series Data. Proceedings of World Congress on Medical and Health Informatics, pp.1596-1597 (2019/08/27) Lyon/France, DOI: 10.3233/SHTI190552.
- Kenichiro Fujita, Osamu Sugiyama, Shusuke Hiragi, Kazuya Okamoto, Tadamasa Takemura, Tomohiro Kuroda: Analysis for the Annual Text Amount of Electronic Medical Records. Proceedings of World Congress on Medical and Health Informatics, pp.1662-1665 (2019/08/29) Lyon/France, DOI: 10.3233/SHTI190585.
- Samar El Helou, Victoria Abou-Khalil, Goshiro Yamamoto, Eiji Kondo, Hiroshi Tamura, Shusuke Hiragi, Osamu Sugiyama, Kazuya Okamoto, Masayuki Nambu, Tomohiro Kuroda: Prioritizing Features to Redesign in an EMR System. Proceedings of World Congress on Medical and Health Informatics, pp.1213-1217 (2019/08/29) Lyon/France, DOI: 10.3233/SHTI190419, MEDINFO Best Paper Award Third Place.
- Lukman Heryawan, Purnomo Husnul Khotimah, Goshiro Yamamoto, Osamu Sugiyama, Shusuke Hiragi, Kazuya Okamoto, Tomohiro Kuroda: Agent-based Completion for Collecting Medical Note Parameters. Proceedings of Human Agent Interaction (2019/10/06) Kyoto/Japan.
- Tomohiro Kuroda: Next Generation Hospital Information Systems. ERLEP Trans-Disciplinary Forum (2019/10/16) Sapporo/Japan.
- Miho Asano, Genta Kato, Shosuke Ohtera, Yukiko Mori, Hiroaki Ueshima, Tomohiro Kuroda: Introduction of healthcare big data in Japan: National Database of Health Insurance Claims and Specific Health Checkups of Japan (NDB). Proceedings of Miyako Island Conference on Neuroscience (2019/11/22) Miyako/Japan.
- [Domestic Conferences]
- Tomohiro Kuroda: Evaluating 12-lead ECG e-Textile TECHOSENSOR ER (First Report). Proceedings of Research Meeting for 12-lead ECG transmission (2019/01/19) Tokyo/Japan, Japanese.
- Chikako Toyooka, Yasuyo Kusunoki, Kaoru Tochinoki, Yoshihiro Kuwabara, Ai Kawakami, Hiroshi Sasaki, Kiyohiko Matsutake, Masayo Ishiguro, Chisa Yasukawa, Akiko Kuroda, Kaori Kikumoto, Hiromichi Kamakari, Miho Nishii, Masahiro Hashi, Minoru Fukushima, Tomohiro Kuroda, Kenji Ueshima, Atsushi Takahashi, Ryosuke Takahashi: Report on Management System for Public Recruitment of Eye-catching and Highly-applicable Doctor-initiated Clinical Trials using iPS Cells -Preparing Special Web Site and Call Center-. Proceedings of General Academic Assembly of Japan Society of Clinical Trials and Research (2019/01/25) Tokyo/Japan, Japanese.
- Masashi Kotani, Masaru Watanabe, Jun Isejima, Takeshi Sugino, Tsukasa Mishiro, Rikako Sato, Ayako Nakamura, Toshiharu Teramae, Genta Kato, Junko Igawa, Tomohiro Kuroda, Akifumi Takaori: Switching to Medical-Nursing Requirement 2 -Utilization of HOMAS2 for Decision Making of Board of Hospital-. Proceedings of Meeting of Information Management Divisions of University Hospitals, pp.36-37 (2019/01/31) Kumamoto/Japan, Japanese.
- Kazuya Matsuura, Goshiro Yamamoto, Koshiro Katsuki, Masayoshi Sudo, Junzo Sasaki, Keiko Kitayama, Kana Tsuji, Yasuhiro Kusano, Matsuko Mimoto, Masashi Kotani, Kenichiro Fujita, Masahiro Ashida, Kimihiro Furusawa, Mototsugu Takemoto, Mikako Ohno, Shusuke Hiragi, Hiroshi Tamura, Tomohiro Kuroda: Development of License Management System for Kyoto University Hospital. Proceedings of Meeting of Information Management Divisions of University Hospitals, pp.3-4 (2019/01/31) Kumamoto/Japan, Japanese.
- Youhei Taniguchi, Kenichiro Fujita, Yoshihiro Kinoshita, Kentaro Honma, Kazuya Okamoto, Tomohiro Kuroda: Formulation and Application of Regulation for Medical Devices to be Connected HIS Network. Proceedings of Meeting of Information Management Divisions of University Hospitals, pp.43-44 (2019/01/31) Kumamoto/Japan, Japanese.
- Tomohiro Kuroda: Research on Ideal Health Big-data Utilization Model using NDB. Proceedings of AMED ICT-related Projects Outcome Report Symposium (2019/03/05) Tokyo/Japan, Japanese.
- Osamu Sugiyama, Yoshikatsu Hosoda, Masahiro Miyake, Ryo Otsuki, Shusuke Hiragi, Goshiro Yamamoto, Hiroshi Tamura, Akitaka Tsujikawa, Tomohiro Kuroda: Applying GoogLeNet for Classifying Exudative Lesions with AMD based on Fundus Images. Proceedings of Japanese Association for Medical Informatics and Japanese Society for Artificial Intelligence Joint Research Meeting of Special Interest Group on Artificial Intelligence in Medicine , vol.7, no.2 (2019/03/07) Miura/Japan, Japanese.
- Ryo Otsuki, Osamu Sugiyama, Shuji Yano, Kohei Matsumura, Masahiro Tada, Haruo Noma, Tomohiro Kuroda: Development of Digital Symbol Understanding System (DSUS) for understand Numerical Values from Healthcare Device Pictures. Proceedings of Japanese Association for Medical Informatics and Japanese Society for Artificial Intelligence Joint Research Meeting of Special Interest Group on Artificial Intelligence in Medicine , vol.7, no.3 (2019/03/07) Miura/Japn, Japanese.
- Tomohiro Kuroda: In order to Nurture Genuine Medical : Guideline for Medical Data Collection and Utilization . Proceedings of AMED Project Result Report Meeting on Clinical ICT Platform and Artificial Intelligent Development Project (2019/04/07) Tokyo/Japan, Japanese.
- Shusuke Hiragi, Osamu Sugiyama, Shosuke Ohtera, Goshiro Yamamoto, Hiroshi Sasaki, Kazuya Okamoto, Masayuki Nambu, Tomohiro Kuroda: Efficiency of token-based hospital bed allocation system. Proceedings of Annual Conference of the institute of Systems, Control and Information Engineers, TS12-1-3, pp.1128-1130 (2019/05/24) Osaka/Japan, Japanese.
- Shuji Yano, Ryo Otsuki, Osamu Sugiyama, Kohei Matsumura, Masahiro Tada, Haruo Noma, Tomohiro Kuroda: Analyzing the relationship between page views toward visualization application and activities in health promotion event. Proceedings of Annual Conference of the institute of Systems, Control and Information Engineers, TS12-1-5, pp.1134-1138 (2019/05/24) Osaka/Japan, Japanese.
- Yohei Yamasaki, Osamu Sugiyama, Shusuke Hiragi, Shosuke Ohtera, Goshiro Yamamoto, Hiroshi Sasaki, Kazuya Okamoto, Masayuki Nambu, Tomohiro Kuroda: Nephrosis onset prediction with clinical time-series data for clinical support system. Proceedings of Annual Conference of the institute of Systems, Control and Information Engineers, TS12-2-3, pp.1355-1356 (2019/05/24) Osaka/Japan, Japanese.
- Shota Yamauchi, Kazuya Okamoto, Shusuke Hiragi, Osamu Sugiyama, Goshiro Yamamoto, Hiroshi Sasaki, Masayuki Nambu, Tomohiro Kuroda: An attempt at interview optimization for an interactive decision support system for potential patients. Proceedings of Annual Conference of the institute of Systems, Control and Information Engineers, TS12-2-4, pp.1357-1360 (2019/05/24) Osaka/Japan, Japanese.
- Kana Eguchi, Masayuki Nambu, Kazuo Ueshima, Tomohiro Kuroda: Primary Evaluation of Wearable Surface Electromyogram Measurement Textile Targeting Periodic Limb Movements Detection at Home. Proceedings of Seminar of the Textile Machinery Society of Japan "New Trend of eTextiles", pp.119-120 (2019/05/30) Osaka/Japan, Japanese.
- Tomohiro Kuroda, Kazuo Ueshima: Needs for Smart Textiles and Solutions. Proceedings of Seminar of the Textile Machinery Society of Japan "New Trend of eTextiles", p.118 (2019/05/30) Osaka/Japan, Japanese.
- Tomohiro Kuroda: History and Snapshot of JSMBE Guideline for Clinical Research Act Development. Program and Proceedings of Annual Conference of Japanese Society of Medical and Biomedical Engineering (2019/06/08) Ginowan/Jaapn, Japanese.
- Kensuke Morris, Osamu Sugiyama, Goshiro Yamamoto, Manabu Shimoto, Genta Kato, Shigeru Ohtsuru, Tomohiro Kuroda: Analyzing Instant Messaging Communication of Emergency Physicians. Proceedings of Symposium on Medical and Biological Engineering (2019/09/07) Tokushima/Japan.
- Yuta Nakanishi, Masahiro Miyake, Ryo Otsuki, Yoshikatsu Hosoda, Shusuke Hiragi, Osamu Sugiyama, Hiroshi Tamura, Tomohiro Kuroda, Akitaka Tsujikawa: Performance Comparison of Deep Learning Models in Fundus Photographic Diagnosis of Wet Age-related Macular Degeneration. Proceedings of Kyoto University Department of Ophthalmology and Visual Science Annual Alumni Research Meeting (2019/10/20) Kyoto/Japan, Japanese.
- Yuki Mori, Masahiro Miyake, Ryo Otsuki, Yoshikatsu Hosoda, Shusuke Hiragi, Osamu Sugiyama, Hiroshi Tamura, Tomohiro Kuroda, Akitaka Tsujikawa: Effect of Transfer Learning in Automatic Diagnosis of Age-related Macular Degeneration from Fundus Photography using Deep Learning. Proceedings of Annual Congress of Japan Clinical Ophthalmology, p.17 (2019/10/24) Kyoto/Japan, Japanese.
- Yuta Nakanishi, Masahiro Miyake, Ryo Otsuki, Yuki Mori, Yoshikatsu Hosoda, Shusuke Hiragi, Osamu Sugiyama, Hiroshi Tamura, Tomohiro Kuroda, Akitaka Tsujikawa: Performance Comparison of Deep Learning Models in Fundus Photographic Diagnosis of Wet Age-related Macular Degeneration. Proceedings of Annual Congress of Japan Clinical Ophthalmology, p.28 (2019/10/24) Kyoto/Japan, Japanese.
- Shusuke Hiragi, Tomohiro Kuroda, Masahiro Ihara, Genta Kato: KUMAHOPE Project -Fostering Young Clinicians with Management Mind. Journal of the Japan Society for Healthcare Administration, vol.56, Suppl, p.149 (2019/11/04) Niigata/Japan, Japanese.
- Andri Malfian Labiro, Kazuya Okamoto, Purnomo Husnul Khotimah, Shusuke Hiragi, Osamu Sugiyama, Goshiro Yamamoto, Tomohiro Kuroda: Predicting risk of Complication in T2DM: A Temporal Phenotyping Approach to detect risk of diabetic Nephropathy. Japan Journal of Medical Informatics, vol.39, Suppl, pp.679-683 (2019/11/22) Chiba/Japan.
- Shota Yamauchi, Kazuya Okamoto, Shusuke Hiragi, Osamu Sugiyama, Goshiro Yamamoto, Hiroshi Sasaki, Masayuki Nambu, Tomohiro Kuroda: User evaluation of interactive decision support systems for potential patients in terms of willingness of seeing a doctor and usability. Japan Journal of Medical Informatics, vol.39, Suppl, pp.721-724 (2019/11/23) Chiba/Japan, Japanese.
- Tomoko Hikita, Osamu Sugiyama, Tomohiro Kuroda, Tadamasa Takemura: Analysis of Nurses Location Information from the Log Data of the Vital Data Terminal. Japan Journal of Medical Informatics, vol.39, Suppl, pp.545-547 (2019/11/24) Chiba/Japan, Japanese.
- Naoto Kume, Hiroyuki Yoshihara, Tomohiro Kuroda, Kenji Araki: Construction of A Centralized Database System of Electronic Health Record As A Medical Information Distribution Infrastructure. Japan Journal of Medical Informatics, vol.39, Suppl, pp.608-611 (2019/11/24) Chiba/Japan, Japanese.
- Shosuke Ohtera, Eizen Kimura, Kaori Sasaki, Tomohiro Kuroda: What Japan can Learn from Actual Situation of Secondary Usage of Medical Information in Finland. Japan Journal of Medical Informatics, vol.39, Suppl, pp.605-607 (2019/11/24) Chiba/Japan, Japanese.
- [News Items]
- Next Generation Medical ICT Forum Launched. ASTEM News, vol.80, p.8 (2019/02/01) Japanese.
- Digital Health Term : Healthcare Data Scientist (2019/03/05) Japanese.
- Towards implementing Hadoop/Spark-based next-generation NDB that stores health insurance claims data of all residents in Japan.. NTT Data Success Stories (2019/03/19)
- Provision of medical information once 5 million yen, Kyoto University Hospital regulates . (2019/04/05) Japanese.
- Medicine and Healthcare become Cyber-Physical System : Lecture of Prof. Tomohiro Kuroda of Kyoto University. Beyond Health (2019/05/16) Japanese.
- Can we grow medical AIs without letting them go deliinquent? - Academic Society Issued a Guideline - Prof. Tomohiro Kuroda, Professor of Medical Informatics in Kyoto University gave a Lecture.. (2019/05/25) Japanese.
- It is difficult to collect healthcare data in the country where the PRICE of clinical care is cheep. RISfax (2019/06/24) Japanese.
- MEXT promote Medical Data Engineer and Scientist using Big-data. Nikkei Business Daily (2019/07/07) Japanese.
- Triggered by doctor's utter -Double Input is Messy- Lecture of Prof. Tomohiro Kuroda Kyoto University Hospital. (2019/08/21) Japanese.
- Develop Next Generation EMR under Collaboration of Academy-Industry Collaboration - Launching Consortium with 59 Organizations. (2019/09/06) Japanese.
- Let Medical Doctors to utilize Medical Data, Tokyo University Launches Kick-Off Symposium on Medal Real World Data Manager Education Program. (2019/09/10) Japanese.
- We need to rebuild whole policy on medical data utilization from scratch : Interview of Prof. Tomohiro Kuroda, Kyoto University Hospital. Journal of Pharmaceutical Business, no.1596, pp.66-68 (2019/09/15) Japanese.
- Follow-up Interview on Prof. Tomohiro Kuroda, Kyoto University Hospital. Public Wisdom (2019/09/17) Japanese.
- VDT, Vital Data Terminal, Reduces Input Task from Nurses Drastically. Journal of Health Insurance and Medical Practice, vol.74, no.10, pp.27-29 (2019/10/10) Japanese.
- Education for Medicine x IT starting in Kansai. RISfax (2019/10/16) Japanese.
- Work Stype Reform in Hospital by IoT !? VDT, the New System to Support Nurses is surprising !. Waraku Web (2019/10/17) Japanese.
- Asahi Global Forum 2019 - How do Blockchain and Big-data Technologies change Healthcare?. Japan Criptcoin Association (2019/10/19) Japanese.
- Changing medical care with iris authentication and data utilization - Keymen of Japan and abroad at Asahi Earth Conference 2019. CNET Japan (2019/10/25) Japanese.
- Japan's technology leads the way in caring for the elderly. Euronews (2019/10/29)
- Spotlighting AI-equipped Preemptive Medicine - How do Blockchain and Big-data Technologies change Healthcare? - Asahi Global Forum 2019 . Daily Asahi News (2019/11/07) Japanese.
- NTT Data Launches Certified Business under Next Generation Medical Platform Act - Provide Anonymized Medical Data from Electronic Medical Records and others. IT Media Enterprise (2019/12/20) Japanese.
- First Certified Body under Next Generation Medical Platform , Successor of . Med IT Tech (2019/12/20) Japanese.
- NTT Data Provide Anonymized Medical Data from Electronic Medical Records and others. The Nikkei (2019/12/20) Japanese.
- [Others]
- Daisuke Yabe, Tomohiro Kuroda, Munehide Matsuhisa, Kayo Waki: Round Table : Frontier of IoT Utilization for Diabetes Treatment and Research. Diabetes Strategy, vol.9, no.2, pp.53-65 (2019/06/10) Japanese.
- 2020
- [Books]
- Tomohiro Kuroda: Challenges and Prospects of Health Data Platform to Support Medical AI Research and Development. Hiroshi Fujita(Ed.), Master Medical AI - From Basics of Deep Learning to Frontier Research. , pp.47-48, Inner Vision (2020/04/21) Japanese.
- Tomohiro Kuroda, Hideya Takahashi, Atsushi Masuda: Woven Electronic Textiles. Edward Sazonov(Ed.), Wearable Sensors -Fundamentals, Implementation and Applications-, vol.2, pp.249-275 (2020/12/04)
- [Journal Papers]
- Tomohide Iwao, Genta Kato, Isao Ito, Toyohiro Hirai, Tomohiro Kuroda: Treatment of Mycobacterium avium-intracellulare complex 82lung disease in the real world: a retrospective big data analysis. Drugs & Therapy Perspectives (2020/01/28) DOI: 10.1007/s40267-019-00687-9.
- Kensuke Morris, Osamu Sugiyama, Goshiro Yamamoto, Manabu Shimoto, Genta Kato, Shigeru Ohtsuru, Masayuki Nambu, Tomohiro Kuroda: Towards a Medical Oriented Social Network Service: Analysis of Instant Messaging Communication among Emergency Physicians. Advanced Biomedical Engineering, vol.9, pp.35-42 (2020/02/08) DOI: 10.14326/abe.9.35.
- Kimihiko Murase, Kiminobu Tanizawa, Takuma Minami, Takeshi Matsumoto, Ryo Tachikawa, Naomi Takahashi, Toru Tsuda, Yoshiro Toyama, Motoharu Ohi, Toshiki Akahoshi, Yasuhiro Tomita, Koji Narui, Hiroshi Nakamura, Tetsuro Ohdaira, Hiroyuki Yoshimine, Tomomasa Tsuboi, Yoshihiro Yamashiro, Shinichi Ando, Takatoshi Kasai, Hideo Kita, Koichiro Tatsumi, Naoto Burioka, Keisuke Tomii, Yasuhiro Kondoh, Hirofumi Takeyama, Tomohiro Handa, Satoshi Hamada, Toru Oga, Takeo Nakayama, Tetsuo Sakamaki, Satoshi Morita, Tomohiro Kuroda, Toyohiro Hirai, Kazuo Chin: A Randomized Controlled Trial of Telemedicine for Long-Term Sleep Apnea Continuous Positive Airway Pressure Management. Annals of the American Thoracic Society, vol.17, no.3, pp.329-337 (2020/03/01) DOI: 10.1513/AnnalsATS.201907-494OC .
- Lukman Heryawan, Osamu Sugiyama, Goshiro Yamamoto, Purnomo Husnul Khotimah, Luciano Henrique de Oliveiria Santos, Kazuya Okamoto, Tomohiro Kuroda: A Detection of Informal Abbreviations from Free Text Medical Notes using Deep Learning. European Journal for Biomedical Informatics, vol.16, no.1, pp.15-23 (2020/05/30) doi: 10.24105/ejbi.2020.16.1.29.
- Kazuya Okamoto, Takashi Yamamoto, Luciano Henrique de Oliveiria Santos, Shusuke Hiragi, Osamu Sugiyama, Goshiro Yamamoto, Masahiro Hirose, Tomohiro Kuroda: Detecting Severe Incidents from Electronic Medical Records Using Machine Learning Methods. European Journal for Biomedical Informatics, vol.16, no.1, pp.26-28 (2020/05/31) doi: 10.24105/ejbi.2020.16.1.26.
- Lukman Heryawan, Purnomo Husnul Khotimah, Osamu Sugiyama, Goshiro Yamamoto, Luciano Henrique de Oliveiria Santos, Kazuya Okamoto, Tomohiro Kuroda, Angga Eko Pramono: Toward Design of Agent-based Writing Support System for the SOAP Note: A Content Analysis of the Video-based Survey. Advanced Biomedical Engineering, vol.9, pp.146-153 (2020/08/20) doi: 10.14326/abe.9.138.
- Risa Sakurai, Tomohiro Kuroda, Hideo Nakamura, Masaru Sugimachi, Yuichi Kimura: Principle to Decide the Applicability of BME Researches to Clinical Trials Act of Japan. Transactions of the Japanese Society for Medical and Biological Engineering, vol.58, 4-5, pp.134-146 (2020/09/10) DOI: 10.11239/jsmbe.58.134, Japanese.
- Eizen Kimura, Shosuke Ohtera, Kaori Sasaki, Tomohiro Kuroda: Status of Health Sector Registers and Data Provision in Finland. Journal of the Japan Statistical Society, vol.50, no.1, pp.47-80 (2020/12/01) Japanese.
- Ryo Otsuki, Osamu Sugiyama, Yuki Mori, Masahiro Miyake, Shusuke Hiragi, Goshiro Yamamoto, Luciano Henrique de Oliveiria Santos, Yuta Nakanishi, Yoshikatsu Hosoda, Hiroshi Tamura, Shigemi Matsumoto, Akitaka Tsujikawa, Tomohiro Kuroda: Deep Learning Model to Predict Postoperative Visual Acuity from Preoperative Multimedia Ophthalmic Data. Advanced Biomedical Engineering, vol.9, pp.241-248 (2020/12/29) doi: 10.14326/abe.9.241.
- [Lectures]
- Tomohiro Kuroda: Snapshot and Challenges of Medical xR. ASTEM Advanced Technology Seminar, Kyoto University Innovation Plaza (2020/01/15) Kyoto/Japan, Japanese.
- Tomohiro Kuroda: Designing Hospital Information Systems. Design Lecture of Kyoto University Design Innovation Consortium , Advanced Science, Technology and Management Research Institute of Kyoto (2020/01/17) Kyoto/Japan, Japanese.
- Tomohiro Kuroda: Prescription for Usable Real World Data. Saito Industry-Academy-Government Collaboration Forum, Senri Life Science Center (2020/01/22) Toyonaka/Japan, Japanese.
- Tomohiro Kuroda: Next Generation Medical Platform Act for Hospitals -Procedure of Thick Opt-out Consent Management and Future of Utilization. Global EHR Symposium, Meeting Room of Kansai Economic Federation (2020/01/24) Osaka/Japan, Japanese.
- Tomohiro Kuroda: A Study on Security of Medical Information System in IoT Age. Meeting of Information Management Divisions of University Hospitals, Castle Hotel Akita (2020/01/30) Akita/Japan, Japanese.
- Tomohiro Kuroda: What do we need to promote data utilization ?. Fujitsu Forum on Electronic Medical Record -Master of the EMR Users- Introduction/Management Case Report, Fujitsu Head Quarter (2020/02/01) Tokyo/Japan, Japanese.
- Tomohiro Kuroda: Report of Feasibility Test of JAMI Data Collection Guideline . Web Symposium of Medical Image Collection Project and Data Collection Guideline (2020/03/17) Online, Japanese.
- Tomohiro Kuroda: Foresight and Challenges of Digital Health. Kyoto University Digital Health Research Fund Webinar (2020/05/20) Online, Japanese.
- Tomohiro Kuroda: What COVID-19 changes? Toward Medical Informatics after COVID-19. Japan Association of Medical Infomatics Spring Conference (2020/06/06) Online, Japanese.
- Tomohiro Kuroda: KUHP experience combatting COVID-19. HIMSS Digital Dialogue (2020/06/10) Online.
- Tomohiro Kuroda: How does a university hospital combat wit COVID-19 using ICT ?. NICT Special Open Symposium about After-Corona Society (2020/06/12) Online, Japanese.
- Tomohiro Kuroda: Next Generation Electronic Health Record of IoT Age. Seminar of NexEHRS Consortium (2020/06/15) Online, Japanese.
- Tomohiro Kuroda: Medicine in Information Age -Case Study on Critical Care. Annual Meeting of Japan Academy of Critical Care Nursing (2020/07/01) Online, Japanese.
- Tomohiro Kuroda: Hospital Information System to Support Patient Safety -Message from Human Computer Interaction Viewpoint-. National University Hospital Medical Safety Management Council Spring Kanto Koshinetsu District Conference (2020/07/03) Online, Japanese.
- Tomohiro Kuroda: Ethical Consideration Required for Clinicians and Medical AI Developers. Annual Scientific Meeting on the Japanese Circulation Society (2020/07/27) Online, Japanese.
- Tomohiro Kuroda: Medical Big-data Platform with Next Generation Medical Platform Act. The 21st Century Advance Medicine Consortium, Clinical Information Revolution EHR 2.0 Promotion Council (2020/07/31) Online, Japanese.
- Tomohiro Kuroda: Snapshot and Future of Data Platform to Enhance Health Big Data. Meeting to Discuss Future of Cardiovascular Medicine (2020/08/19) Online, Japanese.
- Tomohiro Kuroda: How does new guideline change information security management of medical information systems and services ?. NRI Secure Webinar on Amendment of Guideline for Safety Management on Medical Information Systems and Services (2020/09/17) Online, Japanese.
- Tomohiro Kuroda: Future Medicine derived by Information Technology. GE Healthcare Edison Seminar (2020/09/19) Online, Japanese.
- Tomohiro Kuroda: Now and Future of Medical xR. Chugoku Regional Innovation Center Healthcare and Welfare Innovation Meeting, Hotel Century 21 Hiroshima (2020/09/24) Hiroshima/Japan, Japanese.
- Tomohiro Kuroda: What I, one in sidestream, expects for education of informatics.. Symposium commemorating the 50th anniversary of the establishment of the Department of Computer Science and the 25th anniversary of the establishment of the Computer Science Course of Kyoto University (2020/10/17) Online, Japanese.
- Tomohiro Kuroda: Now and Future of Health ICT. CEATEC (2020/10/22) Online, Japanese.
- Tomohiro Kuroda: Now and Future of the Data Platform Supporting Health Big Data Utilization. Inochi Mirai Wakazo Tekijuku (2020/10/29) Online, Japanese.
- Tomohiro Kuroda: Future Vision of Data Health for Clinics. Clinical Process Automation Conference (2020/11/01) Online, Japanese.
- Tomohiro Kuroda: New Normal in Medicine after COVID-19 - How we can utilize ICT. Tokyo Metropolitan Government Medicine and Engineering HUB - Research Meeting on Collaboration between Medicine and Engineering (2020/11/09) Online, Japanese.
- Tomohiro Kuroda: Consider Cloud Computing for Electronic Medical Records -Recommend for Hybrid Cloud. Joint Conference on Medical Informatics, Act City Hamamatsu (2020/11/20) Hamatsu/Japan, Japanese.
- Tomohiro Kuroda: The Information Technologies supporting Precision Medicine and The Future of Medicine derived by the Technologies. Taiwan-Japan International Forum on Artificial Intelligence for Bio-technology and Precision Medicine (2020/11/21) Online, Japanese.
- Tomohiro Kuroda: Future of Image Storage Realized by Open Architecture. Joint Conference on Medical Informatics, Act City Hamamatsu (2020/11/21) Hamamatsu/Japan, Japanese.
- Tomohiro Kuroda: Toward Cyber-Physical Social Healthcare System: The Healthcare of IT Age. NTU-KU Joint Symposium on Digital Health, National Taiwan University (2020/12/16) Taipei/Taiwan ROC and Online.
- Tomohiro Kuroda: How should healthcare cloud be? . Google Cloud Inside Healthcare and Life Science (2020/12/16) Online, Japanese.
- Tomohiro Kuroda: ICT Bring About Clinical Medicine of Information Age. Annual Meeting of the Japanese Urological Association, Kobe International Conference Center (2020/12/22) Kobe/Japan, Japanese.
- [Review Papers]
- Tomohiro Kuroda: Contemplated Medical Safety of IoT Era -Take Leading Industries as references. New Medicine, no.545, pp.62-63 (2020/04/20) Japanese.
- Tomohiro Kuroda: Safe Introduction and Management of Electronic Medical Record -Case Study of Uda City Hospital Case. IPSJ Magazine, vol.61, no.6, pp.552-556 (2020/05/15) Japanese.
- Tomohiro Kuroda: Privacy Data Management. Orthopedic Surgery, vol.71, no.6, pp.646-651 (2020/05/30) Japanese.
- Tomohiro Kuroda: Design and Implement Water System of Medical Data. Precision Medicine, vol.3, no.9, pp.1-4 (2020/08/25) Japanese.
- Yuichi Kimura, Tomohiro Kuroda: Special Issue on Guideline for Deciding the Applicability of the Clinical Trials Act and Researches in Biomedical Engineering. Transactions of the Japanese Society for Medical and Biological Engineering, vol.58, 4-5, p.133 (2020/09/10) Japanese.
- Tomohiro Kuroda: Discussion : Where is Hospital Information System heading?. KINDAIKENCHIKU, no.11, pp.64-65 (2020/11/10) Japanese.
- Tomohiro Kuroda: Future of Medicine Delivered by Computerization. InnerVision, vol.35, no.12, p.75 (2020/11/25) Japanese.
- Kayo Waki, Shuko Muraoka, Sozo Inoue, Shinsuke Muto, Tomohiro Kuroda, Yoshimasa Kawazoe: Medical Information in PosCorona Society. Japan Journal of Medical Informatics, vol.40, no.4, pp.173-195 (2020/12/25) Japanese.
- [International Conferences]
- Miho Asano, Tomohiro Kuroda, Satoshi Numata, Tuneo Jozen, Tomoki Yoshikawa, Hiroshi Noborio: Stability Maintenance of Depth-Depth Matching of Steepest Descent Method Using an Incision Shape of an Occluded Organ. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol.12183, pp.539-555 (2020/07/19) Copenhagen/Denmark, doi:/10.1007/978-3-030-49065-2_38.
- [Domestic Conferences]
- Kenichiro Fujita, Yoshihiro Takimoto, Satoshi Nakao, Kazuya Okamoto, Tomohiro Kuroda: Evaluating Cooling Potential of Server Room -From Viewpoint of Optimization of Power Consumption and Investment-. Proceedings of Meeting of Information Management Divisions of University Hospitals, pp.201-202 (2020/01/30) Akita/Japan, Japanese.
- Kazuya Okamoto, Tadashi Ogi, Eiji Kobayasi, Tomoko Hikita, Natsuko Nishida, Shinichi Kai, Makoto Fujisawa, Yusuke Shiga, Katsuyuki Sugimura, Takashi Yamamoto, Chikamune Takeda, Yuya Matsuda, Youhei Taniguchi, Kenichiro Fujita, Osamu Sugiyama, Goshiro Yamamoto, Kohei Takai, Tomoharu Tanaka, Tomohiro Kuroda: Suspension of using Special Purpose Information System for Intensive Care and Introduction of Core Hospital Information System at Intensive Care Unit. Proceedings of Meeting of Information Management Divisions of University Hospitals, pp.100-101 (2020/01/30) Akita/Japan, Japanese.
- Takeshi Sugino, Miho Nishii, Masashi Kotani, Kentaro Honma, Shusuke Hiragi, Tomohiro Kuroda: Statistical Analysis of Management Indicator - Creating a Regression Model for Newly Hospitalized Patients by Multiple Regression Analysis-. Proceedings of Meeting of Information Management Divisions of University Hospitals, pp.251-252 (2020/01/30) Akita/Japan, Japanese.
- Hiroki Chino, Haruo Noma, Osamu Sugiyama, Manabu Shimoto, Shigeru Ohtsuru, Tomohiro Kuroda: Quantitative Analysis of Disaster Countermeasure Training and Development. Japanese Journal of Disaster Medicine, vol.24, no.3, p.283 (2020/02/21) Kobe/Japan, Japanese.
- Yuta Nakanishi, Masahiro Miyake, Ryo Otsuki, Yuki Mori, Yoshikatsu Hosoda, Akio Oishi, Sotaro Ooto, Shusuke Hiragi, Osamu Sugiyama, Hiroshi Tamura, Tomohiro Kuroda, Akitaka Tsujikawa: Transition of Diagnostic Accuracy for Each Number of Data in Fundus Photodiagnosis using Deep Learning Model. Journal of Japanese Ophthalmological Society, vol.124, Suppl., p.262 (2020/04/27) Online, Japanese.
- Tomohiro Kuroda, Risa Sakurai, Shunsuke Yoshimoto, Hideo Nakamura, Masaru Sugimachi, Yuichi Kimura: Toward Clarification of Guideline to Classify Biomedical Engineering Researches under Clinical Trials Act of Japan. Program and Proceedings of Annual Conference of Japanese Society of Medical and Biomedical Engineering, pp.550-552 (2020/05/26) Online, Japanese.
- Tomoya Watanabe, Chiaki Uema, Mika Inoue, Koji Oogari, Koji Koizumi, Kazuo Ueshima, Tomohiro Kuroda: Investigation of Ghost Shadow for Wearable ECG Textile on the Use of Chest Radiograph. Program and Proceedings of Annual Conference of Japanese Society of Medical and Biomedical Engineering, p.289 (2020/05/26) On-line, Japanese.
- Yunwei Ma, Kazuya Okamoto, Osamu Sugiyama, Goshiro Yamamoto, Hiroshi Sasaki, Masayuki Nambu, Tomohiro Kuroda: Proposal for Federated Learning Based on Medical Data Features. Proceedings of Japan Association of Medical Infomatics Spring Conference, PB-16 (2020/06/05) Online, Japanese.
- Naoto Kume, Shinji Kobayashi, Hiroyuki Yoshihara, Tomohiro Kuroda, Kenji Araki: Social Implementation of Medical Information Circulation Model with Electronic Health Record under The Next Generation Medical Infrastructure Law. Proceedings of Japan Association of Medical Infomatics Spring Conference, OA1-01 (2020/06/06) Online, Japanese.
- Tomohiro Kuroda, Yuki Kuroda, Risa Sakurai, Yuichi Kimura: Legislations on Personal Data Protection surrounding Home Medical Care. Proceedings of Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society for Artificial Organs, vol.49, no.2, S-25 (2020/11/14) Kochi/Japan, Japanese.
- Kazuhiko Ohe, Tomohiro Kuroda: Electronic Medical Record Systems and Healthcare Information Systems after 10 years or 20 years. Japan Journal of Medical Informatics, Suppl., 2-A-3 (2020/11/19) Hamamatsu/Japan, Japanese.
- Yunwei Ma, Kazuya Okamoto, Osamu Sugiyama, Goshiro Yamamoto, Hiroshi Sasaki, Masayuki Nambu, Tomohiro Kuroda: Design of Multi-institutional Federated Learning Considering Medical Data Characteristics. Japan Journal of Medical Informatics, Suppl., 2-D-3-01 (2020/11/19) Hamamatsu/Japan, Japanese.
- Tomohide Iwao, Genta Kato, Shigeru Ohtsuru, Tomohiro Kuroda: Survey on Cases of Child Abuse with Trauma using Receipt Data. Proceedings of Annual Conference of Japanese Society for Prevention of Child Abuse and Neglect, p.150 (2020/11/28) Online, Japanese.
- [News Items]
- Digitizing Clinical Field : Utilizing Cloud Service for Cancer-Genome Medicine Support System. Nikkei xTech (2020/01/20) Japanese.
- Prof Kuroda of Kyoto University Says Medical Data will be Ready to provide from 2021. RISfax (2020/01/23) Japanese.
- Challenge of Medical Applications is its Confirmation Process : form Saito Industry-Academy-Government Collaboration Forum. Daily Yakugyo (2020/01/23) Japanese.
- Health Column Medicine from Informatics Perspective - Kyoto University Hospital Prof. Tomohiro Kuroda. Daily Kyoto News, p.8 (2020/07/30) Japanese.
- Artificial Intelligence Internet of Things spawns precision medicine, Taiwan and Japan join hands to face the challenges of aging. Sanlih E-Television (2020/11/22) Web News of Taiwan (Title is translated).
- [Others]
- Tomohiro Kuroda: Members Report from 21st generation. Report of JORAKUKAI, vol.77, p.5 (2020/03/27) Japanese.
- Tomohiro Kuroda: Medical Informatics (New Medicine with Information Technology) Applying IoT to Clinical Field. Textbook of Chiba University Medical Innovation Strategy Program (2020/05/25) Japanese.
- Tomohiro Kuroda: How to develop usable real world data. Bulletin of Kansai Pharmaceutical Industries Association, no.858, pp.21-26 (2020/07/01) Japanese.
- Tomohiro Kuroda: JCS 2020 Highlight Introduction Movie #3 From Professor of Medical Informatics (2020/07/19) Japanese.
- 2021
- [Books]
- Tomohiro Kuroda: Development Technosensor ER, an E-textile for Electrocardiogram. Teruo Hori(Ed.), The Latest Trends of Smart Textiles, pp.281-290 (2021/04/01) Japanese.
- Tomohiro Kuroda: Online Clinic and Remote Monitoring. Naohiko Chonabayashi(Ed.), Must-see! Online practice and commentary, pp.1-6 (2021/06/10) Japanese.
- Tomohiro Kuroda: Information Security and Realistic Approach in Clinic. Implementation of Remote Access Monitoring, pp.167-179 (2021/08/25) Chapter 5, Japanese.
- Tomohiro Kuroda: Development of Ultrasound Image Database in Reality. Tsuyoshi Shiina, Masatoshi Kudo(Ed.), AI Diagnosis of Ultrasound Images, pp.97-104 (2021/09/15) Japanese.
- Tomohiro Kuroda, Norio Nakata: Relation with Other Modality Databases. Tsuyoshi Shiina, Masatoshi Kudo(Ed.), AI Diagnosis of Ultrasound Images, pp.163-165 (2021/09/15) Japanese.
- [Journal Papers]
- Luciano Henrique de Oliveiria Santos, Kazuya Okamoto, Ryo Otsuki, Shusuke Hiragi, Goshiro Yamamoto, Osamu Sugiyama, Tomoki Aoyama, Tomohiro Kuroda: Promoting Physical Activity in Japanese Older Adults Using a Social Pervasive Game: Randomized Controlled Trial. Journal of Medical Internet Research Serious Games, vol.9, no.1, e16458 (2021/01/06) doi: 10.2196/16458.
- Michi Sakai, Shosuke Ohtera, Tomohide Iwao, Yukiko Neff, Tomoe Uchida, Yoshimitsu Takahashi, Genta Kato, Tomohiro Kuroda, Shuzo Nishimura, Takeo Nakayama: Decreased Administration of Life-Sustaining Treatment just before Death among Older Inpatients in Japan: A Time-Trend Analysis from 2012 through 2014 Based on a Nationally Representative Sample. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, vol.18, no.6, p.3735 (2021/03/18) doi: 10.3390/ijerph18063135.
- Miho Asano, Tomohiro Kuroda, Satoshi Numata, Tuneo Jozen, Tomoki Yoshikawa, Hiroshi Noborio: Convergence Stability of Depth–Depth- Matching-Based Steepest Descent Method in Simulated Liver Surgery. International Journal of Pharma Medicine and Biological Sciences, vol.10, no.2, pp.60-67 (2021/03/31) DOI: 10.18178/ijpmbs.10.2.60-67.
- Ai Kido, Masahiro Miyake, Hiroshi Tamura, Shusuke Hiragi, Takeshi Kimura, Shosuke Ohtera, Ayako Takahashi, Sotaro Ooto, Koji Kawakami, Tomohiro Kuroda, Akitaka Tsujikawa: Incidence of central serous chorioretinopathy (2011–2018): a nationwide population-based cohort study of Japan. British Journal of Ophthalmology (2021/07/14) doi: 10.1136/bjophthalmol-2021-319403.
- Shosuke Ohtera, Genta Kato, Hiroaki Ueshima, Yukiko Mori, Yuka Nakatani, Neiko Ozasa, Takeo Nakayama, Tomohiro Kuroda: A nationwide survey on participation in cardiac rehabilitation among patients with coronary heart disease using health claims data in Japan. Scientific Reports, vol.11, p.20096 (2021/10/11) DOI: 10.1038/s41598-021-99516-1.
- [Lectures]
- Tomohiro Kuroda: How can we use the Next Generation Medical Platform Act for Clinical Researches?. The Next Generation Medical Platform Act Promotion Seminar (2021/01/26) Online, Japanese.
- Tomohiro Kuroda: Information System for Medical (Image) Data Collection. AMED Project Result Report Meeting on Clinical ICT Platform and Artificial Intelligent Development Project (2021/02/25) Online, Japanese.
- Tomohiro Kuroda: Project KAHSI. Kyoto University Digital Health Seminar (2021/03/02) Online, Japanese.
- Tomohiro Kuroda: How does Telemedicine Changes Clinical Medicine ?. Negoro Practical Medical Engineering Study Group Seminar (2021/03/13) Online, Japanese.
- Tomohiro Kuroda: Next Generation Medical Platform Act Initiates Utilization of Real World Data. Osaka Chamber of Commerce and Industry Digital Health Seminar (2021/03/15) Online, Japanese.
- Tomohiro Kuroda: Fostering Medical IT Practitioner in Kansai Region . Hyogo Medical Informatics Study Group Seminar (2021/03/20) Online, Japanese.
- Tomohiro Kuroda: Contribution of ICT for Combat with COVID-19. NICT Resilient ICT Research Symposium (2021/03/24) Online, Japanese.
- Tomohiro Kuroda: Life with your Guardian Angel over Real World Data Platform. Annual Scientific Meeting on the Japanese Circulation Society, Pacifico Yokohama - Online (2021/03/26) Yokohama/Japan - Hybrid, Japanese.
- Tomohiro Kuroda: Meanings of Two Guidelines of Three Ministries. Workshop of Japanese Society of Medical Informatics Kansai Division (2021/03/27) Online, Japanese.
- Tomohiro Kuroda: Activity of the Japanese Society of Medical and Biomedical Engineering surrounding the Clinical Research Act. Scientific Meeting of Japan Society of Medical Physics, Pacifico Yokohama (2021/04/18) Yokohama/Japan, Japanese.
- Tomohiro Kuroda: Healthcare of IT Age -Beyond Healthcare DX. Health and Global Policy Institute Health Policy Summit, Hotel New Otani Tokyo (2021/05/22) Tokyo/Japan, Japanese.
- Tomohiro Kuroda: Configuration of the Plausible Information System to Support Remote Monitoring for home care. Annual Conference of Japanese Society of Medical and Biomedical Engineering (2021/06/15) Online, Japanese.
- Tomohiro Kuroda, Risa Sakurai, Yuichi Kimura: Activities around the JSMBE Guideline under Clinical Trails Act of Japan. Annual Conference of Japanese Society of Medical and Biomedical Engineering (2021/06/16) Online, Japanese.
- Tomohiro Kuroda: IoMT and Next Generation of Hospital. Annual Conference of Japanese Society of Medical and Biomedical Engineering (2021/06/17) Online, Japanese.
- Tomohiro Kuroda: Clinical Medicine of Information Age. Well Aging Economic Forum (2021/06/27) Online, Japanese.
- Tomohiro Kuroda: Reality of System Integration. JUMP Genome Medicine Special Interest Group Steering Committee Meeting (2021/06/29) Online, Japanese.
- Tomohiro Kuroda: Snapshot of Medical IT and Medical VR. Information Sharing Meeting JEITA and Kyoto University Design Consortium. (2021/07/05) Online, Japanese.
- Tomohiro Kuroda: Utilizing ICT for Battle with Covid-19 -Case study of Kyoto University Hospital-. Bayer Medical Dialogue (2021/07/13) Online, Japanese.
- Tomohiro Kuroda: Lecture on Medical Information Legal System at a Glance - With Amendment of the Act on Protection of Personal Information -. Internal Seminar, AMED (2021/07/27) Online , Japanese.
- Tomohiro Kuroda: Information Systems around KING7. Internal Seminar, Kyoto University Hospital (2021/08/09) Online, Japanese.
- Tomohiro Kuroda: Road to Digital Health. Japan Planning Institute Seminar (2021/08/17) Online, Japanese.
- Tomohiro Kuroda: Future Medicine supported by Information Communication Technology. Healthcare Architecture Forum (2021/09/14) Online, Japanese.
- Tomohiro Kuroda: Role of Healthcare Providers and Pharma in digital transformation of Medicine and New Healthcare Infrastracture. Reuters Pharma Japan (2021/09/14) Online, Panel Discussion, Japanese.
- Tomohiro Kuroda: Clinical Medicine of Information Age. Reuters Pharma Japan (2021/09/15) Online, Japanese.
- Tomohiro Kuroda: Accumulation of CPAP Remote Monitoring Data as Big Data and Future Prospects. Annual Meeting of Japanese Society of Sleep Research, Fukuoka International Convention Center (Hybrid) (2021/09/23) Fukuoka/Japan, Symposium, Japanese.
- Tomohiro Kuroda: Clinical Medicine of Information Age -What does the Next Generation Medical Platform Act Brings-. NTT Data Life Science Forum (2021/09/29) Online, Japanese.
- Tomohiro Kuroda: Toward Cyber-Physical Social Healthcare System. International Conference on Computer, Control, Informatics and Its Applications (2021/10/06) Online.
- Tomohiro Kuroda: Countermeasures against novel coronavirus infections by ICT. Annual Conference of Japanese Telemedicine and Telecare Association (2021/10/09) Japanese.
- Tomohiro Kuroda: Strategy of Kyoto University Hospital to Promote Healthcare DX. Online Seminar of the Life Science Venture Compony Digitalization Support Project from Kyoto / Kansai (2021/10/11) Online, Japanese.
- Shinji Yamamoto, Eishun Sudo, Tomohiro Kuroda: What's HIMSS : How does the Medical ICT contribute to the battle with COVID-19 around the world ?. Medical IT Expo, Makuhari Messe (2021/10/15) Chiba/Japan, Japanese.
- Charles Alessi, Tomohiro Kuroda, Alistar Vickers: Enter the CIOs: Leaders Discuss their Key Priorities. HIMSS APAC Health Conference & Exhibition (2021/10/19) Online.
- Tomohiro Kuroda: Privacy Protection Laws around Clinical Activities and Medical Researches -Changes from Apr 2022. Public University Hospital Medical Informatics Council, Kyoto Prefectual University Hospital (2021/10/22) Kyoto/Japan, Japanese.
- Tomohiro Kuroda: Healthcare Platform of Information Age. Kick-off Symposium of Doctoral Program for Wrold-leading Innovative and Smart Education Program Distinguished Doctral Progaram of Platform Studies for Activating Society (2021/10/27) Online, Japanese.
- Tomohiro Kuroda: What's the two guidelines of three ministries ? - What do we need to ask for the vendors of home blood glucose measurement software-. The Japan Diabetes Society Kinki Division Meeting, Online (2021/10/30) Kyoto/Japan, Japanese.
- Tomohiro Kuroda: How does ICT changes hospitals? -Road Toward Healthcare DX. Kyoto University Manamgement of Hospital Professional Education Project : KUMAHOPE Public Seminar (2021/11/05) Online, Japanese.
- Tomohiro Kuroda: Future of Image Storage Realized by Open Architecture Approach. Joint Conference on Medical Informatics, Nagoya Congress Center (2021/11/20) Nagoya/Japan, Japanese.
- Tomohiro Kuroda: Strategy of Kyoto University Hospital toward Healthcare DX -Around SaMD. Keio University SaMD Seminar (2021/11/22) Online, Japanese.
- Tomohiro Kuroda: Medicine, IT, and Platform. Seminar Series of Kyoto University School of Platforms (2021/11/24) Online, Japanese.
- Tomohiro Kuroda: Strategy of Kyoto University Hospital toward Healthcare DX -Around SaMD. Digital Health Symposium by G4A Tokyo x Kyoto University (2021/11/25) Online, Japanese.
- Tomohiro Kuroda: Medical Digital Transform beyond Covid-19 Care. Internal Seminar, Tokyo Denki University (2021/12/16) Online, Japanese.
- Tomohiro Kuroda: What's the two guidelines of three ministries ? - What do we need to ask for the vendors of home blood glucose measurement software-. Abbott Seminar on Digital Transformation of Healthcare Providers (2021/12/17) Online, Japanese.
- Tomohiro Kuroda: Why did the Japanese Society for Medical and Biological Engineering create guidelines on the applicability of clinical research methods? コミュニティ確認済みアイコン. Internal Seminar, (Science Council of Japan Biomedical Engineering Subcommittee (2021/12/22) Online, Japanese.
- [Review Papers]
- Tomohiro Kuroda: From Human Augmenting Tool to Eyes of Guardian Angels. Bio Clinica, vol.35, no.7, p.609 (2021/07/17) Japanese.
- Tomohiro Kuroda: Challenges around Healthcare Software. Igakkai News (2021/09/06) Japanese.
- Tomohiro Kuroda: Forefront of Optimization of Online Medicine. Journal of Health Insurance and Medical Practice, vol.76, no.12, pp.15-19 (2021/12/10) Japanese.
- Tomohiro Kuroda: Current status and issues of personal information protection regulations surrounding home medical care. Jinko Zoki, vol.50, no.3, pp.245-250 (2021/12/15) Japanese.
- [International Conferences]
- Natsuko Nishida, Tomohiro Kuroda, Tomoko Hikita, Goshiro Yamamoto: Study of Sharing Patient Information by Nurses between Inpatient and Outpatient Wards in Japan. Studies in Health Technology and Informatics, vol.284, pp.447-449 (2021/08/25) Online, doi: 10.3233/shti210768 .
- Luciano Henrique de Oliveiria Santos, Kazuya Okamoto, Silvana Funghetto, Adriana Cavalli, Ryo Otsuki, Shusuke Hiragi, Goshiro Yamamoto, Osamu Sugiyama, Carla Castanho, Tomoki Aoyama, Tomohiro Kuroda: Promoting physical activity using pervasive social games: case studies with elderly people in Brazil and Japan. Proceedings of International Conference on Disability, Virtual Reality and Associated Technologies, pp.15-22 (2021/09/08) Serpa/Portugal.
- Qi Ye, Tomohiro Kuroda, Tong Ruan, Zhang Wenlong, Ge Xiaoling: An Integrated Resampling Methods for Imbalanced Sporadic Temporal Data in EHRs. Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedicine, pp.3129-3136 (2021/12/09) Online, doi: 10.1109/BIBM52615.2021.9669865.
- [Domestic Conferences]
- Yoshihiro Kinoshita, Kenichiro Fujita, Yasuaki Ikemi, Sachio Fukatsu, Yohei Ishida, Hiromichi Kamakari, Hironobu Murano, Masahiro Ashida, Tomohiro Kuroda: Utilizing GS-1 Codes for Medicine in Hospital Information System -Targeting Recording Medicine used for Surgery-. Proceedings of Meeting of Information Management Divisions of University Hospitals, pp.132-33 (2021/01/28) Online, Japanese.
- Kazuya Okamoto, Tomoko Sekiya, Satoshi Kato, Kenji Suzuki, Tomohiro Kuroda: Verification of Consistency of Assessment Rules for Specimen Test. Proceedings of Meeting of Information Management Divisions of University Hospitals, pp.176-177 (2021/01/29) Online, Japanese.
- Tomohiro Kuroda: About Utilization of Next Generation Medical Platform Act. Proceedings of Meeting of Information Management Divisions of University Hospitals, p.18 (2021/01/29) Online, Japanese.
- Kahoru Tochigi, Noriko Matsuyama, Yo Sameshima, Yasuyo Kusunoki, Akiko Kuroda, Natsuko Oimoto, Tomohiro Kuroda, Kenji Ueshima, Yoshihiro Kuwabara, Masayo Ishiguro, Chisa Yasukawa, Chikako Toyooka, Yoji Nagai, Takayuki Nakagawa, Atsushi Takahashi, Ryosuke Takahashi: Kyoto Trial of iPSC Transplant for Parkinson's Disease under COVID-19 Pandemic: The Role of CRC. Proceedings of Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society of Neurology, MSP-06-1 (2021/05/21) Kyoto/Japan, Japanese.
- Koji Yokoyama, Goshiro Yamamoto, Hiroshi Sasaki, Osamu Sugiyama, Luciano Henrique de Oliveiria Santos, Chang Liu, Shusuke Hiragi, Kazuya Okamoto, Tomohiro Kuroda: Understanding an Operating Room Situation based on Multi-person Motion Analysis. Proceedings of Annual Conference of the institute of Systems, Control and Information Engineers, pp.280-286 (2021/05/26) Online, Japanese.
- Roberto Espinoza, Shusuke Hiragi, Luciano Henrique de Oliveiria Santos, Kensuke Morris, Hiroaki Ueshima, Goshiro Yamamoto, Tomohiro Kuroda: Blood Donation and Deferral Awareness in Japan: Issues and Opportunities for Information and Communication Technology Interventions. Proceedings of Annual Conference of the institute of Systems, Control and Information Engineers, pp.1112-1116 (2021/05/28) Online.
- Tomohiro Kuroda, Kazuhiko Ohe, Naoki Nakajima, Makoto Ohara: Prototyping and Evaluation of a Data Collection Platform along -The JAMI Guideline for Medical Image Data Collection Platform-. Proceedings of Japan Association of Medical Infomatics Spring Conference, pp.144-145 (2021/06/11) Yonago/Japan, Japanese.
- Kento Suzuki, Luciano Henrique de Oliveiria Santos, Chang Liu, Hiroaki Ueshima, Goshiro Yamamoto, Sayaka Okahashi, Shusuke Hiragi, Osamu Sugiyama, Kazuya Okamoto, Tomohiro Kuroda: Evaluating Upper Limb Functions Based on Motion Analysis. Program and Proceedings of Annual Conference of Japanese Society of Medical and Biomedical Engineering, 800−802 (2021/06/17) Online, Japanese.
- Yuki Kuroda, Goshiro Yamamoto, Tomohiro Kuroda: A model of patient data flows and corresponding legal and ethical analysis for international medical research. Proceedings of Symposium on Medical and Biological Engineering, 1A-26, p.27 (2021/09/17) Online.
- Ryo Otsuki, Osamu Sugiyama, Yukiko Mori, Masahiro Miyake, Shusuke Hiragi, Goshiro Yamamoto, Luciano Henrique de Oliveiria Santos, Yuta Nakanishi, Yoshikatsu Hosoda, Toshiyo Tamura, Shigemi Matsumoto, Akitaka Tsujikawa, Tomohiro Kuroda: Integrating Preprocessing Operations into Deep Learning Model Case study with Postoperative Visual Acuity Prediction. Proceedings of Symposium on Medical and Biological Engineering, 1A-13, p.14 (2021/09/17) Online.
- Koji Yokoyama, Goshiro Yamamoto, Chang Liu, Osamu Sugiyama, Luciano Henrique de Oliveiria Santos, Tomohiro Kuroda: Recognition of Instrument Passing and Group Attention for Understanding Intraoperative Team States. Proceedings of Symposium on Medical and Biological Engineering, 1A-25, p.26 (2021/09/17) Online.
- Satoshi Yoshida, Osamu Sugiyama, Yukiko Mori, Yohei Yamasaki, Shusuke Hiragi, Goshiro Yamamoto, Shigemi Matsumoto, Tomohiro Kuroda: Nephrosis Prediction with Sparse Clinical Time-Series Data. Proceedings of Symposium on Medical and Biological Engineering, !a028, p.29 (2021/09/17) Online.
- Kazumasa Kishimoto, Tadamasa Takemura, Osamu Sugiyama, Ryosuke Kojima, Masahiro Yakami, Masayuki Nambu, Kiyotaka Fujii, Tomohiro Kuroda: Prediction of Polyphonic Alarm Sound by Deep Neural Networks. Proceedings of Symposium on Medical and Biological Engineering, 1A-24, p.25 (2021/09/17) Online, Japanese.
- Tomohiro Kuroda, Kenji Wakushima, Kazuya Okamoto, Susumu Sato, Kazuo Chin: Accumulation of CPAP Remote Monitoring Data and Future Prospect. Proceedings of Annual Academinc Meeting of the Japan Society for Respiratory Care and Rehabilitation, vol.31, Suppl., 93s (2021/11/12) Japanese.
- Tomohiro Sawa, Tomohiro Kuroda, Eizen Kimura, Kun-Hsing Yu, Griffin M Weber, Yasuhito Yamamoto: Medicine and Artificial Intelligence - Current Status and Prospective -. Proceedings of Joint Conference on Medical Informatics, 2-A-1-01 (2021/11/19) Nagoya/Japan, Japanese.
- Kenichi Saito, Shusuke Hiragi, Yukiko Mori, Tomohiro Kuroda: Survey for the Change of the ICU Staffs Mental Health and Patient Management Due to Change of ICU Form. Proceedings of Joint Conference on Medical Informatics, 2-P-5-04 (2021/11/19) Nagoya/Japan, Japanese.
- Roberto Espinoza, Luciano Henrique de Oliveiria Santos, Yukiko Mori, Tomohiro Kuroda: Design of a Gamified Mobile Application that Aims to Improve Temporary Deferred Donors Intention to Donate Blood Again. Proceedings of Joint Conference on Medical Informatics, 3-D-2-04 (2021/11/20) Nagoya/Japan.
- [News Items]
- Prof. Kuroda of Kyoto University Says the Authentication System of E-Prescription is Over-spec and Hindering Spread. RISfax (2021/03/09) Japanese.
- Japan Medical Traceability Promotion Council Demonstrates Their Platform to Confirm GDP Compliance. Daily Yakugyo (2021/03/26) Japanese.
- Challenge of Kyoto University for Mecca of Digital Health. Digital Health Times (2021/03/30) Japanese.
- Verify medical traceability to optimize distribution under a disaster. HOKENSNAGYO-JIHO (2021/04/10) Japanese.
- Takahashi Hospital, a Member of All Japan Hospital Association, Participates Demonstration of Medical Traceability Platform. All Japan Hospital Association News (2021/04/15) Japanese.
- Japan Medical Traceability Promotion Association Demonstrates Their Platform for Visualization and Optimization of Drug Distribution. Yahoo Japan News (2021/04/19) Japanese.
- Japan Medical Traceability Promotion Association Demonstrates Their Platform for Visualization and Optimization of Drug Distribution. Medical Note (2021/04/19) Japanese.
- Better Regulations on Medical Device Program, Eliminate SaMD Lag and Lead the World. AnswerNews (2021/04/21) Japanese.
- The reason why Kyoto University Hospital says NO to Mynumber-card based health insurance checkup. Nikkei xTech (2021/05/10) Japanese.
- The reason why Kyoto University Hospital says NO to Mynumber-card based health insurance checkup. Nikkei Medical (2021/05/18) Japanese.
- Kyoto University Hospital distributes SNS application to all staff for daily use, and uses contact means in case of disaster. Nikkei xTech (2021/05/26) Japanese.
- What happens to Mynumber Insurance Certificate, Deep Dive for the Trouble on the Core System of Data Health Reform. Nikkei Computer (2021/06/10) Japanese.
- The reason why Kyoto University Hospital says NO to Mynumber-card based health insurance checkup. Nikkei XTech DX Special Edition, pp.54-55 (2021/08/29) Japanese.
- State of Connected Health in APAC 2021. HIMSS Insights (2021/09/01)
- Introduction of Mimamoriai App Which is Available as Support in case of Disaster. Bi-weekly Medical Services, no.609, pp.6-18 (2021/09/01) Japanese.
- Future of Medicaine after DX -Interview of Medical Innovators- The Key to Infection Control is Remote Medical Care management, From the Expence of Six-Feet Telemedicine. Astellas Square (2021/11/24) Japanese.
- [Kyoto University x Bayer Symposium Report] What are the challenges and breakthroughs associated with the social implementation of . TOMORUBA (2021/12/21) Japanese.
- [Others]
- Tomohiro Kuroda, Yumie Ono: Journal Papers of JBMES2021. Transactions of the Japanese Society for Medical and Biological Engineering, vol.59, no.6, p.181 (2021/12/10) doi: 10.11239/jsmbe.59.181, Japanese.
- 2022
- [Books]
- Shusuke Hiragi, Tomohiro Kuroda: Medical Inforamtion. (Ed.), Medical Engineering Web Dictionary (2022/03/31) DOI: 10.11239/jsmbe.Dictionary.1.1, Japanese.
- [Journal Papers]
- Ryo Otsuki, Osamu Sugiyama, Yukiko Mori, Masahiro Miyake, Shusuke Hiragi, Goshiro Yamamoto, Luciano Henrique de Oliveiria Santos, Yuta Nakanishi, Yoshikatsu Hosoda, Hiroshi Tamura, Shigemi Matsumoto, Akitaka Tsujikawa, Tomohiro Kuroda: Integrating Preprocessing Operations into Deep Learning Model: Case Study of Posttreatment Visual Acuity Prediction. Advanced Biomedical Engineering, vol.11, pp.16-24 (2022/02/01) DOI:10.14326/abe.11.16.
- Koji Yokoyama, Goshiro Yamamoto, Chang Liu, Osamu Sugiyama, Luciano Henrique de Oliveiria Santos, Tomohiro Kuroda: Recognition of Instrument Passing and Group Attention for Understanding Intraoperative State of Surgical Team. Advanced Biomedical Engineering, vol.11, pp.37-47 (2022/02/15) DOIO: 10.14326/abe.11.37.
- Yuki Kuroda, Goshiro Yamamoto, Tomohiro Kuroda: Data Processing Model for Compliance with International Medical Research Data Processing Rules. Advanced Biomedical Engineering, vol.11, pp.48-57 (2022/02/25) DOI: 10.14326/abe.11.48.
- Ai Kido, Masahiro Miyake, Hiroshi Tamura, Shusuke Hiragi, Takeshi Kimura, Satomi Yoshida, Masato Takeuchi, Shosuke Ohtera, Ayako Takahashi, Sotaro Ooto, Koji Kawakami, Tomohiro Kuroda, Akitaka Tsujikawa: Incidence and Clinical Practice of Exudative Age-related Macular Degeneration: A Nationwide Population-Based Cohort Study. Opthalmology Science (2022/03/01) doi: 10.1016/j.xops.2022.100125.
- Shusuke Hiragi, Jun Hatanaka, Osamu Sugiyama, Kenichi Saito, Masayuki Nambu, Tomohiro Kuroda: Token Economy–Based Hospital Bed Allocation to Mitigate Information Asymmetry: Proof-of-Concept Study Through Simulation Implementation. Journal of Medical Internet Research Formative Research, vol.6, no.3, e28877 (2022/03/04) doi: 10.2196/28877.
- Kazumasa Kishimoto, Tadamasa Takemura, Osamu Sugiyama, Ryosuke Kojima, Masahiro Yakami, Masayuki Nambu, Kiyotaka Fujii, Tomohiro Kuroda: Prediction of Polyphonic Alarm Sound by Deep Neural Networks. Transactions of the Japanese Society for Medical and Biological Engineering, vol.60, no.1, pp.8-15 (2022/03/10) DOI: 10.11239/jsmbe.60.8, Japanese.
- Michikazu Nakai, Yoshitaka Iwanaga, Yoko Sumita, Shinichi Wada, Haruhiko Hiramatsu, Koji Iihara, Takahide Kohro, Issei Komuro, Tomohiro Kuroda, Tetsuya Matoba, Masaharu Nakayama, Kunihiro Nishimura, Teruo Noguchi, Tadamasa Takemura, Teiji Tominaga, Kazunori Toyoda, Kenichi Tsujita, Satoshi Yasuda, Yoshihiro Miyamoto, : Associations among cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases: Analysis of the nationwide claims-based JROAD-DPC dataset. PLOS One (2022/03/11) doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0264390.
- Naotake Niwase, Yoshikazu Yamamoto, Shosuke Ohtera, Genta Kato, Toru Shimogaki, Tomohiro Kuroda: Proposal of Next-Generation Analytic Platform for the National Database of Health Insurance Claims and Specific Health Checkups of Japan (NDB) Using Prallel Distributed Processing. Transactions of the Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers, J105-D, no.5, pp.427-435 (2022/05/01) DOI : 10.14923/transinfj.2021JDP7040, Japanese.
- Kimihiko Murase, Takuma Minami, Satoshi Hamada, David Gozal, Naomi Takahashi, Yoshinari Nakatsuka, Hirofumi Takeyama, Kiminobu Tanizawa, Daisuke Endo, Toshiki Akahoshi, Yasutaka Moritsuchi, Toru Tsuda, Yoshiro Toyama, Motoharu Ohi, Yasuhiro Tomita, Koji Narui, , Tetsuro Ohdaira, Takatoshi Kasai, Tomomasa Tsuboi, Yasuhiro Gon, Yoshihiro Yamashiro, Shinichi Ando, Hiroyuki Yoshimine, Yoshifumi Takata, Akiomi Yoshihisa, Koichiro Tatsumi, Tomohiro Kuroda, Satoshi Morita, Shinichi Momomura, Takeo Nakayama, Toyohiro Hirai, Kazuo Chin: Multimodal Telemonitoring for Weight Reduction in Sleep Apnea Patients: A Randomized Controlled Trial. Chest (2022/08/20) DOI: 10.1016/j.chest.2022.07.032.
- Kana Eguchi, Tsutomu Yabuuchi, Masayuki Nambu, Hirofumi Takeyama, Shozo Azuma, Kazuo Chin, Tomohiro Kuroda: Investication on Factors Related to Poor CPAP Adherence using Machine Learning : A Pilot Study. Scientific Reports, vol.12 (2022/11/15) doi: 10.1038/s41598-022-21932-8.
- [Lectures]
- Tomohiro Kuroda: Introduction of KAHSI. KAHSI Seminar (2022/02/09) Online, Japanese.
- Tomohiro Kuroda: Clinical Medicine of Information Age -What shall we do to be there all toghether?. Hospital Expo, Intex Osaka (2022/02/24) Osaka/Japan, Japanese.
- Tomohiro Kuroda: Information Security for Pathologist to Work from Home over the Internet - What shall we do ?. The Japanese Society of Digital Pathology (2022/02/26) Online, Japanese.
- Tomohiro Kuroda: Introduction of Health IT Security. Seminar of Saitama Medical Association Information Security Committee (2022/03/02) Online, Japanese.
- Tomohiro Kuroda: The Road to the Future Medicine provided by Health and Clinical Software .... and KAHSI Project. Annual Report Meeting of Kobe Research Complex (2022/03/14) Online, Japanese.
- Tomohiro Kuroda: Social Hospital : Beyond Digital Transformaton. STROKE (2022/03/18) Online, Japanese.
- Tomohiro Kuroda: Strategy of Kyoto University Hospital toward Healthcare DX -Around Data Platform. Annual Meeting of The Japan Society of Intensive Care Medicine (2022/03/19) Online, Japanese.
- Tomohiro Kuroda: Proposal : to Realize Health Data Platform suppoorting Disaster Medicine. Symposium of Kansai Health and Medical Care Innovation Council (2022/03/26) Online, Japanese.
- Tomohiro Kuroda: Strategy of Kyoto University Hospital toward Healthcare DX -Around Data Platform. Intellectual Property Strategy Netowrk Seminar (2022/03/31) Online, Japanese.
- Tomohiro Kuroda: To Rensponce the Amendment of Privacy Protection Act. Internal Seminar (2022/04/01) Japanese.
- Tomohiro Kuroda: Social Hospital -Healthcare System beyond Telemedicine-. Annual Meeting of the Japan Radiological Society, Pacifico Yokohama (2022/04/15) Yokohama/Japan, Japanese.
- Tomohiro Kuroda: Seeking Future Hospital Utilizing Cloud and Mobile Computing. Annual Meeting of the Japan Society of Radiological Technology, Pacifico Yokohama (2022/04/16) Yokohama/Japan, Japanese.
- Tomohiro Kuroda: Concept and Approach of Personal Information Handling for the AI Medical Devices. Annual Meeting of the Japanese Ophthalmological Society, Osaka International Convention Center (2022/04/17) Osaka/Japan, Japanese.
- Tomohiro Kuroda: Healthcare Software Development under Industry - Government - Academia Collaboration -- Kyoto University KAHSI Project. Healt Outcomes and Technology Forum, Seed Planning Library (2022/04/28) Tokyo/Japan, Japanese.
- Tomohiro Kuroda: Strategy of Kyoto University Hospital toward Healthcare DX -Around Data Platform. Kyoto University Alumni Association Healthcare Netwrok Reiwa (2022/05/14) Online, Japanese.
- Tomohiro Kuroda: What's the two guidelines of three ministries ? - What do we need to ask for the vendors of home blood glucose measurement software-. Abbott Seminar on Digital Transformation of Healthcare Providers (2022/05/23) Online, Japanese.
- Tomohiro Kuroda: Introduction of Kyoto University Hospital Division of Medical Information Technology and Administration Planning and Its Data Science Strategy. NII Forum (2022/05/30) Online, Japanese.
- Tomohiro Kuroda: Cyber Physical Hospital beyond IoT. Annual Meeting of the Japan Society of Medical Instrumentation, Pacifico Yokohama (2022/06/04) Yokohama/Japan, Japanese.
- Tomohiro Kuroda: Bridging between Patient and Hospital -DX Challenge of KUHP. APEC Business Advisory Council Digital Health Forum, Online (2022/07/01) Taipei/Taiwan ROC.
- Tomohiro Kuroda: Personal Information Regislation Surrounding Clinical Medicine and Medical Science -Changes in April 2022. Internal Seminar, Nara Medical University (2022/07/05) Kashihara/Japan, Japanese.
- Tomohiro Kuroda: The Future Brought by Medical Platform. Seminar Series of Platform Study (2022/07/06) Online, Japanese.
- Tomohiro Kuroda: DX in Medicine after Covid-19 Pandemic. Seminar on Innovation of Post-Pandemic Society : Future Prospect and Recommendations (2022/07/08) Online, Japanese.
- Tomohiro Kuroda: Basics of Medical Information Security. CPA EXPO (2022/07/11) On-demand, Japanese.
- Tomohiro Kuroda: Reform of Examination and Payment Service and System of All-Japan Federation of National Health Insurance Organization. Internal Seminar (2022/07/27) Online, Japanese.
- Tomohiro Kuroda: From IoT Toward Data-Driven Medicine -Challenge of Kyoto University Hospital. Asia-Pacific Smart Healthcare Summit, Online (2022/07/28) Taipei/Taiwan ROC.
- Tomohiro Kuroda: PItfalls and Usage of Medical Image Database. Annual Conference of the Japanese Society of Medical Imaging Technology, Nagoya University Toyota Auditorium (2022/07/31) Nagoya/Japan, Japanese.
- Tomohiro Kuroda: Techno Sensor ER E-Textile for 12-lead ECG using Nishijin Brocade Technique. Kyoto Universiy Summer School, Online (2022/08/03) Kyoto/Japan.
- Tomohiro Kuroda: Informatics Changing Medicine. Open Seminar of Kyoto University Graduage School of Informatics, Kyoto University Yoshida Caompus (2022/08/07) Kyoto/Japan, Japanese.
- Tomohiro Kuroda: Reality of Real World Data. FAST-HDJ Next Generation Medlcal Platform Act Seminar, Iino Hall (2022/08/24) Tokyo/Japan, Japanese.
- Tomohiro Kuroda: Information Security for Telepathorogy -May I do that?. The Japanese Society of Digital Pathology, Kitasato University Ohmura Memorial Hall (2022/08/28) Tokyo/Japan, Japanese.
- Tomohiro Kuroda: Introducing ICT into Hospital. International Conference on Science and Technology, Online (2022/09/07) Yoguyakarta / Indonesia.
- Tomohiro Kuroda: What's the two guidelines of three ministries ? - What do we need to ask for the vendors of home blood glucose measurement software-. Abbott Seminar on Digital Transformation of Healthcare Providers, Online (2022/09/12) Tokyo/Japan, Japanese.
- Tomohiro Kuroda: Findings via HIMSS-DHI Evaluation. Hospital Expo, Makuhari Messe (2022/10/13) Chiba/Japan, Japanese.
- Tomohiro Kuroda: Future Medicine Initiated by Information and Communication Technologies. Osaka BBDM Forum, Sumitomo Pharma Headquarter (2022/10/15) Osaka/Japan, Japanese.
- Tomohiro Kuroda: Trend of Healthcare Data Platform for Data-Driven Healthcare. Healthcare Innovator Education Program Online, Tokyo Medical and Dental University (2022/10/25) Tokyo/Japan, Online, Japanese.
- Tomohiro Kuroda: Implementation of Information and Communication Technologies to the Medical and Welfare Field. Annual Meeting of the Healthcare Engneering Association of Japan, Tokyo Big Site (2022/10/27) Tokyo/Japan, Japanese.
- Tomohiro Kuroda: Challenge of Kyoto University KAHSI Project supporting SaMD. Japan Planning Institute Seminar, Online (2022/10/28) Tokyo/Japan, Japanese.
- Tomohiro Kuroda: Toward Health Data Utlization. Internal Seminar, Online (2022/11/04) Kyoto/Japan, Japanese.
- Tomohiro Kuroda: Basics of Medical Information Security. Internal Seminar, National Hospital Organization Osaka Minami Medical Center (2022/11/12) Osaka/Japan, Online, Japanese.
- Tomohiro Kuroda: Snapshot and Challenges of Health Data Science. Internal Seminar, AI Data Consorthium Intellectual Property WG (2022/11/21) Tokyo/Japan, Online, Japanese.
- Tomohiro Kuroda: Real Issues of Clinical Field and Utlization of Healthcare Data. Internal Seminar, Janssen Pharma (2022/11/23) Tokyo/Japan, Online, Japanese.
- Tomohiro Kuroda: How to utilize the Next Generation Medical Platform Act. Joint Conference on Medical Informatics, Kobe Fashion Mart (2022/11/25) Kobe/Japan, Japanese.
- Tomohiro Kuroda: Regulations and Practices of Healthcare Data Handling. Seminar of Biomedical Science Association, Grand Front Osaka Knowledge Capital (2022/12/07) Osaka/Japan, Japanese.
- Tomohiro Kuroda: Road to Digital Health. The Special Interest Group on the Healthcare Electronics Research of The Japan Institute of Electronics Packaging, Kairo Kaikan (2022/12/14) Tokyo/Japan, Japanese.
- Tomohiro Kuroda: Basics of Medical Information Security for Healthcare Organizations. The Seminar of Information Management and Information Security of the Kyoto Private Hospital Association, Karasuma Kyoto Hotel (2022/12/15) Kyoto/Japan, Japanese.
- Tomohiro Kuroda: Expected Role of Clinical Engineers in Near-Future Medicine. The 30th Anniversary Seminar of the Kyoto Association for Clinical Engineering Technologies, Kyoto Tower Hotel (2022/12/18) Kyoto/Japan, Japanese.
- [Review Papers]
- Tomohiro Kuroda: Clinical Medicine of Information Age Realized by ICT. Urology, vol.15, no.6, pp.708-715 (2022/06/30) Japanese.
- Tomohiro Kuroda: Clinical Medicine of Information Age -What shall we do to be there all toghether?. Journal of Japan Hospital Association, vol.69, no.8, pp.777-787 (2022/08/25) Japanese.
- Tomohiro Kuroda, Takahiro Doi: Business Continuity Plan of Hospital Information System. Hospital, vol.81, no.9, pp.791-794 (2022/09/01) Japanese.
- [International Conferences]
- Luciano Henrique de Oliveiria Santos, Chang Liu, Goshiro Yamamoto, Tomohiro Kuroda, Sayaka Okahashi: RehaBricks - A Modular Electronics Peg Board for Exercise Adaptability in Upper Limb Rehabilitation. Proceedings of International Conference on Disability, Virtual Reality and Associated Technologies (2022/09/07) Ponta Delgada/Portugal.
- [Domestic Conferences]
- Hiroi Kasai, Yukiko Mori, Takuya Watanabe, Takuya Mori, Kenichiro Fujita, Youhei Taniguchi, Noriko Karaki, Hikari Takemoto, Morihiko Miyahira, Kenji Wakushima, Yoji Nagai, Tomohiro Kuroda, Shuichi Matsuda: Efforts to optimize the clinical research consent acquisition process by automatically linking the ethical review system and the electronic medical record document management system. Proceedings of General Academic Assembly of Japan Society of Clinical Trials and Research (2022/02/04) Tokyo/Japan, Best Oral Presentaiton Award, Japanese.
- Risa Sakurai, Masaru Sugimachi, Yuichi Kimura, Takashi Suzuki, Tomohiro Kuroda: History of the Creation of the Guideline for Judging the Applicability of the Clinical Research Act. Program and Proceedings of Annual Conference of Japanese Society of Medical and Biomedical Engineering, p.79 (2022/05/18) Nagoya/Japan, Japanese.
- Kazumasa Kishimoto, Tadamasa Takemura, Osamu Sugiyama, Ryosuke Kojima, Goshiro Yamamoto, Tomohiro Kuroda: Investigating Feasibility of Medical Device Alarm Sound Classifier on Edge Devices. Proceedings of Annual Conference of the institute of Systems, Control and Information Engineers, pp.702-705 (2022/05/20) Kyoto/Japan, Japanese.
- Israa Sameer, Luciano Henrique de Oliveiria Santos, Yukiko Mori, Osamu Sugiyama, Tomohiro Kuroda: Increasing the Applicability of Brest Cancer Recurrence Risk Prediction. Proceedings of Annual Conference of the institute of Systems, Control and Information Engineers, pp.1126-1128 (2022/05/20) Kyoto/Japan.
- Takahiko Tsutsumi, Yukiko Mori, Goshiro Yamamoto, Osamu Sugiyama, Kenichi Saito, Kazumasa Kishimoto, Masahiro Kurata, Shigeru Ohtsuru, Tomohiro Kuroda: Verification of Safety of Operating Table under Earthquake by Shaking Table Test. Proceedings of Annual Conference of the institute of Systems, Control and Information Engineers, pp.706-709 (2022/05/20) Kyoto/Japan, Japanese.
- Tomohiro Kuroda, Masaru Sugimachi, Yuichi Kimura, Osamu Oshiro, Yoshihiro Muragaki, Ichiro Sakuma, Takashi Suzuki, Kiyoyuki Chinzei, Shunsuke Yoshimoto, Risa Sakurai, Hideo Nakamura: Survey for Understanding the Actual Impact of the Clinical Trials Act on Medical Device Development Researches. Program and Proceedings of Annual Conference of Japanese Society of Medical and Biomedical Engineering, pp.265-266 (2022/06/30) Niigata/Japan, Japanese.
- Tomohiro Kuroda, Susumu Sato, Kazuya Okamoto, Kenji Wakushima, Kazuo Chin: Snapshot and Prospect of CPAP Remote Monitoring and Generating Big Data. Proceedings of Annual Meeting of Japanese Society of Sleep Research, p.131 (2022/07/01) Kyoto/Japan, Japanese.
- Jun Suzumoto, Yukiko Mori, Tomohiro Kuroda: Review of Study Items and Results in Past Quantitative Studies tarrgeting Health Information Exchange. Proceedings of Japan Association of Medical Infomatics Spring Conference, pp.110-111 (2022/07/02) Okayama/Japan, Japanese.
- Koji Yokoyama, Goshiro Yamamoto, Chang Liu, Kazumasa Kishimoto, Tomohiro Kuroda: Operating Room Monitoring Video Analysis for Group Behavior Recognition in the Operation Room. Program and Proceedings of Annual Conference of Japanese Society of Medical and Biomedical Engineering, p.59 (2022/09/10) Nishinomiya/Japan, Japanese.
- Osamu Sugiyama, Tomoko Hikita, Kazumasa Kishimoto, Natsuko Nishida, Tadamasa Takemura, Tomohiro Kuroda: Activity Tracking of Nurses using BLE Proximity Record Obtained by Bed-side Terminal. Program and Proceedings of Annual Conference of Japanese Society of Medical and Biomedical Engineering, p.62 (2022/09/10) Nishinomiya/Japan, Japanese.
- Goshiro Yamamoto, Kazuya Okamoto, Tomohiro Kuroda: Keep Connected without Contact - Six-feet Telemedicine for Combat with COVID-19. Technical Report of The Japanese Society for Artificial Intelligence, vol.89, pp.22-23 (2022/09/10) Online, doi: 10.11517/jsaislud.89.0_05, Japanese.
- Akira Yutani, Toru Inoue, Yoshifumi Atarashi, Tomohiro Kuroda: Knowledge and Future Utilization from Information Network Connection Status of Medical Equipment. Japan Journal of Medical Informatics, vol.42, Suppl, pp.571-572 (2022/11/18) Sapporo/Japan, Japanese.
- Koji Yokoyama, Goshiro Yamamoto, Chang Liu, Kazumasa Kishimoto, Tomohiro Kuroda: Investigating Utility of Group Activity Recognition Based on Operating Room Surveillance Video Analysis. Japan Journal of Medical Informatics, vol.42, Suppl, pp.847-851 (2022/11/19) Japanese.
- Natsuko Nishida, Chang Liu, Osamu Sugiyama, Goshiro Yamamoto, Tomohiro Kuroda: Voice Interface for Automating Structuralization of Nursing Records. Proceedings of Joint Conference on Medical Informatics, pp.866-869 (2022/11/19) Sapporo/Japan, Japanese.
- Akihito Ito, Yukiko Mori, Kazumasa Kishimoto, Chang Liu, Goshiro Yamamoto, Tomohiro Kuroda, Moritoki Egi: Investigating Temporal Relationship between Medical Staffs Actions and Start of Surgeries by Analyzing Surgical Surveilance Videos. Proceedings of Joint Conference on Medical Informatics, pp.844-846 (2022/11/19) Sapporo/Japan, Japanese.
- Kenichi Saito, Yukiko Mori, Mototsugu Takemoto, Kana Matsukawa, Kentaro Honma, Takeshi Sugino, Shusuke Hiragi, Tomohiro Kuroda: Verification of Optimization of Care Unit Allocation Related to COVID-19 Treatment at Our Hospital. Japan Journal of Medical Informatics, vol.42, Suppl, pp.592-595 (2022/11/19) Sapporo/Japan, Japanese.
- Kazumasa Kishimoto, Tadamasa Takemura, Goshiro Yamamoto, Osamu Sugiyama, Ryosuke Kojima, Tomohiro Kuroda: Investigation of Lower Limit Performance of Microphones for Automatic Alarm Sound Detection System. Japan Journal of Medical Informatics, vol.42, Suppl, pp.841-843 (2022/11/19) Sapporo/Japan, Japanese.
- Kana Ichikawa, Koji Fujimoto, Osamu Sugiyama, Kazumasa Kishimoto, Mizuho Nishio, Goshiro Yamamoto, Tomohiro Kuroda: Comparison of Named Entity Extraction Methods for Case Reports. Japan Journal of Medical Informatics, vol.42, Suppl, pp.1155-1158 (2022/11/20) Sapporo/Japan, Japanese.
- Keita Fukuyama, Yukiko Mori, Hiroaki Ueshima, Tomohiro Kuroda: Preparation of Master Data for Drug Price and Medical Service Fee Revision over Time. Japan Journal of Medical Informatics, vol.43, Suppl, pp.735-736 (2022/11/24) Kobe/Japan, Japanese.
- [News Items]
- Promote the Software as a Medical Device. Igakkai News (2022/02/21) Japanese.
- Make Kansai as a New Digital Health Business Center. KAKEHASHI - Kansai Healthcare and Medical Addociation News Letter, vol.7, p.2 (2022/03/25) Japanese.
- The Current State of Health Data for Research Purposes in Japan: Toward the Creation of World-class Health Databese in the Future. Health and Global Policy Institute Expert Roundtable Report (2022/05/25) Japanese.
- Strategy of Kyoto University Hospital toward Healthcare DX -Around Data Platform. The IPSN Quarterly (2022/05/31) Japanese.
- Renewing the Image System Infrastructure to a Hybrid Environment Kyoto University Hospital's IT Strategy Supporting the Regional Medicine and the Forefront of the Highly Advanced Research. Nikkei XTech DX Special Edition (2022/09/15) Japanese.
- Activity Report : ID Linkage in Case of Emergency - To Make Use of Health Data for Life Support : Online Symposium. KAKEHASHI - Kansai Healthcare and Medical Addociation News Letter, vol.8, pp.6-7 (2022/10/25) Japanese.
- Heavy Cost for Introduction of e-Prescription. Kyoto University Needs 100 Million Yen. University Hospital Request to Use Organization E-Certificate Instead of E-Signature. MEDIFAX (2022/11/28) Japanese.
- University Hospital CIO Organization Presents a Statement - Chief Information Security Officer for All Hospitals - . Daily Yomiuri (2022/12/17) Japanese.
- Supply Chain Attack - Report Whole Information to Chief Information Security Officer - University Hospital CIO Organization Presents a Statement. MEDIFAX (2022/12/20) Japanese.
- 2023
- [Journal Papers]
- Tomoko Hikita, Tomohiro Kuroda, Osamu Sugiyama, Tadamasa Takemura: Consideration of the Effect of Introducing Vital Data Terminal. Japan Journal of Medical Informatics, vol.42, no.4, pp.161-171 (2023/01/25) Japanese.
- Yuki Kuroda, Goshiro Yamamoto, Tomohiro Kuroda: Implications for Japan from the Current Utilization of Health Information Exchange (HIE)and the Perspective of the HIE Legal System Concerning Patient Consent and Healthcare Providers' Responsibilities in the U.S.. Japan Journal of Medical Informatics, vol.43, no.4, pp.149-164 (2023/10/11) Japanese.
- Shosuke Ohtera, Genta Kato, Hiroaki Ueshima, Yukiko Mori, Yuka Nakatani, Takeo Nakayama, Tomohiro Kuroda: Variation in Utilization of Postoperative Rehabilitation After Total Hip Arthroplasty in Japan. Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation (2023/10/25) DOI: 10.1016/j.apmr.2023.10.007.
- [Lectures]
- Tomohiro Kuroda: DIgital Transformion of Healthcare Driven by Kyoto University. Internal Seminar, Metaverse (2023/01/13) Kyoto/Japan, Japanese.
- Tomohiro Kuroda: DIgital Transformion of Healthcare Driven by Kyoto University Hospital. Research Meeting on Local Medical Care, Kyoto Research Park (2023/01/21) Kyoto/Japan, Japanese.
- Tomohiro Kuroda: Launching Single Sign-on Federation for Emergency Medicine. Internal Seminar, Otsu Joint Government Building (2023/01/27) Otsu/Japan, Japanese.
- Tomohiro Kuroda: Introduction of the Center for Digital Transformation of Healthcare, Kyoto University School of Medicine.. Symposiumon on Educaiton of Mathematics, Data Science, Artificial Intelligence, and Digital Transformation, Online (2023/01/31) Kyoto/Japan, Japanese.
- Tomohiro Kuroda: DX and IT Strategy. Nikkei Healthcare Hospital Manageement Professionals Seminar (2023/02/19) Online, Japanese.
- Tomohiro Kuroda: Basics of Act on Anonymized Medical Data That Are Meant to Contribute to Research and Development in the Medical Field and Comming Amendment on 2023. ARCAD ASIA Data Science Professionals Promotion Seminar (2023/02/19) Online, Japanese.
- Tomohiro Kuroda: Goals of Medical DX toward 2040. Seminar on Phamacist Practice for 2040 in Kyoto, Online (2023/02/22) Kyoto/Japan, Japanese.
- Tomohiro Kuroda: Fundamentals of Medical Information Security that Medical Institutions Should Master. Symposium of Kansai Health and Medical Care Innovation Council (2023/03/03) Online, Japanese.
- Tomohiro Kuroda: Medicine of the age of Life with AI and Clinical Safety. The Annual Congress of the Japan Society of Clinical Safety, Tokyo University of Science Katsushika Campus Libeary Hall (2023/03/11) Tokyo/Japan, Japanese.
- Tomohiro Kuroda: DX Strategy of Kyoto University Hospital with IoT. Internal Seminar, Terumo Kyoto Branch (2023/03/13) Kyoto/Japan, Japanese.
- Tomohiro Kuroda: Efforts to Promote Healthcare DX at Kyoto University Hospital. 21st Century Healthcare DX Forum (2023/03/24) Online, Japanese.
- Tomohiro Kuroda: Introduction of the Center for Digital Transformation of Healthcare. Kickoff Symposium of the Center for Digital Transformation of Healthcare, Kyoto University Graduate School of Medicine (2023/03/24) Online, Japanese.
- Tomohiro Kuroda: RWD Strategy for DX. Kobe Health and Medicine Strategy Meeting (2023/03/27) Online, Japanese.
- Tomohiro Kuroda: Aim of the Kansai Health and Medical Care Innovation Council Symposium -Discuss Emergency Care in Wider Area-. Symposium of Kansai Health and Medical Care Innovation Council, Online (2023/04/03) Kyoto/Japan, Japanese.
- Tomohiro Kuroda: IoT Changes Healthcare. Scientific Meeting of Japan Society of Medical Physics, Pacifico Yokohama (2023/04/15) Yokohama/Japan, Japanese.
- Tomohiro Kuroda: Rehabilitation Medicine of Information Age. General Assembly of the Society for the Digital Transformation of the Rehabilitation Medicine, Art Hotel Ishigakijima (2023/04/22) Ishigaki/Japan, Japanese.
- Tomohiro Kuroda: Digital Transformation of Healthcare after Covid-19. National University Radiological Department Conference, Kyoto Terrsa (2023/05/12) Kyoto/Japan, Japanese.
- Tomohiro Kuroda: Fundamentals of Medical Information Security that Medical Institutions Should Master. Internal Seminar, Online (2023/05/15) Kobe/Japan, Japanese.
- Tomohiro Kuroda: What's DX in Healthcare ?. Internal Seminar, Osaka Prefectural Tennoji High School (2023/06/08) Osaka/Japan, Japanese.
- Tomohiro Kuroda: The Strategy of Kyoto University Hospital Fostering DX in Healthcare. Gifu Seiryu Academic Exchange Meeting, Hotel Grand Vert Gizan (2023/06/11) Gifu/Japan, Japanese.
- Tomohiro Kuroda: Actions of Kyoto University Hospital for Healthcare DX. Annual Meeting of the Japan Society for Health Care Management, Pacifico Yokohama (2023/06/24) Yokohama/Japan, Japanese.
- Tomohiro Kuroda: The Future Brought by Medical Platform. Seminar Series of Kyoto University School of Platforms, Kyoto University (2023/07/19) Kyoto/Japan, Japanese.
- Tomohiro Kuroda: HIROMEZU: Chat-bot based Self-Reporting System of COVID-19. Internal Seminar, Emory University (2023/08/13) Atlanta/GA.
- Tomohiro Kuroda: Rules and Precautions in the Health and Medical Data Handling. Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society of Informatics for Diabetes Mellitus, Juroku Plaza (2023/08/19) Gifu/Japan, Japanese.
- Tomohiro Kuroda: Situation around Medical Infomormation Security and Basics of Infromation Security. Kansai Health and Medical Care Innovation Council Security Seminar for Hospitals, Kyoto Keizai Center (2023/08/21) Kyoto/Japan, Japanese.
- Tomohiro Kuroda: The Future of Electronic Medical Records to Promote Healthcare DX. Annual Meeting of Japan Society of Health Information Management, Towada City Culture Center (2023/09/14) Towada/Japan, Japanese.
- Tomohiro Kuroda: Introduction of HIMSS Japan. Annual Meeting of the Japan Association Applied IT Healthcare, Institute of Advanced Biomedical Science and Engineering, Tokyo Womens Medical University and Waseda University (2023/09/23) Tokyo/Japan, Japanese.
- Tomohiro Kuroda: Basics of Medical Information Security that Medical Institutions Should Know. Federation of Public Health Doctor, Seminar for Hospitals and Clinics with Bedrooms, TKP Shinjuku Conference Center (2023/10/01) Tokyo/Japan, Japanese.
- Tomohiro Kuroda: How is Growing Health Data Changing Global Healthcare?. Medical Japan, Makuhari Messe (2023/10/13) Chiba/Japan, Japanese.
- Tomohiro Kuroda: Cloud Strategy of Kyoto University Hospital : To Connect with Everyone. Joint Conference on Medical Informatics, Kobe Fashion Mart (2023/11/24) Kobe/Japan, Japanese.
- Tomohiro Kuroda: How to Utilize the Next Generation Medical Platform Act - To Bridging All Stakeholders. Joint Conference on Medical Informatics, Kobe Fashion Mart (2023/11/25) Kobe/Japan, Japanese.
- Tomohiro Kuroda: How Shall We Utilize My-Number System to Initiate Healthcare DX?. Kyoto University Digital Health Symposium, Kyoto University Clock Tower Centennial Hall (2023/12/11) Kyoto/Japan, Japanese.
- [Review Papers]
- Tomohiro Kuroda: Industry-Government-Academia Activity to Support Healthcare Software Development. Research and Development Leaders, vol.19, no.10, pp.8-10 (2023/01/20) Japanese.
- Tomohiro Kuroda: Cyber Physical Hospital beyond IoT. The Japanese Journal of Medical Instrumentation, vol.93, no.1, pp.65-68 (2023/02/01) Japanese.
- Tomohiro Kuroda: How to Make the Most of Silver Bullet of DX in Healthcare, IoT and AI. Japan Medical Journal, no.5167, pp.21-22 (2023/04/19) Japanese.
- Tomohiro Kuroda: A Snapshot and Challenges around Health Information and Digital Health. Heart View, vol.27, no.8, pp.43-51 (2023/07/09) Japanese.
- Tomohiro Kuroda: Can AI become the Jacquard of the Healthcare Industry?. Bio Clinica, vol.38, no.12, p.1 (2023/10/23) Japanese.
- Kazuya Okamoto, Tomohiro Kuroda: Clinical Process DX (Patient Navigation System). Bio Clinica, vol.38, no.12, pp.13-17 (2023/10/23) Japanese.
- Tomohiro Kuroda: The Definition of DX and the Activity to Foster Evanvelists. Hospital Management Compass, no.245, pp.18-24 (2023/12/01) Japanese.
- Tomohiro Kuroda: Initiatives for BCP of Hospital Inforamtion Systems - Concept of Backup. The Japnese Journal of Physical Therapy, vol.57, no.12, pp.1458-1462 (2023/12/15) Japanese.
- [International Conferences]
- Nuraini Naim, Shahabuddin Ibrahim, Tomohiro Kuroda: PKRC MAEPS 2.0: Malaysian Experience in Setting up a Web-based EMR in an Emergency Makeshift Medical Facility during COVID-19 Pandemic. Proceedings of International Conference on Healthcare Service Management, TD3011 (2023/05/13) Kyoto/Japan.
- Hiroto Hada, Shusuke Hiragi, Yukiko Mori, Kenichi Saito, Masumi Ai, Tomohiro Kuroda: Reducing in X-Ray Retake Rate using the Token Economy Method. Studies in Health Technology and Informatics, vol.302, pp.486-487 (2023/05/23) Gothenburg/Sweden, DOI: 10.3233/SHIT230183.
- Koji Yokoyama, Goshiro Yamamoto, Chang Liu, Kazumasa Kishimoto, Yukiko Mori, Tomohiro Kuroda: Individual Activity Anomaly Estimation in Operating Rooms Based on Time-Sequential Prediction. MEDINFO (2023/07/10) Sydney/Australia, Best Student Paper Award Second Place.
- Kazumasa Kishimoto, Masahiro Yakami, Osamu Sugiyama, Tomohiro Kuroda: Investigation of Radiologist Diagnostic Workload Prediction without CT Images using Multimodal Deep Learning. Proceedings of Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (2023/07/26) Sydney/Australia, DOI: 10.1109/IEEECONF58974.2023.10405025.
- Kazumasa Kishimoto, Masahiro Yakami, Osamu Sugiyama, Tomohiro Kuroda: Investigation on Classifiers for Semi-Structured Data using Deep Metric Learning: Multimodal Deep Metric Classifier. Proceedings of IEEE EMBS International Conference on Data Science and Engineering in Healthcare, Medicine & Biology (2023/12/07) Portomaso St Julians/Malta.
- Roberto Espinoza, Chang Liu, Kazumasa Kishimoto, Goshiro Yamamoto, Yukiko Mori, Luciano Henrique de Oliveiria Santos, Tomohiro Kuroda: Adjusting Twitter Data As a Source for Blood Donation Analysis: BDT-UC Dataset and BERT Implementations. Proceedings of IEEE EMBS International Conference on Data Science and Engineering in Healthcare, Medicine & Biology (2023/12/07) Portomaso St Julians/Malta.
- [Domestic Conferences]
- Satoshi Shimada, Yuta Kishimoto, Masakazu Abe, Shigeo Kohigashi, Takashi Kobayashi, Tomohiro Kuroda: Analysis of Improvement Effect of Administrative Work of Physicians by Automatic Medical Record Summary Function. Proceedings of Annual Conference of the Society of Serviceology, E-2-1-2 (2023/03/08) Kyoto/Japan, Japanese.
- Kohei Takamori, Maki Someya, Tomohiro Kuroda, Tatsuhiko Arafune: Training System of the Ventilation in the Infant for Pediatric Emergency. Proceedings of Frontier Seminar of the Society of Life Support Engineering, G4-2 (2023/03/13) Tokyo/Japan, Japanese.
- Tomoya Kamataki, Maki Someya, Tomohiro Kuroda, Tatsuhiko Arafune: Bone Marrow Puncture Training System in Pediatric Emergency. Proceedings of Frontier Seminar of the Society of Life Support Engineering, G17-3 (2023/03/14) Tokyo/Japan, Japanese.
- Tomohiro Kuroda: Challenge of Kyoto University KAHSI Project supporting SaMD. Proceedings of Japanese Society for Medical and Biological Engineering Special Interest Group on PHR Platform Utilization (2023/03/31) Online, Japanese.
- Masaki Goda, Goshiro Yamamoto, Chang Liu, Kazumasa Kishimoto, Tomohiro Kuroda: Artificial Lesion Representation using Augmented Reality for Ultrasound Imaging Training. Proceedings of Annual Conference of the institute of Systems, Control and Information Engineers, pp.285-286 (2023/05/17) Kyoto/Japan, Japanese.
- Tomoya Kamataki, Maki Someya, Tomohiro Kuroda, Tatsuhiko Arafune: Bone marrow aspiration training system for establishing a bone marrow canal in pediatric emergencies. Program and Proceedings of Annual Conference of Japanese Society of Medical and Biomedical Engineering, p.181 (2023/05/18) Nagoya/Japan, Japanese.
- Kohei Takamori, Maki Someya, Tomohiro Kuroda, Tatsuhiko Arafune: Artificial respiration training in pediatric emergency. Program and Proceedings of Annual Conference of Japanese Society of Medical and Biomedical Engineering, p.183 (2023/05/18) Nagoya/Japan, Japanese.
- Yuki Omae, Goshiro Yamamoto, Akira Yutani, Tomohiro Kuroda: Design of a Federated Authentication System with a Basic Patient Information Provision Layer for Rapid Data Collection. Proceedings of Annual Conference of the institute of Systems, Control and Information Engineers, pp.570-573 (2023/05/18) Kyoto/Japan, Japanese.
- Tomohiro Kuroda, Miki Nagao, Takayoshi Sasaki, Hiromi Inoue, Takashi Yuki, Hideki Miyagishima, Toshichika Otsuki, Masatoshi Yoshikawa: Developng Infectious Disease Self-Reporting System using ChatBot. Proceedings of Japan Association of Medical Infomatics Spring Conference, PA04-1 (2023/06/30) Ginowan/Japan, Japanese.
- Tomohiro Kuroda, Susumu Sato, Kazuya Okamoto, Kenji Wakushima, Kazuo Chin: Remote Sleep Medicine and Data Utilization. Proceedings of Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society of Neuropsychopharmacology, p.78 (2023/09/07) Tokyo/Japan, Japanese.
- Tomohiro Kuroda, Susumu Sato, Kazuya Okamoto, Kenji Wakushima, Kazuo Chin: CPAP Database Development and Next Generation Medical Platform Act. Proceedings of Annual Meeting of Japanese Society of Sleep Research, vol.45, p.217 (2023/09/16) Yokohama/Japan, Japanese.
- Tomoya Kamataki, Maki Someya, Tomohiro Kuroda, Tatsuhiko Arafune: A Training System for Intraosseous Infusion with Bone Marrow Puncture in Pediatric Emergencies. Proceedings of Life, p.29 (2023/09/19) Kashiwazaki/Japan, Japanese.
- Kohei Takamori, Maki Someya, Tomohiro Kuroda, Tatsuhiko Arafune: A Training System for Bag-Valve-Mask Ventilation in the Pediatric Emergency. Proceedings of Life, p.29 (2023/09/19) Kashiwazaki/Japan, Japanese.
- Tomohiro Kuroda, Shinji Kobayashi: Interview Report of Digital Health Strategy of Nordic Countries relation with European Health Data Space. Japan Journal of Medical Informatics, vol.43, Suppl, pp.706-707 (2023/10/23) Kobe/Japan, Japanese.
- Genta Kato, Hiroaki Ueshima, Yukiko Mori, Takeo Nakayama, Yoshikazu Yamamoto, Naoko Iwabuchi, Madoka Hamaguchi, Tomoaki Imamura, Hideo Yasunaga, Nanako Tamiya, Yuta Sugiyama, Shosuke Ohtera, Tomohiro Kuroda: Consideration on how to utilize nursing care certification information when linking analysis of NDB and nursing care DB. Proceedings of General Assembly of Japan Society of Public Health, P-0106-6, p.375 (2023/10/31) Tsukuba/Japan, Japanese.
- Tomohiro Kuroda, Takeo Nakayama: Toward Improving the Reliability of Health Information on the Intenet. Proceedings of General Assembly of Japan Society of Public Health, p.192 (2023/11/02) Tsukuba/Japan, Japanese.
- Hiroaki Ueshima, Yukiko Mori, Genta Kato, Takeo Nakayama, Tomoaki Imamura, Hideo Yasunaga, Nanako Tamiya, Yuta Sugiyama, Shosuke Ohtera, Yoshikazu Yamamoto, Ayumu Matsuoka, Naoko Iwabuchi, Tomohiro Kuroda: Basic Aggregation using nNursing Care DB and Creation of Nursing Care DB Codebook. Proceedings of General Assembly of Japan Society of Public Health, p.553 (2023/11/02) Tsukuba/Japan, Japanese.
- Tomohiro Kuroda: Review: What is the Next Generation Medical Platform Act?. Japan Journal of Medical Informatics, vol.43, Suppl (2023/11/23) Kobe/Japan, Japanese.
- Eishun Sudo, Takahiro Nakahara, Tomohiro Kuroda: Investigation of Cliical Usefulness of Interactive AI ChatGPT in the Field of Psychiatry using a Hypothetical Case of Panic Disorder. Japan Journal of Medical Informatics, vol.43, Suppl, pp.993-994 (2023/11/23) Kobe/Japan, Japanese.
- Takeo Nakayama, Genta Kato, Hiroaki Ueshima, Yukiko Mori, Tomohiro Kuroda: Overview of Intensive Course for working adults KUEP-DHI dot.b. Japan Journal of Medical Informatics, vol.43, Suppl, p.483 (2023/11/25) Kobe/Japan, Japanese.
- Yoshiki Tanaka, Sho Mitarai, Chang Liu, Kana Eguchi, Hiroaki Ueshima, Yukiko Mori, Goshiro Yamamoto, Tomohiro Kuroda: Study on Quantification Method of Muscle Strength Evaluation using Surface Electromyogram. Japan Journal of Medical Informatics, vol.43, Suppl, pp.1148-1151 (2023/11/25) Kobe/Japan, Japanese.
- Tomohiro Kuroda, Yukiko Mori: Overview of Kansai Union / Kyoto University Education Program for Digital Health Innovation (KUEP-DHI). Japan Journal of Medical Informatics, vol.43, Suppl, p.478 (2023/11/25) Kobe/Japan, Japanese.
- Tomohiro Kuroda, Yukiko Mori, Goshiro Yamamoto, Kumi Kamada, Kenichi Saito, Takeo Nakayama, Hiroaki Ueshima, Yuui Imanishi, Toshiyuki Iwahori, Ayumu Matsuoka, Yuto Nishide: Cultivating Human Resources for Digital Health Innovation -Challenges in Kansai Union/Kyoto University Education Program for Digital Health Innovation (KUEP-DHI)-. Japan Journal of Medical Informatics, vol.43, Suppl, pp.479-480 (2023/11/25) Kobe/Japan, Japanese.
- Ikko Yamazaki, Genta Kato, Akira Kuriyama, Kentaro Honma, Kana Matsukawa, Masayo Ishiguro, Masashi Kotani, Yukiko Mori, Tomohiro Kuroda, Shigeru Ohtsuru, Hiroshi Senoh: Impact of Hospitalization via Emergency Department on Hospital Income. Acute Medicine and Surgery, vol.34, p.864 (2023/11/29) Tokyo/Japan, Japanese.
- Tomoya Kamataki, Maki Someya, Tomohiro Kuroda, Tatsuhiko Arafune: Bone Marrow Puncture Training System for Intraosseous Tract in Pediatric Emergencies. Proceedings of Annual Congress of Japan Society of Computer Aided Surgery (2023/12/01) Kaogshima/Japan, Japanese.
- [News Items]
- Issues in Amendment of Law to Boost Health Data Utilization, Two Prohibiting Barriers. Nikkei xTech (2023/01/31) Japanese.
- Nurse Call System or House Cleaning Services can be securty hall. Nikkei Medical (2023/02/15) Japanese.
- University Hospital Healthcare CIO Community Empowers Cyber Security. MEDIFAX (2023/03/09) Japanese.
- Digital Transformation for Precision Medicine for All, Project Team of LDP discussess for Proposal. MEDIFAX (2023/03/13) Japanese.
- Will the Establishment of Rules for the Use of Public Data for Protect People Progress?. Nikkei Computer, pp.52-58 (2023/03/16) Japanese.
- Kyoto University and IBM Japan Develops Medical Data and AI Platform on Google Cloud. mynavi news (2023/04/18) Japanese.
- Kyoto University and IBM Japan Develops Medical Data and AI Platform on Google Cloud. The Nikkei (2023/04/18) Japanese.
- Kyoto University and IBM Japan Develops Medical Data and AI Platform on Google Cloud. ZD Net Japan (2023/04/19) Japanese.
- Kyoto University and IBM Japan Develops Medical Data and AI Platform on Google Cloud. Biz/Zine News (2023/04/19) Japanese.
- Kyoto University and IBM Japan Develops Medical Data and AI Platform on Google Cloud. Enterprise Zine News (2023/04/19) Japanese.
- Kyoto University and IBM Japan Develops Medical Data and AI Platform on Google Cloud. GAKKYO-KUN.COM (2023/04/19) Japanese.
- Kyoto University and IBM Japan Develops Medical Data and AI Platform on Google Cloud. (2023/04/20) Japanese.
- Extending Public WiFi Area for Safety of Outpatients. Baffalo Care Report (2023/04/26) Japanese.
- Kyoto University Hospital Developed a outpatient navigation system through industry-academia collaboration to reduce the burden on both patients and staff. Aiming to promote patient-centered medical DX through commercialization.. New Medicine, vol.50, no.6, pp.8-13 (2023/06/01) Japanese.
- Medical Youtubers requested to be certified - Google empasis on reliability, stop distribution of GLP-1 Diet. RISfax (2023/07/24) Japanese.
- Professor Tomohiro Kuroda, director of the Kyoto University Center for Digital Transformation of Healthcare, talks about the future of medical DX human resource development and the use of data and AI. IBM Smarter Business (2023/09/01) Japanese.
- Activity Report: What Japan Should Learn now from Estonia's DX Case -Essentials of DX-. KAKEHASHI - Kansai Healthcare and Medical Addociation News Letter, p.6 (2023/10/01) Japanese.
- Activity Report: 1st and 2nd Cyber Security Seminar for Medical Institutions. KAKEHASHI - Kansai Healthcare and Medical Addociation News Letter (2023/10/01) Japanese.
- Current State of Real World Evidence: Part 4: Aiming for Better Utilization. Nature Digest, vol.20, no.12 (2023/12/02) Japanese.
- Is New Health Insurance Card Policy OK ?. Daily Yomiuri (2023/12/16) Japanese.
- To Ensure Security -Start from Understanding your own Hospital- Professor Kuroda, Kyoto University says. CB News (2023/12/20) Japanese.
- [Others]
- Tomohiro Kuroda: A Message from Collaborating Academic Society : Japanese Society for Medical and Biological Engineering. Japan Medical Enginnering Manufacturor Commons : Commons Journal, vol.2022, no.2, p.18 (2023/04/28) Japanese.
- Tomohiro Kuroda: Greeting from the Program Chair. Proceedings of Joint Conference on Medical Informatics, p.7 (2023/11/22) Japanese.
- 2024
- [Books]
- Tomohiro Kuroda: Platform Science Interview : Medical Informatics: In Any Field, No System can be a Platfom Without Wide Acceptance. Hiroshi Harada(Ed.), Platform Science, pp.86-89, ASCII (2024/06/27) Japanese.
- [Journal Papers]
- Yuki Kuroda, Goshiro Yamamoto, Tomohiro Kuroda: Identifying undefined risks: A risk model and a privacy risk identification measure in the privacy impact assessment process. The Information Society, vol.40, no.3, pp.202-214 (2024/04/03) DOI: 10.1080/01972243.2024.2332319.
- Hideaki Bando, Toshihiro Misumi, Yasutoshi Sakamoto, Yuriko Takeda, Yoshiaki Nakamura, Kazuya Mizuguchi, Yoshihiro Aoyagi, Izumi Miki, Tomohiro Kuroda, Ryu Kasai, Takuya Suzuki, Takayuki Yoshino, Atsushi Ohtsu: Appropriate Relevancy and Reliability of Real-World Data for the Utilization of Regulatory Submission. Clinical Colorectal Cancer (2024/04/06) DOI: 10.1016/j.clcc.2024.04.001.
- Roberto Espinoza, Luciano Henrique de Oliveiria Santos, Yukiko Mori, Chang Liu, Goshiro Yamamoto, Tomohiro Kuroda: Gamification Approach to Provide Support About the Deferral Experience in Blood Donation: Design and Feasibility Study. Journal of Medical Internet Research Human Factors (2024/04/07) DOI: 10.2196/50086.
- Keita Fukuyama, Yukiko Mori, Hiroaki Ueshima, Shiho Ito, Masaki Tanabe, Tomohiro Kuroda: Medical Resource usage for COVID-19 Evaluated using the National Database of Health Insurance Claims and Specific Health Checkups of Japan. PLOS One, vol.19, no.5, e0303493 (2024/05/13) DOI: 10.1371/journal. pone.0303493.
- Takahiko Tsutsumi, Keita Fukuyama, Kazumasa Kishimoto, Yukiko Mori, Osamu Sugiyama, Goshiro Yamamoto, Masahiro Kurata, Hiroaki Ueshima, Kenichi Saito, Tomohiro Kuroda, Shigeru Ohtsuru: Operating Table Stability and Patient Safety during an Earthquake based on the Results of a Shaking Table Experiment. BJA Open, vol.11, p.100301 (2024/07/15) DOI: 10.1016/j.bjao.2024.100301.
- Kouhei Yamashita, Yuji Nakamoto, Tomoya Hirose, Akira Yutani, Akira Okada, Nayu Watanabe, Ken Suzuki, Munenori Senzaki, Tomohiro Kuroda: Early Diagnosis of Hereditary Angioedema Based on US Medical Dataset: Algorithm Development and Validation in Japan. Journal of Medical Internet Research Medical Informatics (2024/08/06) DOI : 10.2196/59858.
- [Lectures]
- Tomohiro Kuroda: DX/TECHNOBATE/Future of Hospital Managemet. Min-iren MBA Course, Online (2024/01/04) Kyoto/Japan, Japanese.
- Tomohiro Kuroda: What Shall We Do ? -Reflecting on Japanese Health IT Policy using Nordic Policy as a Mirror-. JILIS/NFI Information Legislation Seminar, Kyoto University Law and Economics Lecture Hall 11 (2024/01/20) Kyoto/Japan, Japanese.
- Tomohiro Kuroda: Basics of Medical Information Security that Medical Institutions Should Know. Internal Seminar, Medical Research Institute Kitano Hospital (2024/01/22) Osaka/Japan, Japanese.
- Tomohiro Kuroda: Tips for Utilizing the Amended Next Generation Medical Platform Act. NTT Data Pharma Strategy Summit, Nihonbashi Life Science Hub (2024/02/05) Tokyo/Japan, Japanese.
- Tomohiro Kuroda: Way to Protect Japanese Healthcare System from Cyber Attack -Strategic Remuneration System to Support Human Resrouce Network for Healt Cyber Security. Takada Juku Seminar, Japanese National Press Club (2024/02/07) Tokyo/Japan, Japanese.
- Tomohiro Kuroda: The Goal of Healthcare DX. Osaka Red Cross Hospital Seminar on Hospitals, Clinics, and Pharmacies, Sheraton Miyako Hotel Osaka (2024/02/15) Osaka/Japan, Japanese.
- Tomohiro Kuroda: Report of Working Group on Digital Healthcare Platform for Value Creation. Kickoff Symposium of Association for Future Healthcare with Health Data, Otemachi Financial City Grand Cube (2024/02/28) Tokyo/Japan, Japanese.
- Tomohiro Kuroda: How Shall We Utilize My-Number System to Initiate Healthcare DX?. Nikkei-BP Conference on Healthcare DX, Online (2024/03/08) Tokyo/Japan, Japanese.
- Tomohiro Kuroda: What is the Healthcare DX. NAIST Stella Wrap-up Camp, Awaji Yumebutai International Conference Center (2024/03/27) Awaji/Japan, Japanese.
- Tomohiro Kuroda: Report of KUEP-DHI Project and the Center for Digital Transformation of Healthcare. The symposium of the Center for Digital Transformation of Healthcare, Kyoto University, Online (2024/03/28) Kyoto/Japan, Japanese.
- Tomohiro Kuroda: Impact of Healthcare DX on the Medical and Pharmaceutical Industries. Internal Seminar, Online (2024/03/29) Osaka/Japan, Japanese.
- Takayuki Fujita, Chizuru Suga, Tomohiro Kuroda, Kenichiro Shimai, Tomomi Hioki: Data Governance and Medical Safety. The Annual Congress of the Japan Society of Clinical Safety, The University of Tokyo Fukutake Hall (2024/04/13) Tokyo/Japan, Japanese.
- Tomohiro Kuroda: What Actions Should Hospitals Take along the 6th Edition of the Guidelines for Safety Management of Medical Information Systems?. Phase Three Hospital Management Seminar, Online (2024/04/23) Tokyo/Japan, Japanese.
- Tomohiro Kuroda: Current Status of Digital Transformation of Japanese Healthcare. Nordic Conference on Digital Health and Wireless Solutions, Hotel Lasaretti (2024/05/07) Oulu/Finland, Prenary Keynote.
- Tomohiro Kuroda: Critical Thinking for Genetic Testing - Thinking about the Present and Future of Genetic Medicine from the Perspective of the Personal Information Protection Law. Annual General Assembly of the Japan Organization of Hereditary Breast and Ovarian Cancer, Showa University Kamijo Memorial Hall (2024/05/18) Tokyo/Japan, Japanese.
- Kazuhiko Ohe, Tomohiro Kuroda, Tomohiro Sawa, Yasushi Matsumura, Naoki Nakajima: Panel Discussion -How to Manage Health Data of Next Generatoin-. NeXEHRS Symposium, Global Life Science Hub Conference Room (2024/05/20) Tokyo/Japan, Japanese.
- Tomohiro Kuroda: Reflecting the Finnish Model from a Japanese Viewpoint. Radical Health Festival Helsinki, Holiday Inn Helsinki Expo (2024/05/21) Helsinki/Finland.
- Tomohiro Kuroda: Fostering People to Promote DX in Healthcare and Growing Society after DX - Role of Kyoto University the Center for Digital Transformation in Healthcare. 21st Century Healthcare DX Forum, Online (2024/05/30) Tokyo/Japan, Japanese.
- Tomohiro Kuroda: Initiatives and Future of Healthcare DX Promotion at Kyoto University Hospital. Terumo Medical Management Seminar in Hyogo, Hotel Hewitt Koshien (2024/06/01) Nishinomiya/Japan, Japanese.
- Tomohiro Kuroda: Digital Transformation of Healthcare - Now and Future. Alumni Meeting of Nara Medical University School of Medicine, Nara Medical Univeristy Itsukashi Hall (2024/06/15) Kashihara/Japan, Japanese.
- Tomohiro Kuroda: Digital Transformation of Kyoto University Hospital and Future Medicine Delivered by the Geneartive AI. Google for Japan, Google Japan (2024/06/19) Tokyo/Japan, Keynote, Japanese.
- Tomohiro Kuroda: The Achievements of Kyoto University Hospital using Cloud. Google for Japan, Google Japan (2024/06/19) Tokyo/Japan, Japanese.
- Tomohiro Kuroda: Lowly IT Worker Overview the Mirage called Healthcare DX. Open Lecture of Tokyo Healthcare University, Online (2024/07/06) Tokyo/Japan, Japanese.
- Tomohiro Kuroda: How to Utilize the Amended Next Generation Medical Platform Act. INGEM and Tommo Seminar, Tohoku University Tohoku Medical Megabank Building (2024/07/19) Sendai/Japan, Japanese.
- Tomohiro Kuroda: Introducing Gerenerative AI into Hospital Information System. Ochanomizu Cardiovascular AI Research Meeting (2024/07/31) Online, Japanese.
- Tomohiro Kuroda: Basics of Medical Information Security that Medical Institutions Should Know. Osaka Prefectural Association of Public Health Doctors Cybersecurity Lecture, Osaka Prefectural Association of Public Health Doctors (2024/07/31) Osaka/Japan, Japanese.
- Tomohiro Kuroda: Kyoto University SaMD Pipeline : Call for Application. Kyoto University Graduate School of Medicine Medical Innovation Center Symposium, Kyoto University Graduate School of Medicine Medical Innovation Center (2024/08/09) Kyoto/Japan, Japanese.
- [Review Papers]
- Tomohiro Kuroda: How to Obtain Patient Consent in Clinical Research. Orthopedic Surgery, vol.75, no.6, pp.518-521 (2024/05/01) Japanese.
- Kenichi Saito, Goshiro Yamamoto, Tomohiro Kuroda: Human Resource Development for Data Utilization - From Experiences of Kansai Union Education Program for Data Health Innovation (KUEP-DHI). IT Vision, vol.51, pp.10-12 (2024/06/25) Japanese.
- Tomohiro Kuroda: Utilizing Medical DX to Reform the Way Doctors Work - Two Points to Increase Effectiveness. Proceedings of TERUNET (2024/07/01) Japanese.
- [International Conferences]
- Nattawipa Thawinwisan, Chang Liu, Kazumasa Kishimoto, Goshiro Yamamoto, Yukiko Mori, Tomohiro Kuroda: Comparing Patient Perception and Physician’s Records: Generative AI Performance Evaluation. Studies in Health Technology and Informatics, vol.316, 671 - 675 (2024/08/26) Athens/Greece, DOI: 10.3233/SHTI240503.
- Wataru Murata, Chang Liu, Goshiro Yamamoto, Tomohiro Kuroda: Similarity Analysis of Clinical Notes for Revealing Writing Styles in an Electronic Medical Record System. Studies in Health Technology and Informatics, vol.316, 1724 - 1728 (2024/08/26) Athens/Greece, DOI: 10.3233/SHTI240757 .
- Kazumasa Kishimoto, Masahiro Yakami, Tomohiro Kuroda: Investigation of Radiologist Diagnostic Difficulty Prediction Without CT Images. Studies in Health Technology and Informatics, vol.316, pp.1746-1747 (2024/08/27) Athens/Greece, DOI: 10.3233/SHTI240765.
- Thepphouthone Sorsavanh, Yukiko Mori, Goshiro Yamamoto, Chang Liu, Tomohiro Kuroda: Developing a Sustainable Shared Child’s Health Record in Low Resources Setting, Lao PDR. Studies in Health Technology and Informatics, vol.316, pp.1326-1327 (2024/08/27) Athens/Greece, DOI: 10.3233/SHTI240657.
- Saki Hirayama, Yukiko Mori, Chang Liu, Goshiro Yamamoto, Tomohiro Kuroda: Investigating Decision Factors Affecting Subjective Description Disclosure in Health Information Exchange in Japan. Studies in Health Technology and Informatics, vol.316, pp.1420-1421 (2024/08/27) Athens/Greece, DOI: 10.3233/SHTI240678.
- [Domestic Conferences]
- Kohei Takamori, Maki Someya, Tomohiro Kuroda, Tatsuhiko Arafune: Analysis of Skilled Surgeons techniques using a Visual Feedback Manual Ventilation Technique Quantification System. Program and Proceedings of Annual Conference of Japanese Society of Medical and Biomedical Engineering, no.235 (2024/05/25) Kagoshima/Japan, Japanese.
- Tomohiro Kuroda: Trends in Personal Data Utilization in Biomedical Engineering Researches. Program and Proceedings of Annual Conference of Japanese Society of Medical and Biomedical Engineering (2024/05/25) Kagoshima/Japan, Japanese.
- Keita Fukuyama, Yukiko Mori, Hiroaki Ueshima, Shiho Ito, Masaki Tanabe, Tomohiro Kuroda: Medical Resource usage for COVID-19 Evaluated using the National Database of Health Insurance Claims and Specific Health Checkups of Japan. Proceedings of Japan Association of Medical Infomatics Spring Conference, pp.130-131 (2024/06/15) Kisarazu/Japan, Japanese.
- [News Items]
- Central Power Management by PE4104AJ Supporting Smartbed System in Kyoto University Hospital. ATEN Case Report (2024/03/11) Japanese.
- Kansai Health and Medical Creation Conference Symposium - Thinking about Emergency Medicine in a Wide Area -. KAKEHASHI - Kansai Healthcare and Medical Addociation News Letter, vol.11, pp.6-7 (2024/03/25) Japanese.
- [Conversation] The future of the healthcare industry from genome and AI viewpoint ~Healthcare DX and AI Outlook from Medical Field~. Microsoft Blog (2024/03/28) Japanese.
- Evolving Healthcare through Data Utilization. The Nikkei (2024/03/29) Japanese.
- Insurance medical system from the national perspective made possible by medical DX Expert panel meeting discussion points. Healthcare and Global Policy Insititute (2024/04/02) Japanese.
- You Oppotunity is Limitless, Prof Tomohiro Kuroda of Kyoto University Says : Entrance Ceremony of Jikei University of Health Care Sciences . Jikei Information (2024/04/18) Japanese.
- The Silver Bullet for Healthcare DX is My Number Card and a Small Delight. Nikkei xTech (2024/05/01) Japanese.
- Nippon Steel Solutions Begins Trial Research on Multi-center Data Processing Method to Accelerate Secondary Use of Real-world Data with Universities and Others. The Nikkei (2024/05/15) Japanese.
- Nippon Steel Solutions works with Kyoto University and Others to Strengthen Data Collaboration between Medical Institutions. IoT News (2024/05/16) Japanese.
- Inside Kyoto University Hospitals Cutting-edge Hospital Information System. Hospital Management Asia (2024/06/19)
- Critical Thinking for Genetic Testing - Thinking about the Present and Future of Genetic Medicine from the Perspective of the Personal Information Protection Law. Myriad Genetics Seminar Archives Libri Muti Magistri Sunt (2024/07/06) Japanese.
Last modified Wed Sep 4 8:52:12 2024 JST